It is more efficient to carry out eco procedures. How does the eco procedure go in stages. Advantages of in vitro fertilization

IVF is an extremely complex and lengthy procedure that requires considerable effort and patience from both parents and doctors. It’s not a fact that it will work out and be successful from the very first time, but it’s worth trying, and you will succeed. IVF stages always follow in strict order one after another. And at every stage, the woman's health is strictly monitored so that an accidental failure does not jeopardize the success of the entire protocol.

This is the blueprint for the entire process. there are quite a few, in each case, the reproductive specialist selects it individually for each woman. Even the same protocol may differ in the number of certain drugs, the duration of their administration, and so on. And it is always a difficult task for a doctor, in which it is important to choose an adequate treatment and not make a mistake.

All protocols differ only up to the moment of receiving eggs, then they are almost identical.

Protocols are short, long, ultra-short and hyper-long. There is a protocol - when a woman still has ovulation and menopause has not occurred.

You should also keep in mind that during the process of embryo transfer, you may receive several embryos for greater security. They can all take root, then a multiple pregnancy will occur. On the one hand, this will be a pleasant surprise, on the other hand, an increased risk for gestation. But given that all IVF mothers are under the constant attention of doctors, the risk in this case is minimal.

Indications and contraindications

IVF is a complex operation that requires some effort from a woman. And in any case, she has her own testimony and.


There are many indications for IVF.

  • Pipe factor - with their obstruction, developmental pathology, or absence.
  • Severe forms of endometriosis, in case of failure of surgical treatment
  • Immunological incompatibility, when a woman develops antibodies to sperm
  • The age of the spouses is over 35 years old, if, during a normal sexual life of more than 12 months, the marriage remains infertile
  • Just unexplained infertility


They can be both absolute and irresistible, and temporary. Temporary - the name speaks for itself, they only need some time to solve the problem, they do not put a complete barrier in front of a married couple in the hope of giving birth to a baby. Contraindications can be both on the part of a woman and on the part of a man.


  • First of all, these are various inflammations in the body - a cold, flu, a toothache or barley popped out on the eye. After the inflammation has passed, it is necessary to give the body time to fully recover and strengthen the immune system.
  • Any exacerbated chronic diseases - in this state, the body simply will not be able to accept and cope with the additional load. In addition, it is almost always some kind of inflammation in the body, in which IVF is not performed.
  • Detected benign tumors - any tumor must be removed, and this is a priority.
  • Recent surgical interventions, even dental ones, after which the immune system is weakened, the body must be given time to recover.
  • Insufficient or excessively overweight - these factors make it difficult for the embryo to engraft in the uterus and bear the baby. However, after the normalization of body weight, it is worth trying to go through the IVF protocol.


  • conditions of a woman in which there is a threat to her life - liver and / or kidney failure, heart defects, severe forms of diabetes, critically low vision
  • anomalies in the development of the genital organs, in which it is impossible to bear a baby, for example, Rokitansky-Küstner-Hoser syndrome
  • any history of cancer
  • mental disorders

On the part of a man, there may also be contraindications for the IVF protocol, but they are mostly relative, temporary. They can most often be dealt with by slightly correcting the state of health of a man.

If oncology is detected in the future father and he is to be treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, the sperm is taken from him before the start of treatment.

Preparation for IVF

When the IVF procedure has already been decided, the stages of its implementation remain unchanged for each couple, or for each expectant mother. But first you need to properly prepare for it, as this is a very difficult process.

Getting directions

This is the very first step, not even the introduction to the program. The period when you choose a clinic, you get a consultation with a reproductologist and a referral for tests.

To join the protocol, you will have to pass a large number of tests, and both parents. Please note that many of the tests have an extremely limited expiration date and will need to be retaken if delayed.
But there are also those whose validity period is unlimited in time. This, for example, blood type and Rh factor.

You will be required to take a hormone test - this is very important for prescribing the amount of the drug for hormonal stimulation to obtain an egg.

At this stage of IVF, indications and contraindications are also identified, and initial consultations are given. You will learn about IVF stages, how many days it takes, how long the whole procedure takes. The reproductologist will tell you about all IVF stages in detail, you should not worry about anything, just follow his instructions.

The first stage seems quite simple and almost unimportant - after all, no manipulations are being carried out at this time. However, it is impossible to diminish its importance for the entire subsequent process.

IVF stages are calculated according to the days of the cycle of each woman.

Stage 1 – Inspection of specialists

For your baby to be born healthy, his parents must be healthy. And both, this concerns the father no less than the mother.

First of all, both parents pass the generally accepted tests - a complete blood count, AIDS, RW, hepatitis, for the presence of other infections. Further specific tests will be assigned.

You may also need to adjust your weight slightly.

What will interest the doctor


Both of you will check the state of the cardiovascular system, take a cardiogram. It is important for the expectant mother that everything is in order in order to know whether the heart will cope with the upcoming stresses.

Detection of latent infections

Many infections "live" in the body for years without revealing themselves, including the "gentle killer" hepatitis C, and many others. It also happens that after identifying and treating these infections, pregnancy occurs naturally.

Mammologist and gynecologist

It is necessary to know the state of the gynecosphere, the mammary glands - whether there is any pathology in them. And if so, get the appropriate treatment. This includes holding


You will also need to consult an andrologist for pathologies of the male genital area.

Next, you will need to determine if you have sufficient ovarian reserve. This is the number of eggs that can be fertilized. This reserve is laid down at the moment of conception of the woman herself and cannot be increased in any way. But it quickly decreases with age and with various effects on the ovaries - with radiological exposure, chemotherapy, ovarian surgery.

Tests for hormones

During IVF, you will be prescribed hormone therapy. To accurately calculate the amount of medication needed, you will need to take tests for hormone levels. They are handed over on clearly marked days of the cycle.

An analysis that does not depend on this is for thyroid hormones.

  • FSH - It is taken on day 3-5 of the cycle. The whole further procedure and prescribed medications depend on the level of its indicators.
  • On day 3-4 - LH (), it is produced by the pituitary gland and regulates the production of progesterone in women. At its peak, it stimulates ovulation, and then its level drops sharply.
  • On any day of the cycle - Prolactin;
  • 3-8 day of the cycle - Estradiol;
  • analysis for androgens;
  • thyroid hormones can be taken on any day of the cycle.

You will also need to undergo an ultrasound examination twice per cycle - at the very beginning and at the end. It will be necessary to examine the small pelvis, the condition of the ovaries, the mucous membrane of the uterus and its thickness.

And only after all these examinations, if no contraindications have been identified, does the IVF procedure begin. The beginning of the input should be calculated in such a way that it falls on the second half of the cycle, approximately 5-7 days before the start of a new cycle. At this time, the doctor will have a complete picture of your health and the health of the future father in his hands. At the same time, the issue of assigning you an IVF protocol and the date of the next visit is decided.

Preparing a man

The father must also be prepared for the sacrament of the conception of the baby.

