How to change css properties using js. Dynamic styling - CSS control with JavaScript. The classList property. Adding a new class to an element

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Trade secret. The sailors have no questions,” Malyuta responded. Stepa looked at him strangely. Exactly three hours later Captain Lebedkin called. Why do you need my life? Saved? - he asked menacingly. - So that you get involved in politics. I... - Styopa began. “Don’t piss,” the captain said cheerfully. - Kidding.

Wish. Then go ahead, . Chapaev said, rising from behind the ecstasy hotel. Having left the headquarters car, we went to the rear of the train. What was happening seemed increasingly strange to me. Several of the carriages we passed were dark and seemed to be. Empty. There was no light anywhere; Not a single sound could be heard from behind the doors. I could hardly believe that behind the walnut panels, in the polished surface of which the light of Chapaev’s cigar was reflected. The red soldiery is sleeping, but I tried not to reflect on this.

By 2003, Japanese specialists. It was possible to develop a set of several microprobes that directly connected the brain and made it possible, to some extent, to objectify the picture of human perception. The Japanese equipment could not determine what exactly the person being observed felt and thought. But it made it possible to get a color (albeit blurry) image of what he vape hydra. And not only in reality, but also in the rapid phase of sleep. This became possible because the signal was taken not from the optical nerve, but from those zones. Brains that are responsible for direct representation. The equipment was immediately purchased by Potashinsky's team. The signal from a set of probes implanted in the brain could be transmitted wirelessly. Connections that allowed the bablonaut to lead a normal life, not in any way constrained by participation in the experiment. It was only necessary that a signal receiver be located somewhere nearby. Which then transmitted information to the computer in real time. Briefly, the scheme of Potashinsky's experiments looked like this: First, a set of control electrodes was implanted into the brain of the bablonaut-experimenter (volunteers, as usual, were selected from among young FSB officers for this role).

WITH dead center. Listen, brother,” he said, “what kind of nature is this?” What are you talking about? - Isa asked. Well, you said in the car that the shrapnel-fragmentation body has the same nature as the rainbow body. And what kind of nature is this? You better not ask about this. Brother,” Isa frowned. Why. You're not ready for this yet. How not ready. And amphetamine and marijuana at the same time. If I were ready, I wouldn’t ask. So you can answer. Or.

Soon. asked. Buy hashish in Vladivostok now, I said, here... Somebody is picky. A lover might be offended that he is not allowed further than the network hallway. But Porfiry is not like that. The first thing I did was connect to her ogment glasses. Good, she said. What sideburns... Meanwhile, I’m putting a picture of the glasses on the panel. Morphing it with a view from the ceiling camera. Ifak ​​raised any morphs without straining his power. It was monstrous. Now Mara saw me in her ogment glasses in the place of the aifak and at the same time could observe.

A developed cipher. Sometimes he noted that he was again tormented by recurring dreams according to scheme 1. Or according to scheme 2. And suddenly, in open text, like an escaping cry: Dreamed smoking mixes around the clock, killed by me in childhood... A voice behind the screen. He fell silent. What is she doing? - Sam asked. “I fell asleep,” Natasha answered. Sam gently stroked the prickly tip of her abdomen and leaned back on the sofa. Natasha swallowed quietly. Sam pulled the case on the floor towards him, opened it, and took out a small glass case. The jar, he spat red into it, screwed it on and threw it back - this whole operation took him smoking mixes around the clock seconds. “You know, Natasha,” he said.

After that he hashish saint Hey, Tatarsky. No answer. Tatarsky waited another minute and realized that he was left alone. Alone with his mind ready to go wild. I urgently needed to occupy myself with something. Call, he whispered. - To whom. Gireev. He knows what to do. For a long time. No one answered the phone. Finally, on the fifteenth or twentieth ring, Gireev responded gloomily: Hello. Andryusha.

