Smart thoughts in Latin with translation. Winged Latin expressions

Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo - a drop chisels a stone not by force, but by frequent falling

Fortiter ac firmiter – Strong and strong

Aucupia verborum sunt judice indigna - literalism is beneath the dignity of a judge

Benedicite! - Good morning!

Quisque est faber sua fortunae - everyone is the smith of their own happiness

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

Natura incipit, ars dirigit usus perficit - nature begins, art guides, experience perfects.

Scio me nihil scire - I know that I know nothing

Potius sero quam nun quam - Better late than never.

Decipi quam fallere est tutius - it is better to be deceived than to deceive another

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori" - Love conquers everything, and we submit to love

Dura lex, sed lex - the law is harsh, but it is the law

Repetitio est mater studiorum - repetition is the mother of learning.

O sancta simplicitas! - Oh, holy simplicity

Quod non habet principium, non habet finem - that which has no beginning has no end

Facta sunt potentiora verbis - actions are stronger than words

Accipere quid ut justitiam facias, non est tam accipere quam extorquere - acceptance of reward for the administration of justice is not so much acceptance as extortion

Bene sit tibi! – I wish you good luck!

Homo homini lupus est - man is a wolf to man

Aequitas enim lucet per se - justice shines by itself

citius, altius, fortius! – Faster, higher, stronger

AMOR OMNIA VINCIT – Love conquers everything.

Qui vult decipi, decipiatur - he who wishes to be deceived, let him be deceived

disce gaudere – Learn to rejoice

Quod licet jovi, non licet bovi - what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull

Cogito ergo sum - I think, therefore I exist

Latrante uno latrat stati met alter canis - when one dog barks, the other immediately barks

Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus - All of us, when we are healthy, easily give advice to the sick.

Aut bene, aut nihil - Either good or nothing

Haurit aquam cribro, qui discere vult sine libro - he who wants to study without a book draws water with a sieve

Вona mente – With good intentions

Aditum nocendi perfido praestat fides Trust placed in a treacherous person gives him the opportunity to do harm

Igni et ferro – With fire and iron

Bene qui latuit, bene vixit - the one who lived unnoticed lived well

Amor non est medicabilis herbis - there is no cure for love (love cannot be treated with herbs)

Senectus insanabilis morbus est - Old age is an incurable disease.

De mortuis autbene, aut nihil - about the dead it’s either good or nothing

A communi observantia non est recedendum - one cannot neglect what is accepted by everyone

Intelligenti pauca - The wise will understand

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas - truth in wine, health in water.

Vis recte vivere? Quis non? - Do you want to live well? Who doesn't want to?

Nihil habeo, nihil curo - I have nothing - I don’t care about anything

Scire leges non hoc est verba earum tenere, sed vim ac potestatem - knowledge of laws is not in remembering their words, but in understanding their meaning

Ad notam – For note”, note

Panem et circenses – Bread and circuses

DIXI ET ANIMAM LEVAVI - I said and relieved my soul.

Sivis pacem para bellum - if you want peace, prepare for war

Corruptio optimi pessima - the worst fall - the fall of the purest

Veni, vidi vici – I came, I saw, I conquered

Lupus pilum mutat,non mentem - the wolf changes its fur, not its nature

Ex animo – From the heart

Divide et impera - divide and conquer

Alitur vitium vivitque tegendo - by covering, vice is nourished and supported

AUDI, MULTA, LOQUERE PAUCA – listen a lot, talk little.

Is fecit cui prodest – Made by the one who benefits

Lupus pilum mutat,non mentem - the wolf changes its fur, not its nature

Ars longa, vita brevis - art is durable, life is short

Castigat ridento mores – Laughter castigates morals.”

De duobus malis minimum eligendum - one must choose the lesser of two evils

Desipere in loco - To be mad where it is appropriate

Bonum factum! - For good and happiness!

In maxima potentia minima licentia - the stronger the power, the less freedom

Usus est optimus magister - experience is the best teacher

Repetitio est mater studiorum - repetition - the mother of learning

Fac fideli sis fidelis – Be faithful to the one who is faithful (to you)

DOCENDO DISCIMUS - by teaching, we ourselves learn.

Memento mori - remember death.

Вis dat, qui cito dat - the one who gives quickly gives double

Mens sana in corpore sano - in a healthy body - a healthy mind.

Nulla regula sine exceptione - There is no rule without exceptions.

Erare humanum est, stultum est in errore perseverare - it is human nature to make mistakes, it is stupid to persist in an error

Primus inter pares – First among equals

Festina lente - hurry up slowly

omnia praeclara rara – Everything beautiful is rare

Repetitio est mater studiorum - repetition is the mother of learning.

Amicus plato, sed magis amica veritas - Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae - a good name is better than great wealth.

Ipsa scientia potestas est - knowledge itself is power

FRONTI NULLA FIDES – don’t trust appearances!

Aditum nocendi perfido praestat fides - the trust placed in the treacherous allows him to harm

Qui nimium properat, serius ab solvit - he who is in too much of a hurry, gets things done later

Cornu copiae – Cornucopia

Dulce laudari a laudato viro - it is pleasant to receive praise from a person worthy of praise

dum spiro, spero – While I breathe, I hope

Feci auod potui, faciant meliora potentes - I did what I could, whoever can do it better

Dum spiro, spero - while I'm breathing, I hope

Abusus non tollit usum - abuse does not cancel use

Aliis inserviendo consumor - while serving others, I burn myself

Fortunam citius reperifs,quam retineas / Happiness is easier to find than to maintain.

Fiat lux – Let there be light

AUDIATUR ET ALTERA PARS – the other side should also be heard.

Melius sero quam nunquam - better late than never

Et tu quoque, Brute! - And you, Brutus!

Ad impossibilia lex non cogit - the law does not require the impossible

Latin is the most widely used lettering language around the world, one of the sacred languages, official language Catholicism, the poems of Pythagoras were written in “golden Latin”; it was borrowed from church practice by adherents of secret teachings.

Latin is used to write tattoos of magic words, ritual texts, prayers, and signs of ceremonial magic.

And nullo diligitur, qui neminem diligit - no one loves someone who doesn’t love anyone himself
And teneris unguiculis - from tender (soft) nails. Cicero
Аb aqua silente cave – in still waters there are devils
Ab imo pectore - from the depths of the soul - with all my soul - from the bottom of my heart (Lucretius)
Ab ovo - from beginning to end
Ab hoedis segregare oves - distinguish black from white
Ab hodierno - from this date
Acceptissima semper munera sunt, aucor quae pretiosa facit - the most pleasant gifts are those that are brought by a person dear to you
Ad carceres a calce revocare - return from the finish to the start - start all over again. Cicero
Ad clavum - sit at the helm - hold the reins of power in your hands. Cicero
Ad delectandum - for fun
Ad calendas (kalendas) graecas – before the Greek Kalends - never - after the rain on Thursday
Ad infinitum - to infinity
Aere perennius - stronger than copper (used to mean “durable”)
Aeternae veritates - eternal truths
Aeterna historia - eternal history
Аeterno te amabo - I will love you forever
Alea jasta est - the die is cast - a decision that does not allow a return to the past
Amicus meus - my friend
Amantes - amentes - mad lovers
Amor Dei intellectuālis - cognitive love of God. Spinoza
Amor vincit omnia - love conquers all
Amor magister optimus - Love is the best teacher.
Amor non est medicabilis herbis - there is no cure for love.
Amor omnia vincit - love is above all
Amor omnibus idem - love is the same for everyone
Amor patriae - love for the Motherland

Amor sanguinis - love of blood, bloodthirstiness
Amor sceleratus habendi - criminal passion for acquisitiveness

Amorem canat aetas prima - let youth sing about love
Amoris abundantia erga te - excess of love for you
A mensa et toro - from the table and the bed
Amantes - amentes - lovers - crazy
Amantium irae amoris integratio - lovers' quarrels - renewal of love
Amata nobis quantum amabitur nulla - beloved by us, like no other will be beloved
Amicitia semper prodest, amor et nocet - friendship is always useful, but love can do harm
Amicus cogoscitur amore, more, ore, re - a friend is recognized by love, disposition, speech, deed
Amor caecus - love is blind
Amor Dei intellectuālis - cognitive love of God
Amor et deliciae humani generis - love and joy of the human race |
Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart
Amor non quaerit verba - love does not seek (does not require) words
Amor fati - love for fate
Amor et deliciae humani generis - love and joy of the human race
Ars longa, Vite brevis - art is long lasting, but (human) life is short
A die - From this day forward
A solis ortu usque ad occasum - from sunrise to sunset
Absque omni exceptione - without any doubt
Audentes fortuna juvat - happiness favors the brave
Ab imo pectore - with complete sincerity, from the heart
Ad finem saeculorum - until the end of time
Amor non est medicabilis herbis - love cannot be treated with herbs
Amor omnibus idem - love is the same for everyone
Amor tussisque non celantur - love and cough cannot be hidden
Atrocitati mansuetudo est remedium - meekness is a remedy against cruelty. Phaedrus
At sacri vates... - quotation from the poem “The Pangs of Love” (III, 9) by the same poet: “But the singers are sacred, and we are called the favorites of the highest.”
Аudaces fortuna juvat – fate helps the brave
Аurea mediocritas is the golden mean. Horace
Аurea ne credas quaecumque nitescere cernis – all that glitters is not gold
aut aut – either - or - there is no third option

Bene placito - of one's own free will
Beata stultica - blissful stupidity
Beati possidentes - happy are those who have
Carpe diem - seize the day, seize the moment
Caritas et pax - Respect and peace
Con amore - With love
Consensu omnium - By general agreement
Consortium omnis vitae - Commonwealth of all life
Credo - I believe!
De die in diem - day after day
Dei gratia - by God's grace, thank God
Desinit in piscem mulier formosa superne - a woman beautiful on top ends in a fishtail
Evviva - long live!
Ex consensu - by agreement
Fac fideli sis fidelis - be faithful to the one who is faithful (to you)
Fata viam invenient - you can’t escape fate
Febris erotica - love fever
Fiat voluntas tua - thy will be done
Fortiter ac firmiter - strong and strong
Hoc erat in votis - this was the object of my desires
Hoc erat in fatis - it was destined to be so (by fate)
Ibi victoria, ubi concordia - there is victory where there is agreement
In aeternum - forever, forever
In saecula saeculorum - forever and ever
In vento et aqua scribere - to write on the wind and water
Ira odium generat, concordia nutrit amorem - anger gives rise to hatred, agreement feeds love.
Lex fati - law of fate
Liberum arbitrium - freedom of choice
Lux in tenebris - light in the darkness
Magna res est amor - the great thing is love
Mane et nocte - morning and night
Mea vita et anima es - you are my life and soul
Natura sic voluit - this is how nature wished
Ne varietur - not subject to change
Nemo novit patrern, nemo sine crimine vivit, nemo sua sorte contentus, nemo ascendit in coelum is a Latin phrase with a funny pun that was very popular among the intelligentsia of the Renaissance. Nemo (Latin, literally: "nobody") was jokingly considered as a proper name. Then the sentence “No one knows his father, no one is free from sin, no one is happy with his fate, no one goes to heaven” takes on the opposite meaning: “Nemo knows his father, Nemo is free from sin,” etc.
Nil nisi bene - nothing but good
Non dubitandum est - no doubt
Non solus - not alone
Nunc est bibendum! - Now let's feast!
Omnia vincit amor et noc cedamus amori - love conquers all and we submit to love
Omnium consensu - by common agreement
Optima fide - with complete confidence
Ore uno - unanimously
Peccare licet nemini! - no one is allowed to sin!
Per aspera ad astra - through thorns to the stars!
Pia desideria - good wishes, cherished dreams
Placeat diis - if the gods please
Prima cartitas ad me - first love is me
Pro bono publico - for the common good
Pro ut de lege - legally
Probatum est - approved
Proprio motu - at one's own request
Quilibet fortunae suae faber - everyone is the architect of their own happiness
Sancta sanctorum - holy of holies
Si vis amari, ama! - if you want to be loved, love yourself
Sic fata voluerunt - as fate would have it
Sponte sua - of one's own free will
Sed semel insanivimus omnes - one day we are all mad
Sic erat in fatis - it was destined to be so
Sursum corda! - keep your head up!
Ubi concordia - ibi victoria - where there is agreement there is victory
Febris erotica – love fever
Vires unitae agunt - forces act together
Vale et me ama - be healthy and love me
Vivamus atque amemus - let's live and love
Vivere est cogitare - to live is to think!
Volente deo - with God's help.

