Sample of speaking Unified State Examination English language year. Examination in English speaking speech clichés

Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam

Secondary general education

Line UMK M.V. Verbitskaya. English language "Forward" (10-11) (basic)

Line of teaching materials of O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheeva, K. M. Baranova. "Rainbow English" (10-11) (basic)

Let's analyze the Unified State Exam in English: oral part

We analyze the oral part of the exam with experienced teachers, build a reasoning, and select the optimal answer options.

Jalolova Svetlana Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education in 2010. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad of English Language Teachers “Profi-Kray” 2015. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2014, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 23 years.

Nedashkovskaya Natalya Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNPO 2007. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education 2010. GIA OGE expert in English. Conducted a pedagogical examination of educational publications at the Russian Academy of Education 2015-2016. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 35 years.
Podvigina Marina Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNPO 2008. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education 2010. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Conducted a pedagogical examination of educational publications at the Russian Academy of Education 2015-2016. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2015, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2008, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 23 years.
Trofimova Elena Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2013. Work experience - 15 years.

Task 3. Description of the photo

Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo in your album
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”

Work program for the Enjoy English teaching and learning complex (basic level) for grades 10-11. Available for viewing and free download.

Methodical hint

Read the assignment carefully and familiarize yourself with the presented plan. You have 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare for this task. It takes 2 minutes to complete it (that is, describe the photo). Select one of the photographs offered for description. When choosing, be guided not by what kind of photo you like, but by how familiar you are with the topic and vocabulary on it, and how much you can describe in it. The choice should not take more than three seconds.

Important! The proposed plan does not indicate an introduction and conclusion, but they must be present, since you are asked to make a coherent, complete description of the photograph, which in itself presupposes the presence of an introductory and final part.

For the introduction and conclusion, as well as for answers to the first, fourth and fifth questions, you can prepare several templates in advance that can be easily and quickly modified depending on the photo. Thus, you can spend the bulk of the time (about a minute out of one and a half) allotted for preparation on describing the photo itself, that is, who and what is in the photo (second point of the plan) and what is happening in it (third point of the plan) . Some tips:
1. It’s always easier to talk about people you know, so imagine that the photos are of your friends or relatives, determine what kind of family connections you have, and give the people names.
2. When describing the photograph itself, it would be advisable to divide it into parts and describe first what is in the background (in the background), then on the sides (on the left / right side), gradually moving towards the center or foreground (in the center of/in the foreground). Don't forget that if the photo was taken outside, you can always say a few words about the weather.
3. When describing the people in the photograph, you can say about their age and appearance, what they are wearing, what emotions they experience.
4. Next we describe what is happening in the photograph. For this we use present time Continuous. Sometimes, for some reason, there is practically no action in the photo. It is necessary to mention this, explaining the reason. It is enough to name three actions.

The description of the photograph itself (that is, the answer to the second and third points of the plan) should take up approximately half of the total time, the second half should include the introduction and conclusion and the answer to points 1, 4, and 5 of the plan.

Important! Remember that this is not a story about what was happening in your life or in the lives of your relatives/friends at the time the photo was taken, but a description of what is happening in the photo.

Approximate completion of task 1

I"ve chosen photo number 1. (Introduction) You know, taking photos is my hobby, and I always take a lot of photos wherever I go. I keep the best photos in my family album. (Question 1 of the plan) I took this photo last summer in the forest near our country house when we had a family reunion. (Question 2 of the plan). general information according to the picture). The day is nice, it is sunny and not windy. In the background you can see a forest with tall trees and bushes and in the foreground there is green grass. There are some children in the center of the picture - they are all my relatives. They are all quite young. The oldest girl is 6. She is my sister Olga. She is at the front of the group. And the youngest one is my nephew Nikolay who is just behind Olga. They are all wearing light clothes-T-shirts and shorts as it is very warm. They all look very happy and excited as they are playing together. They are running after a ball trying to kick it. And you can see that Nikolay is very concentrated as he is moving very fast to be the first to catch the ball. (Please note that the entire description is in the present tenses - Present Simple (to describe statics) and Present Continuous (to describe movement)! (Answer to question 4) I keep this photo in my family album as it is very dear to me. It was actually a very memorable day when our big family got together and I could meet all my cousins ​​and nephews and nieces and enjoy time together (Answer to question 5 of the plan) I decided to show it to you as I"m. proud of my family and happy that we get together from time to time and I wanted to share my emotions with you. Maybe next year you'll be happy to spend time together with us (Conclusion) This is all I wanted to tell you. about this photo. I hope you liked it.