No, he said. There is a man sitting in a locked room who does not know Chinese. They give him notes with questions in Chinese through the window. For him, these are just pieces of paper with squiggles drawn on them, the meaning of which he does not understand. But his room is full of different books. Rules that describe in detail how and in what sequence to answer with just squiggles. And he, acting according to these rules, gives answers in Chinese in another window. They create complete confidence in everyone standing outside that he knows Chinese. Although he himself does not understand at all what they are asking him about. Address hydra onion browser what is the meaning of his answers. Introduced. Well, I introduced it. Sura is the same Chinese room, only automated. Instead of a person with reference books, there is a scanner that reads hieroglyphs. A huge database of references and rules that allow you to select hieroglyphs for the answer.

Ironically, this is what brought me clarity. At least in practical terms. I realized the problem I was facing. It's not just complex, it's elusive. It was difficult to even correctly formulate the questions related to it. The only consolation seemed to be How to find the Hydra website in tore language, things are just as slippery. With human consciousness. I was unable to deal with this. And I decided that the best way out of the situation would be to return. To business as usual, leaving existential exercises for later or forgetting about them.

Soon the road led to a rich village with a freshly painted white church. A sad, one-legged soldier in a faded gray uniform sat near the church fence. You don’t know where Optina Pustyn is. asked T., bending towards him from his horse. This is what guys talk about. asked the soldier. Which was recently set up as an establishment. I decided that the serviceman was out of his mind. How this place was recently set up. Which means, in any case, everything is straight, your honor, said the soldier and Hydra roulette hand, you will still be far away. There are only two roads here, and both go in one direction. Take the first route, or the second. If you want a shorter route, then through the forest. There is a fork there, so you can take either side.

And other grimaces, which I think you’ve heard a lot about... Lena didn’t understand what kind of dad-mom fool eighteen was (the young man muttered these words quickly and quietly), but immediately forgot about it - she suddenly wanted to take a sip to such an extent twenty thousand euros worth of wine that her mouth watered. A quiet sigh passed through the hall, confirming that those gathered had not just heard about grimaces. And we managed to the smallest details study all the information available about them. IN lately Western intelligence services have launched a real hunt for our rich klutzes,” the young man continued. - You've heard, of course, about the big scandals address of hydra onion tk okey site hydra in torus arrests: first Courchevel, then Fiji, then the Hermes boutique, and now Saint Moritz, the Maldives and Antarctica. The campaign is carefully planned and has two main goals - first, to discredit. Russian civilization - to establish control over its resources by collecting compromising evidence on the owners of its main assets. Our elite has become a target, and the objective reality of the current point in space-time is such that. We became targets with her. Frowning, he fell silent, as if giving his listeners the opportunity to realize the seriousness of the situation. Then the sad smile returned to his face and he continued: We must keep the situation under control.

She grinned. At least you don’t have to pretend to be offended innocence in front of your own people. About what. When I provoked him. When she jumped out naked from Hydra onion entrance and stood in front of him doggy style. You consider this a provocation. Certainly. Why, I wonder, did you turn your back to him? I shrugged. For reliability. What's especially reliable about this? The tail is closer to the target,” I said, not entirely confidently. Well. And you have to look over your shoulder.

Third montal vanilla ecstasy as follows: To His Excellency O. Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev, official. I hereby transmit to Your Excellency a translation of an ancient Egyptian inscription. A sheet of gold leaf found in a medallion montal vanilla ecstasy the corpse of Father Varsonofiy Netrebko as part of the investigation into the case of Count T. According to specialists from the Egyptian Museum, the outline of the hieroglyphs allows us to date the text to the era of the 18th dynasty or a slightly later time. The inscription reads: The secret name of the hermaphrodite with a cat's head, which gives power over him, is the essence. ANGC. If you can control a hermaphrodite with this name. Fine. Translators that ANGC can also be translated as the traditional BHGV (or otherwise, depending on the choice of correspondence tables when using hieroglyphic registers). The medallion itself, however, cannot be transferred to Your Excellency despite your request.

