How to fight aphids on plums using folk remedies. Proven folk remedies for fighting aphids on plums Aphids on plum leaves what to do

» Plums

Aphids (aphids) are the most common pests of horticultural crops. The fight against aphids on fruit trees is a whole range of agrotechnical measures, which include compliance with farming rules, prevention and destruction of insect colonies.

Controlling the number of pests is an important task for all gardeners and must be done systematically and correctly.

Many species of the aphid superfamily pose a threat to fruit crops. The mass spread of the pest is initially facilitated by the small size of the insect, up to 7 mm, and often gardeners notice damage to the tree only after the colony has expanded.

A special feature of aphids is their ability to migrate. Winged individuals can travel long distances in search of a more comfortable place. The main reasons for migration are overpopulation or deterrent factors (pesticide treatment).

Aphids have unprotected and thin covers through which moisture easily evaporates. To maintain life, they are forced to constantly absorb nutrient moisture, much more than they need

And they take it from plants, mainly from young buds and leaves, piercing the tree tissue with a thin proboscis.

The constant suction of amino acids and microelements from the tree leads to its depletion. Development processes stop at the sites of numerous punctures. Externally, this can be seen by the following signs:

  • curling and darkening of leaf tips;
  • premature fall of green mass;
  • deformation of shoots;
  • painful growths on the trunk;
  • darkening, stopping development and falling of buds.

A big threat to the fruit tree is the waste products of aphids. Excess moisture and carbohydrates are removed from the pest’s body in the form of sugary secretions called honeydew or honeydew.

In leaf plates and stems covered with sticky liquid, photosynthesis and respiration of the plant are disrupted. A favorable environment is created for the development of fungi, the spores of which are easily carried by the wind and can cause an epidemic in the garden. In addition, aphids are carriers of viral diseases that provoke abnormal development of trees.

Infestation of a fruit tree by a pest leads to loss of quality and quantity of the harvest, improper development and pain in the future. There are frequent cases of death or long-term recovery of fruit trees as a result of damage by large colonies of aphids.

Preventative work

It is possible to avoid exhausting work to destroy the pest and maintain the health of fruit trees if you minimize the possibility of aphids appearing on the site in advance. To do this, it is necessary to create uncomfortable living conditions for insects and make the garden area unattractive for aphids to settle in.

  • Beneficial insects. Biological enemies of aphids: ladybugs, ground beetles, wasps and hoverflies. You can attract them to your garden plot by planting daisies, carrots, dill, calendula, and parsley.
  • Repellents. Plants containing phytoncides repel aphids with their specific odor. You can plant marigolds, basil, lavender, mint, and coriander nearby fruit trees.
  • Neighboring plants. It is important to avoid proximity to plants whose smell attracts the pest. These are: linden, viburnum, bird cherry, legumes. Ornamental plants: petunia, cleome, mallow, nasturtium, poppy. Many gardeners plant these plants away from fruit trees and destroy the affected crops in the fall. This distracts the aphids from the protected plant.

It is necessary to carry out preventive work every autumn, even if insects were not observed on the site in the summer. Many gardeners treat plants with pesticides after harvesting, and the number of insects reaches its maximum in early autumn. This causes aphids to search for more comfortable habitats.

Having flown to a new place, the pest lays eggs that can overwinter in the bark, under mulch, in the soil, in the rhizomes of the plant and die. In the spring, with the advent of the first warmth, new individuals hatch from the eggs and begin to feed on young greenery.

It is necessary to remove all exfoliated tree bark, change the layer of mulch, dig up the tree trunk circle, cover up the cracks and whitewash the trunk. This leaves virtually no way for the pest eggs to survive the winter.

If preventive work is absent or a particularly favorable season is created for the development of large colonies of aphids, damage to fruit trees is difficult to avoid. In this case, it is important to prevent an increase in the pest population and minimize damage to the fruit tree.