Task 4. Comparing two photographs, identifying commonalities and differences.

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which of the professions presented in the pictures you’d prefer
  • explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

When performing this task, remember the following:

You have 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare for this task and 2 minutes to complete it.

Just like in the third task (description of a photograph), when completing task 4, you need to make an introduction and conclusion before you proceed directly to the answer according to the plan. The introduction consists of one or two sentences on the general topic revealed in the photographs (the fourth paragraph of the plan can suggest the topic) and one sentence telling what you will do now. If the topic is not formulated in any way, one last sentence is enough. In conclusion, to summarize what has been said, we need to return to the topic again (one or two sentences).

In response to the first point of the plan, a very brief description of each photograph is sufficient. It is necessary to say for each picture what is happening and where. And you can add one general sentence about what is in the first and second photographs.

When we reveal the second and third points of the plan, we need to find two common features and two differences. Both common features and differences should be of a general nature. Point number 4 of the plan can help not only with the introduction, but also with significant common features and differences, because they are also related to the main theme of the photographs.

When answering the fourth point of the plan, it is enough to rearrange the word order of the phrase I"d prefer the ...... (Profession) presented in the picture number indicated in the plan....... You cannot say I"d prefer the picture number. ... because it does not correspond to the task. You cannot say “I"d prefer to be in the picture number...., since this is incorrect in meaning - we cannot be in the picture. In the fifth point of the plan, you need to justify your choice made before this with 2-3 detailed sentences (point 4).

Don’t forget that task 4 is structurally close to the essay format, so it is necessary to use linkers (conjunctive words) when listing common features and differences. For example, Firstly, /Secondly,..... Or To begin with, -Furthermore, (Moreover,....What is more....). In conclusion/To conclude....-in conclusion.

Before listing the general features, it is necessary to say that you will now talk about general features. For example, Both pictures have some features in common. Before moving on to the differences, this also needs to be mentioned. For example, however, there are some differences.

When comparing, phrases or verbs expressing assumptions will sound good. For example, they could be designers. They must be in the office. They seem to be teenagers. They look like young employees. ......

Differences should not repeat common features. With an approximate time schedule, the introduction and response to the first and second points of the plan should not take more than one minute.

Example of task 4

(In modern society there is a great variety of different professions. People try to choose one according to their taste and abilities. And these two pictures show this. - this part of the introduction need not be said) Now I"d like to compare and contrast these two photographs. In the first picture there is a young teacher explaining something to the pupils in front of her. In the second photo there are two people who look like designers studying what might be a project in their office. Both pictures have some similarities. Firstly, the most striking common feature is that both pictures show people engaged in doing jobs. Secondly, people are interested in what they are doing. differences. To begin with, in the first picture we can see the profession which presupposes working with people - the teacher is teaching pupils on her own, other people are not included in the process Whereas in the second picture there is a profession which involves. doing the job with co-workers. Moreover, in the first picture the classroom is practically empty except for a blackboard and some desks while the second picture depicts an office with a lot of furniture, models and whiteboards. I would prefer the profession presented in picture number one as I think it is a very challenging but rewarding job. Besides I love working with people, especially children and I have always been good at teaching my friends and my younger sister"s friends some things. (In conclusion, choosing the right profession which will suit you in all aspects is a very hard task and we must think a lot and ask for advice before we make the correct choice. – in case of lack of time, this sentence can be omitted) That is all I wanted to tell you.

Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam

Secondary general education

Line UMK M.V. Verbitskaya. English language "Forward" (10-11) (basic)

Line of teaching materials of O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheeva, K. M. Baranova. "Rainbow English" (10-11) (basic)

Let's analyze the Unified State Exam in English: oral part

We analyze the oral part of the exam with experienced teachers, build a reasoning, and select the optimal answer options.

Jalolova Svetlana Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education in 2010. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad of English Language Teachers “Profi-Kray” 2015. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2014, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 23 years.

Nedashkovskaya Natalya Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNPO 2007. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education 2010. GIA OGE expert in English. Conducted a pedagogical examination of educational publications at the Russian Academy of Education 2015-2016. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 35 years.
Podvigina Marina Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNPO 2008. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education 2010. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Conducted a pedagogical examination of educational publications at the Russian Academy of Education 2015-2016. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2015, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2008, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 23 years.
Trofimova Elena Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2013. Work experience - 15 years.