  • He must also undergo a full medical examination.
  • The man will have to analyze the seminal fluid. It will determine the reproductive capacity of a man. If necessary, sperm sampling is carried out surgically.
  • You will need a smear from the urethra - to identify possible purely male diseases. A smear will also rule out the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The man also takes tests for hormones. It is easier for him to do this, since he is not “tied” to the days of the cycle and can pass them on any convenient day.

If necessary, additional treatment will be prescribed, which will increase the chances of success of the entire protocol.

For more correct test results, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, visiting baths and saunas, drinking any alcohol (including beer) at least a week before the test. You should also eat as properly as possible and avoid stress and lack of sleep.

From the submitted spermogram, it will become clear whether the PICSI procedure or its modification is required - when suitable spermatozoa are placed directly into the egg with the thinnest needle.

Stage 2 - Stimulation of superovulation

At this stage, the expectant mother will have to go through a "hormonal attack" in order for her body to mature as many oocytes as possible - in order to take as many of them as possible at the next stage. Usually it is from 10 to 20 oocytes.

Hormonal preparations are introduced into the female body, which stimulate the hormonal system, all organs.

This is the longest stage of IVF by days - depending on the prescribed protocol, it can last from 10 days (super short) to 2-3 months (super long) protocols. But usually this stage takes 2-3 weeks, during which several eggs mature in a woman. It is often prescribed so as not to create a prolonged load on a woman's ovaries.

The natural cycle IVF protocol can also be prescribed - with it, the woman is not injected with any stimulating hormones.

When entering this stage, doctors also look to see if the woman has gone through menopause. In this case, it will no longer be possible to obtain her own oocytes and will have to use a donor egg.

Stage 3 - puncture

At this stage, mature eggs are collected. The whole process takes place under constant ultrasound monitoring. For this, the patient is given a short-term general anesthesia. Mature follicles are taken from the ovaries with a special aspirator. The whole process lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. After that, in a special container, they are transferred to the laboratory, where other doctors will perform their rites over them.

For the woman herself, this stage of IVF is painless. Since a puncture is still a small surgical intervention, the expectant mother is given 2-3 hours to rest and, after examining the gynecologist, she is released for now.

On the same day that the puncture is performed, the man must submit his sperm to the laboratory. In some cases, this also requires the use of testicular puncture.

There are situations when it is impossible for a man to donate seminal fluid on the same day. In this case, he hands her over the day before and she is subjected.

Stage 4 - fertilization

The most mysterious and sacred stage, which is carried out in the laboratory. Only embryologists can enter it, it is absolutely sterile, so that nothing would prevent the birth of a new life.

Sperm also undergoes a certain preparation, during which the spermatozoa are separated from the seminal fluid. This is done in order to select the most suitable, mature and mobile from the total number.

The highest quality eggs are also selected.

The egg then joins with the sperm. Most often, this process is carried out 4-6 hours after the puncture of the follicles. In a test tube with a nutrient medium, eggs are mixed with spermatozoa so that in vitro conception occurs.

This can happen in the usual way - when the sperm penetrates the wall of the egg itself - this process can take about an hour, or through. In this case, the doctor, using the thinnest needle, places it directly into the egg. Then the resulting embryo is placed in an incubator for 5-6 days to form a zygote.

Stage 5 - cultivation of embryos

After fertilization has occurred and the embryo has grown to 50-100 cells, it is checked for the presence of pathologies and genetic diseases, such as Down syndrome, hemophilia and others. Embryologists carefully monitor the quality of the resulting embryos, to ensure that proper conditions are maintained in the laboratory.

The most viable embryos are selected for implantation. Doctors are well aware of what a healthy embryo should look like, which is suitable for further development and will not “freeze” at any stage of pregnancy.

Stage 6 - transfer to the uterus

Healthy embryos are implanted in the woman's uterus. Although it is officially allowed to implant several embryos, in most of the leading clinics in the world, 1-2 embryos are transferred into the uterus, and the rest are frozen so that in case of failure, a second attempt can be made. The same embryos can be implanted in the mother even after several years, without resorting to IVF.

After implantation, the woman again undergoes hormonal therapy, already in order for the embryo to take root better. This course of hormone therapy helps in maintaining pregnancy.

If the embryo was transferred and implanted in a woman in a natural cycle, there may not be a need for hormone treatment, and such a pregnancy will in fact be no different from a natural one.

In vitro fertilization or IVF is currently the most effective method of infertility treatment. The procedure is quite complicated, it requires highly qualified doctors, so the cost of IVF is quite high.

The procedure has its own characteristics, and it is carried out in stages. Only strict adherence to all doctor's recommendations can guarantee pregnancy after IVF. Consider how the IVF procedure goes by day in detail.

IVF is a procedure in which an egg is taken from a woman by puncture, then it is fertilized in special conditions, and the grown embryo is placed in the uterus. The IVF protocol includes hormonal preparation before puncture, as well as hormonal support for pregnancy after embryo transfer.

The indication for artificial insemination is female and male infertility. It is diagnosed in the event that during the year of constant sexual life without protection, conception did not occur.

The procedure is not performed if the parents have a history of serious genetic pathologies that are likely to be passed on to the child if the woman is mentally ill. Also, the procedure is contraindicated in pathologies in a woman, when it is not possible to bear a child.


Consider IVF stages by day:

  • preparation of the couple for the protocol, passing the examination - duration 2-3 weeks;
  • stimulation of superovulation, which lasts, depending on the protocol, from 8 to 17 days;
  • egg puncture on the day of ovulation - the duration of the procedure is not more than 30 minutes;
  • preparation of eggs and spermatozoa, fertilization - duration from 3 to 5 days;
  • embryo replanting - on the 3rd or 7th day after fertilization;
  • diagnosis of pregnancy - 14 days after replanting.


The IVF protocol begins with a mandatory examination and preparation of a man and a woman. First of all, doctors recommend adjusting your lifestyle before entering the IVF protocol.

Men and women are advised to give up alcohol and smoking, drug use is strictly contraindicated. During the planning period of pregnancy, it is important to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle in general. This will help improve the quality of sperm, improve the reproductive function of a woman, which will significantly increase the likelihood of a positive result with IVF.

In the IVF protocol, preparation takes place within 3 weeks. A woman needs to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist, who will prescribe a number of tests:

  • smears;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • hormone tests;
  • fluorography;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis and mammary glands;
  • mammography - for patients over 35 years old;
  • consultations of narrow specialists in chronic diseases.

Analyzes will help to accurately determine the cause of infertility. If the pathology is associated with any disease, for example, oncology or inflammation, endocrine disruption, then it will be necessary to undergo a course of treatment.

During the preparation period, a man will have to take blood tests for infections, a smear from the urethra, and also a spermogram.

Stimulation of ovulation

After passing all the tests, it is necessary to prepare the woman's body for egg puncture. Depending on the selected IVF protocol, the procedure can be carried out in a natural cycle without stimulation or after stimulation of superovulation.

The first method is chosen quite rarely, since its effectiveness is low. The fact is that a small number of eggs mature in the natural cycle, and they are far from always of excellent quality. If the oocytes are weak, then fertilization will fail, and the IVF protocol will end there.

Stimulation of superovulation helps to provoke the maturation of a large number of eggs, from which the doctor can choose the best ones. Good oocytes are more likely to survive fertilization, become strong embryos, and subsequently take root in the uterus.

In a long IVF protocol, the procedure begins with preparing the body for taking hormones. To do this, the doctor normalizes the woman's menstrual cycle by suppressing the production of FLG and LH hormones secreted by the ovaries, this process is called downregulation. Downregulation drugs are called GnRH agonists.

If a short IVF puncture is performed, without suppression of FLH and LH hormones, then it becomes more difficult for the doctor to track the favorable day for ovulation, which reduces the risk of a favorable outcome of fertilization. The choice of protocol is usually handled by a reproductive specialist, depending on the patient's condition.

If a long protocol was prescribed, then 14 days after the start of downregulation, stimulation of superovulation with gonadotropins (FSH) is prescribed. With a short protocol, without downregulation, gonadotropins are prescribed in the first three days of menstruation.

During the period of taking hormones, the doctor performs an ultrasound scan to identify a favorable day for embryo replanting. In addition, regular visits to the doctor help to significantly reduce the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation, which is a complication of taking hormonal drugs for IVF.


The IVF process itself begins with a puncture in order to take eggs from a woman, which will subsequently be fertilized. In the natural cycle, the day of the puncture is prescribed according to the results of ultrasound, and in the stimulated cycle, usually on the 13-15th day of the menstrual cycle.

Before the puncture, a woman is forbidden to overheat, that is, lie in a hot bath, sunbathe, go to the bath. It is also forbidden to consume alcohol and drugs. During the IVF protocol, it is recommended to observe sexual rest, especially in the last 4 days before the puncture.

Take a shower in the morning before the procedure. You should come to the clinic without makeup, nail polish, remove contact lenses and do not use perfume. It is forbidden to drink in the evening so that the bladder is empty before the procedure.

The puncture is performed under anesthesia, the woman will not feel anything. The procedure does not leave scars or wounds, rehabilitation after it is not required. And it consists in maintaining a thin long needle into the ovary to collect eggs from the follicles.

Complications after the puncture usually do not occur, but the patient may be disturbed by aching pains in the lower abdomen. An anesthetic will help to cope with such an unpleasant symptom. It is better not to take drugs of the NSAID group, as they can provoke profuse spotting.

As a rule, even with several IVF attempts, ovarian stimulation and puncture are carried out only once, as extra embryos remain from the first time. Each couple can freeze the embryos for an additional fee, which will help to avoid another course of hormonal drugs later.


Step by step, the IVF procedure after the puncture involves the fertilization of the received eggs. Therefore, on the day of the puncture, the man will need to donate sperm by masturbation.

Once the oocytes have been collected, they are taken to a laboratory where the cells are purified and the best quality oocytes are selected. The same is done with the husband's sperm. After that, the doctor fertilizes and places future embryos in an incubator to obtain a zygote (fertilized egg).

Fertilization is carried out approximately 5 hours after the puncture. If during previous punctures the procedure ended with a poor result, or the spermatozoa are inactive, then the embryologist performs fertilization using special microsurgical methods:

    ICSI - the introduction of a sperm into the egg with a needle, if the sperm are not mobile and do not fertilize the egg themselves;

  • PICSI - the same as ICSI, only before manipulation, using a special test, the best spermatozoa are selected;
  • IVM - is carried out using underdeveloped eggs that mature in the laboratory.

After fertilization, doctors make sure that the zygotes are formed correctly. If anomalies are present, then such cells are not used for fertilization, but are disposed of. In order for the embryos to grow and develop properly, they are in a special environment close to the woman's body.

High-quality embryos grow quickly, already on the 3rd day 8-10 cells are observed, and on the 5th day the cells change, some are sent to the formation of the fetus, others to the formation of the placenta. Then they are implanted into the uterine cavity.


The last and rather important stage for a woman is the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity. Special preparation for the procedure is usually not required, but the reproductologist may recommend the following rules:

  • take a shower before the procedure;
  • drink a glass of water an hour before the procedure;
  • arrive at the clinic on time, do not apply makeup and perfume;
  • tune in to a positive result, do not worry.

The embryo transfer procedure is painless, so it is performed without anesthesia. Through the vagina, using a thin catheter, the doctor will insert the embryo into the uterine cavity. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes, but it is recommended that a woman spend another 30-60 minutes in the clinic, just lie down and relax.

After the procedure, you should not engage in heavy physical labor, but bed rest is also not recommended. You need to lead a normal life, eat right and not worry about trifles. In the period until confirmation of pregnancy, you need to observe sexual rest, as well as take drugs to support pregnancy, which the doctor will prescribe.


We have analyzed how IVF is carried out step by step, and how much is done in time, but women are most concerned about the result. 2 weeks after embryo transfer, the expectant mother needs to visit the clinic and get tested for the hCG hormone. Also, a woman can conduct a regular pharmacy pregnancy test at home.

If the result is negative, do not despair. It is far from always possible to get pregnant after IVF the first time, because a huge number of factors influence the development of the embryo. To increase the chance of a favorable outcome, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of the reproductive specialist, embryologist and gynecologist, as well as tune in to the best and not worry about trifles.

How IVF is done: the process itself (Video)

In vitro fertilization is currently a widely used method of pregnancy planning and the last hope for couples who, for one reason or another, cannot conceive a child on their own.

How is IVF done? This is a fairly complex procedure, consisting of at least seven critical steps. Each of them is extremely important for the successful fertilization of the egg and the further onset of pregnancy.

IVF is a modern method of infertility treatment, as well as the best solution for couples who want to have a baby, but are unable to do it naturally. The procedure is associated with certain risks, and therefore requires a thorough examination of both partners, highly qualified doctors and observation at all stages of IVF.

The essence of in vitro fertilization is as follows: the doctor receives from the woman a viable and functioning egg, which is sent to the laboratory. While the process of its withdrawal is taking place, the future father donates sperm, from which spermatozoa will subsequently be taken.

Then comes the most crucial stage of IVF - fertilization, which is carried out in two ways. The first method is actually in vitro fertilization, when the fusion of sperm and eggs occurs naturally in an incubator. The second method is the implantation of a spermatozoon into an egg under a microscope, when fertilization is not possible in the first way (intracytoplasmic sperm injection).

Subsequently, embryos are formed from the fertilized eggs, which are transplanted into the uterus. The woman is under the close supervision of a gynecologist until the moment of childbirth.

When is IVF done?

In vitro fertilization is carried out in cases where a couple, for one reason or another, cannot conceive a child. The problem can be both in a woman or a man, or in both partners at the same time.

The main indications for IVF are:

  • pathology of the fallopian tubes;
  • endometriosis;
  • pathology of the male genital organs, when fertilization in natural conditions is impossible;
  • violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of sperm.

However, in vitro fertilization can also be carried out in healthy spouses at their own request.