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Interoperability between JavaScript and CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a standard for the visual presentation of HTML documents. Cascading style sheets are designed for use by designers: they allow you to precisely define fonts, colors, margins, alignment, border options, and even the coordinates of elements in a document.

But they are also of interest to programmers writing in client-side JavaScript because they allow animation effects, such as document contents fading out from the right edge, for example, or lists collapsing and expanding, allowing the user to control how much content is displayed. information.

Managing Inline Styles

The easiest way to control CSS styles is to manipulate the style attribute of individual document elements. Like most HTML attributes, the style attribute corresponds to a property of the same name on the Element object and can be manipulated in JavaScript scripts. However, the style property has one distinctive feature: Its value is not a string, but a CSSStyleDeclaration object. The properties of this object represent the CSS properties defined in the HTML style attribute.

For example, to display the contents of the text element e in a large, bold font blue, you can do the following to write the desired values ​​to the properties that correspond to the font-size, font-weight, and color style properties: = "24px"; = "bold"; = "blue";

When working with the style properties of a CSSStyleDeclaration object, remember that all values ​​must be specified as strings. In a style sheet or style attribute you can write:

Position: absolute; font-family: sans-serif; background-color: #ffffff;

To do the same for the e element in JavaScript, you need to enclose all values ​​in quotes: = "absolute"; = "sans-serif"; = "#ffffff";

Note that semicolons are not included in string values. These are semicolons used in JavaScript syntax. Semicolons used in CSS style sheets are not needed in string values ​​set with using JavaScript.

Also, remember that all positioning properties must include units of measure. That is: = 300; // Incorrect: this is a number, not a string = "300"; // Incorrect: missing units = "300px"; // Right

Units are required when setting style properties in JavaScript - the same as when setting style properties in style sheets.

Many CSS style properties, such as font-size, contain a hyphen in their names. JavaScript interprets a hyphen as a minus sign, so the following expression cannot be written: = "24px"; // Syntax error!

Thus, the names of the properties of the CSSStyleDeclaration object are slightly different from the names of the actual CSS properties. If a CSS property name contains hyphens, the CSSStyleDeclaration object's property name is constructed by removing the hyphens and capitalizing the letter immediately following each one. In other words, the border-left-width CSS property is accessed through the borderLeftWidth property, and the font-family CSS property can be accessed through the fontFamily property.

Additionally, when a CSS property, such as float, has a name that matches a JavaScript reserved word, the name is prefixed with "css" to create a valid CSSStyleDeclaration object property name. That is, to read or change the value of an element's CSS float property, you should use the cssFloat property of the CSSStyleDeclaration object.

An HTML element's style attribute is its inline style, and it overrides any style rules in the CSS sheet. Inline styles are generally convenient to use for setting style values, and this is the approach used in all the examples above. Scripts can read the properties of a CSSStyleDeclaration object representing inline styles, but they return meaningful values ​​only if they were previously set by a JavaScript script or if the HTML element has an inline style attribute that sets the desired properties.

For example, a document might include a style sheet that sets the left margin for all paragraphs to 30 pixels, but reading the leftMargin property of one of these elements will return an empty line unless that paragraph has a style attribute that overrides the value set by the style sheet.

Reading an element's inline style is particularly challenging when reading style properties that have units and shorthand notation properties: the script must include a sophisticated implementation of CSS style string parsing to allow the values ​​to be extracted and used. In general, the inline element style is convenient to use only for setting styles.

Sometimes it is easier to read or write a single line into an element's inline style than to access the CSSStyleDeclaration object. To do this, you can use the getAttribute() and setAttribute() methods of the Element object or the cssText property of the CSSStyleDeclaration object:

// Both statements below set the style attribute // of the e element to the string s: e.setAttribute("style", s); = s; // Both statements below get the value of the e element's style attribute // as a string: s = e.getAttribute("style"); s =;

Creating Animation Effects Using CSS

One of the most common uses of CSS is in rendering visual animation effects. You can implement them using the setTimeout() or setInterval() methods, using them to organize multiple calls to a function that changes the inline style of an element.

