Orthodox prayer against the envy of people. Orthodox prayer against the evil eye, envy, damage and evil people

Sometimes envious people and other ill-wishers appear in our lives and energetically poison our lives. What can we do against such a misfortune? The best remedy purification will become daily prayer out of envy. Simple, short, but quite effective. There are several such prayers to get rid of envious people. While reading prayers for envy, all negativity leaves a person’s subtle bodies. The Guardian Angel comes to the rescue again. And the negativity in the form of anger and envy will return to the one who sent it to you. Try to find the strength to forgive, and then the Lord will forgive you your sins. Do not neglect the wisdom of your ancestors.

Text of prayer for envy

“Lord Jesus Christ! Drive away from me, the servant of God (name), the dark, unclean, demonic force. With humble prayer I ask: “Cleanse my body, Lord, cleanse my soul, Lord Jesus, my body, Jesus, my soul. Sanctify my body, sanctify my soul. Protect me, I pray, Lord, from the influences of dark, unclean, demonic forces. Amen".

To stop your ill-wishers, read Christian prayer from human envy.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. This prayer is not for an hour, not for a day, not for a month, not for a year, but for the whole century, until the man of God remains with her. It was written by holy hands, blessed by holy lips. Earth is the mother, heaven is the father, God’s crown is all my deeds. They are coming towards me: dawn Maria, dawn Maremyana, dawn Ulyana. The young and bright month pumped out, the thunder-father swung like lightning. The sky opened and cleared of rain. So it would be for me too. The mind cleared, brightened, and saw any plan of the enemies. No one would dare to think anything bad. And just as kings, princes and boyars look at the Lord God of Hosts, so would the enemies be afraid, they would look at me, they would not dare to think evil against me. I will bypass all my enemies with my mind, I will bring fear and horror into their minds. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

An independent conspiracy from envious people will save you not only at work, but also in life.

Bow 40 times in a row to the icon of St. George the Victorious and say this: “Glorious St. George, St. George the Victorious, you yourself conquered the enemy regiments, conquer the heart of my enemy, the servant of God (name), for now, for eternity and indefinitely. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you are the one who is envious, then this prayer will come to the rescue:

“Lord, help me get rid of envy, destroy this sneaky dragon in me, it got me, it eats up my soul and time day and night! I can't handle it myself. But as You Himself declared, to our Savior, “what is impossible with men is possible with God.” Behold, I believe that You are my God and Creator, and I entrust to You, Master, my soul and I pray to You - destroy this unfortunate envy in me and teach me to pray for [the name of the one you envy] with a pure heart, rejoicing at his joy and condoling his pain. And with the holy prayers of his [this name], Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner."

Human envy is a powerful negative feeling that can provoke the evil eye in a person. To remove negative foreign influences, special appeals to Higher powers are used. These potent drugs must be used in full compliance with the rules. You cannot pray while wanting to take revenge on the offender. This will make prayer useless. You can pray when there is pity in your soul, condescension towards your ill-wisher. It is important to have a desire to forgive in your soul. Any prayer against the evil eye and damage should be read in solitude. This will allow you to fully concentrate. You can pray not only for yourself, but also for loved ones.

Orthodox prayer against the evil eye and envy

Ill-wishers can meet a person anywhere in the world. life path. They exude harmful envy. The reality is that very rarely people sincerely rejoice in the successes of their fellow humans. Envy is punishable; it is equivalent to Orthodox religion to sin.

You can protect yourself from everyday negativity that can provoke the evil eye by daily appeals to the Higher powers. Believers must include them in their morning and evening rules. Prayers cleanse the soul and body, reliably protecting unkind people from the envy.

Prayer against the envy of evil people

The peculiarity of protective Orthodox prayer is that it not only removes the evil eye caused by damage.

She also:

    It is a reliable amulet for yourself and all family members. There is a close energetic connection between the person praying and loved ones, which explains the prevalence of protective properties after pronouncing special words. Helps maintain a favorable environment in the home and tranquility in family relationships. Guarantees the preservation of rationality when perceiving the events of the surrounding world, providing peace of mind in the most difficult life situations. Removes spiritual embitterment, teaches you to perceive people correctly, without demanding much from them. Charges the worshiper with positive energy.

Sincere faith enhances the effectiveness of treatment from the evil eye and envy. The most powerful Orthodox text is considered to be “Alive in the Help of the Almighty.” It is important to understand the spoken phrases. As a result, you can read the prayer in translation.