Task 3. Description of the photo

Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo in your album
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”

Work program for the Enjoy English teaching and learning complex (basic level) for grades 10-11. Available for viewing and free download.

Methodical hint

Read the assignment carefully and familiarize yourself with the presented plan. You have 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare for this task. It takes 2 minutes to complete it (that is, describe the photo). Select one of the photographs offered for description. When choosing, be guided not by what kind of photo you like, but by how familiar you are with the topic and vocabulary on it, and how much you can describe in it. The choice should not take more than three seconds.

Important! The proposed plan does not indicate an introduction and conclusion, but they must be present, since you are asked to make a coherent, complete description of the photograph, which in itself presupposes the presence of an introductory and final part.

For the introduction and conclusion, as well as for answers to the first, fourth and fifth questions, you can prepare several templates in advance that can be easily and quickly modified depending on the photo. Thus, you can spend the bulk of the time (about a minute out of one and a half) allotted for preparation on describing the photo itself, that is, who and what is in the photo (second point of the plan) and what is happening in it (third point of the plan) . Some tips:
1. It’s always easier to talk about people you know, so imagine that the photos are of your friends or relatives, determine what kind of family connections you have, and give the people names.
2. When describing the photograph itself, it would be advisable to divide it into parts and describe first what is in the background (in the background), then on the sides (on the left / right side), gradually moving towards the center or foreground (in the center of/in the foreground). Don't forget that if the photo was taken outside, you can always say a few words about the weather.
3. When describing the people in the photograph, you can say about their age and appearance, what they are wearing, what emotions they experience.
4. Next we describe what is happening in the photograph. For this we use the Present Continuous tense. Sometimes, for some reason, there is practically no action in the photo. It is necessary to mention this, explaining the reason. It is enough to name three actions.

The description of the photograph itself (that is, the answer to the second and third points of the plan) should take up approximately half of the total time, the second half should include the introduction and conclusion and the answer to points 1, 4, and 5 of the plan.

Important! Remember that this is not a story about what was happening in your life or in the lives of your relatives/friends at the time the photo was taken, but a description of what is happening in the photo.

Approximate completion of task 1

I"ve chosen photo number 1. (Introduction) You know, taking photos is my hobby, and I always take a lot of photos wherever I go. I keep the best photos in my family album. (Question 1 of the plan) I took this photo last summer in the forest near our country house when we had a family reunion. (Question 2 of the plan). and not windy. In the background you can see a forest with tall trees and bushes and in the foreground there is green grass. There are some children in the center of the picture - they are all quite young. oldest girl is 6. She is my sister Olga. She is at the front of the group. And the youngest one is my nephew Nikolay who is just behind Olga. They are all wearing light clothes-T-shirts and shorts as it is very warm. They all look very happy and excited as they are playing together. They are running after a ball trying to kick it. And you can see that Nikolay is very concentrated as he is moving very fast to be the first to catch the ball. (Please note that the entire description is in the present tenses - Present Simple (to describe statics) and Present Continuous (to describe movement)! (Answer to question 4) I keep this photo in my family album as it is very dear to me. It was actually a very memorable day when our big family got together and I could meet all my cousins ​​and nephews and nieces and enjoy time together (Answer to question 5 of the plan) I decided to show it to you as I"m. proud of my family and happy that we get together from time to time and I wanted to share my emotions with you. Maybe next year you'll be happy to spend time together with us (Conclusion) This is all I wanted to tell you. about this photo. I hope you liked it.


Task 4. Comparing two photographs, identifying commonalities and differences.

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which of the professions presented in the pictures you’d prefer
  • explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

When performing this task, remember the following:

You have 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare for this task and 2 minutes to complete it.

Just like in the third task (description of a photograph), when completing task 4, you need to make an introduction and conclusion before you proceed directly to the answer according to the plan. The introduction consists of one or two sentences on the general topic revealed in the photographs (the fourth paragraph of the plan can suggest the topic) and one sentence telling what you will do now. If the topic is not formulated in any way, one last sentence is enough. In conclusion, to summarize what has been said, we need to return to the topic again (one or two sentences).

In response to the first point of the plan, a very brief description of each photograph is sufficient. It is necessary to say for each picture what is happening and where. And you can add one general sentence about what is in the first and second photographs.

When we reveal the second and third points of the plan, we need to find two common features and two differences. Both common features and differences should be of a general nature. Point number 4 of the plan can help not only with the introduction, but also with significant common features and differences, because they are also related to the main theme of the photographs.

When answering the fourth point of the plan, it is enough to rearrange the word order of the phrase I"d prefer the ...... (Profession) presented in the picture number indicated in the plan....... You cannot say I"d prefer the picture number. ... because it does not correspond to the task. You cannot say “I"d prefer to be in the picture number...., since this is incorrect in meaning - we cannot be in the picture. In the fifth point of the plan, you need to justify your choice made before this with 2-3 detailed sentences (point 4).

Don’t forget that task 4 is structurally close to the essay format, so it is necessary to use linkers (conjunctive words) when listing common features and differences. For example, Firstly, /Secondly,..... Or To begin with, -Furthermore, (Moreover,....What is more....). In conclusion/To conclude....-in conclusion.

Before listing the general features, it is necessary to say that you will now talk about general features. For example, Both pictures have some features in common. Before moving on to the differences, this also needs to be mentioned. For example, however, there are some differences.

When comparing, phrases or verbs expressing assumptions will sound good. For example, they could be designers. They must be in the office. They seem to be teenagers. They look like young employees. ......

Differences should not repeat common features. With an approximate time schedule, the introduction and response to the first and second points of the plan should not take more than one minute.

Example of task 4

(In modern society there is a great variety of different professions. People try to choose one according to their taste and abilities. And these two pictures show this. - this part of the introduction need not be said) Now I"d like to compare and contrast these two photographs. In the first picture there is a young teacher explaining something to the pupils in front of her. In the second photo there are two people who look like designers studying what might be a project in their office. Both pictures have some similarities. Firstly, the most striking common feature is that both pictures show people engaged in doing jobs. Secondly, people are interested in what they are doing. differences. To begin with, in the first picture we can see the profession which presupposes working with people - the teacher is teaching pupils on her own, other people are not included in the process Whereas in the second picture there is a profession which involves. doing the job with co-workers. Moreover, in the first picture the classroom is practically empty except for a blackboard and some desks while the second picture depicts an office with a lot of furniture, models and whiteboards. I would prefer the profession presented in picture number one as I think it is a very challenging but rewarding job. Besides I love working with people, especially children and I have always been good at teaching my friends and my younger sister"s friends some things. (In conclusion, choosing the right profession which will suit you in all aspects is a very hard task and we must think a lot and ask for advice before we make the correct choice. – in case of lack of time, this sentence can be omitted) That is all I wanted to tell you.

English can rightfully be called the most popular of the list of languages ​​that can be taken in the selective Unified State Exam category. A foreign language is an indispensable exam for those who wish to become a linguist, translator, or plan to make a career in the diplomatic field. It is worth noting that this exam cannot be called simple, especially after speaking was added to the written part of the exam.

It is not surprising that the Unified State Exam in English will require many hours of labor-intensive preparation and, quite possibly, additional classes in courses or with a tutor. Another important point concerns the structure of the ticket and changes to it. We suggest that you take a closer look at this issue so as not to encounter any unpleasant surprises during the 2017 exam.

The written part of the Unified State Exam 2017 in English will take place on June 15, and the oral part on June 16-17.

Demo version of the Unified State Exam-2017

Unified State Examination dates in English

The national English exam will be held on the following dates:

  • Early period. The early exam can be taken on 03/18/2017 and 03/22/2017, and the days 05/3/2017 and 05/5/2017 are designated as reserve days;
  • Main stage. The main exam will be held on 06/15/2017 (written part), the oral part is reserved for 06/16/17/2017.
  • Reserve date. The reserve date for the written part will be 06/21/2017, and for the oral part – 06/22/2017.

Let us remind you that only certain categories of students can take the exam ahead of schedule. For example, these include:

  • graduates of previous years;
  • evening school students;
  • schoolchildren who go to serve in;
  • athletes who will be absent due to national or international competitions or training camps;
  • participants in olympiads or competitions of federal or international significance;
  • eleventh graders who go to live or study abroad;
  • students who have been ordered by the medical board to undergo treatment, rehabilitation or prevention that coincides with the dates of the main Unified State Examination.

You must write a statement that you want to take the exam ahead of schedule in advance - before 03/01/2017.

Statistical information

The popularity of this exam is confirmed by statistics. About 9% of 11th grade students take English as a selective Unified State Exam each year. On average, graduates manage to score about 64.8 points in this exam, which is a good result. At the same time, the percentage of those who could not pass English even with a satisfactory grade has fluctuated in recent years from 1.8 to 3.3% - a very gentle figure in comparison with other Unified State Examinations.

