Sagittarius woman: what is her character like, what zodiac signs suit her? Love horoscope of the Sagittarius woman, or “Rhapsody about a fighting friend.” Sagittarius woman in love. Who is suitable for a Sagittarius woman?

She doesn’t need a passionate macho, and a bespectacled lyricist is probably not an option either, her ideal is “Die Hard,” “Carrier,” and “Dr. House”! She is a lady choosing between the flame of passion and spiritual unity of a dream, for the fulfillment of which He is needed - a comrade in arms, a comrade, a like-minded person.

The Sagittarius lady is too keen a nature to be clearly aware of her goals and desires, therefore she prefers to choose as her life partner not the one who looks at her, not the one to whom his dream is important, but a man who will reverently and tenderly achieve her next goal. Don’t scold when a million-dollar project is abandoned halfway, and help even when everyone else is sure it will fly.

The love of a Sagittarius woman is not at all like the stranglehold of Scorpio, or the complete dissolution of Chick; Sagittarius prefers relationships of equal rights, when you can quarrel before using obscene language and make peace for a long time and persistently. She does not tolerate cunning and guile; the gentleman is always required to make a precise decision and then always follow his convictions.

In turn, the Sagittarius woman is able to provide her chosen one with spiritual comfort, not demand too much, forgive mistakes and support him in the difficult vicissitudes of life. They fall in love with a person based solely on internal sensations; he can be a cripple, a representative of a different race, even an alien - the main thing is that he has the strength and desire to live.

Compatibility in love

Oddly enough, a Sagittarius lady can create the most ideal union with a man of her sign. The sign itself does not have a pronounced gender, therefore Sagittarius and Sagittarius will see themselves in each other, love and understand until the last ellipsis.

Relationships with Aries and Leo will become slightly less ideal. The lamb feels his Sagittarius partner with amazing sensitivity; he has that solidity and pressure that the Sagittarius young lady sometimes lacks. In his skillful hands, her unimaginable plans will quickly turn into reality. In addition, Aries and Sagittarius have quite similar temperaments; they will feel good in the same bed in any position.

The Leo man is inferior to Aries only in his position relative to the Sagittarius lady. If the first one stands on a par with her, then the second one will definitely put her higher and admire it as if it were a work of art. It is more difficult to recruit Leo for financial assistance in the implementation of projects. But in this tandem, the big advantage will be the lady’s complete power over the gentleman in a horizontal position, in the heat of which he will give everything and even more.

Despite the similarity in outlook on life and desire to experiment, the love affair between a Sagittarius woman and a Gemini man ends quickly, and not at all on a friendly note. The lady may think that the gentleman is too demanding, although he himself does not perform the functions of protection and support, while Gemini will be embarrassed by the exactingness of the Sagittarius. And as always, he doesn’t owe anyone anything!

But a Sagittarius lady can try her luck with a Libra man. Despite his low initiative, this comrade, like no one else, is capable of loving “just because.” Libra will try to level out all the rough edges of the relationship with Sagittarius, and protect her from rash actions, carefully harmonizing all aspects of life.

An interesting and exciting romance awaits Sagittarius with Aquarius, however, this tandem will most likely end in pure friendship. Aquarius is good for his calm attitude towards any antics of the Sagittarius, but he is not an assistant in her affairs, after all, he needs to save the world!

Pisces and Scorpio men rarely get involved with a Sagittarius lady. Pisces are frightened by her unbridled imagination and speed of reactions; they are more interested in the concept than in its implementation. Scorpios do not agree to be on the sidelines after ideas, and they make very self-centered friends. prefers to be his lady's only target.

A love affair with Cancer often leaves a Sagittarius in the soul bad aftertaste. He quickly lights up with her plans and desires, but then, instead of moving forward, he slowly crawls backwards, which in the opinion of the Sagittarius lady is shameful.

Any kind of relationship with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn is excluded for the Sagittarius lady. Representatives of earth signs have nothing to do in the world of fire and air. Lady Sagittarius can only become interested in Capricorn as a last resort, but then quickly fly away from a world in which there is no place for miracles.

Women born under the sign of Sagittarius are distinguished by great liveliness, independence, natural manners, friendliness, kind-hearted, honest attitude towards people, lack of hypocrisy and prejudice. Whether she laughs or cries, she does it all from the heart, completely sincerely. The Sagittarius woman is characterized by intelligence, a cheerful and cheerful disposition, optimism, enthusiasm, extravagance of ideas, wild, inexhaustible imagination; It's interesting to talk to her.

Find a representative of this zodiac sign immersed in pessimism and melancholy is almost impossible. To turn into a gloomy, depressive creature, fate must batter her too much.