Every word should be passed through the heart:

“He who lives under the reliable protective shelter of the Almighty, resting in the shadow of the Almighty, says: “My God, I trust in you, you are the only protection and refuge.” The Lord will deliver the fisher from the net, the deadly disease, will overshadow and there will be safety under his wings. The truth of the Lord is a hedge and a shield. Being under the protection of the Lord, no one will be afraid of the horrors of the night, no one will be afraid of arrows flying during the day, illnesses sneaking through the darkness, infection devastating the earth at bright noon. None of the wicked and unkind will be able to approach you and harm you. No evil will come close to your home and will not harm your household. For you said with sincerity: “The Lord is my hope.” From that moment on, the Almighty became your refuge. The Almighty commands His Angels to protect you and protect you. On the path of life, they will carry you in their arms in dangerous moments. You won’t trip over a stone, you won’t step on an asp and a basilisk, you can trample on a lion and a dragon. There is only one truth: “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him from misfortunes, I will protect him from evil. He has sincerely known My name and calls upon it. I will hear him and saturate his life with his kindness, I will grant him My salvation. Amen!"

Prayer from envious people and ill-wishers

A prayer from envious people and ill-wishers may contain an appeal to various saints. It is considered effective to appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Its text is:

“Holy Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, hear the appeal of the servant of God ( given name). During your lifetime, you were the patron saint of the needy, the traveling and the sick. You are known as a protector from evil and illness, witchcraft and rot! With zeal I turn to you with sincere prayer. Help me, a believer, Saint Nicholas, hear me - a victim of human ill will, do not leave me in trouble, suffering from witchcraft. I ask you, Holy Pleasant of God Nicholas the Wonderworker, for mercy and intercession. Provide help, grant strength to get out of the darkness, get rid of foreign influence. Cleanse the soul of the sinful servant of God (proper name) from ailments caused by the evil eye, take the trouble away from people close to me and from my home. Amen".

You must contact the Saint at least 7 times. Usually, mental relief comes very quickly and the person is able to realistically assess the current situation and solve the problems that have arisen. This indicates that mental cleansing from negativity is successful. You can ask for protection from your own Guardian Angel. It is noteworthy that no special conditions are required for prayer. You can pray for the help of your heavenly protector, appointed by God at baptism, anywhere. Free text is used. The main thing is to believe that the Guardian Angel will help you.

Protective icon against envy and evil eye

Protective icons from negativity various types there are a lot. It is important to choose the right attribute. It is strictly forbidden to purchase an icon from someone else. strangers, it must be purchased exclusively in the temple. Main icons:
    Most strong icon from any negativity is the image of Semistrelnaya. It can become a real talisman for your home. It is usually placed above front door. If it happens that you have been subjected to an energetic attack, this may result in a headache. Therefore, when you come home, you should wash yourself with holy water and pray in front of the Seven Arrows icon. Any icon of the Mother of God has protective properties against negativity. It is recommended to install it at the head of the bed. She will not allow unkind people to remotely harm a person during sleep. It is good to have an icon of the Holy Blessed Mother Matrona in the Red Corner. It will allow you to quickly cope with all the ailments that always arise against the background of the evil eye and damage. Prayers against negativity to Nicholas the Wonderworker are always offered before his Holy Face. Therefore, the image must be installed in the Red Corner.
Of course, the icon of the Savior has enormous protective power. It should not only be in the house; it is always recommended to carry a small icon with you.

Church prayer against slander in trade

Often human envy is purposeful. It harms a specific area of ​​activity. People engaged in trade suffer from the evil eye. To protect yourself from slander in this area, it is recommended to contact your Guardian Angel like this:

“I turn to you, my heavenly protector, my Guardian Angel, hear me and help me. Good things come from you and you protect me from failures. A faithful and devoted servant of the Almighty God, who is our Creator and reigns over all, I acknowledge this. By the will of the Almighty, deliver the weak and infirm servant of God (proper name) from misfortunes and troubles. Let an unkind person not be able to harm me either with an eye or a word. Let neither the brownie, nor the goblin, nor any other evil spirits destroy the soul or harm the body. I pray to you, Holy Angel, for reliable protection from evil spirits so that I can continue my business successfully. Save and preserve according to the will of the Almighty. Amen".