// Makes element e relatively positionable and moves it left and right. // The first argument can be the element object or the value of the id attribute of the // desired element. If you pass a function as the second argument, it will be called with e // as an argument when the animation finishes playing. The third argument determines // the offset value of the element e. Defaults to 5 pixels. // The fourth argument determines how long the effect should play. // By default the effect lasts 500ms. function shake(e, oncomplete, distance, time) ( // Process arguments if (typeof e === "string") e = document.getElementByld(e); if (!time) time = 500; if (!distance) distance = 5; var originalStyle =; // Save the original style = "relative"; // Make it relative. var start = (new Date()).getTime(); / Remember the start of the animation animate(); // Start the animation // This function checks the elapsed time and changes the coordinates of e. // If it is time to end the animation, it restores the initial state // of the element e. Otherwise, it changes the coordinates of e and schedules its next call. function animate() ( var now = (new Date()).getTime(); // Get the current time var elapsed = now-start; // How much time has passed since the beginning? var fraction = elapsed / time; // Fraction of required time? if (fraction

Both shake() and fadeOut() take an optional callback function as their second argument. If this function is specified, it will be called when the animation effect has finished playing. The element to which the animation effect was applied will be passed to the callback function as an argument. The following HTML markup creates a button that, when clicked, produces a shake effect and then a dissolve effect:

Click me!

Notice how similar the shake() and fadeOut() functions are to each other. They both can serve as templates for implementing similar animation effects using CSS properties.

Computed Styles

The element's style property specifies the element's inline style. It has an advantage over all style sheets and can be successfully used to set CSS properties to change the visual appearance of an element. However, in general there is no point in calling it when you want to know the actual styles applied to an element. What is required in this case is called computed style.

An element's computed style is the set of property values ​​that the browser has obtained (or calculated) from the inline style and all the rules from all style sheets that apply to the element: it is the set of properties actually used when rendering the element. Like inline styles, computed styles are represented by a CSSStyleDeclaration object. However, unlike inline styles, computed styles are read-only. These styles cannot be changed, but the computed CSSStyleDeclaration object allows you to know exactly the values ​​of the style properties that the browser used when rendering the corresponding element.

You can get the computed style of an element using the getComputedStyle() method of the Window object. The first argument to this method is the element whose calculated style you want to return. The second argument is required and usually passes null or the empty string, but it can also pass a string with a CSS pseudo-element name such as "::before", "::after", ":first-line" or " :first-letter":

Var title = document.getElementById("section1title"); var titlestyles = window.getComputedStyle(element, null);

The return value of the getComputedStyle() method is a CSSStyleDeclaration object representing all styles applied to the specified element (or pseudo-element). There are many significant differences between the CSSStyleDeclaration objects that represent inline styles and computed styles:

    Computed style properties are read-only.

    Calculated style properties have absolute values: relative units of measure, such as percentages and points, are converted to absolute values. Any property that specifies size (such as margin width or font size) will have a value expressed in pixels. That is, its value will be a string with the suffix "px", so you will need to parse it, but you won't have to worry about defining and converting units. Property values ​​that define color will be returned in the format "rgb(#,#,#)" or "rgba(#,#,#,#)".

    Properties that are shorthand notation are not evaluated - only the fundamental properties on which they are based. For example, you should not try to get the value of the margin property, but instead access the properties marginLeft, marginTop, etc.

    The cssText property of the computed style is not defined.

Working with computed styles can be quite tricky, and accessing them may not always return the information you expect. Consider the font-family property as an example: it accepts a comma-separated list of font family names for compatibility. When reading the fontFamily property of a computed style, you are waiting for the value of the most specific font-family style applied to the element. And in this case, a value such as “arial, helvetica, sans-serif” may be returned, which does not say anything about the typeface of the actual font used.

Managing Style Sheets

So far we've seen how to set and get CSS style property values ​​and individual element classes. However, there is also the possibility of manipulating the CSS style sheets themselves. This is usually not necessary, but it can sometimes be useful, and this section will briefly outline possible techniques.

When working with style sheets themselves, you'll encounter two types of objects. The first type is Element objects, which represent elements and that contain or reference style sheets. These are normal document elements, and if you define an id attribute on them, you can select them using the document.getElementById() method.

The second type of object is CSSStyleSheet objects, which represent the style sheets themselves. The document.styleSheets property returns a read-only array-like object containing CSSStyleSheet objects representing the document's style sheets. If you define a title attribute on an or element that defines or references a style sheet, that object will be available as a property of the CSSStyleSheet object with the name specified in the title attribute.

The following sections describe what operations can be performed on these elements and stylesheet objects.

Turning style sheets on or off

The simplest technique for working with style sheets is also the most portable and reliable. Elements and CSSStyleSheet objects define a disabled property that can be read and written by JavaScript scripts. As its name suggests, if the disabled property is set to true, the stylesheet is disabled and will be ignored by the browser.

This is clearly demonstrated by the disableStylesheet() function below. If you give it a number, it will interpret it as an index into the document.styleSheets array. If you pass it a string, it will interpret it as a CSS selector, pass it to the document.querySelectorAll() method, and set the disabled property of all received elements to true:

Function disableStylesheet(ss) ( if (typeof ss === "number") document.styleSheets.disabled = true; else ( var sheets = document.querySelectorAll(ss); for(var i = 0; i

Getting, inserting, and removing rules from style sheets

In addition to the ability to enable or disable style sheets, the CSSStyleSheet object also defines an API for retrieving, inserting, and removing style rules from style sheets. IE8 and earlier versions implement a slightly different API than the standard one implemented by other browsers.

In general, directly manipulating style sheets is rarely useful. Rather than adding new rules to style sheets, it is usually better to leave them static and work with the element's className property. However, if you want to give the user full control over a web page's style sheets, you may need to implement dynamic style sheet manipulation.

CSSStyleSheet objects are stored in the document.styleSheets array. The CSSStyle Sheet object has a cssRules property that stores an array of style rules:

Var firstRule = document.styleSheets.cssRules;

In IE this property is called rules, not cssRules.

The elements of the cssRules or rules array are CSSRule objects. In the standard API, a CSSRule object can represent any type of CSS rule, including @rules such as @import and @page directives. However, in IE, the rules array can only contain the actual stylesheet rules.

The CSSRule object has two properties that can be used in a portable way. (In the standard API, non-style rules do not have these properties, so you may need to skip them when traversing the style sheet.) The selectorText property is the CSS selector for the rule, and the style property is a reference to a writable CSSStyleDeclaration object that describes the styles associated with this selector. As a reminder, CSSStyleDeclaration is the same type that is used to represent inline and computed styles.

The CSSStyleDeclaration object can be used to read existing or create new styles in rules. Often, when traversing a style sheet, it is the text of the rule itself that is of interest, not the parsed representation of it. In this case, you can use the cssText property of the CSSStyleDeclaration object, which contains the rules in the text representation.

In addition to the ability to retrieve and modify existing style sheet rules, you have the ability to add rules to and remove rules from the style sheet. The standard application interface defines insertRule() and deleteRule() methods that allow you to add and remove rules:

Document.styleSheets.insertRule("H1 ( text-weight: bold; )", 0);

The IE browser does not support the insertRule() and deleteRule() methods, but it defines addRule() and removeRule() functions that are almost equivalent to them. The only significant difference (besides the function names) is that addRule() expects to receive the selector and style as text in two separate arguments.

Creating New Style Sheets

Finally, you can create completely new style sheets and add them to your document. In most browsers, this operation is performed using standard techniques implemented in the DOM: a new element is created and inserted into the document in the section, then the contents of the style sheet are added using the innerHTML property. However, in IE8 and earlier versions, a new CSSStyleSheet object must be created using a non-standard method document.createStyleSheet(), and add style sheet text using the cssText property.

The example below demonstrates the creation of new tables:

// Adds a style sheet to the document and fills it with the specified styles. // The styles argument can be a string or an object. If it is a string, // it is interpreted as stylesheet text. If it is an object, then each // property of it must define a style rule to be added to the table. // The property names are selectors, and their values ​​are the corresponding styles function addStylesheet(styles) ( // First you need to create a new style sheet var styleElt, styleSheet; if (document.createStyleSheet) ( //If an IE API is defined, use it styleSheet = document .createStyleSheet(); ) else ( var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head"); styleElt = document.createElement("style"); // New element head.appendChild(styleElt); // Insert into // Now new the table is at the end of the array styleSheet = document.styleSheets; ) // Insert styles into the table if (typeof styles === "string") ( // Argument contains the text definition of the style sheet if (styleElt) styleElt.innerHTML = styles; else styleSheet .cssText = styles; // IE API ) else ( // Argument object with rules for insertion var i = 0; for(selector in styles) ( if (styleSheet.insertRule) ( var rule = selector + " (" + styles + ")"; styleSheet.insertRule(rule, i++); else ( styleSheet.addRule(selector, styles, i++); ) ) ) )

Last update: 11/1/2015

There are mainly two approaches to working with element style properties in JavaScript:

    Changing the style property

    Changing the value of the class attribute

style property

The style property represents a complex style control object and maps directly to the style attribute of an html element. This object contains a set of CSS properties: property. For example, let's set the font color:

Var root = document.documentElement; // set the style = "blue"; // get the style value document.write(; //blue

In this case, the name of the color property is the same as the css property. Similarly, we could set the color using css:

Html( color:blue; )

However, a number of css properties have a hyphen in their names, for example, font-family . JavaScript does not use a hyphen for these properties. Only the first letter that comes after the hyphen is converted to uppercase:

Var root = document.documentElement; = "Verdana";

className property

Using the className property you can set the class attribute html element. For example:

.blueStyle( color:blue; font-family:Verdana; ) .article( font-size:20px; ) Article title

First paragraph

Second paragraph

var articleDiv = document.querySelector("div.article"); // setting a new class articleDiv.className = "blueStyle"; // get the class name document.write(articleDiv.className);

By using classes, you don't have to configure every single css property using the style property.

But it must be taken into account that the previous value of the class attribute is deleted. Therefore, if we need to add a class, we need to combine its name with the old class:

ArticleDiv.className = articleDiv.className + "blueStyle";

And if you need to completely remove all classes, you can assign an empty string to the property:

ArticleDiv.className = "";

classList property

We discussed above how to add classes to an element, but to manage multiple classes it is much more convenient to use the classList property. This property represents an object that implements the following methods:

    add(className) : adds a class className

    remove(className) : removes the class className

    toggle(className) : Toggles the element's class to className. If there is no class, then it is added, if there is, then it is removed

For example:

Var articleDiv = document.querySelector("div.article"); // remove the class articleDiv.classList.remove("article"); // add the class articleDiv.classList.add("blueStyle"); // toggle the class articleDiv.classList.toggle("article");

Abstract: Access to style sheets. Style sheet properties. Adding and removing rules. Changing element styles. Element class names.

Let's take a look (in at the moment) theoretical example- let there be a website where the series is presented technical articles. We want to highlight some of these articles with a cool animated carousel, but what about users who don't have JavaScript enabled for some reason? Recalling what we've learned about unobtrusive JavaScript, we want the Web site's functionality to work for those users as well, but we may want to design the site differently for those users so that they can use the site comfortably, even without a carousel.

If you want to delete this rule, you can call the stylesheet.deleteRule(index) function, where index will be the index of the rule that will be deleted.

In the example of demonstrating articles, you can create a rule that makes the display property equal to none for all articles about HTML and JavaScript - look at the carousel example ( .html) to see it in action.

Note: IE does not implement rules according to standards. It uses rules instead of the cssRules attribute. IE also uses removeRule instead of deleteRule and addRule( selector , rule, index) instead of insertRule .

Changing Element Styles

You should now understand how to edit style sheets associated with a page and create and modify CSS rules within them. What if you want to change a specific element in the DOM? Using the DOM API you can access specific page elements. Returning to the carousel example, you can see that the functions are defined in such a way that when you click on an article, that article is highlighted, while the main text of the article is displayed below.

Using the DOM, we access the style object, which describes the style of the document. This style object is defined as CSSStyleDeclaration; detailed explanation This can be found in the W3C documentation on the CSSStyleDeclaration interface ( The style object doesn't work quite the same way as some of the other properties defined on the HTML element. Unlike element.href or which return strings, returns an object. This means that it is not possible to set a style by assigning a string to .

The style object has attributes that correspond to various specified CSS properties. For example, style.color returns the color specified on the element. Doing = "red"; You can dynamically change the style. Below is a function that turns an element's color red when passed the element's id.

function colorElementRed(id) ( var el = document.getElementById(id); = "red"; )

You can also use setAttribute(key, value) to style an element. For example, set the color of an element to red by calling element.setAttribute("style", "color: red"); , but be careful as this removes any changes made to the style object.

When an element's style is specified this way, it is the same as if we specified it as a declaration of the style attribute of an html element. This style will only be applied when the importance and specificity of the rule is greater than other rules applied to the element (specificity is explained in Chapter 28 on CSS Inheritance and Cascading).

Some of you may be wondering what happens when a given CSS property has a hyphen. In this case

Hello! In this tutorial I would like to talk about how you can change the style of an element on a web page using JavaScript. It must be said that in JavaScript, 2 approaches are usually used to work with styles:

  • Changing the style property
  • Changing an element's class value

style property

The style property represents the so-called inline styles that will be displayed on the element through the style attribute. For example, let's set the font color:

Var root1 = document.documentElement; // set the style = "red"; // get the style value document.write(; //red

IN in this example The name of the color property is the same as the similar css property. By analogy, you can set the color using css:

Html( color: red; )

However, for those css properties that have a hyphen in the name, for example, font-size. In JavaScript, for these properties, the hyphen is removed, and the first letter after the hyphen is written as a capital letter, that is, in uppercase

Var root1 = document.documentElement; = "Arial";

className property. Working with classes in JavaScript.

Using a property such as className, you can set the class attribute on any html element. Here's an example:

.redStyle( color:red; font-family:Arial; ) .article( font-size:22px; ) Article title

First paragraph

Another paragraph

var article = document.querySelector(""); // setting a new class article.className = "redStyle"; // get the class name document.write(article.className);

This eliminates the need to configure each individual property using the style property.
However, it should be taken into account that the previous value of the class attribute will be deleted. Therefore, if you need to add a class, then it should be combined with the old class:

Article.className = article.className + "blueStyle";

But if you need to completely remove all classes, you can assign the className property to an empty string:

ArticleDiv.className = "";

The classList property. Adding a new class to an element.

Above, we looked at how to add classes to an element on a web page, but to control a large number classes, it is more convenient to use another classList property. This property is an object that implements the following methods:

  • add(className): will add a class className
  • remove(className): will remove class className
  • toggle(className): will switch the element's class to className. That is, if there is no class, it will be added, and if there is, it will be removed.

Var article = document.querySelector(""); // remove the class article.classList.remove("art"); // add a class

article.classList.add("redStyle"); // switch class


To set a class, use the className method.

To set the style of an element through the style attribute, the style method is used.

To add and remove a class to an element, use the classList.add(className) and classList.remove(className) methods.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs