What they say about Medvedev. “The patience of citizens has run out,” the opinion of ordinary people about Putin and Medvedev. Let it be a swamp, but its own

Russians no longer know how to get rid of an overly clingy prime minister. Billions of his jambs cannot be adequately dismissed. So there was hope in the statement of Dmitry Medvedev, in which he stated that low salaries for teachers are the norm.

In response to a complaint from a teacher from Dagestan about low wages, the prime minister advised dissatisfied teachers to find part-time work or go into business: “You know, this is a calling, and if you want to earn money, there are a lot of great places where you can do it faster and better. Same business." This statement caused outrage in society.

Let us remember that before this, another statement by the prime minister became an Internet meme in May, when, during a meeting with Crimean pensioners, Medvedev told pensioners who complained about small payments: “There is no money. You hang in here, all the best, good mood and health to you!”

A day after the Prime Minister’s speech, Russians began to ask the President of Russia to dismiss Dmitry Medvedev. Several petitions appeared on the “change.org” resource on the morning of Thursday, August 4.

“An Apple advertising person who sleeps at the opening of the Olympics, a person who advises teachers to earn extra money in order to survive, should not be at the head of the Cabinet of Ministers,” writes the author of the petition, Alexander Lee, in the text of the post.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov commented on the statement of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev about the low salaries of teachers. The presidential administration recalled the instructions given by Vladimir Putin in this regard, according to which teachers’ salaries should not be lower than the average salary in the regional economy.

“Nobody revised these parameters of the May decrees,” said presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, answering a question from Life.ru about the size of teachers’ salaries. In addition, he recalled that teachers’ salaries should be constantly increased and no one has canceled these tasks.

That is, the Kremlin made it clear to Medvedev that he had once again violated the President’s demands. And again with impunity. In addition, the Kremlin has not yet familiarized itself with the petition posted online calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said this, reports a Lenta.ru correspondent.

“No, we don’t know about that. I don't think this requires any reaction. “I think it depends on the nature of the petition,” the official answered when asked by journalists whether the Kremlin is aware of the appeal that appeared on change.org and whether there will be any reaction to it.

Thus, democracy by collecting votes on the Internet turned out to be a fiction. If the Kremlin needs to fire someone, the Kremlin wants to do it with the hands of the people, then it posts a petition and draws its attention to it. If such a petition is posted by the people themselves, then the Kremlin doesn’t care.

And the people are reacting to Medvedev’s statement in exactly the opposite way to the Kremlin. Numerous polls have been launched on the Internet on the topic “How do you evaluate Medvedev’s words about teachers’ salaries?” All 77% of the votes were for the wording: “It’s high time to resign; in no other country in the world would the prime minister allow himself to say such words.”

Teacher of the Year 2009, physics teacher at Noginsk school No. 5, Vadim Muranov, commented on Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s statement about teachers’ salaries: “Dmitry Anatolyevich confuses bland with sweet. A teacher should not make ends meet, as he said in his speech. A teacher should not look for a way to earn money on the side. A teacher should work normally and comfortably. You can give a damn about our profession, as has actually been done for many years, but history shows that national security and teaching are very strongly interconnected, even more so than with the security forces.”

Obviously, Medvedev’s own teachers were frankly weak. Otherwise, he would have remembered the statement of Otto von Bismarck: “The attitude of the state towards the teacher is a state policy that indicates either the strength of the state or its weakness. Wars are not won by generals, wars are won by schoolteachers and parish priests.”

Ivan Orlov

Materials have begun to appear that promise the current Prime Minister a quick resignation. For example, the Financial Times published an article in which it predicted changes in the Russian government, including the resignation of Medvedev...

Journalists and Runet users noticed that the “missing” Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev even abandoned his favorite social networks, which he constantly updated. As noted by the media, the head of government stopped updating Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as early as August 11, 17 and 18.

Will Putin replace Medvedev with Kudrin?

Many also noticed that during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s vacation in Tuva, with him was the head of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu, the head of the FSB and the head of Tuva - but not “friend and partner” Dmitry Medvedev.

Previously, we note, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers ran social networks on a constant basis, publishing messages and photographs, retweeting his government once every few days. The press and social media users note that this “radio silence” coincided with his absence from the public space, which has been going on for more than a week.