Strong prayers against the evil eye and bad luck

A strong prayer for any negativity is to turn to Saint Tikhon. Alone, having tuned in properly, the words are pronounced three times:

“O All-praiseworthy Saint Tikhon. You lived an angelic life on earth, helping and supporting everyone who asked. Therefore, I, a servant of God, sincerely appeal to you now, since God has given you the power to help us who ask and pray. Grant me your intercession against human malice, protect me from slander, do not let them destroy my soul. Beg the Lord for forgiveness of all my known and unknown sins, I sincerely repent.”

If you have been subjected to an energy attack, which has resulted in a deterioration in your health, then every evening before going to bed, make a request to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It sounds like this:

“Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, Pleasant of God, Defender and Savior. I, the servant of God (my own name), do not blame anyone for troubles and I do not harbor anger in my soul, but I ask for one thing. Help me resist the negativity, take away the evil eye and damage from me and my household. May all ailments and heartache The saint will be washed away with water. Let the damage return to the sorcerer and not harm anyone else. I accept the will of God and glorify all the works of the Lord. Amen".

After prayer you should wash your face blessed water and go straight to bed. Relief in your soul will come in a few days.

Envy is the most common reason for causing damage and the evil eye. Find out how to protect yourself and your family from evil with the help of Orthodox prayers.

All families have periods of quarrels and mutual misunderstanding. But usually such situations pass, strengthening families even more. If scandals started out of nowhere and do not go away for a long time, small and large troubles fall out of the bag, and your health and well-being deteriorate, then it is quite possible that you have been damaged out of envy.

You can find out whether you are wearing them and remove them yourself with the help of Orthodox prayers.

How to pray correctly

Prayers against envy or the evil eye are very different from all other prayers, so several important rules must be followed.

Don't want revenge. When asking for deliverance for you and your family, do not seek revenge on your enemy. Remember that the very fact of prayer excludes hatred and the desire to cause harm. You can begin prayer only when you sincerely forgive and have pity on your ill-wisher.

It's important to be alone. The prayer for deliverance from the evil eye is very powerful, but one person must ask for the family. If you are sure that you or one of your loved ones have been jinxed, pray in secret from your family and in all alone. This condition is easily explained from an energy point of view.

When a person becomes a victim of envy and receives damage or the evil eye, he becomes a kind of “black funnel” for his loved ones, drawing off the missing energy from them. At the same time, unlike energy vampires, the smoothed one acts unconsciously, trying to replenish rapidly dwindling energy reserves.

If your loved one, under the influence of others, finds out that you are going to pray for him, he, with his fear, doubts or anger, can in a matter of minutes drain from you all the energy necessary for prayer.

Candles will help you tune in to prayer. A candle flame and fragrant incense will help you achieve the desired state of peace and tranquility. Before starting the prayer, you can simply sit for a while, looking at the candle and thinking about the desired result.

Fire is the purest energy that best conveys messages on the subtle plane. Your thoughts, supported by the energy of the flame, will help you quickly reach the state necessary for prayer.

Prayers against the evil eye to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of the suffering and the last hope for protection from dark forces. Prayers addressed to him have enormous power.

Saint Nicholas, patron of the orphaned and poor, traveling and sick, protector from evil and illness, witchcraft and rot! I diligently pray to you, hear the victim of envy who has fallen, struck by witchcraft and the evil eye, asking for your mercy and your intercession. Do not leave me in trouble and darkness, cleanse me, a sinner, from ailments, evil, damage, the evil eye and envy and take troubles away from my house. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Read this prayer as many times as needed. The generally accepted number for repeating prayers against the evil eye is the number 7.

Prayer from envious people and the evil eye to Saint Cyprian

This prayer can protect you and your family from evil and envious people. It will be useful to place a bowl of holy water near you during prayer and, after completing your prayers, drink a little and give water to everyone in your household.

Saint Cyprian, comforter, god-pleaser and protector from evil spells! I pray you, show me your will, do not leave me and my house in destruction. Take away from us all troubles, envy and black witchcraft, which interfere with living according to God’s laws and poison our lives. Do not leave us in misfortune and destruction, extend your hand and protect us from troubles, the evil eye and envy evil people. Amen.

After finishing your prayers, sit in silence for a while, listening to your feelings. Mentally forgive those who wish you harm and let go of thoughts about them, hoping for the best.

You can also ask for help from your guardian angel or patron saint, which is given to everyone at baptism. With a sincere heart, you can ask for help even in your own words.

In addition to the evil eye, envious people can cause damage or a curse. There are several signs that will help you understand that your family is cursed and evil has come to the house. We wish you to never be exposed to negative influences, to be in good relations with everyone around you, and don’t forget to click on the buttons ( FB_LIKE )) and

Complete collection and description: Orthodox prayer from envious people and ill-wishers for the spiritual life of a believer.