Sagittarius women cope with all their affairs simply brilliantly; their decisions and movements are quick. They are very smart, people have sympathy for them.

If we talk about the relationship between Sagittarius women and men, the former do not adhere to any conventions in this matter. They communicate very willingly, on equal terms, on a friendly basis, and, in the eyes of others, it often looks quite frivolous on the part of beautiful ladies. This is supported by the fact that by nature, representatives of this sign are very feminine and attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex.

However, this behavior has its reasons. Sagittarius women are very decent, honest, impeccable and confident in these qualities. All of them, from the point of view of Sagittarius, are sufficient grounds not to be afraid for their reputation and to ignore gossip and rumors. In addition, ladies born under this constellation are strong in spirit, and therefore are quite able to stand up for themselves.

This manner of communicating with men can mislead them. The stronger sex tends to perceive flirting as a prologue and an invitation to a close relationship. Sagittarius women are able to teach men an instructive lesson and show that they are very far from a correct understanding of female behavior. Too zealous attempts will be rejected by them with pride and coldness, and even the most successful seducer will suffer an inglorious defeat. Moreover, being unable to lie, the Sagittarius woman will bluntly tell her hapless suitors everything she thinks about them, without trying one bit to soften the blow to male pride.

Preferring directness, sincerity, and honesty in relationships with people, Sagittarius women often demonstrate a deficiency in their nature of the gentleness and sensitivity characteristic of the fair sex. The tactlessness of their statements does not stem from the unseemly intention of making someone suffer humiliation or offense. Representatives of this sign are ardent fighters for the truth, in which they see only good for people. It wouldn’t even occur to them that sometimes optimal solution will simply remain silent. They expect a certain reaction to their desire for sincerity, and if it does not coincide with the expected one, Sagittarius will feel strong resentment and bewilderment.

Sagittarius women can pretend to be reserved, cold individuals, and all in order not to allow themselves to slide into the abyss of dreary good looks, into which, in their opinion, all married ladies invariably fall. In reality, women born under this constellation are very romantic and even sentimental; they can keep letters for a long time, things that at one time touched their soul. Sagittarius is fire sign, and therefore its representatives are distinguished by emotionality, passion, sensuality, love of life, denial of asceticism, beautiful, kind and generous soul.

If a man dreams of getting a Sagittarius as his wife, he will have to patiently and calling on all his ingenuity to help bring his beloved to the idea that the role of a wife, mother, and homemaker can give a lot of emotions and various impressions. He will be required to redirect the Sagittarius woman's innate curiosity towards family life, convince her that she will still remain the mistress of her own destiny, that her husband will not seek her submission and will not interfere with her hobbies and interests.

Sincerity, honesty, romance, pride, wisdom make the Sagittarius woman a great authority among her household, and children simply dote on their sociable, interesting, cheerful mother with an inexhaustible imagination.

A Sagittarius woman may just be the perfect partner when it comes to... intimate relationships. The desire for new experiences makes her inventive, and her temperament, activity, and emotionality are aimed at a partner who can get true satisfaction with this woman.

However, there is one thing here important condition: Sagittarius' husband must match her in temperament and just as openly show all his feelings. If this does not happen, then the relationship in the couple may become noticeably more complicated. Sagittarius women, as a rule, remain faithful to their life partner, but will suffer in secret, risking chronic stress. However, sexual disharmony can also lead to more drastic results: going “to the left” or leading to divorce. However, even in such sad situations, Sagittarius remains a worthy representative of the fire sign: she will not perceive this as a tragedy of her entire life and will not lose heart, considering all this not a very successful joke that fate has played on her.

Sagittarius woman and sex

A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius is a seductress and an incorrigible coquette. She loves to flirt and is a gambler love games. She will experiment in sex with a light feeling so that her partners remain friends. She is incapable of deep emotional attraction and is more prone to follow the whims of romantic moods. If the connection fizzles out, she will be philosophical about it. After some time, she will have a new lover.

A woman born under this sign is not against having sex with a partner, but she is much more interested in friendship, exchange of ideas and romantic adventures. She can be very seductive, and it is sometimes difficult for a man to understand whether she is starting a sexual game or just looking for a friend.

Her enthusiasm, willingness to meet people halfway, sense of humor and wit will delight any man. She is a good listener, a good companion for a man, sports lover and adventure, and a wonderful hostess who can liven up any party; interesting people are always drawn to her.

She loves her freedom, and nothing should interfere with her freedom-loving nature. She can't sit still, she loves to travel. She loves variety and is ready to quickly break up with a man who no longer interests her.

Her frankness in matters of the heart misleads men. She does not try to restrain her desire to talk about other men she has known, and if her lover disappoints her, she will not hesitate to say so.

Sensitive and touchy, she loves flattery. A man with a good tongue can easily win her heart. As a result, she often becomes a victim of unscrupulous men while there is no real person nearby. Proud, changeable and flighty, she is difficult to understand and almost completely uncontrollable.

The biggest difficulty is her inability to give herself entirely to a man. She indiscriminately moves from one to the other, never offering much resistance, but not experiencing much pleasure either. She has a lot of experience, but little real feeling.

Suitable for Sagittarius women

Oddly enough, a Sagittarius lady can create the most ideal union with a man of her sign. The sign itself does not have a pronounced gender, therefore Sagittarius and Sagittarius will see themselves in each other, love and understand until the last ellipsis.

Relationships with Aries and Leo will become slightly less ideal. The lamb feels his Sagittarius partner with amazing sensitivity; he has that solidity and pressure that the Sagittarius young lady sometimes lacks. In his skillful hands, her unimaginable plans will quickly turn into reality. In addition, Aries and Sagittarius have quite similar temperaments; they will feel good in the same bed in any position.

The Leo man is inferior to Aries only in his position relative to the Sagittarius lady. If the first one stands on a par with her, then the second one will definitely put her higher and admire it as if it were a work of art. It is more difficult to recruit Leo for financial assistance in the implementation of projects. But in this tandem, the big advantage will be the lady’s complete power over the gentleman in a horizontal position, in the heat of which he will give everything and even more.

Not the best combinations

An interesting and exciting romance awaits Sagittarius with Aquarius, however, this tandem will most likely end in pure friendship. Aquarius is good for his calm attitude towards any antics of the Sagittarius, but he is not an assistant in her affairs, after all, he needs to save the world!

Pisces and Scorpio men rarely get involved with a Sagittarius lady. Pisces are frightened by her unbridled imagination and speed of reactions; they are more interested in the concept than in its implementation. Scorpios do not agree to be on the sidelines after ideas, and they make very self-centered friends. The Scorpio man prefers to be his lady's only goal.

A love affair with Cancer often leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul of a Sagittarius. He quickly lights up with her plans and desires, but then, instead of moving forward, he slowly crawls backwards, which in the opinion of the Sagittarius lady is shameful.

Not suitable for Sagittarius women

Despite the similarity in outlook on life and desire to experiment, the love affair between a Sagittarius woman and a Gemini man ends quickly, and not at all on a friendly note. The lady may think that the gentleman is too demanding, although he himself does not perform the functions of protection and support, while Gemini will be embarrassed by the exactingness of the Sagittarius. And as always, he doesn’t owe anyone anything!

Any kind of relationship with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn is excluded for the Sagittarius lady. Representatives of earth signs have nothing to do in the world of fire and air. Lady Sagittarius can only become interested in Capricorn as a last resort, but then quickly fly away from a world in which there is no place for miracles.

The most suitable zodiac signs for Sagittarius are Gemini and Libra. Gemini and Libra women understand Sagittarius' desire for freedom very well and do not try to limit him in anything. In such couples, complete emotional harmony will reign, since these partners have the same views on relationships and family.

The Aquarius woman is also a good match for Sagittarius. She knows better than others how to direct his inexhaustible energy into a constructive direction. But neither partner strives for stability and family life, so these relationships do not always end in marriage.

Compatibility of a Sagittarius man with fire signs

Among the fire signs, the best partner for a Sagittarius man is Leo. Such a union occurs quite often in life. The woman and man in this couple understand each other perfectly and have many common hobbies, so they can easily make their life together look like an endless holiday. A Sagittarius woman can have a passionate but short-term romance: she is too jealous and demanding for a relationship with such a freedom-loving man.

Sagittarius can also have a whirlwind romance with a woman of his sign, in which there will be a lot of passion and bright moments. The Sagittarius man and woman perfectly satisfy each other's needs, because they need the same things: romance, travel and fresh impressions. But for long-term relationships this union is less successful, since life together This couple is filled with conflicts and mutual nit-picking.

Compatibility of a Sagittarius man with earth signs

Sagittarius does not work well with representatives of the earth element. Earth signs strive to create strong and stable relationships, and the Sagittarius man, with his inconstancy and frivolity, is completely unsuitable for this. However bright love union things can work out for him with a Taurus woman. Although both are very different from each other and have different goals in life, true love between them is quite possible.

Compatibility of a Sagittarius man with water signs

It is most difficult for Sagittarius to achieve mutual understanding with the signs of the water element, therefore such unions are quite rare. True, Scorpio and Pisces can attract a romantic Sagittarius man with their mystery. There is a mutual attraction between these signs, which can develop into a love affair, but Sagittarius will not be able to build long and harmonious relations with women of water signs. They require a deep emotional connection with their partner, and this goes against the Sagittarius man's desire for independence.

A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius is an open, cheerful and friendly person. Love is the element of the representative of this sign, so it will be interesting to find out who is suitable for a Sagittarius woman among men for a relationship. Love takes specific place in her life, but the representative of this sign does not consider her the only meaning of existence. Let's consider which men can win her heart.

Character traits

She is a real lady. A bright, amorous and straightforward Sagittarius woman believes that life is a constant movement forward. She doesn't give it that way of great importance love, like women of other signs, and views her novels as an exciting adventure to gain life experience.

The Sagittarius woman loves coquetry and flirting, and men like her free manner of communication and ease. This person is capable of breaking a lot men's hearts, but marriage is not the end of her dreams. She is too freedom-loving, loves traveling very much and is afraid of losing her independence next to a man.

The Sagittarius woman is a romantic person and marries only for love. She will never marry for money or social status.

From the outside, this lady may seem flighty, but in reality she is not. She’s just too open, truthful and doesn’t like conventions in relationships with men. The ward of this sign boldly tries herself with different partners, trying to find her love.

When she finally manages to find someone who is suitable for herself, the Sagittarius woman will be able to show prudence and remain faithful to her chosen one.

In marriage, she becomes an ideal wife and mother, but devotes little time to household chores. A good option A representative of this sign will have the opportunity to have an au pair.

What kind of men are suitable for a Sagittarius woman?

When choosing a life partner, such a woman pays attention, first of all, to the man’s intelligence and his inherent sense of humor. If a Sagittarius woman truly falls in love, then she can identify qualities in a man that are attractive to her and for a long time not notice even serious shortcomings.

Who is suitable for a Sagittarius woman for a relationship? Only a pleasant representative of the stronger sex can win her heart. A man must be comprehensively developed and be able to support any conversation. Her attention will never be attracted by a boring or tedious partner.

Also, the ward of this sign will appreciate reliability and stability in her chosen one. At the same time, she dreams that her partner would be a romantic and easy-going man. She likes it when her partner surprises her with pleasant surprises every day.

The Sagittarius woman loves traveling and leads an active lifestyle. Therefore, he will expect the same from his chosen one. It is very important for her that her husband understands and shares her hobbies.

To understand who is suitable for a Sagittarius woman according to the horoscope, you need to take a closer look at the man of each zodiac sign.


Let's start our review with the Aries man. He is one of those representatives who is suitable for a woman - Sagittarius by zodiac sign. For this couple, love occurs at first sight. They have a lot common interests and complete mutual understanding. They are united by a love of adventure, travel and various public events.

This marriage union is one of the most successful for a Sagittarius woman. She has the same temperament with Aries, they are great sexually, they are never bored with each other.


A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius, despite her own independence, is always attracted to a thorough, conservative owner - a Taurus man. If partners manage to accept each other as they are, then they will never regret it.

Taurus is always fascinated by the brave and open Sagittarius woman. With a skillful approach, he will be able to become an ideal partner for her, who can teach her frugality and the restraint she lacks. The union is rare, but possible and quite promising.


A Gemini man can be confidently called one of those who are compatible with the sign of a woman - Sagittarius. Their commonality of views and similarity of interests amazes many.

For them, the stamp in the passport does not matter. They can be close friends and passionate lovers for a long time. They feel good and have fun together, and observing conventions and traditions is not in the rules of both representatives.

Until old age, they remain active and retain mental youth. Even years later, their union can resemble a student romance.


A Cancer man is very attracted to a woman like Sagittarius. But Cancer itself is not suitable sign for a woman - Sagittarius. They have completely different worldviews and contradictory views on life. But they can become ideal friends or colleagues.

In a love relationship, quarrels inevitably await them. The Sagittarius woman, with her directness, often hurts the feelings of the touchy and suspicious Cancer, who in many cases begins to insult his partner. An angry Cancer man cannot be compared to anyone else in terms of aggressiveness, and therefore is capable of provoking loud scandals that only worsen relationships.


This union can also be called one of the favorable ones for love and marriage. Leo is one of those men who is suitable for a Sagittarius woman for a relationship. They are both active, smart and optimistic.

No one like a Leo man can understand a woman born under the sign of Sagittarius. He guesses all her desires and needs, trying to create ideal conditions for his partner.

This couple produces talented and beautiful children. In life they are loyal and understanding friends, in bed they are passionate and tireless lovers.


There is a great physical attraction between a Virgo man and a Sagittarius woman. Despite this, happy love relationship These signs are unlikely due to the complete difference in temperament and outlook on life.

Each partner defends his point of view, without taking into account the opinion of his chosen one. In these relationships, disputes and conflicts appear immediately from the first days of acquaintance.


The union of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man is favorable and happy. In a man of this sign, the Sagittarius girl finds reliability and protection from adversity. Next to each other, they feel complete harmony and satisfaction with life.

A man of this sign understands a Sagittarius woman at first sight and does not pay attention to her shortcomings. An emotional Libra man is a very good match for an active and sociable Sagittarius woman.

A man born under the sign of Libra does not share homework for men's and women's. He will gladly wash the dishes and clean the apartment, which the Sagittarius woman, who does not pay due attention to household issues, really likes.


The Scorpio man has a lot attractive features for the Sagittarius woman, but due to the desire of both for freedom and independence, such an alliance is doomed from the very beginning to failure.

The Sagittarius woman believes that you never know what to expect from Scorpio. She considers him completely unsuitable for herself.


Perhaps the most ideal person for a Sagittarius woman is a man of her sign. There is a great physical attraction between them at first sight. They have a great sexual compatibility and a huge community of interests.

Partners are on the same wavelength, complete harmony and mutual understanding always reign between them. They go through life not only as loving spouses, but also as complete like-minded people.

They go on trips or hikes together, work in the same team and make a very favorable impression in society. Where they appear is always noisy and fun, so quiet home gatherings are not for them.


A Capricorn man cannot be called suitable for a relationship with Sagittarius woman. The only thing that can force them to be together is great mutual love.

They arouse each other's interest only at first. If one of the partners does not have strong feeling to another, then there is no point in starting a relationship. Due to the absolute dissimilarity of views, conflicts will occur between representatives of these signs, even over small things.

Capricorn works a lot and is not able to accompany a woman to spend leisure time together. The Sagittarius woman will have to appear alone in society, which will be a source of constant grievances for her.


What other signs are suitable for a Sagittarius woman? Aquarius can make her very original and unusual couple. From the very beginning of their acquaintance, a strong spiritual connection is established between them.

The Aquarius man has the same rhythm of life as the Sagittarius woman. They prefer the same style in everything. Both are sociable and hospitable, they love to live for their own pleasure.

If for some reason they have to break up, then the memory of this relationship remains with them for the rest of their lives. The Sagittarius woman can easily inspire Aquarius man that she is the most beautiful person in the world and was created only for him.


A man born under the zodiac sign of Pisces is completely unsuitable for a Sagittarius woman because of his complete opposite to her in everything. Such a man likes to slowly go with the flow. The tireless troublemaker Sagittarius woman will greatly irritate him.

In a relationship, the hardest thing for them will be to come to terms with the fact that the Pisces man is a homebody, and free time prefers to spend time in a calm and familiar environment. The Sagittarius woman needs a noisy society and exciting adventures.

In such a union, a woman very quickly begins to feel at a dead end. She is not capable of sacrificing interests, and the Pisces man cannot be in public for long.

The most suitable zodiac signs for a woman are Sagittarius

Thus, we can conclude that the most suitable men for a Sagittarius woman must be born under the signs:

  • Sagittarius.
  • Aries.
  • Twins.
  • Aquarius.

Men of these signs have the same temperament as the Sagittarius woman, they have common life goals and similar interests. With these representatives, a passionate and unforgettable romance or a happy, harmonious marriage awaits a temperamental lady.

Which sign of a man suits a woman - Sagittarius is bad? Of course, these are Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.

Pisces, as already written above, is frightened by the unbridled temperament of this woman. Scorpio does not want to share his primacy with anyone, and after a relationship with a Cancer man, the Sagittarius woman is left with an unpleasant aftertaste. He instantly lights up when meeting such a partner, but realizing that he is not able to cope with her, he begins to crawl back, looking for many excuses.

Which zodiac sign suits a Sagittarius woman? Men born under the signs of Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo can suit a Sagittarius woman only under certain circumstances or with strong mutual feelings, when partners are ready to make concessions to each other.

Strong representatives of earth signs will be able to interest fiery woman Sagittarius only for a short time. As soon as she realizes that there is no room for a miracle next to them, the woman will immediately fly away from these men.

Who is suitable for a Sagittarius woman: character traits, compatibility with other signs - all the secrets of astrology on our website website



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