Let us note that the disappearance of Dmitry Medvedev from TV screens, from social networks and even from meetings of ministries, government and other departments has become one of the most popular topics for discussion on social networks. At the same time, at first, representatives of the government press department stated that Medvedev had not disappeared anywhere, and then came out with a message about a “sports injury.” At the same time, despite the injury, the head of the Cabinet did not take any vacation or sick leave.

However, the press reported that more than 10 days later, Dmitry Medvedev “will take part in a meeting with deputy prime ministers.” “Medvedev will definitely try to “close the issue” with his disappearance by joking at a meeting or throwing out some phrase,” they are sure on social networks.

Let us add that in 2017, Dmitry Medvedev also disappeared from the public sphere - after which the president said that Medvedev “was not saved” and he fell ill during the flu season. But the Prime Minister let slip at the very first meeting that “he was not sick.”

It should be added that such a flair of secrecy has already led to the emergence of conspiracy theories on social networks, one of which is “Medvedev’s drinking binge,” which followed a furious discussion of the fact that the head of the Cabinet of Ministers allegedly “switched from red wine to vodka.” Naturally, officials and sources do not confirm such conspiracy theories.

But social networks cannot be stopped. Thus, telegram channel 338 published a humorous story about “a morning in Plyos,” where a man similar to Dmitry Medvedev “in shorts and an army pea coat” walked to a pond.

“Well, what for today? - Today there are 4 scheduled and a shooting for the protocol,” the dialogue sounds. "The man in shorts peers heavily into the surface of the water. He squints, thoughts, sensations, the future of Russia are flying through his head. His hand in his pocket feels for the glass, slightly raising the corners of his lips, without taking his eyes off the water, the man in his shorts pulls a piece of cool vodka from his pocket. The crack of the lid , closing his eyes in ecstasy, the man in his shorts drinks it in one gulp,” writes the sarcastic author.

“It’s difficult to describe the pain with which the security chief looks at him. Then he takes out his iPhone and asks: “Your beloved? - Yes!” The song of the Gaza Strip band “Home” starts playing from the phone speaker. The departing security chief takes out a Motorola walkie-talkie and says: “I didn’t have time, curfew until today,” he sneers.

“A man in shorts takes a comfortable position on a bench and looks into the distance with a small smile. They didn’t have time today, which means they have time to be with themselves for one more day,” this is how the sarcastic story ends.

It is worth adding that the author previously published a photograph of the Prime Minister during a meeting with the President of Russia in the Arctic - it caused a colossal information noise and questions “where did Dmitry Medvedev get such bruises under his eyes.” At the same time, experts responded that this could be a direct consequence of lack of sleep or a metabolic disorder corrected by medicine.

It is worth noting that sarcastic experts have already made comments that it was a “sports injury” that was chosen as the reason for Medvedev’s absence because it adds “brutality and masculinity” to the prime minister - they say, this is not a simple acute respiratory infection.

They expressed different options - from the fact that Medvedev distances himself from the discussion of pension reform to the option of “pre-emptive stuffing”, from the opinion about a real sports injury. “Badminton, by the way, is very dangerous for injuries to the meniscus, not to mention alpine skiing,” noted supporters of the “injury really happened” version.

“Badminton-badminton... More like AngryBirds, and this is very dangerous - everyone knows who played),” they write in the Newsinfo telegram channel.

“Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, whose “disappearance” has been going on for about two weeks, did not take a vacation and did not register sick leave,” the authorities confirmed.

At the same time, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov noted that the head of state remains in touch and in contact with the prime minister (who continues to send telegrams and sign documents, but does not go out “in public” and did not come to the meetings and meetings he convened).

Finally, we note that the Nezygar telegram channel, citing its sources, reported on the operation that was carried out on the missing Medvedev. But media representatives called the reason for the disappearance of Dmitry Medvedev “an ordinary binge.”

VILLAGE BORSHCHEVKA (Tambov region), April 4 - RIA Novosti. Behind the “so-called investigations” lies an attempt to drag people out onto the streets, to achieve political and selfish goals, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. According to him, this is a “dishonorable position.”

Previously, Alexey Navalny posted on his channel in YouTube a film that talks about how the Russian prime minister, with the help of non-profit foundations, allegedly acquired various property. Medvedev’s press secretary Natalya Timakova said that it makes no sense to comment on this “investigation,” emphasizing that Navalny’s material is of a clearly pre-election nature, as he himself says at the end of the video.