Controlling aphids without chemicals

Chemicals are very effective, but have a lot of side effects on human and pet health. Therefore, many gardeners use them only as a last resort, in case of massive damage to the garden plot. An alternative replacement is to get rid of aphids on the drain with solutions made from natural ingredients that are environmentally friendly.

Ash-soap solution

The composition of the two components in combination is the strongest toxin for aphids.

Preparation of the solution:

  • ash (400 g) is sifted and filled with water (5 l);
  • boil for 30 minutes;
  • the solution is filtered and brought to a volume of 10 l;
  • add 50 g of laundry soap.

Additionally, this composition has protective and nutritional properties.

Birch tar

It is a dark, oily liquid whose aroma repels aphids. Additionally beneficial for the plant with antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

Solution composition:

  • tar 10 ml;
  • laundry soap 50 g;
  • water 10 l.

The tree trunk circle should also be treated. To prevent the reappearance of aphids, containers with birch tar are hung in the tree crown. Birch tar insecticide will be effective in killing a moderate number of pests.

Herbal remedies

Many plants contain insecticidal components, which are most pronounced after infusion and heat treatment.

Infusions and decoctions:

  • Garlic. Chopped vegetables (200 g) are poured with water (10 l) and infused for 24 hours.
  • Onion. Vegetable husk (300 g) is infused in water (10 l) for 5 days.
  • Chamomile. The above-ground part (1 kg) is poured with hot water (10 l) and left for 12 hours. From the infusion, make a solution with water 1:1 with the addition of soap (40 g).
  • Buttercup. Stems and leaves (1 kg) are poured with water (10 l) and left for 2 days. Strain and add 40 g of soap.
  • Tomato tops. Fresh crushed raw materials (4 kg) are placed in water (10 l). Leave for an hour and cook for 30 minutes. The decoction is diluted with water 1:1.
  • Capsicum pepper. Fresh vegetable (100 g) is poured with water (1 l) and simmered over low heat for 1 hour. The broth is infused for 2 days, the raw materials are squeezed out and brought to a volume of 10 liters.
  • Yarrow. Dry grass (1 kg) is poured with water until the raw material is completely covered. Steam in a water bath for 30 minutes. After this, pour 10 liters of water and leave for 2 days.

Excessive concentration of plant components can cause burns on the tree. Following the recommended dosages will help avoid this. It is better to test the prepared product on a small area of ​​the plant. The average consumption of herbal products is 10 liters per tree.

Kitchen techniques

Kitchen methods are those that use available products. These products are characterized by speed of preparation, harmlessness and relatively quick action:

  • "Coca-Cola." Lemonade contains phosphoric acid, a strong toxin for aphids. For the procedure, a solution of Coca-Cola and water (5: 1) is used. Treatment with the product has a long-lasting effect.
  • Vodka. Spray with a clean product, and for better adhesion, you can add liquid soap.
  • Sunflower oil. The product (200 ml) is dissolved in water (10 l).
  • Tobacco smoke. To fumigate, you will need to place a pile of straw or manure near the trees, scatter tobacco on the surface and set it on fire. The procedure lasts 2 hours and is performed 2 times with an interval of two weeks.

Kitchen methods are economical for small trees and shrubs or for partial treatment of the most affected areas.


Many gardeners try not to use chemicals in their garden plots. However, in case of mass pest infestation, this cannot be avoided.

Based on the method of penetration and the nature of action, insecticides are divided into three types:

  • Contact. They penetrate the pest's body through the skin upon contact with any part of the body. Most preferred for controlling aphids and other piercing-sucking pests. The main drugs: “Karbofos”, “Fury”, “Fufannon”.
  • Intestinal. They cause poisoning if they enter the intestines with food. It is advisable to use if gnawing pests have settled on the tree along with aphids. Popular products: “Aktellik”, “Confidor”, “Bankol”.
  • System. They penetrate into plant tissue and remain there for up to 30 days. With constant contact they cause the death of insects living in the crown. In addition, toxic substances enter the body of pests through food. They are relatively harmless to humans. Effective drugs: “Tanrek”, “Prestige”, “Biotlin”, “Aktara”.