96.7% of schoolchildren can score at least in English

Changes in the Unified State Exam 2017 in English

The experts did not voice any significant changes in the procedure or layout of the exam. The only thing that can be mentioned is the clarification of the wording in task No. 3 in the oral part: the word “imagine” was removed from the wording.

KIM structure in English

The exam consists of two parts:

  • written, which takes 180 minutes;
  • oral, which takes place within 15 minutes.

What is included in the written part of the exam?

The ticket structure has several main sections.

  • Listening. This part of the exam takes 30 minutes and consists of the following tasks:
    • No. 1, in which the student is asked to identify the correspondence between sounding statements and statements. You need to evaluate 6 statements and match them with 7 answers (one of them is incorrect). The correct answer is worth 1 point, a total of 6 points can be scored for the exercise. The listening technique assumes that the student has 20 seconds to read the answer options, then listens to the recording 2 times and fills out the answers on the form;
    • No. 2 – listening to a short dialogue. Next, you should familiarize yourself with the judgments and evaluate their accuracy with the words correctly - true, incorrectly - false, did not sound - not stated. The ticket contains seven judgments, each of which can bring 1 point, the maximum score for this exercise is 7;
    • No. 3-9 – a high school student must listen to a short interview and choose one correct answer from the three offered on the ticket. This is usually a question that needs an answer or a sentence that needs to be completed. A correct answer earns 1 point; you can score 7 points in total.
  • Reading Skills Assessment. To complete the assignments, the student receives half an hour, during which he must complete the following exercises:
    • No. 10, in which you need to read 7 short texts and identify their correspondence with 8 proposed headings (one of the options will be incorrect). For the correct answer, 1 point is awarded, the maximum points for this exercise is 7;
    • No. 11 - the student will have to work with a text with six missing parts. There are 7 fragments to choose from. A correct answer adds 1 point. Thus, you can earn 6 points here;
    • No. 12-18 – you need to familiarize yourself with a fragment of an artistic or journalistic text and work with it. For each of the texts, questions are asked or unfinished sentences are given, to which you need to select answer options from four offered to choose from. Each task can earn 1 point, giving a total of 7 maximum points.
  • Vocabulary and grammar. This part is considered the most difficult, therefore it is here that graduates make the maximum number of mistakes in comparison with other parts of the KIM in English. 40 minutes are allotted to complete the work. The section includes the following tasks:
    • No. 19-25 - the student needs to read short texts with missing parts. Words should not just be inserted, but subjected to the correct transformation and the correct answer written down. In total, you can earn 1 point per answer, which gives a maximum of 7 points in total;
    • No. 26-31 - tasks related to the problems of word formation. In them, you need to familiarize yourself with the text in which omissions were made and identify which parts of speech were missed. Students must change one part of speech into another - for example, a noun into an adjective - and write the changed word on the form. The scoring principle is the same as in previous exercises – 1 point per answer, total score – 6;
    • No. 32-38 - tasks testing vocabulary knowledge. Here again you will have to work with texts in which omissions have been made. It's usually a word or a preposition. The correct answer can be selected from the proposed options. The correct answer gives you 1 point, you can score 7 points in total.
  • Assessment of writing skills. You have 80 minutes to complete the tasks. In this part you need to do the following exercises:
    • #39 is writing a personal letter of 100 to 140 words. You will have to do it in about 20 minutes (the time is recommended, but, as practice shows, whether you have time to complete all the tasks on the ticket depends on the proper distribution of time resources). In total, you can get 6 points for writing;
    • No. 40 - task in which you need to write an essay of 200 to 250 words according to the proposed plan and topic. The essay outline is standard and includes introductory part, presentation of one’s own opinion, supported by arguments, giving counter-opinions and counter-arguments, the final part. It is proposed to complete this task in an hour. You can get 14 points for it.

When passing English, you will not only have tests and essays, but also speaking!

What is included in the oral part of the exam?