“Who benefits from this? It benefits those who order these kinds of stories and materials. These are, as a rule, people who have very specific political goals. They are trying to show that the authorities are behaving badly, and they are better than everyone else. Everything would be fine , if there weren’t a very definite story behind it. The story is to get people out onto the streets and achieve their political goals,” Medvedev said at a meeting with Rusagro workers.

According to the prime minister, “all these stories that are being filmed, by the way, are being filmed for a lot of money, and this money is collected, of course, not from the people, but there are private sponsors who are behind it all, they are aimed at achieving a very specific political result."

“And everything is done according to the principle of “compote”: they take all sorts of different dregs, collect all sorts of nonsense: if it concerns me, then about people I know, about people I’ve never heard of, about some places where I’ve been , about some places that I have also never heard of. They collect some pieces of paper, photographs, clothes and then create such a product and present it,” Medvedev noted, clarifying that it is quite difficult for the viewer to understand this, “ and if you pay well for it, then the product turns out to be quite good.”

Minors hostages of a political program

The project is closed, it's time to collect the fee. The State Department stood up for NavalnyThere is evidence that the youngest participants in an unauthorized rally in Moscow, organized by Alexei Navalny, were promised cash rewards if they were detained. Be that as it may, the performance took place. The producers are happy.

The political goals of such activities, the prime minister believes, are completely obvious.

“The character you are talking about, he openly says: everyone is bad and elect me president. Without any embarrassment. And for this he drags people into the streets, very often minors. Which, in my opinion, is practically a crime. And he makes them hostage to their own political agenda,” he said.

Medvedev emphasized Navalny's criminal record, whom the court, during a retrial, found guilty in the Kirovles case and sentenced to five years probation.

“In this regard, there should be no illusions. Nevertheless, through social networks, young people are pulled out, these youth come out with certain slogans. And, unfortunately, they come out in violation of the law. That is, in essence, they are being put under the law enforcement machine, and they are... they then suffer for this. This is a dishonest position. This is simply a way to achieve one’s own selfish goals. I cannot describe it any other way,” the prime minister continued.

Responsibility to citizens in continuing work

Medvedev also expressed his personal attitude towards Navalny’s film.

“You know, in general I have strong nerves, otherwise I would not be able to work in the positions in which I work. I worked as president, and in the government when I work, if I would react every time to this kind of attack, to this kind of kind of provocation, then I simply wouldn’t be able to do normal work,” he said.

“I continue to work, do my job. This is my responsibility to the citizens of the Russian Federation,” Medvedev concluded, noting that provocations are the simplest thing that can be done.

The 52-year-old Prime Minister of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev, as many have noticed, looks a little sick after being missing for two weeks. In addition, at Medvedev’s first speech (it was originally announced on August 27, but took place on the 30th), its participants drew attention to Medvedev’s strange speech.

The prime minister spoke slowly, monotonously, taking long pauses between phrases, writes Moskovsky Komsomolets. The source also draws attention to the fact that the prime minister’s speech was practically devoid of accents and even the politician’s timbre is different from what it was just recently.

Many associated the slow speech with the consequences of the very sports injury due to which Medvedev was allegedly absent for two weeks. “Has it been replaced?”, “The voice is strange, and it’s kind of swollen,” Russians write in the comments. And the telegram channel “Successor” even suggested that Medvedev had a mini-stroke:

On the eve of Medvedev, for the first time after his mysterious absence, federal channels showed “in large quantities”. And this is how the prime minister appeared: the right eyebrow is significantly higher than the left, above it there is an obvious scar or a well-disguised bruise, and the most important thing in this story is diction. Medvedev clearly had difficulty speaking, the right side of his mouth moved with difficulty, the prime minister paused and carefully pronounced words, intonation pauses in places unusual for his well-delivered speech, the channel writes.

Dmitry Medvedev's double himself does not comment on the rumors, for fear of being burned

The most interesting thing is that the government is generally silent on this topic, as if they all had their mouths taped shut. The fairy tale about a sports injury clearly no longer works: the Internet is littered with numerous rumors. It's gotten to the point where now the news is all about this. Not about pension reform in general. Yes, because something happened to him, instead of him there is some kind of bomb double walking around, who doesn’t really look like Medvedev

Who could have killed Dmitry Medvedev

The first version, what happened to Dmitry Medvedev, seems unlikely. He was relaxing at his dacha in the homeland of his ancestors. He built luxurious apartments on several hectares of land. And the drunk decided to ride an ATV. On the way, I met some pensioner, and he wholeheartedly hit him in the face for pension reform, breaking his jaw. This was exactly two weeks ago. The pensioner is now sitting, and Dmitry Medvedev cannot really say anything in public and eats porridge through a straw. You won't envy him here. But this is the version that circulates among deputies. Our version assumes that Dmitry Medvedev is no longer alive. And then some old man hit him in the jaw. He probably blew his head off with some rebar or something. But this version does not seem very plausible.

The second version of the idiocy occurring today in our geopolitical field. This is, of course, the murder of Medvedev. He could have been killed by CIA agents. Now there is a war, and Putin was made clear what would happen to him by poisoning Medvedev. This version is more plausible. And it only says that the stakes are too high. Naturally, Putin cannot announce it, since this is tantamount to declaring war on the United States.

So in the near future we will see what is actually happening. In my opinion, the double will now be shown much less and less, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion.

A series of polls in the capital showed: Muscovites do not support Prime Minister Medvedev, they believe that it is time for him to leave, but they do not believe that the “sleeping prime minister” will be dismissed.

Dmitry Medvedev became the most discussed Russian politician of the last month. First, it was dismantled for parts in an anti-corruption investigation, then it did not appear at the meeting between the president and the government on March 14. Then Vladimir Putin explained Medvedev’s absence as the flu, and on March 23, Dmitry Anatolyevich himself, at a meeting with entrepreneurs, suddenly denied his illness, saying: “And I wasn’t sick" . To check how all these events influenced the population’s attitude towards the second person in the state, activists conducted a series of surveys on the streets of Moscow and on the Internet.

Waiting for resignation

The survey showed that 88% of readers do not support the prime minister’s activities and insist on his resignation. Most likely, such a high percentage is associated not only with the ineffective activities of Medvedev and the government, but also with the previously publishedinvestigation into luxury real estate , which, through various funds, belongs to Dmitry Medvedev.

There will be no resignation

But you shouldn’t hope for resignation - this conclusion can be drawn from the resultsanother poll .

Only 40% of respondents are confident that Dmitry Medvedev will be “asked” to vacate his chair in the near future. The majority (54%) are convinced that the prime minister will remain in his place.

Citizens are afraid to openly criticize Prime Minister Medvedev

Activists took to the streets of Moscow to hear the opinions of ordinary people. Those who are ready to openly speak out for the resignation of the prime minister turned out to be 2 times less.

People are outraged by the irresponsibility and lack of initiative of the second person in the state.

“Medvedev talks a lot, but doesn’t do it. At his level, “Vova” seems completely different - a cut above. That’s why I am for Medvedev’s resignation,”— a 48-year-old worker impulsively shared his opinion Georgy. “I am a working pensioner, and Medvedev did not index my pension,” the gray-haired man is indignant Vitaly Alexandrovich. “Medvedev is primarily responsible for the economic crisis,”- turning around, the girl throws out a phrase Hope.

38-year-old Muscovite Elena believes that Medved’s main weak position is that he will never be perceived as an independent politician. “This is a puppet figure, and someone sits and controls behind his back. Therefore, Medvedev occupies the place that could have been occupied by a more proactive and active person,”- shared her opinion Elena.

It may be a swamp, but its own

Often, the reason why Muscovites want to maintain the current status quo is simply a fear of change or the belief that nothing will change, regardless of who takes Medvedev’s place.

“I’m afraid of change,” one Muscovite expressed her phobia. “Everything will still be the same. Then everyone needs to change. It makes no sense to change Medvedev alone,” an older woman says unexpectedly and revolutionaryly, but in a calm tone. “It won’t be better! In our lifetime, we have seen many, each sweeping in his own way,” says another opponent of resignation, janitor Maria Sergeevna.

Resettlement shook society

The film about the prime minister’s corruption scenes undermined Medvedev’s image, primarily in the eyes of the “liberal public,” showing that the prime minister was not as pure as many thought about him. At the same time, the concept“the general public” is quite arbitrary, since the film was watched by only 10 million people, which is not much on a national scale.

The expert does not expect Medvedev’s resignation, because this is only Vladimir Putin’s decision, “and Putin never makes a decision under someone else’s pressure.”

Previously, social activists and politicians advocated for an investigation into the data collected by FBK. So dMember of the State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin sent a requestChairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika, the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB with the requirement to check information about the real estate of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The parliamentarian reported this in his



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