Ill-wishers and vile envious people meet in the lives of each of us. In order to protect against gossip and gossip, as well as from the evil eye, a prayer against envy is read daily.

In ancient Greek mythology, you can find a description of Envy in the image of a terrible, wrinkled old woman with rotten teeth and a lolling tongue, from which poison drips. Justifying ourselves by saying that our envy is “white,” we, unfortunately, do not realize that it in any form destroys our spirituality. Vibes of envy saturate the air and poison the peaceful existence of society.

By reading a prayer text, a person first of all cleanses himself from bad thoughts, negativity, frees up the information field, and is charged with positive energy. Prayer against envy helps you gain confidence and reset the energy of someone else’s anger that has entered your personal biofield. Such prayers are intended to be protection for a person and his family, to preserve the well-being and peace of the home.

The process of reading prayer: rules

It is worth saying a prayer against human envy with reverence and respect for the sacrament, observing some rules.

If you want to get rid of the negative influence of others, you need to analyze your thoughts and actions towards others. After all, envy on your part is also possible. Therefore, before starting prayer, you should mentally repent to everyone and admit your weakness.

Any request addressed to the Heavenly Father requires faith - all-consuming and undoubted.

The stronger a person believes, the more effective the prayer ritual will be. For the right attitude To unite with God, you need to stand in front of the images (at home in front of the icon), light candles and think about what you want to convey to the Almighty with your prayers.

Since prayers against envy are not long, you should read them several times daily until you feel lightness in your soul and the power of forgiveness. Thus, the envy that has clung to the energy shell will evaporate and all the negativity will subside.

Which prayer for envy is better to choose?

All appeals to Orthodox saints regarding the bad demonic feeling - envy - are conventionally divided into:

  • protecting from any random human envy;
  • aimed at envious people so that they stop gossiping about you and envying you;
  • cleansing, ridding the soul of the supplicant from this filth.

Orthodoxy considers the best prayer for envy to be the text presented in the Bible (Psalm No. 90) with the title “Alive in the help of the Almighty.” It should be read 12 times in a row.

If there is a person next to you from whom negativity and anger emanate, read the prayer text against the evil eye to the Most Holy Theotokos (you can mentally).

If you have been visited by evil, envious thoughts towards others, turn to the Lord (possibly through your saint or Guardian Angel) with holy prayer.

To stop gossiping and slandering a person, especially for public and high-ranking people, you can take into account the well-known sacred text against people’s envy. If you read this prayer with a lit candle, walking around your home three times, then you and your family will forever be protected by powerful protection from the energy messages of ill-wishers.

Remember, any bad thoughts against other people will return a hundredfold to the one who sent them!

Other types of protective prayers:

Prayers for envy: comments

Comments - 3,

For my husband and I, everything was like in a fairy tale, holidays abroad, love, he has a well-paid position, two cars, and soon a long-awaited daughter was born. And suddenly I noticed that after talking with a friend who asked about all the details of our life, suddenly everything began to get disrupted, either someone would get sick, then my husband would have problems at work, quarrels in the family. Then I began to read a prayer out of envy and now everything seems to be getting better again, but my friend began to reduce communication to nothing.

That’s how they say, prayer helped, and you helped yourself too - contacts were kept to a minimum and everything worked out. as the proverb says, Happiness loves silence, that is, in this way you minimized your friend’s envy and this is evil for you, by stopping provoking her with your well-being, talking about it, it’s of course terrible that people are so envious, but what can you do - I have the same situation myself even worse, I already wrote, if there is something about my problem, answer

Powerful Prayer out of envy (for public figures, high-ranking people), the prayer is excellent, I just can’t understand why they and public figures envy them, why should they pray for deliverance from their envy, this certainly won’t hurt, but what is the point of prayer then? Please advise effective prayer, if you don’t envy at all, but yes you do. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help

Prayers against envy and the evil eye

Envy is the most common reason for causing damage and the evil eye. Find out how to protect yourself and your family from evil with the help of Orthodox prayers.

All families have periods of quarrels and mutual misunderstanding. But usually such situations pass, strengthening families even more. If scandals started out of nowhere and do not go away for a long time, small and large troubles fall out of the bag, and your health and well-being deteriorate, then it is quite possible that you have been damaged out of envy.

You can find out whether you have damage or the evil eye, and remove them yourself with the help of Orthodox prayers.