Let us remind you that a separate day and time are allocated for passing the oral part. The oral exam takes only 15 minutes, but you will have to wait in line until you get into the classroom. The oral part includes the following tasks:

  1. The student is asked to read a short text aloud. You will be given one and a half minutes to familiarize yourself with the passage, and the same amount to voice it. You can get 1 point for this;
  2. The student needs to read a short text (usually of an advertising nature) for one and a half minutes, and then formulate 5 questions about it. No more than 20 seconds are allowed per question. The task is worth 5 maximum points;
  3. The high school student is offered three photographs, from which he chooses one. The task is to describe the photo according to the proposed plan. Let’s make a reservation right away: you shouldn’t think that here you can turn on your imagination and weave whatever your heart desires. Members of the commission do not welcome it when something is described that is not indicated in the figure, and they really do not like assumptions. One and a half minutes are allotted for preparation, another two are given for the story. Here you can earn 7 points;
  4. The student is asked to compare two photos, describing their similarities and pointing out the differences, as well as expressing his own opinion. Preparation takes the standard one and a half minutes, and the answer takes no more than 2 minutes. The maximum that can be obtained is 7 points.

Unified State Examination in English

The latest news suggests that the exam score is going to be transferred to the usual five-point system, and the results will be taken into account when marking the final certificate. This way, you can improve your school grades. According to help system transfer of points, in previous years they were distributed as follows.

Perhaps in 2017, the results of the Unified State Exam will affect your school certificate
  • 0-21 points mean unsatisfactory knowledge, that is, the mark “2”;
  • 22-58 points are translated into a mark of “3” - your command of English is satisfactory;
  • 59-83 points mean that your level of foreign language is not bad, and the score is “4”;
  • Those who know English perfectly (score “5”) earn 84 points and above.

To pass the exam, you need to try to score 22 points or higher. In total you can get 100 points. Let us also remind you that the procedure for conducting a foreign language exam does not provide for the presence of any additional materials - dictionaries, audio equipment, smartphones and other items that may cause your removal from the classroom.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English

To properly prepare for the exam, it is worth working through the demo versions of the 2017 tickets (they can be downloaded directly from our website - see the beginning of the article). This will help you better understand the structure and content of real KIMs, as well as prepare mentally for the Unified State Exam, so as not to waste precious time in the classroom. Almost all the wording contained in the task description is in English, so it’s worth translating in advance to prevent fatal errors during the exam itself.

To come to the exam fully prepared, solve the demo versions in advance

Remember to spend enough time listening. Not all schools teach students the ability to perceive information by ear. Regularly listen to audio books read by native speakers - such training will help you cope with this difficult task. It is also considered good practice to watch films or TV series with original dubbing.

Another problem is speaking. Among graduates, there are often those who do an excellent job with grammar, but score few points in the oral part. To practice this skill, experts recommend describing everything you see on the way to school, and also typing large number a variety of pictures and describe one per day.

  • General information about the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English.
  • Tips for preparing for each part.
  • Examples of tasks.

Speaking on the Unified State Exam - general information

The oral part of the Unified State Exam consists of several different tasks - tasks 41 - 44.

  • Task 41. Reading text aloud
  • Task 42. Conditional dialogue-questioning
  • Task 43. Coherent thematic monologue statement using basic communicative types of speech (description, narration, reasoning)
  • Task 44. A coherent thematic monologue statement - conveying the main content of what was seen with an expression of one’s attitude, assessment, argumentation (comparing two photographs)

The maximum number of points you can score for the oral part in English on the Unified State Exam is – 20 points.

1 point for reading, 5 points for dialogue and 7 points for each spoken statement.

Difficulty levels tasks in the oral part: basic for the first three and high for the last.

General lead time oral part of the work - 15 min.

Tips for preparing for each of the oral tasks on the Unified State Exam.

The oral part of the Unified State Exam is computerized, so you will not be able to influence the time in any way. You will be given exactly as much as is determined by the program limit, so even if you are ready to talk a lot and for a long time, you will have to speak exclusively to the point. While answering, you will also not have the opportunity to make written notes - speech must be spontaneous.

Necessarily– at the end of the exam, listen to your answer in full. If for some technical reason the entire answer or part of it was not recorded, you will be able to retake the oral part of the Unified State Exam.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the program interface for the oral part of the exam. You can do this here - Practice, learn to control the timing of speaking.


You will have 1.5 minutes to prepare and exactly the same amount to read the texts. Don't worry, this time will be enough for you. Below in the article are sample texts for reading on the oral part of the Unified State Exam.

Try to pronounce all words correctly, and also be sure to observe intonation. As you prepare, look to see if the text contains question marks or exclamation marks. Pause at commas and periods.

Use intonation to highlight important words that carry more meaning.

Don't worry if you make a pronunciation mistake while reading. In order to get 1 point (maximum) for this task, you need to make no more than 5 phonetic errors, with no more than 2 gross ones. Gross errors include those that interfere with the understanding of a word.


In this task you will need to react to what is happening and ask questions. Yes, yes! The important thing here is to be able to ask questions. So be sure to repeat all types of questions, and especially special questions , since basically, you will be asking exactly them. You will need to ask 5 questions, each of which will be worth 1 point. In order to get this point you need to formulate a question that is grammatically correct.

Do not try to make the question lexically rich - this will not be assessed additionally. Don't overthink it - do everything simply and confidently. It is perfectly acceptable to use questions of the same type.

Remember that the person reviewing your questions will be reviewing the last one. Therefore, if you made a mistake, you can ask the question again and correct it.


You will need to choose one of three personal photographs and describe it according to the proposed plan. You are given 1.5 minutes to prepare, the answer should consist of 12 – 15 sentences and take no more than 2 minutes.

What is important to get maximum points?

  • 1 – solve a communicative problem (that is, tell what is required in the plan). If you do not solve the communication problem, then no matter how well you speak, you will still receive 0 points for this USE task.
  • 2 – use at least 12 phrases (3 points are given for this)
  • 3 – be sure to make an introduction and conclusion (2 points)
  • 4 – make a minimum of mistakes (2 points)

Try to strictly follow the plan proposed to you.

The answer should begin with the phrase I’ve chosen photo number..., as indicated in the assignment, but this phrase will not be considered introductory.

Examples of opening phrases:

  • I’d like to show you a picture from my photo album.
  • Would you like to have a look at this picture?

Examples of closing phrases:

  • I hope you liked my picture.
  • I guess that’s all I can tell you about this photo.

To some extent, you can prepare at home. Think about how to tell where and when the photo was taken, why you decided to take the photo, why you decided to show this particular photo.

In a story about a photograph you cannot do without using expressions thereis /thereare- so be sure to repeat this rule.

Also repeat the Present Continuous tense; you can hardly do without using it.

Use phrases:

  • the picture,
  • in the background
  • in the foreground,
  • to the left/right,
  • in the center,
  • to take a picture



When completing this task, you will need to compare 2 photographs (pictures) according to the proposed plan. The photos will show 2 ways of the same thing. You will have 1.5 minutes to prepare and 2 minutes to answer.

The task is graded in exactly the same way as the previous one:

  • Using at least 12 phrases – 3 points
  • There is an introduction and conclusion – 2 points
  • Few or no errors – 2 points

If the communicative task is not solved (you did not compare the pictures according to the plan), then you receive 0 points.

Examples of introductory phrases.

  • I’d like to compare and contrast these two pictures for you.
  • Let me talk about these two pictures for you., etc.

Examples of closing phrases:

  • That’s all I wanted to tell you about these two pictures.
  • I hope I’ve managed to complete the task., etc.

You may also need the following cliches:

  • As for the similarities between the two pictures, ...
  • However, there are some differences between these pictures.,
  • I’d personally prefer shopping online, etc.

Examples of tasks for the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English.

Examples of texts for reading - TASK 41.

Geography is the study of the Earth and its features, its inhabitants, and its phenomena. The word geography comes from Greek. It means “to write and draw about the Earth”. Geography studies continents, seas, rivers and mountains. It deals with all the people and animals that live on the Earth. It is interested in the things that happen on the Earth like tides, winds, and earthquakes. A person who is an expert in geography is a geographer. A geographer tries to underst and the world and the things that are in it, how they started and how they have changed. Geographers need to know a lot about maps because maps are very important for understanding geography.

Geography is divided into two main parts called physical geography and human geography. Physical geography studies the natural environment and human geography studies the human environment. Human geography studies include things such as the population in a country, a country’s economy and so on.

Astronomy is the study of the universe and everything in it. This includes stars, planets and galaxies as well as other things. The word astronomy comes from two Greek words. The first means star and the second means slaw. A person who studies astronomy is called an astronomer.

Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Ancient people used the positions of the stars to navigate, and to find when was the best time to plant crops. Astronomy is very similar to astrophysics. Since the 20th century there have been two main types of astronomy, observational and theoretical astronomy. Observational astronomy uses telescopes and cameras to look at stars, galaxies and other astronomical objects. Theoretical astronomy uses maths and computer models to predict what should happen. The two often work together, the theoretical predicts what should happen and the observational shows whether the prediction works

Examples of tasks for constructing a conditional dialogue-questioning - TASK 42.

Example 1. Study the advertisement.

You are considering visiting the exhibition and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

  • opening hours
  • number of exhibits
  • if one can take photos
  • admission fee
  • group discounts

Example 2.

You are considering visiting the museum and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

  • location
  • opening hours
  • transportation
  • guided tours
  • if a visitor can have lunch there

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

An example of tasks for composing a monologue statement is TASK 43.

These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with:

“I’ve chosen photo number...”.

An example of tasks for composing a monologue statement is TASK 44.

Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which of the professions presented in the pictures you’d prefer
  • explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.


Are you taking the Unified State Exam in English? This means that you need to master such a difficult section as speaking, or the oral part. These are tasks C3, C4, C5 and C6 in the Unified State Exam version. It is in these tasks that graduates make the most mistakes.

We have prepared for you two real Unified State Exam tests in English and examples of how to perform these tests. Each of them contains 4 tasks. On this page - Test 1

Task C3 - reading.

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Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Many lands that had once been swamps were drained or filled in. There are different reasons why people drained swamplands. Some were drained to fight diseases caused by insects that lived in them. Because swamps were considered unpleasant places in which to live and harmful to health, many people thought that unless they were drained the land was worthless.

Other swamps were drained to make new land. As the population grew and more land was needed, people drained swamps or filled them to make room for more farms and factories, more roads and airports.

Few people thought that it might be harmful to get rid of swamps. As swamps disappeared, other things happened. There were both more floods and more droughts than before. There were also more fires, for swamps had acted as firebreaks. Hunters noticed that there was less wild game. Wild life that once lived in the swamps was dying out, because it had no place to live.

Task C4 – make up questions.

Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are going to visit Japan this summer and you’d like to have more information about the flights to Japan. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five questions to find out the following:

1) departure dates
2) travel time
3) return ticket price
4) discounts for students
5) buying the ticket online
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

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Example of completing a task:
1. What are the days of departures? (What are departure dates?)
2. How long will it take to travel?
3. How much does the return ticket cost? (What is the price of the return ticket?,
How much is the return ticket?)
4. Do you offer any discounts for students? (Are there any discounts for students available?)
5. Is it possible to book the ticket online?

Task C5 – description of one picture.

Task 3. Imagine that you are showing pictures of your pets to your friend. Choose one photo to present to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously. In your talk remember to speak about:
when you took the photo
what/who is in the photo
what is happening
why you took the photo
why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Don’t forget to start with “I have chosen photo number...”

Example of completed task C5:

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I have chosen photo number 1.
To begin with, people keep pets for different reasons. They make our lives more exciting and become the members of our family. They can also be our closest friends forever.

I took this photo last summer in our country house. We have got several pets and this dog is among them. All our pets are friendly and cute creatures.
Let me tell you a few words about this photo. In the background you can see a wonderful Russian landscape. In the foreground there is a wonderful lawn framed with lovely birches and bushes. In the center you can see my elder sister Sveta and our dog Snowflake. We called him so because he is as white and fluffy as snow.
The weather is fine, sunny and warm. Snowflake likes to go for a walk very much. In the photo Sveta is telling him something to keep him calm. You can’t see me as I am taking the photo.
Taking this photo I wanted to start a collection of our pets’ pictures and to display it on the wall in our living room. Besides, the photos will always remind us of our pets.
I decided to show this picture to you because you told me a lot about your dog. Now it’s my turn to give you the first impression of my pet. Isn’t he friendly and cute?
I believe when you come to our place, Snowflake will accept you as his best friend.
That is all I wanted to tell you about this photo.

Task C6 – comparing and contrasting two photographs.

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
Give a brief description (action, location)
say what the pictures have in common
say in what way the pictures are different
say which kind of life you’d prefer
explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.

Example of completed task C6:

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In our modern world some jobs are very important for our society.
Here are two pictures to compare and contrast on the topic. This is a photo of a man doing his job outside and that is a photo of a policeman standing on the side of the road.
These two pictures show jobs and this is the first similarity. The people in both pictures are wearing uniforms, and that is also what these pictures have in common. The weather is rather warm.
However, the pictures are somehow different. The main difference is that in picture one we can see a worker, while in picture two there is a traffic policeman. Also, their actions are different: the worker is paving a sidewalk and the policeman is on duty watching the traffic on the road.
As far as I am concerned, the job of a traffic policeman (cop) is more important for the society because people of this profession are responsible for our safety and order on the roads. Besides, they control all drivers to keep and obey traffic rules. It is very important for all drivers and passengers’ lives.
I’ve come to the end of my speaking. Thank you for listening.



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