Kryon: who is this? American writer Lee Carroll: biography and photos

  • The famous Kryon in his new book talks about the most pressing problem of the near future of the whole world. What awaits us beyond the threshold of the mysterious date - 2012. indicated and the ancient Mayan calendar? How will the world around us change and how should we ourselves change in order to find a place for ourselves in it? What is the meaning of the next cosmic lesson that life itself will teach us? Kryon gives clear and interesting answers to all these questions. Together with Kryon, Mary Magdalene and the Hathors, well known to followers of channeling, discuss the future tasks of civilization.
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    • This book contains dozens of the most interesting questions that Kryon has answered through its website over the past few years. Now these questions and answers are available to Lightworkers who do not read English. Read and find out the opinion of the “angel from the Magnetic Service” on a variety of subjects - from abortion to paganism and from 11:11 to 2012. And you will understand a lot more in his wise and paradoxical books!
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    • Indigo children - bright, lively, strong and cheerful - have become a symbol of a new time, an era of growing awareness and revealing the inner strengths of man. Over the past ten years, the Indigo Children have grown into teenagers. They finish their studies and are faced with a new problem: how to find themselves in adulthood. They solve it in different ways: sometimes with ease, and sometimes unconventionally. Indigo children are internally free, they know no fear, but not all of them have found their place in this world. This book will tell you what happens to Indigos, why they act this way and not otherwise, how we can help them survive the difficult adolescence - after all, Indigos have it doubly difficult during these years!
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    • Since 1989, an angel named Kryon has been transmitting very wise and practical spiritual teachings through a man named Lee Carroll. The Kryon Messages are published in ten books. Fifty inspiring sayings from these books, selected and lightly paraphrased by Lee Carroll and his associates, are presented in these "Kryon Maps." You can use them whenever and as much as you want. These maps do not constitute any system; This is not an “oracle” or an analogue of Tarot cards. Each of them is a separate and independent message from the Spirit to you personally! Kryon cards were created as a tool whose purpose is to spiritually support you every day. This is an important part of the work of the Kryon team, since the manifestation of a new, better reality on Earth begins with everyone.
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    American writer Lee Carroll was chosen as the hero of this material. The biography of this person, as well as his main works, will be discussed below. We will talk about an esotericist, a metaphysician, a lecturer and a writer who considers himself a medium. He is one of the creators and also the main popularizers of the concept of “indigo children”. Also worked with the concept of channeling.


    Lee Carroll was educated at Western University in California. His specialty is business and economics. Then he worked as a film sound engineer for about 30 years. Mainly worked with orchestras. He claims that for four years he telepathically heard and felt a voice in his head. However, at first I was very frightened by this phenomenon. Later he became convinced of the goodness of the “voice” and publicly stated that through it he spoke to earthlings, and perhaps angelic power. This phenomenon is identified by the writer as Kryon. In this case we are talking about a higher or “angelic” being who has been present on Earth from its very beginning.


    Writer Lee Carroll talks about the entity, which is also attributed to public seances conducted personally by the author around the world. Most of the literature created by the writer is devoted to this phenomenon. The author emphasizes that Kryon simultaneously communicates with some other earthlings. “The Voice,” according to our hero, seeks to ensure the transition of humanity to a higher energy level.

    Indigo children

    You already know who the writer Lee Carroll is. His creative path is also connected with a number of books that the author dedicated to indigo children. In them he speaks about the high spiritual potential of the new generation. The author popularizes his theory under the term "New Age". Twelve of his works are devoted mainly to Kryon messages. They have been translated into more than 10 languages. In 1995, the writer was invited to speak to the United Nations working group “Society of Education”. The 2002 film Indigo is based on the author's books.

    Now let's discuss in more detail what Lee Carroll talks about in his works. In the book "End Times" Kryon introduces itself. He announces himself, claiming that he is a being superior to humans in abilities and capabilities. He emphasizes that he created the magnetic field of planet Earth. Kryon sets out the foundations of the universe, talks about other worlds, as well as civilizations that, in his opinion, coexist on Earth with humans.

    “The Voice” talks about the idea of ​​reincarnation, several human lives, provides a rationale for the concept of karma, and talks about the various hidden abilities that a person has. According to him, they can be realized by activating your DNA. Kryon warns of various negative changes expected on Earth. “The Voice” calls on all participants in the session to “change their consciousness,” enter into a conversation with invisible “mentors,” preach a new teaching, and apply “magnetic energy.”

    Kryon claims that a prosperous and safe life awaits its listeners. To achieve it, it is necessary to abandon the traditions of ancestors and attachment to the past. On the long journey, some adherents of the teaching are likely to experience psychological problems and may be left without family, profession and friends.

    Kryon conducts special meditation lessons. During one of the sessions, “The Voice” states that the people present in the audience once lived on Atlantis, and they died with it. Kryon warns of danger. According to him, during the transition to a new stage of development, many people will die. He calls for the fight for a clean environment. “The Voice” calls Jesus Christ the spiritual teacher of humanity. According to the Voice, people suffer not according to the will of God. This happens by their own decision made before birth. Kryon allegorically denies the existence of the devil and evil.

    Another book is called "Don't Think Like a Man." In it, Kryon encourages the use of all kinds of esoteric practices, as he claims their usefulness. In particular, he mentions mediums, shamans, reading books of yogis, studying the chakras and aura, fortune telling using Tarot cards and runes, and astrology. Kryon talks about spirit contactors and mediums that are associated with them, and also explains why the predictions of the American Indians and Nostradamus are not destined to come true.


    Lee Carroll devoted the bulk of his books to developing the theme of “Kryon”. In particular, he is the author of the following works: “The Last Times”, “Don’t Think Like a Man”, “Alchemy of the Human Spirit”, “Parables”, “The Journey Home”, “Partnership with God”, “Letters”, “Passing the Milestone” , "A New Beginning", "The Commandment", "Lifting the Veil", "The Great Shift", "Act or Wait?", "The Lightworker's Book", "20 Years", "Twelve Layers of DNA", "Recalibrating Humanity", " Answers to any question." Now you know who Lee Carroll is and what his core concepts are.

    Twenty-six-year-old Gareth James, a jewelry designer, and her father Roman live in Manhattan. They own an art gallery, but the financial crisis in the art world has not spared them - they are facing complete ruin. Full of heavy thoughts after a meeting with a lawyer, Gareth accidentally walks into an antique shop, the owner of which asks the girl for a favor - to open a sealed silver box. Gareth agrees, but that was not the case!..

    Like many other books that appeared at this time, this work is dedicated to the new millennium. The title "Passing the Line" is Kryon's description of our movement into the new energy of the year 2000, which has been a subject discussed by Kryon for almost 11 years.
    If you purchased this book after 2000, you can be sure that it will be important to current events

    Lee Carroll, Jen Tober - Indigo Celebration

    The main purpose of this book is to offer material both for entertainment and for deep reflection on education. We want the book to help you understand the real experiences of these children; on the other hand, we hope that you will smile more than once while reading it.

    Lee Carroll graduated from Western University in California with a degree in business and economics, after which he spent nearly thirty years as a film sound engineer, working primarily with orchestras. According to him, for four years he telepathically felt and heard a voice in his head, but at first he was too frightened by this phenomenon. Finally, convinced of the goodness of the “voice,” he publicly stated (1989) that through him a certain astral entity or angelic force speaks to earthlings. This voice is identified by Lee Carroll as Kryon, a supreme or "angelic" being from a "higher dimension", a disembodied being who has been present on Earth "from the beginning." This creature is credited with talks given by Lee Carroll and much of the literature (printed and online) written by him. Lee Carroll claims that Kryon communicates with a number of other earthlings at the same time. Kryon, according to Lee Carroll, seeks to promote “the ascension of humanity to a higher energy level.”

    Lee Carroll has written several books dedicated to the so-called. “Indigo Children,” where he talks about the high spiritual potential of the new generation of children. Lee Carroll is the main popularizer of this term New Age. Twelve of his books are dedicated to Kryon messages and have been translated into more than ten languages ​​of the world. In 1995, Lee Carroll was invited to speak to the UN working group Society for Enlightenment and Transformation (S.E.A.T.). The first invitation was followed by repeated invitations in 1996, 1998, 2005 and 2006. The 2002 film Indigo is based on Lee Carroll's books.

    Lee Carroll; USA;

    Lee Carroll's books in the esoteric genre gained wide popularity in America back in the early 90s. Subsequently, his teachings spread throughout the world, and Lee Carroll himself became quite a famous person. Just look at the invitation of Lee Carroll to report to the UN organization. Moreover, there were as many as six of these reports, the last one in 2009.

    Biography of Lee Carroll

    Very little is known about Lee Carroll’s personal life, because the author of the doctrine prefers not to talk about it. It is known for certain that the writer graduated from Western University in California. Then he worked for a long time as a sound engineer in Hollywood, but it was his esoteric teaching that brought him fame.

    According to Lee Carroll himself, higher beings began to dialogue with him a long time ago. But he was worried that it was a spiritual disorder and hid it for a long time. The voices in Carroll's head introduced themselves as Kryon and preached stages of spiritual enlightenment to Lee. Carroll himself did not believe in their reality until the spirit hit him “between the eyes to prove its reality. In this, Lee Carroll's teachings are very similar to the teachings, but in other respects they are very different.

    This was a turning point in Carroll's life. Over the next twelve years, he publishes 16 books of his teaching, and he himself begins to travel first to cities in the United States, and then around the world, bringing it to people. Russia also did not stand aside and in 2012 Lee Carroll visited our country. At the moment, Lee Carroll's books have been translated into more than 24 languages ​​of the world, this is only slightly less than the books of another esoteric teacher. Moreover, the total circulation exceeds one million copies, and there are spiritual mentors of his teachings in almost all countries of the world.

    Books by Lee Carroll on the Top books website

    The books of the Kryon series by Lee Carroll are very popular in our country. After all, they provide answers to many questions of humanity, and the teaching itself is quite popular. This popularity of Kraen's book to read allowed this series by Lee Carroll to take a high place among. And at the same time occupy one of the leading positions. At the same time, it is worth noting that recently there has been a certain increase in the popularity of Kryon books.



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