Contraindications for in vitro fertilization are:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms of the female genital organs;
  • malformations of the uterus;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • severe general diseases in which pregnancy is undesirable;
  • chronic mental illness that can worsen during pregnancy and pose a direct threat to the life of the mother and her child.

Stages of IVF

IVF stages in their totality pursue a single goal - to give a woman the opportunity to know the joy of motherhood.

Stage 1: Examination

The first and most important stage of in vitro fertilization is a thorough examination of the couple. Doctors find out whether it is possible to achieve pregnancy by other, more gentle methods. Also at the examination stage it is determined whether the woman has contraindications to the procedure.

For this, the following studies are being carried out:

  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (both transabdominal and vaginal);
  • blood tests to determine the level of female sex hormones, as well as assess the condition of internal organs;
  • spermogram;
  • according to indications - consultation of other specialists.

Based on the data obtained during the examination, a decision is made whether the woman is suitable for the in vitro fertilization procedure or not.

It is important to note until what age IVF is done. This procedure is indicated for women from 18 to 35 years old, although it is possible to carry it out at a later age. However, the likelihood of pregnancy in this case is much lower.

Stage 2: Stimulation of ovulation

For IVF, it is necessary to obtain a sufficient (usually 10-20) number of viable and fertile eggs. Therefore, before the direct removal of oocytes, a woman is stimulated to ovulate.

For this procedure, the following drugs are used:

  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). With its controlled intake, it is possible to obtain good growth of follicles. Moreover, the likelihood of pregnancy after such stimulation of ovulation is much higher than with other, older drugs.
  • Gonadoliberin and its analogues. These are other drugs used to superstimulate the ovaries and achieve a good result.
  • HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin. It is used immediately before an ovarian puncture.

These drugs are used in several protocols. Two of them are most commonly used in clinical practice. The duration of the long protocol is 3-4 weeks, it does not impose a large load on the ovaries. The short protocol is used when the ovaries are not initially functional; it lasts from 1 day to 2 weeks.

Stage 3: Ovarian puncture and fertilization

After obtaining mature follicles, the woman undergoes a puncture of the ovaries through the vagina under general anesthesia. As a result, the doctor receives a follicular fluid containing many eggs. She is redirected to the laboratory, where fertilization will subsequently be carried out.

A man can donate sperm both on the eve of the procedure and on the same day, while his partner is undergoing a puncture. Modern methods, such as cryopreservation, allow maintaining the viability of spermatozoa for a very long time, but the probability of fertilization in this case will be somewhat lower.

The process of in vitro fertilization itself is carried out in two ways:

  • The eggs and spermatozoa are placed in a sterile tube, it is installed in a special incubator, the conditions of which are close to those in the fallopian tubes. Fertilization in this case occurs spontaneously.
  • An embryologist, under a microscope, injects a sperm cell into an egg using a needle (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), after which it is placed in an incubator. This method is more often used in cases where past IVF results have been negative.

Usually, after in vitro fertilization, at least 50% of viable zygotes can be obtained.

Step 4: Embryo culture

The next stage of IVF is carried out in the laboratory under the supervision of an embryologist. At this stage, the embryos are cultivated in an incubator, which will subsequently be transplanted into the uterine cavity of a woman:

  • The division of the zygote, or fertilized egg, begins on average 24 hours after the completion of the previous stage.
  • Two days after fertilization, the embryos consist of 2 or 4 cells.
  • By the end of the third day, the embryos already have 6, 8 or 10 cells.
  • By the fifth day, a cavity filled with liquid forms in the center of the embryo, which is a rounded accumulation of cells. At this stage, it is already ready for implantation and consists of two parts, one of which will become the fetus, and the other will serve as a source for the formation of the placenta.

During the entire cultivation process, the embryologist screens out the quality of the resulting embryos. Defective zygotes are removed and every effort is made to preserve the most viable embryos. At the request of the woman, some of them can be frozen for subsequent attempts at in vitro fertilization.

Stage 5: Embryo Transfer

On the 5th-7th day, the cultured embryos are ready for implantation into the uterine cavity. The transplantation process does not require general anesthesia, its duration is no more than 20 minutes.

For implantation, a conventional vaginal speculum is used. After obtaining a complete view, the doctor places a special catheter into the cervical canal and injects a liquid through it containing the most mature and high-quality embryos. At this stage, the procedure ends. A woman should stay in bed for several hours, after which she can go home.

The embryo transfer procedure can be accompanied by a number of discomfort and even pain, but these are short-term phenomena. However, if during the manipulation a woman experiences a serious ailment, then she should immediately inform the doctor about this.

Stage 6: Pregnancy control

Pregnancy control can be carried out 2 weeks after embryo implantation. During this time, the placenta has time to form, releasing chorionic gonadotropin. It is this substance that determines all pregnancy tests.

In the event of a successful pregnancy, a woman must follow a special regimen in order to save the child and reduce the likelihood of miscarriage:

  • In the first three days after receiving a positive result, rest and half-bed rest should be observed. In the future, you should significantly limit physical activity, but you should not lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • You should postpone sexual intercourse for at least a couple of weeks.
  • After IVF, it is recommended to temporarily stop swimming in pools, open water, as well as staying in baths and saunas.
  • It is necessary to warm up thoroughly in the cold season and in no case allow hypothermia.
  • The expectant mother is highly discouraged from worrying and experiencing any psychological stress.
  • It is strictly forbidden to come into any contact with patients with acute infectious diseases.

After passing through all stages of IVF, a pregnant woman is recommended to follow a special diet consisting of natural foods. The diet should be dominated by proteins, mainly of animal origin. It is necessary to observe the optimal drinking regime not to consume a large amount of fatty, floury and sweet foods.



First of all, you need to identify your ovarian reserve. This is a genetically laid down supply of eggs in the ovaries of a woman in the absence of pathophysiological changes in her reproductive system. Unfortunately, ovarian reserve decreases with age. Also leads to its decrease: operations on the ovaries, radiation exposure, antitumor chemotherapy. It is checked by the level of hormones AMH, inhibin B, FSH. Or in the first days of the menstrual cycle, you can count the number of antral follicles.

It is important to prepare the uterine cavity. The operation is done according to personal indications, if a woman has pathologies of the uterine cavity, such as synechiae or polyps, they must be removed before starting IVF. Also, hydrosalpinx, a fluid that accumulates in the fallopian tubes, negatively affects the effectiveness of the program, since this fluid has an embryotoxic effect. Treatment of this pathology should be carried out before the start of the IVF procedure.

You need to check the smear for the absence of infections. Give a smear for bacterial flora. According to the results, the doctor can prescribe treatment and hormonal examination. In the best case, do a complete examination so that if there are infections or a violation of the hormonal background, it can be corrected before the start of the stages of in vitro fertilization.



As soon as you have passed all the examinations, fully prepared, the start of entering the IVF procedure takes place. 7-10 days before the start of the menstrual cycle, make an appointment with your doctor. You should have a pelvic ultrasound, assess the condition of the ovaries, the thickness of the uterine mucosa. At the end of all examinations, your attending physician should have a complete picture of your health, as well as the health of your spouse. For each patient, a personal card is created, which indicates the patient's state of health, the entire treatment regimen, drug dosages, and the dates of each subsequent visit.

On day 3-5 of the cycle:

FSH. This is a very important indicator. A set of drugs for further stimulation of a woman depends on its level;

For 3-4 days:

On any day of the cycle:


3-8 days of the cycle:



On any day of the cycle:

thyroid hormones



The man must submit spermogram- This is an analysis of seminal fluid that determines the reproductive ability of a man. There is an opportunity to pass this analysis in our clinic. This analysis is done before the first stage of IVF, as the process of passing a spermogram is quite simple. Sperm is donated by ejaculation at the clinic on the day of its test. For this, the clinic has a special comfortable room, a special container is issued free of charge. If a man experiences discomfort and is not sure about the positive outcome of ejaculation in the clinic, it is allowed to do this at home. To do this, you need to buy a container specially designed for this at the pharmacy. After collecting the sperm within two hours, it is necessary to bring the seminal fluid for analysis.

Spermogram allows you to establish the fertility of a man, to identify existing diseases of the reproductive system. If, according to the results of the analysis, deviations from the norm of the spermogram are found, then a consultation with an andrologist is necessary in order to understand whether it is possible to correct the violations with which they are associated. Other medical problems are possible, such as genetic defects on the Y chromosome.

Such defects are sometimes the cause of male infertility. Men with a congenital absence of the channels through which sperm exits the testicles - the vas deferens - often men with this defect are carriers of the disease cystic fibrosis. If this problem is found, genetic testing should be performed.

Also, a man must pass a swab from the urethra. This analysis reveals diseases such as prostatitis, urethritis, sexually transmitted diseases. You can find a complete list of tests in the article "Preparing for IVF: tests that need to be passed" . You should be tested for infections and latent infections (TORCH infections).


Refrain from sexual intercourse. Optimal - 4 days.

Eliminate alcoholic beverages, sleeping pills and sedatives during this period.

Avoid visiting saunas, baths, hot baths.


Normospermia (normozoospemia).

Sperm parameters are normal.


Increased amount of ejaculate produced.

One of the main factors affecting the duration of preparation for the IVF procedure is the state of health of both partners, especially their reproductive organs. For example, if a woman has endometriosis, a fibroid, or a cyst, it will take time to heal. If antibodies to rubella are found, it will be necessary to vaccinate and postpone the IVF procedure for 2-3 months in order to eliminate the risk of infection of the embryo.

Also, you will have to postpone the IVF procedure if the partner has poor sperm counts.

It can take up to three months just to eliminate hypo- or beriberi in partners.

In addition, the duration of preparation for the procedure depends on the protocol prescribed by the doctor. So, the classic protocol takes 2-4 weeks, and the long and extra-long protocol takes from 1 to 3 months.

IVF preparation procedure

First of all, both partners will have to give up alcohol, cigarettes and other bad habits. This is necessary in order to improve the condition of the eggs and sperm. In addition, future parents are prescribed vitamin complexes that contain vitamin B 9.

Next, the spouses need to consult an andrologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, reproductologist and mammologist. A woman gives smears for infections, cytology (to exclude the likelihood of oncology) and vaginal microflora. The partner, in turn, makes a spermogram.

To undergo the in vitro fertilization procedure, you must undergo the following tests:

1. Hemostasiogram.

2. Analysis that determines the blood type and Rh factor.

3. Analysis that determines the level of hormones.

4. Blood test for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis (B and C).

5. Biochemical analysis of blood.

6. General analysis of urine.

7. It is desirable, in addition, to do a blood test for herpes, CMV and toxoplasmosis.

If the spouses are in the 35+ age group, as well as if there are hereditary diseases, it is also necessary to pass genetic tests. After that, the most viable and healthy embryo will be selected for transfer to the uterus.

A woman is prescribed a biopsy, ultrasound, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Hysteroscopy is needed if there are problems with bearing a baby.

IVF protocol

After receiving the results of all tests, the doctor prescribes the optimal treatment. The IVF protocol is assigned according to the identified problems on an individual basis. However, there is a standard IVF protocol, which includes the following steps:

  1. Stimulation of the ovaries.
  2. Puncture of follicles (extraction of oocytes).
  3. Transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity.
  4. Hormonal support.
  5. Testing for HCG.

Based on the results of the tests, the doctor has the opportunity to more accurately determine the causes of infertility and, accordingly, prescribe the most effective treatment and develop a plan for preparing for the in vitro fertilization procedure.

How long is the preparatory phase?

IVF is an extremely important step in the history of any childless family, because it is an opportunity to give birth to the desired baby, and possibly even more than one.

And first of all, the question arises: what needs to be done to make the IVF procedure possible? How to prepare for IVF? And how long will this preparation last?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the questions posed, because individual treatment is selected for each couple, and the duration of the preparatory period before IVF depends on many factors, which include:

1. Duration of testing and waiting for test results.

2. The duration of the woman's menstrual cycle and, accordingly, the time of egg maturation.

3. Time required for embryo implantation.

And if everything becomes clear with the last point within two weeks, then the first two provisions require clarification.

Preparation time for the IVF procedure

No matter how it looks from the outside, throughout the IVF protocol, the feasible participation of not only women, but also men is required. Partners need to take blood tests for clotting, hormonal levels, etc., and do it as soon as possible. Typically, this takes about a week. Then there will be a whole raid on doctors, and it usually takes 1-2 weeks for all examinations, if you act promptly. A man without fail visits a urologist, and a woman visits a gynecologist, mammologist, uzist and cardiologist.

During a visit to the urologist, the anamnesis of the diseases that the patient suffered at one time is studied, and then the sperm is collected to determine its condition, quality and fertility. If the result does not satisfy the specialist, the man donates blood for analysis to identify the causes of such anomalies.

A woman during a visit to doctors takes a swab from the cervix and genital tract to determine if there are any pathogenic bacteria. After that, she takes hormonal drugs for two weeks without fail, which stimulate the maturation of eggs, and then the mature eggs are removed. After that, under laboratory conditions, the spermatozoa are planted in the extracted follicles. After a few days, the embryo is transferred into the uterine cavity, and after another 2 weeks, you can do the first pregnancy test to find out the result. In other words, the average duration of preparation for IVF is from 1 to 2 months.

If the test shows a positive result, the woman becomes a regular visitor to the clinic for the next few months; during this time, her health, as well as the condition and development of the fetus, are carefully monitored. If the result is negative, do not despair: after a while, you can make another IVF attempt.

How to start preparing for IVF

In vitro fertilization is becoming the last hope for infertile couples who want to have a child of their own. IVF costs quite a lot of money, but the end result - the life of a child and a full-fledged family - is definitely worth it. Sometimes, due to the peculiarities of the procedure, several children are born at once. The fact is that in order to increase the chances of a successful outcome, several embryos are transferred to the uterus at once, and sometimes several of them are successfully implanted at once.

It is a collection of several mandatory elements. To get started you need:

1. Quit smoking if you had such a sin (you were planning to do it for a long time anyway, but then a wonderful and serious reason appeared).

2. Give up alcohol.

3. Balance the diet. Consult with your doctor, in extreme cases - you can always read about the basic principles on the Internet.

The next step is mental preparation. They shouldn't be neglected. Talk to relatives, consult various doctors, enlist the support of a partner. Or only after realizing that the decision is final and irrevocable, go to the medical center. And do not forget to carefully check the information about the medical center itself before that. It is better not to go to clinics that do not have good recommendations.

What is the IVF preparation program?

So, the documents have been drawn up, the payment has been made, and the moment comes for the spouses when the doctor prescribes a special program that they will have to go through.

The program of preparation for the procedure of in vitro fertilization comes down to one single task: the birth of a healthy child. The program includes a large number of various tests and studies, frequent visits to different doctors, ovarian stimulation, egg maturation and transfer of an already grown embryo into the woman's uterine cavity.

The probability of pregnancy from the first attempt does not give unambiguous indicators, however, on average, statistics say that about a third of in vitro fertilization attempts end in pregnancy, which generally converges with indicators for natural conception. The probability of success depends on the lifestyle of the spouses, their health, age and other indicators.

If the first attempt was unsuccessful, do not despair, because it is possible to make another attempt after some time.

Stages of preparation for the IVF procedure within the program

The IVF preparation program includes the following steps:

1. First of all, after the examination, the doctor determines the treatment regimen for the partners and the action plan.

2. Then there is the elimination of all existing diseases in both partners, as far as possible.

3. A woman is prescribed hormone therapy.

4. At the right time, egg puncture occurs, and the man donates sperm at this time.

5. Fertilization takes place directly in the laboratory.

6. Specialists monitor the development of embryos.

7. The most viable and healthy embryo is transferred to the uterus of the expectant mother.

8. A woman begins to take hormonal drugs aimed at maintaining pregnancy.

9. A test is done to determine hCG hormones.

10. An ultrasound is performed to find out for sure if pregnancy has occurred.

11. Doctors carry out constant monitoring of the condition of the expectant mother. The woman passes all the necessary tests.

12. Delivery.

How long does it take to prepare for an IVF procedure?

Preparation for the IVF procedure includes a number of tests and procedures, treatment of identified abnormalities and diseases, avoidance of alcohol and cigarettes, and much more. In connection with such a number of prescriptions and restrictions, many patients are very interested in the question: how long does it take to prepare for the in vitro fertilization procedure? However, there is no single answer, because the preparation time for IVF is individual for each individual case; it depends on how complex the situation is, but on average the preparation phase takes from a couple of weeks to several months.

Duration of preparation for IVF

The preparatory stage is a mandatory step for both partners, except in cases where donor sperm is used for in vitro fertilization.

The main determinant of the duration of preparation for the IVF procedure is the state of reproductive health of both partners. For example, if a woman suffers from cysts, endometriosis or uterine fibroids, she will have to spend time to eliminate the foci of these diseases. You will also have to postpone the IVF procedure if rubella antibodies are not found in the expectant mother: in this case, she needs to be vaccinated, and IVF should be postponed for several menstrual cycles.

If the partner's spermogram showed not the best results, a course of treatment is also necessary. In the presence of beriberi, both partners will have, among other things, to undergo a course of treatment lasting approximately three months.

The IVF preparation program itself is designed for approximately 1-2 months.

Preparing for IVF: Getting Started

First of all, absolutely all patients, without exception, will need to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol, because bad habits adversely affect the quality of the egg and sperm (respectively, the same spermogram will leave much to be desired).

Then you need to consult a reproductologist, gynecologist and andrologist. The woman will be sent to have a smear test to check for sexually transmitted infections, while the man will have to give sperm.

The third step in the list of necessary manipulations is the delivery of all necessary tests. According to their results, the doctor will determine whether IVF is possible.

The last step will be to conduct various types of examinations: laparoscopy, biopsy and ultrasound.

Sometimes additional consultation with an endocrinologist and mammologist is required. In addition, the expectant mother will have to visit other specialists (including a dentist) in order to completely eliminate the possibility of any infections in the body.

Mandatory analyzes for both partners include:

1. Analysis of the level of hormones.

2. Various blood tests (including to find out the blood type and Rh factor), urinalysis.

Preparatory stage before ICSI

Unlike IVF, with ICSI, the embryo is introduced into the egg invasively. ICSI is usually recommended for male infertility. Preparing for ICSI takes about the same amount of time as preparing for IVF.

To prepare the body for embryo transfer, a woman is prescribed a course of hormone therapy.

A man, on the other hand, will have to donate a lot of sperm so that the specialists can ultimately choose the most viable sperm for implantation in the egg.

Transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity

The fertilized egg is closely monitored if obvious signs of cleavage begin to appear after 18 hours. Usually already on the 5th day the embryo is ready for transfer. During this period, the embryo is in the state of the blastocyst vesicle.

Embryo transfer is quite fast, the transfer procedure takes only about 20 minutes, and the woman will experience only a little discomfort, so anesthesia is not required.

However, with all the seeming ease of the transfer procedure, it is minor errors in the process that can cause unsuccessful IVF. For example, it is important to insert the catheter correctly, because otherwise it may be clogged with mucus, together with which the embryos will exit the uterine cavity.

So, the embryo transfer is completed, and now the woman needs to stay on the couch for the next 15-20 minutes. With a successful transfer, bed rest is not necessary. However, it will be better to limit physical activity, avoid stressful situations and refrain from sexual intercourse.

Two weeks after the transfer, you can take the first pregnancy test and finally find out if the in vitro fertilization procedure was successful. If the result is positive, the woman needs to register with the antenatal clinic. Pregnancy through in vitro fertilization women are constantly under the supervision of a doctor. They are more likely to take tests and undergo various examinations than women who become pregnant naturally. The reason is that maintaining a pregnancy and carrying a child after IVF is a rather difficult task.

IVF is a big step. Weigh all the pros and cons, consult with the relevant experts and, if possible, with those who have already passed this path. Talk about the duration of preparation, the risks and likelihood of complications in your particular case, as well as the chances of success.

The main stages and rules of preparation for the IVF procedure

One of the important stages of the IVF procedure is the preparation for its implementation. The success of the procedure largely depends on how carefully and correctly the preparatory stage is carried out. At the same time, for a positive result, it is necessary not only to go through all the prescribed doctors and do all the injections, but also to prepare mentally (this applies to both partners).

Do not forget that the in vitro fertilization procedure is an extremely serious step, and the life and health of not only the child, but also the mother, depend on how everything goes. And even with total control over the situation, various force majeure circumstances can lead to failure. For example, such a side factor as a nervous breakdown of a future mother can cause a mental disorder in a baby or a miscarriage. Therefore, it is necessary for a woman to create as comfortable conditions as possible. The expectant mother should be in a warm family environment, not be left without the support of loved ones; she must feel that the child is desired by all members of the family, and be mentally prepared for a negative test result. A man should also mentally prepare for the long journey of in vitro fertilization and expect the birth of a baby.

In addition, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out how the process of preparing for IVF goes and what is included in it. It is by no means superfluous to learn about the correct lifestyle and diet for each of the partners.

What should be the nutrition in preparation for IVF?

During preparation for the procedure of in vitro fertilization, the diet for a man and a woman should be as healthy, satisfying and varied as possible. This will not only be a step towards pregnancy, but will also help improve test results.

For men, it's simple: they should give up alcohol and cigarettes and eat less fatty foods.

But for a woman, there are a number of prescriptions:

1. It is necessary to give up weight loss and stop counting calories.

2. The diet should include as much protein as possible: eggs, cheese, fish, lean meat, chicken.

3. Food should be boiled, baked or steamed.

4. The less salt there is in food, the better. Ideally, it's best to avoid it altogether.

5. It is necessary to include more vegetables and greens in the diet, but this does not apply to cabbage, beans and corn, because these vegetables cause flatulence and inflammatory processes in the stomach.

6. You should give up fatty meat and fish dishes, spices, white bread and sweets.

In addition, women are not allowed to visit baths, saunas, take hot baths.

What tests should be done in preparation for IVF?

To determine the state of health of the spouses, you should pass a number of tests.

The mandatory list of tests for men includes:

1. Spermogram.

2. Sperm culture.

Women will have a longer visit to the doctors, because you need:

1. Get an ultrasound.

2. Make a cardiogram.

3. And a mammogram.

4. Take a blood test for cancer markers, rubella, toxoplasma and, of course, hormones.

5. Pass an analysis on the composition of microbes in the cervix.

How to start preparing for the IVF procedure?

Usually they turn to IVF when all other chances of becoming parents have exhausted themselves and proved their ineffectiveness. And yet, the IVF procedure is very costly in terms of finances, effort and time, and besides, it does not always end in pregnancy. The success of IVF depends on many factors, one of which is the correct preparatory stage.

Preparation for the IVF procedure within the protocol

Each IVF procedure is performed according to the protocol drawn up. The content of the protocol depends directly on the causes of infertility and the state of health of the spouses. Protocols are ultrashort, short and long. However, regardless of the size of the protocol, the preparation stage for the procedure is the longest, it can take approximately 25-40 days. At this stage, the task of specialists is to prepare the female body as efficiently as possible for the upcoming fertilization. In other words, it is necessary to stimulate the production of oocytes (eggs). Everyone knows that usually in one menstrual cycle, the female body produces one egg, but this is not enough for IVF, so the expectant mother is injected with special hormonal preparations that force the body to produce 5-6 eggs at a time. This is done for that. To increase the chances of fertilization the first time, because among several embryos it will be possible to choose the most viable for transfer to the uterus.

However, preparation for IVF begins much earlier than the protocol comes into force.

How to start preparing for IVF?

Preparing for IVF in general is practically no different from thoughtful preparation for conceiving naturally. There are some rules that both partners should follow:

1. A couple of months before conception, give up bad habits.

2. Try to avoid stress.

3. Watch your diet: it should be healthy and varied. Sometimes doctors recommend supplementing it with a multivitamin, which includes vitamin E and folic acid.

4. Avoid excessive exercise.

IVF preparation for men

Before the IVF procedure, a man will have to undergo a complete medical examination, which will help find the cause of infertility, because reproductive system failures are possible not only in a woman’s body. For example, various kinds of genetic disorders can become an obstacle to natural conception. Before IVF, a man will have to pass:

1. Biochemical and general blood analysis.

3. Spermogram.

4. Analysis that reveals genetic pathologies.

5. Analysis for diseases that are sexually transmitted.

The treatment that will be prescribed to the man depends on the results obtained, because before the IVF procedure, both partners should be as healthy as possible.

IVF preparation for women

The state of health of a woman before IVF is even more important, because she will have to expose her body to severe stress due to the use of hormonal drugs and bear a child. The reproductologist appoints the patient a comprehensive medical examination, which, among other things (that is, this is not even a complete list), must include:

1. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis.

3. Ultrasound of the mammary glands.

4. Analysis for STDs.

5. Analysis for TORCH infection.

6. Cervical smear Nasitology.

7. Analysis that reveals genetic pathologies.

8. Blood test for hormones and clotting.

If any pathologies and deviations were detected during the tests, the doctor proceeds to treat them.

Often, in the process of preparing for IVF, a woman undergoes an operation to remove the fallopian tubes, especially if obstruction has been detected, because damaged uterine appendages can become a serious obstacle to the normal course of pregnancy. In addition, a woman should take hormonal drugs for some time to bring the hormonal background to the required state.

Sexual life in preparation for the IVF procedure

This question often worries patients. Sometimes couples voluntarily abstain from intimacy for fear of harm and less chance of successful conception, and sometimes it's because of the stress of waiting for the procedure. However, experts say that it is not worth giving up sex at all. Moreover, intercourse is even beneficial in the pre-transfer period because it is a natural way to improve blood circulation in the uterus, which increases the likelihood of successful implantation. Another thing is that it is necessary to give up sexual activity in the two-week period between embryo transfer and confirmation of pregnancy. In addition, it is necessary to abstain before semen sampling in order to be able to collect a sufficient amount of it.

IVF preparation program

The preparation for the in vitro fertilization procedure includes numerous examinations and analyzes, the purpose of which is to prevent and reduce all possible risks of any complications. In addition, the preparatory stage of IVF includes the treatment of all detected diseases, quitting smoking, alcohol and other bad habits, as well as the formation of the right diet. In terms of duration, the standard preparatory stage takes about 2-3 weeks, but the period is individual for each couple.

The main stages of preparation for the IVF procedure

Preparation for the IVF procedure includes several stages:

1. General recreational activities that change the usual rhythm of life for both partners. This stage helps to increase the chance of successful conception. This includes:

Complete abstinence from alcohol, smoking, drugs;

Compliance with a balanced healthy diet that can provide the body with all the substances it needs during this period; among other things, the doctor may prescribe a special vitamin and mineral complex;

Regular walks in the fresh air, moderate physical activity;

Mandatory alternation of work and rest;

Abstinence from sexual intercourse at certain stages.

2. Complete medical examination.

This is necessary for an accurate assessment of the health status of patients. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will determine the further development of events before the procedure begins. Spouses need:

To undergo consultations with various specialists: gynecologist, andrologist, reproductologist and endocrinologist;

Pass a series of urine and blood tests (biochemistry, general, analysis for the presence of infections and the state of the hormonal background);

Undergo hardware studies (those prescribed by the doctor): hysteroscopy, ultrasound, laparoscopy and biopsy.

Important to remember

If you decide to seek help from an IVF clinic, the contract should be signed only after there are no ambiguities and unknown details of a legal and ethical nature. After that, strictly follow the recommendations and instructions of your doctor, who will develop an individual treatment plan for you; for this, it is quite possible that you will have to change and revise your work schedule. Following the recommendations of the attending physician will help to avoid unnecessary stress and unnecessary expenses, and will also bring you closer to your cherished goal - the birth of a desired, long-awaited baby.

Analyzes at the stage of preparation for IVF

One of the fundamental stages of the IVF protocol is the delivery of tests and preparation for the procedure. According to the results of medical research, doctors determine how ready the body of the future mother is for pregnancy, whether there are pathologies, illnesses, infections, what state the hormonal background and immunity are in. Sometimes after that it takes time to eliminate health problems, and sometimes pregnancy is completely contraindicated.

It is also important for a partner to be examined. Men take a smear to exclude the presence of infections of the genitourinary system, make a spermogram, donate blood for the presence of antibodies to infections. A woman has a harder time: the list of tests in this case is more impressive. A woman needs:

1. Pass a general analysis of urine and blood. Biochemistry will reveal health disorders, and the doctor will find and eliminate the causes of diseases.

2. Pass a cytology and smear on the flora. These tests allow you to determine the condition of the cervix and vagina, because even the slightest inflammation must be eliminated.

3. Make a blood test for the presence of antibodies to infections or the infections themselves. This study allows you to detect hepatitis type B and C, toxoplasmosis, herpes, syphilis, rubella, chlamydia. These infections can have a negative, destructive effect on the fetus. Rubella is especially dangerous, and if a woman has not had it before, a few months before artificial insemination, vaccination.

4. Get tested for hormones (sex and thyroid glands). Diseases of the endocrine system often become the cause of infertility. The level of certain hormones will allow doctors to select the right medicines for the period before the IVF procedure and for the first time after embryo implantation.

5. Make an ultrasound of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries to exclude the possibility of a tumor or any developmental anomalies.

6. Determine the blood type, Rh factor, blood clotting. If an antiphospholipid syndrome is detected, characterized by increased blood clotting and, as a result, an increased risk of blood clots. In this case, the doctor prescribes special therapy.

What Happens During IVF Preparation

Proper preparation for IVF significantly increases the chances of a successful conception, so the question of what preparation for IVF includes is relevant for many couples. In general, the preparatory stage can be divided into the following components:

2. Complete medical examination.

3. Stimulation with hormonal drugs.

Before proceeding to conception, both parents need to put their health in order, as far as possible: they will have to give up bad habits, bring their weight back to normal, and, of course, cure all diseases that they have not reached their hands in any way.

In addition, it is necessary to normalize the diet. Men, for example, to improve sperm quality should eat foods rich in vitamin A (broccoli, carrots, dried apricots, oatmeal) and vitamin C (spinach, currants, green peas). In addition, a man is prescribed special drugs.

The task of women is to contribute in every possible way to the stimulation of superovulation. This requires, firstly, a set of exercises that helps to optimize blood circulation in the small pelvis. Secondly, nutrition is also very important. The diet for women should contain high protein foods and plenty of fluids, ideally 2-3 liters per day.

It is common practice to take contraceptives in preparation for IVF. The fact is that contraceptive pills reduce the risk of developing hyperstimulation syndrome and ovarian cysts, and sometimes even enhance the effectiveness of procedures.

Analyzes and examinations

During the preparation for IVF, the doctor prescribes a huge number of tests. A woman must submit:

1. Smears for oncocytology, flora, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasma and chlamydia.

2. General analysis of urine.

3. Analysis for the general hormonal background.

4. Examination for HbsAg antigens.

5. General and biochemical blood analysis; it is also necessary to identify the blood group, Rh factor and the level of estrogen in the blood.

6. Tests for genital herpes, rubella, hepatitis (B and C), HIV.

7. Blood clotting analysis.

8. Hormonal screening.

9. Fluorography.

10. Examination by a mammologist and gynecologist.

11. Ultrasound of the internal organs of the small pelvis. This is necessary to identify cysts, if any, and determine the size of the ovaries.

A man will have to undergo the following medical procedures:

1. Spermogram.

2. Blood test for herpes infections, flora, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis.

3. Blood tests for HbsAg antigens.

4. Consultation with a urologist.

Having studied the results of tests and examinations, the doctor prescribes a stimulation protocol for the expectant mother. In this protocol, the duration and sequence of taking all the hormonal drugs necessary in this particular case are prescribed. A woman must clearly follow the instructions, because the success of the next steps directly depends on this.

The protocols are divided into:

1. Clean. Duration - 9-14 days. Only preparations containing FGS are prescribed.

2. Short. Duration - one menstrual cycle. Starts on the third day of the cycle.

3. Long. Duration - 10-15 days. Start - seven days before the next cycle. Drugs are prescribed that can improve the functionality of the ovaries.

Preparing a man for an IVF procedure

As you know, in vitro fertilization is used in cases where, due to health problems of a woman, a man or both partners, a couple cannot conceive a child naturally.

In in vitro fertilization, the man performs the same role as in natural conception. The day for conception is determined by the woman's menstrual cycle, so the collection of sperm is carried out on a strictly defined day. As a rule, a man simply masturbates to extract seminal fluid, but, if necessary, various surgical methods can be used: testicular biopsy, aspiration of the contents of the epididymis, etc. The only contraindication for IVF is the presence of hepatitis B, HIV and other hereditary diseases that can harm life and health baby.

No matter how frivolous it may seem, but the right psychological attitude is no less important than the state of health. If a man calmly and without prejudice refers to the IVF procedure, then he will face only minimal problems in the process. It is important to understand: how serious are the intentions of a man to have a child? Will a man be able to support his wife throughout the entire period? Does the procedure of in vitro fertilization run counter to the worldview and religion of a man? Will a man pull the IVF procedure financially and emotionally? The process should be started only if a man can confidently answer positively to all questions.

IVF preparation for men

For men preparation for the IVF procedure not much different from preparing for natural conception. All you have to do is follow these guidelines, and it's not difficult at all:

  1. Forget about alcohol, cigarettes and other bad habits. Now you have a strong motivation for this, because the life and health of your child is at stake. In the period before conception, it is unacceptable to use drugs, alcohol, and smoke.
  2. Try not to overheat. Normal viable spermatozoa develop at a temperature not exceeding 34°C. Therefore, forget about saunas, baths and even hot tubs. IVF is extremely expensive, so do not neglect these tips that will increase your chances of becoming parents on the first try. In addition, you should spend less time behind the wheel.
  3. Stick to moderate physical activity. For 2-3 months before the procedure, avoid excessive physical exertion, such as strength sports, gym classes, and heavy physical work. But with all this, a completely sedentary lifestyle must be diluted with daily leisurely walks for several kilometers.
  4. Make sure the underwear you wear is comfortable. For the normal maturation of spermatozoa, the most spacious underwear is best suited. From a scientific point of view, this approach, however, has not yet been substantiated, but just in case, give up uncomfortable and tight underwear.
  5. Watch the frequency of sexual intercourse. The best option would be to have sexual intercourse for 2-3 months before the procedure with a frequency of once every three days, not more often. In this scenario, the quality of spermatozoa will not suffer, and the spermatozoa themselves


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