Each drug must have instructions for use. It is necessary to adhere to all manufacturer's recommendations; the concentration of different drugs and the application rate on trees vary.

A good option for certain cases is the combination drug Nitrofen. This is a complex action product that is effective against pests, fungal diseases and weeds.

Terms and rules for processing

Each treatment during the season has its own goals, and they need to be carried out based on the individual situation.

If the concentration of the pest on the tree is low, you should not spray the entire plant. Only problem areas can be treated. And in these cases it is convenient to use kitchen methods.

Spring treatment of fruit trees

Early spring treatment is carried out before buds open. During this procedure, it is necessary to spray the tree with an ash-soap solution. If the tree is severely damaged, the ash in the solution is replaced with 80 g of kerosene.

The second treatment is carried out at the beginning of bud break. The purpose of the procedure is to destroy young individuals hatched from winter eggs. This measure is very important and prevents the colony from growing to large proportions, A feature of aphids is high reproductive rate.

If there are a large number of pests, treatment is carried out with contact or systemic preparations. If the number of insects does not cause concern, you can get by with folk remedies, the consumption of which is 10 liters per average tree.

The third treatment is carried out when there is no effect after previous procedures or when they are missed. This is especially true when the number of aphids is out of control. It is carried out twice during the opening phase of the buds and after 75% of the petals have fallen. The choice of product depends on the number of insects. The following procedure is carried out after flowering, and only if pests are observed on the tree.

Aphids quickly become resistant to the active substances of the drugs, so they must be combined. It is important to ensure that there is a period of 30 days between the processing period and harvest, before and after the process. In parallel with these activities, it is necessary to fumigate fruit trees.

Autumn treatment against aphids

In the autumn, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures: remove old bark and moss from the trunk. Prune old and damaged branches. The tree trunk circle is cleared of fallen leaves, and if the tree is affected by pests and diseases, it is burned.

Autumn treatment is carried out in October or November at temperatures above -5°C. A 5% urea solution (500 g/10 l) is well suited for this procedure. Additionally, this will protect the tree from scab development.

How to treat plum and fruit trees

The gardener's task is to apply the insecticidal solution directly to the aphid colonies. This can be difficult when the leaves curl tightly. In some cases, it is much better to simply rinse the tops of the shoots with the solution.

Good spray quality is:

  • procedures carried out in the morning or evening hours, when there is no dew;
  • processing in calm and cloudy weather, at high temperatures the effect of drugs is reduced;
  • no precipitation, the preparation must remain on the surface of the tree for at least 3 hours;
  • work with a high-quality sprayer, which is kept at a distance of 70 cm;
  • covering the entire crown of the tree, you need to use a stepladder.

It is important to protect the skin and mucous membranes from toxins and carry out treatment only in protective clothing.

An orchard is a small ecosystem and how it will develop depends only on the gardener. Peaceful coexistence of pests and fruit crops is possible with constant control over the number of harmful insects. To do this, you do not need to violate the rules of agriculture; it is important to promptly remove plant waste and create favorable conditions for beneficial insects.

And finally, a short video on how to fight aphids on fruit trees:

After the abundant colorful flowering in the spring, your plum tree has a lot of small fruits that have just begun to form. You are happy, believing that everything is going well and the harvest in the fall will be rich.

Let's imagine hypothetically that you forgot about the plum until the ripe fruits were collected. You come to the site again, and then it turns out that not only is there no harvest, but the tree itself looks more dead than alive. What happened?

The answer is simple - the plum tree on your site has been attacked by aphids. To prevent such developments, it is necessary to regularly monitor the development of the plum and, if necessary, take effective measures.

Traditional methods

  1. A proven method against aphids on plums is garlic infusion. To prepare it, 15 garlic cloves or 100 g of cloves are finely chopped and infused in 5 liters of water over the next 2 days. After this, the infusion is further diluted with another 5 liters of clean water and stirred thoroughly. The leaves and branches of the plum are treated with the resulting liquid.
  2. After the next tomato shoot, do not throw away the shoots; they will become the basis for the next remedy for aphids. Add potato tops and celandine to them and fill with water. Next, infuse the liquid for 3 days. To keep the solution on the leaves of the tree for as long as possible, you can dissolve a piece of laundry soap in it.
  3. Tobacco helps get rid of aphids on plums well. It is added to water and infused for 24 hours. The resulting odorous solution is used to treat the affected trees.
  4. The spread of aphids is caused by ants. They feed on sweetish secretions and use this pest as a cash cow, regularly transferring it to the juiciest leaf pastures. To prevent ants from penetrating the plum tree, wrap the trunk at the base with 20 cm of film and coat it thoroughly with grease. This will become an insurmountable obstacle for the ants, and they will not be able to carry the aphids upstairs.


If the above methods do not help you, you will have to resort to chemistry (strictly follow the instructions from the instructions):

  • "Kinmiks" is an effective long-acting drug. Over the next 3 weeks after processing the plum, aphids will definitely not appear on it.
  • “BI-58” - this drug penetrates into the leaves of the plant. The aphid that eats them quickly dies. After a one-time treatment, the plant will be protected throughout the entire season.
  • "Inta-Vir" is a powerful universal insecticide. Treatment with this drug cannot be carried out during the period of flowering and fruit set.

If aphids appear on a plum tree, this is also a signal that the plant itself is weakened. It happens in nature that the weak are the first to be affected by various ailments. Therefore, do not forget about feeding the plum with mineral fertilizers and ash.

The first mass appearance of pests in the garden is observed in late spring and the first half of summer. Why are aphids on plum trees dangerous? How can you fight these insects without endangering the future harvest?

Plum pollinated aphid and other varieties

In nature, there are many types of aphids, which to one degree or another harm gardening and garden plants. For plums, cherries, cherry plums, cherries, peaches and other stone fruits, one of the most dangerous pests is the pollinated plum aphid.

Small grayish-green insects settle on leaf and flower buds, on young growth and the back side of already opened leaves. During mass infection, these parts of the plant are completely hidden under a layer of pests and dead whitish scales. Feeding on the juices of the most tender greens, aphids cause:

  • weakening of shoots, which become desirable prey for other pests and suffer more than others from lack of nutrition and drying cold;
  • deformation of young leaves taking the shape of a spoon or boat;
  • massive damage to a fruit plant by sooty fungus and pathogens;
  • early fall of leaves and poor preparation of trees for wintering;
  • reduction in yield this and next season.

While the warm period lasts, pollinated plum aphids can produce ten generations. At the same time, insect eggs wait out the winter not only in cracks in the bark, but also on nearby grasses, preferring cereals and reeds.

Green aphids on plums become noticeable when the number of insects is critical. But it is much easier to detect the black, cherry variety, which does not disdain other types of stone fruit crops. This pest, which produces up to 14 generations, is no less dangerous. Defeat by it leads to complete curling of the tops of young shoots, cessation of their growth and development of foliage.

Aphids of all types are dangerous because they can spread quickly. Winged individuals migrate independently, while wingless ones are carried from plant to plant by ants, literally grazing aphids in the hunt for the sweet secretion of insects.

The defeat of a garden by this soft-bodied pest can lead to weakening of trees and loss of crops. How to fight aphids on plums? When and what measures should be taken to maximize the effect?

The best and most stable results can only be achieved by an integrated approach, including preventive work to protect the garden, compliance with agricultural practices and regular treatments not only of plums, but also near growing crops.

Chemicals for aphids on plums

Aphids that feed on plant juices are easily destroyed by modern insecticides. The category of products intended to combat aphids is called aphicides and includes the following drugs:

  • affecting pests upon contact with the treated surface;
  • penetrating inside with cell sap;
  • acting systemically and giving a long-lasting effect.

Commercially available formulations are available, can be used to destroy other enemies of plums, and are highly soluble in water, which simplifies and reduces the cost of processing.

It is not surprising that when answering the question: “What to do with aphids on plum trees?”, many experienced gardeners speak without a shadow of a doubt about the need for urgent spraying. There's really no point in delaying.

Without human intervention, aphids will take over the young part of the crown in a matter of days. But neglect of safety rules and failure to comply with processing times threatens not only a danger to plants, but also harm to human health.

Chemical insecticides are the only correct solution in case of massive damage to plants, as well as in spring and autumn, when insects are not yet species. The choice of a specific drug depends on the degree of damage to the garden, the presence of other insects on the branches, the time when aphids are noticed and the preferences of the gardener himself. Before going to the drain, you need to remember that improper use of insecticides threatens:

  • burns of the green parts of plants;
  • falling of flowers and ovaries;
  • accumulation of chemicals in fruits;
  • damage to the skin, rhenium and respiratory organs of humans.

Therefore, no matter what remedy he uses for aphids on plums, he must strictly follow the instructions, not forgetting about personal safety.

Features of processing plums from green aphids

The fight against aphids is carried out in several stages. If there are no insects on the trees, or individual insects are found, it is not worth spraying with chemicals. Aphids, especially on small seedlings, are easily destroyed manually or with folk remedies using plant infusions, soap or ash solutions.

A gardener who knows how to treat aphids on plums needs to know at what time it is best to schedule such treatment:

  1. The first time the procedure is carried out in early spring before the buds open. At this time it is impossible to see insects. But if they covered the shoots in abundance last season, there is a high probability that there are aphid eggs near the buds and under the crown.
  2. Fruit trees are re-treated at the green cone stage. At this moment, there is a high probability of destruction of the already hatched larvae, which quickly form multimillion-dollar colonies.
  3. If in the spring measures to combat plum aphids were not taken or did not give the desired result, it is possible to spray the blooming garden when the flowers are just opening and have almost completely fallen.

In order not to risk your own health, synthetic preparations are used at least 30 days before harvesting. When the fruits are already filling and the degree of damage is small, it is better to use safe traditional methods of pest control.

In the autumn, after removing the fruits, the last treatment of the year is carried out using ready-made insecticides or a 5% urea solution, which is not only effective against black and green aphids on plums, but also protects trees from scab.

Trees should be sprayed in dry, windless weather, preferably in the morning or evening hours, when the risk of sunburn of wet foliage is minimal. When irrigating, special attention is paid to young shoots and the back side of the leaves, as well as to the trunk circles.

How to get rid of aphids on plums using folk remedies

Before the ovary forms, neither folk remedies nor chemical insecticides cause harm. How to treat plums against aphids after flowering? An excellent alternative is proven folk remedies based on herbal infusions, soap-ash and other solutions.

To prepare soap-ash liquid you will need:

  • 400 grams of sifted wood ash:
  • 50 grams of liquid or laundry soap;
  • 10 liters of water.

Before use, the solution, effective against moderate pest infestation, is carefully filtered. Tobacco infusion mixed with soapy water will bring no less benefit. Instead of ash, you can take 10 ml of birch tar. This oily odorous substance repels insects and also has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Fumigation of plantings with tobacco smoke gives good results.

Many plants contain substances that have a similar effect on garden pests as industrial insecticides. At the same time, they are safe for humans and the environment. How to get rid of aphids using plants?

To prepare such folk remedies for 10 liters of water, according to the gardener’s choice, you will need:

  • 200 grams of garlic cloves;
  • 300 grams of onions;
  • 1 kg of herbal raw materials based on pharmaceutical chamomile or;
  • 4 kg of fresh tomato or potato tops;
  • 100 grams of hot capsicum;
  • 1 kg of yarrow, tansy or wormwood herb.

About 10 liters of infusion are consumed for an adult fruit tree. Severely affected shoots should not just be sprayed, but as much as possible immersed in liquid so that it penetrates into the deformations formed by pollinated plum aphids.

Preventive measures to combat plum aphids

Since the pest migrates easily and multiplies quickly, before treating aphids on a plum with folk remedies or insecticides, it is worth paying attention to:

  • fighting ants;
  • correct and regular pruning of the crown;
  • maintaining tree trunk health;
  • digging and mulching tree trunks;
  • elimination of weeds and root growth.

There are other ways to make the habitat of insects on the site uncomfortable.

The pollinated plum aphid pests not only stone fruit crops, but also reeds, wild cereals and other plants. The insect is especially attracted to peas and beans, young shoots and nasturtium, petunia, small-leaved and cultivated large-leaved. These plants are planted away from plums and other fruit trees. If this is not possible, then they are sprayed together with stone fruit crops.

Among the inhabitants of the garden there are also green repellents that repel aphids. For the most part, these are essential oil plants, which include mint and basil, lavender and lemon balm, cilantro and unpretentious marigolds. Umbrella garden plants, for example, carrots, fennel, dill and other spicy-tasting herbs perfectly attract predator insects, for which green aphids on plums are a desired delicacy.

The invasion of aphids scares novice gardeners in large numbers. However, if agricultural practices are followed, the trees are kept clean, and they are processed in a timely manner, insects, whose numbers are easy to control, cease to be a serious threat.

Fighting aphids on plants - video

Aphids appear on plum trees at any time during the warm season. It easily flies from infected plants to healthy trees, and can enter your area from a neighboring garden. Since this pest multiplies quickly, destroying hope for a good harvest, the fight against it must begin at the first sign of infection in the garden.

Aphids on plums: symptoms and causes

The cause of tree infestation by aphids is the migration of these insects in search of territory to settle. Having flown onto a tree in the fall, the aphid lays eggs, from which new generations of aphids will hatch in the spring. During the warm season, one insect can bring ten generations of pests.

The first sign of aphids appearing on a plum tree is increased activity of ants. They crawl up and down the trunk and branches of trees, guarding and caring for aphids.

The second sign of aphids is the curling of leaves. By unbending the edges of the leaf, you can see the insects hidden inside. Leaf deformation occurs and shoots dry out. Having noticed aphids, you need to start fighting them without delay.

Aphids on plums in spring and summer: how and how to get rid of them

Among the insecticides against aphids, the drugs with contact-intestinal action are chosen:
— ;
— Bi-58;
— Karbofos;
— Danadim Expert et al.

Biological insecticides can be used for treatment:
— Akarin;
— Aktofit;
— Fitoverm.

Aphids quickly adapt to poisons, so alternate preparations and try not to treat them several times in a row with the same insecticide. If you notice an infestation of aphids during flowering, insecticides should not be used to avoid killing the pollinating insects.

How to fight aphids on plums at home

To defeat aphids, an integrated approach is required:
1. On the first day you notice aphids on the leaves, cut off the damaged branches and burn them. Apply ant repellent tape to the tree trunk. Clear the tree trunk circle of weeds.
2. On the second day, spray the tree and tree trunk with Akarin or Actofit. Fertilize the plum with potassium humate (1 tablespoon of liquid humate per 10 liters of water).
3. After five days, spray a second time with a biological insecticide. For prevention, repeat the treatment after two weeks, using one of the folk recipes for aphids.
4. After harvesting, clean the tree trunk and treat with Fitoverm.
5. In the spring (before the buds open), spray the plum with systemic insecticide Bi-58 or any other.

During the warm season, be vigilant, fertilize the plum tree and prevent the appearance of aphids.

Aphids on plums - folk remedies for fighting during flowering and what to treat when berries appear

Traditional methods are good to use if the plants are not heavily infected. During flowering, in order not to destroy pollinating insects along with aphids, folk recipes are also used:

1. To make an infusion from potato tops, pour a kilogram of green potato leaves with 10 liters of warm water, leave for 4 hours, filter and add 50 g of soap. Spray the trees in the evening.

2. Citrus infusion is prepared from one hundred grams of dry lemon or orange peels. They are poured with a liter of boiling water and left for 3 days. Then mix it with a bucket of water and spray the plum.

3. For pepper infusion, three hundred grams of dry hot pepper pods are poured with 10 liters of water and left for 24 hours. Prepare a working solution in a ratio of 1 to 10 and spray the plum.

When the berries appear, it is also better not to use insecticides. The exception is biological insecticides, which quickly break down into harmless compounds. You can treat the plum with Fitoverm or Actofit.

Aphids on plums after flowering: what to do and how to treat them

When the ovaries on the plum have already formed, it is better to treat the tree against aphids using traditional methods. You can use tincture of ash or garlic.

To prepare garlic tincture, two hundred grams of peeled cloves are pressed through a garlic press. Fill with water (1 liter) and leave in the dark for 5 days. One glass of garlic tincture is diluted in 10 liters of water and sprayed on the plum.

For the ash solution, sift 500 grams of ash, pour a bucket of hot water, and boil for 25 minutes. Add 2 tbsp to the cooled solution. l. laundry liquid soap.
Trees must be treated once every ten days. If traditional methods of control do not help to cope with aphids, use biologically based insecticides - Actofit, Fitoverm or Akarin.

An aphid appears. It affects plants, shrubs and trees. Plum is a favorite fruit tree for green (plum) and white aphids. If a large number of pest colonies form, you can not only lose the entire harvest, but the tree can also completely die, since the aphids drink all the “juices” from the plant. Usually, the tree becomes covered with aphids after flowering. On plum trees, it attacks young shoots and leaves. Aphids on plums - how to fight what to process? We invite you to find out the answers to these questions from the article.

Aphids on plums - how to fight?

Methods for controlling aphids on plums

You can determine whether there are aphids on a plum if the following signs are present:

  • Young leaves begin to curl, the fruits appear wrinkled or deformed.
  • Newly emerging shoots stop growing and dry out.

The sugary coating that covers the tree is also dangerous because it attracts ants. What to do to eliminate aphids? In order to prevent the occurrence of pests it is necessary:

  1. In early spring and late autumn, remove from the tree all bark and dried branches that have peeled off the trunk. Damaged areas should be whitened with lime solution. This will help destroy existing accumulations of eggs and larvae, and prevent the formation of new ones.
  2. You should ensure that the soil does not dry out and mulch it.
  3. Remove weeds regularly and keep the area around the plum clean.
  4. Not far from the trees, you can plant parsley, dill, cilantro, which will repel insects with their smell.

Folk remedies for fighting aphids on plums

To combat aphids, both traditional and chemical methods are used. The most popular folk remedies are:

  • Garlic infusion, which is prepared from 100 grams of garlic cloves (they can be replaced with garlic arrows) and 5 liters of water. Leave for two days, add water to a volume of 10 liters and spray the trees.
  • A tobacco solution prepared in a proportion of three parts water and one part tobacco. It needs to brew for three days, and then treat the plantings with an odorous liquid. Tobacco will help get rid of not only aphids, but also caterpillars and copperheads.

Before spraying, it is necessary to add 40 grams of grated laundry soap or up to 25 grams of washing powder to any solution. This will help the liquid stick better to the leaves, which is important when fighting aphids. In the case of treating fruit trees with chemical methods, you must follow the instructions. Treatment is carried out in the evening or morning, in the absence of wind, at least one month before the harvest ripens.

Treating plums against aphids

To destroy pests use:

  • "Inta-Vir", it cannot be used during the period of flowering and fruit set. Helps get rid of not only aphids, but also ants.
  • "BI - 58" One treatment is enough for the entire season. The drug is absorbed into the leaves on which the aphids feed, causing its death.
  • "Kinmiks". This product can be used several times a season, but each time you need to prepare a fresh solution. The duration of action of the drug is up to 3 weeks.

Now you know what to do when aphids appear on a plum: how to fight, what to process. The most important thing in the fight against aphids is not to miss the time when they appear. To do this, you need to inspect the plantings as often as possible and process them in a timely manner. Sometimes, when aphids first appear, it is enough to direct a powerful stream of water from a hose onto the tree, which will wash away the insects.

See also video:

Fighting aphids on plums



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