Phrases and sayings for tattoos are a very popular trend in body art. Sayings are decorated with ornaments, flowers, thematic designs, and the quotes themselves are filled with beautiful fonts to give the tattoo uniqueness and highlight the character of the text.

The Latin language or Latin is a unique, one of the most ancient written languages. Classical Latin means literary language, who achieved the greatest expressiveness and syntactic harmony in the works of Cicero, Caesar, Virgil, Horace and Ovid. Along with ancient Greek, Latin with for a long time to this day serves as a source for the formation of international socio-political and scientific terminology. Aphorisms, catchphrases and Latin quotes about love are a rich source of inspiration among tattoo lovers.

Beautiful phrases for tattoos in Latin with translation

Magna res est amor.
The great thing is love.

Vale et me ama.
Farewell and love me.

Amantes sunt amentes.
Lovers are crazy.

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant.
Friends are made by happiness, misfortune tests them.

Amor etiam deos tangit.
Even the gods are subject to love.

Amor non est medicabilis herbis.
Love cannot be cured with herbs. (there is no cure for love. Ovid, “Heroids”)

Love conquers everything.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit.
Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart.

Febris erotica.
Love fever.

Ira odium generat, concordia nutrit amorem.
Anger gives rise to hatred, agreement feeds love.

Antiquus amor cancer est.
Old love is not forgotten.

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem.
I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.

Amantium irae amoris integratio est.
The wrath of lovers is the renewal of love.

Dum spiro, amo atque credo.
As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audet.
Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves.

A nullo diligitur, qui neminem diligit.
Nobody loves someone who doesn't love anyone.

Finis vitae, sed non amoris.
Life ends, but not love.

In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium.
In love, pain and joy always compete.

Jucundissimus est amari, sed non minus amare.
It is very pleasant to be loved, but it is no less pleasant to love yourself.

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris.
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
I hate and love. You ask why I do this?
I don’t know, but I feel that this is happening, and I go out in torment

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori.
Love conquers everything, and we submit to love.

Amor tussisque non celantur.
You can't hide love and cough

I hate it and love it.

Si vis amari, ama.
If you want to be loved, love.

Prima cartitas ad me.
First love is me.

Cantica giginit amor.
Love gives birth to songs

Amorem canat aetas prima.
Let youth sing about love.

Sola mater amanda est et pater honestandus est.
Only a mother deserves love, only a father deserves respect.

To be loved, be worthy of love.

Vivamus atque amemus.
Let's live and love.

Amantes sunt amentes!
Lovers are crazy!

Animae dimidium meae.
Half of my soul

Amor dolor.
Love is suffering.

Con amore.
With love.



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