How to pray correctly

Prayers against envy or the evil eye are very different from all other prayers, so several important rules must be followed.

Don't want revenge. When asking for deliverance for you and your family, do not seek revenge on your enemy. Remember that the very fact of prayer excludes hatred and the desire to cause harm. You can begin prayer only when you sincerely forgive and have pity on your ill-wisher.

It's important to be alone. The prayer for deliverance from the evil eye is very powerful, but one person must ask for the family. If you are sure that you or someone close to you has been jinxed, pray in secret from your family and in complete solitude. This condition is easily explained from an energy point of view.

When a person becomes a victim of envy and receives damage or the evil eye, he becomes a kind of “black funnel” for his loved ones, drawing off the missing energy from them. At the same time, unlike energy vampires, the smoothed one acts unconsciously, trying to replenish rapidly dwindling energy reserves.

If your loved one, under the influence of others, finds out that you are going to pray for him, he, with his fear, doubts or anger, can in a matter of minutes drain from you all the energy necessary for prayer.

Candles will help you tune in to prayer. A candle flame and fragrant incense will help you achieve the desired state of peace and tranquility. Before starting the prayer, you can simply sit for a while, looking at the candle and thinking about the desired result.

Fire is the purest energy that best conveys messages on the subtle plane. Your thoughts, supported by the energy of the flame, will help you quickly reach the state necessary for prayer.

Prayers against the evil eye to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of the suffering and the last hope for protection from dark forces. Prayers addressed to him have enormous power.

Saint Nicholas, patron of the orphaned and poor, traveling and sick, protector from evil and illness, witchcraft and rot! I diligently pray to you, hear the victim of envy who has fallen, struck by witchcraft and the evil eye, asking for your mercy and your intercession. Do not leave me in trouble and darkness, cleanse me, a sinner, from ailments, evil, damage, the evil eye and envy and take troubles away from my house. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Read this prayer as many times as needed. The generally accepted number for repeating prayers against the evil eye is the number 7.

Prayer from envious people and the evil eye to Saint Cyprian

This prayer can protect you and your family from evil and envious people. It will be useful to place a bowl of holy water near you during prayer and, after completing your prayers, drink a little and give water to everyone in your household.

Saint Cyprian, comforter, god-pleaser and protector from evil spells! I pray you, show me your will, do not leave me and my house in destruction. Take away from us all troubles, envy and black witchcraft, which interfere with living according to God’s laws and poison our lives. Do not leave us in misfortune and destruction, stretch out your hand and protect us from troubles, the evil eye and the envy of evil people. Amen.

After finishing your prayers, sit in silence for a while, listening to your feelings. Mentally forgive those who wish you harm and let go of thoughts about them, hoping for the best.

You can also ask for help from your guardian angel or patron saint, which is given to everyone at baptism. With a sincere heart, you can ask for help even in your own words.

In addition to the evil eye, envious people can cause damage or a curse. There are several signs that will help you understand that your family is cursed and evil has come to the house. We wish you to never be exposed to negative influences, to be on good terms with everyone around you, and do not forget to press the buttons > and

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Prayer against human envy and anger, 3 prayers

I bring to your attention Orthodox prayers against human envy and malice, addressed to the Holy Saints.

What can I say, envy is everywhere these days.

It seems that there is nothing to envy, but there are still ill-wishers.

To protect yourself from the malicious envy of people, you need to regularly whisper special prayers that allow you to ward off other people’s energy.

Before you begin fervent prayer, be sure to visit Orthodox Temple and submit a registered note about your own health.

If you know your enemies by sight, then under no circumstances order them to die.

Pray for their health and ask the Lord God to cleanse them of envious thoughts.

Prayer from envy to the Lord God

Light 12 candles and silently look at the burning flame.

Don’t intrigue your envious people; they don’t have peace of mind anyway.

Envious people constantly toil, wasting their vital energy on deep sorrows.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy and take the eyes of envious people away from me. Don't let them harm me in deed, word and thought. May all envious people find paradise, and may all sorrows leave their souls. Lord, reward me according to my faith, but don’t put my enemies to the test. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer for envy to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. Get rid of black envy and human dirty tricks from me. Protect me from rudeness and spoiled stoop. Do not punish me for temptations and forgive me all my reckless sins. Do not torment my envious people with stinginess, and do not torment them with desperate stupidity. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer for envy to Matrona of Moscow

In the event that you feel not only an envious glance on yourself, but also someone’s spoiled disgust, turn to the Blessed Matrona with prayer.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Forgive me all bad suspicions and ward off all human defilements. Protect me from sorrowful envy, take illness and disease away from my eyes. Let envy never take hold of me, everything that I have will be enough for me until death. So be it. Amen.

Now you know that there are Orthodox prayers against envy that allow you to protect yourself from bad people.

For the Lord to help you, try not to indulge in envious thoughts yourself.

May God help you!

Envy is a bioenergetic attack.

An envious person is a pathologically ill person: envy can be considered as one of the types of mental illness.

The envious person gives off negative thoughts that stick to the energy cocoon of the person at whom envy is directed.

The following prayer helps to cleanse yourself of such dirt that has adhered to the energy body in the form of a black cocoon:

Envy, a black veil, hid God’s servant (name) from God’s help, hid things, messed up, spoiled his body.
I’ll pray and remember the cherished word addressed to God:
Holy God,
Mighty God,
God Immortal,
have mercy on me.

With the help of this prayer you can cleanse other people, then the last line should be read like this:

“Have mercy on the servant of God (name) - instead of the words “have mercy on me.”

Prayer against human envy and anger.

I bring to your attention Orthodox prayers against human envy and malice, addressed to the Holy Saints.
What can I say, envy is everywhere these days.
It seems that there is nothing to envy, but there are still ill-wishers.
To protect yourself from the malicious envy of people, you need to regularly whisper special prayers that allow you to ward off other people’s energy.

Before you begin fervent prayer, be sure to visit an Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about your own health.
If you know your enemies by sight, then under no circumstances order them to die.
Pray for their health and ask the Lord God to cleanse them of envious thoughts.

Prayer from envy to the Lord God.

Light 12 candles and silently look at the burning flame.
Don’t intrigue your envious people; they don’t have peace of mind anyway.
Envious people constantly toil, wasting their vital energy on deep sorrows.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy and take the eyes of envious people away from me. Don't let them harm me in deed, word and thought. May all envious people find paradise, and may all sorrows leave their souls. Lord, reward me according to my faith, but don’t put my enemies to the test. Thy will be done. Amen."

Prayer for envy to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. Get rid of black envy and human dirty tricks from me. Protect me from rudeness and spoiled stoop. Do not punish me for temptations and forgive me all my reckless sins. Do not torment my envious people with stinginess, and do not torment them with desperate stupidity. Thy will be done. Amen."

Prayer for envy to Matrona of Moscow.

In the event that you feel not only an envious glance on yourself, but also someone’s spoiled disgust, turn to the Blessed Matrona with prayer.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Forgive me all bad suspicions and ward off all human defilements. Protect me from sorrowful envy, take illness and disease away from my eyes. Let envy never take hold of me, everything that I have will be enough for me until death. So be it. Amen."

Now you know that there are Orthodox prayers against envy that allow you to protect yourself from bad people.
For the Lord to help you, try not to indulge in envious thoughts yourself.

To calm down your black envy, read the special magic spell aimed at pacification.
Let's be frank and not say that not everyone has envy.
Without knowing it, we “puff” angrily when we observe someone’s success or witness a happy moment.
Another thing is that envy can be disturbing or fleeting.

In the first case, it does not allow us to live in peace, taking away sleep and peace.
To get rid of envy and at the same time gain powerful protective amulet, it is necessary to perform a simple occult ritual.

Light 3 church candles at any time convenient for you.
Mentally imagine oppressive envy.
With your own effort of will, banish it by repeatedly reading these magical lines:

Envy - calm down, get away from me. I banish you forever. The breath will not speed up, the sweat will not break through, my eye will not take someone else's to itself. I will not feel envy towards my friends, I will not feel envy towards my enemies. Now I will wait with a calm soul for happiness to fall at my feet. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

There is another conspiracy that can protect you from your own envy.
Repeat it on occasion when exhaustion reaches its climax.

Damn envy, perish in the fire, I attract the amulet to myself. Let this conspiracy become a wall at the hour when envy disturbs the peace. Schadenfreude will recede, annoyance will be abandoned, I cast out the demonic reptile. Damned envy will disappear forever, let the amulet help me with this. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

When you have finished reading confidently, extinguish the candles. Throw the cinders into the trash. Do not remove the handwritten piece of paper with the spell, but keep it in a secret pocket or purse until the paper wears out.
Replace the sheet with a fresh one and continue to protect yourself from your own envy using this simple paper amulet.

May God help you!



2024 “mobi-up.ru” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs