Autobiography of Parubius Andrey. Biography of Parubiy Andrei Vladimirovich. Political activities of Andrei Parubiy

Andrey Vladimirovich Parubiy(Ukrainian Andriy Volodimirovich Parubiy; born January 31, 1971, Chervonograd, Lviv region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Ukrainian politician. Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine since February 27, 2014. Member of the Batkivshchyna party.

People's Deputy of Ukraine (December 25, 2007 - February 27, 2014). Member of the Front for Change party (2007 - 2013).

Commandant of Euromaidan, head of the Maidan Self-Defense from November 2013 to February 2014.


In 1994 he graduated from the Faculty of History of Lviv State University. I. Franko. Later - postgraduate studies at the Department of Political Science and Sociology of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic".


In 1988, he headed the nationalist youth organization - the Spadshchina society (Ukrainian Spadshchina - heritage). He took part in anti-government protests and organized the first pickets in Ukraine. In 1989, he was arrested for organizing an unauthorized rally.

Since 1990 - deputy of the Lviv Regional Council, secretary of the permanent deputy commission on youth and sports.

In 1991, along with Oleg Tyagnibok, he was one of the founders of the Social National Party of Ukraine (SNPU), renamed in 2004 into the All-Ukrainian Association “Svoboda”.

In 1994-1998 - deputy of the Lviv City Council, head of the deputy group.

Since 1996 - head of the Society for Assistance to the Armed Forces and the Navy of Ukraine "Patriot of Ukraine".

Since 1999 - editor of the political magazine "Landmarks".

From April 2002 to April 2006 - deputy, from June 2002 - deputy head of the Lviv Regional Council.

Since 2005, he has been the head of the People’s Union “Ukrainians!” party, reorganized into the Civil Association “Ukrainian House”.

From December 25, 2007 - December 12, 2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VI convocation from the bloc "Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense" under No. 80. Head of the subcommittee on issues of control over the implementation of external relations of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Foreign Affairs. Member of Vyacheslav Kirilenko’s deputy group “For Ukraine!”

Since December 12, 2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VII convocation from the All-Ukrainian Association "Batkivshchyna" party No. 21. Head of the subcommittee on legislative support for the integration of Ukraine into the international scientific and educational space of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Science and Education.

Active participant in the Orange Revolution. During the events of November-December 2004, he was the commandant of the Ukrainian House in Kyiv. Awarded a commemorative sign “Outstanding Participant of the Orange Revolution.” He was a member of the political council of the Our Ukraine party (leader - Viktor Yushchenko). On February 3, 2012, I wrote a letter of resignation from the party. On June 6 of the same year, Arseniy Yatsenyuk joined the Front for Change party.


From November 2013 to February 2014, he coordinated the daily functioning of Euromaidan (Kiev, Independence Square); acted as the de facto commandant of his tent camp and the leader of the Maidan Self-Defense units.

Main articles: Aggravation of confrontation in Ukraine (February 2014), Self-defense of Maidan

After the signing of the Agreement on the settlement of the political crisis in Ukraine by the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders on February 21, 2014, on the night of February 21 to February 22, self-defense units, under the leadership of Parubiy, took control of the government quarter in Kyiv - the buildings of the Verkhovna Rada, the Administration President, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was a violation of the just signed agreement.

Main article: Agreement to resolve the political crisis in Ukraine

The former head of the SBU, Major General Alexander Yakimenko, in an interview with Russian television on March 12, 2014, stated that the snipers who killed demonstrators and law enforcement officers during the events in Kyiv in February 2014 were in the Philharmonic building, which was under the control of Parubiy. Yakimenko ranked Parubiy among those representatives of the Ukrainian authorities who are directly connected with the US intelligence services.

A similar version was expressed on April 4, 2014 by former Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Vitaly Zakharchenko - shooting at Maidan protesters and police officers was carried out from a building under the control of the “Maidan commandant” Andrei Parubiy.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

On February 27, 2014, Andriy Parubiy was appointed to the post of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. He was one of the initiators of the creation of the National Guard of Ukraine, which included the Maidan and Right Sector Self-Defense units.

In March 2014, he took the initiative to introduce visas for Russian citizens, and then proposed putting a stamp in passports about leaving the country, using the experience of the USSR, explaining: “Those who work in Russia will not be our allies anyway, so we don’t give a damn about their interests." Russian President Vladimir Putin, having learned about this initiative of Mr. Parubiy, categorically forbade Russia to introduce retaliatory measures: “if we introduce a visa regime with Ukraine, innocent millions of Ukrainians will suffer, who already live poorly and, working in Russia, earn little money to support the family, there is no need to do this.”

On March 1, 2014, Parubiy instructed the SBU and the Prosecutor General's Office to conduct an investigation into how much the activities of Russian television channels in Ukraine comply with the law, and whether there are facts of inciting ethnic hatred, calls for war and separatism. On March 25, 2014, by decision of the Kyiv Administrative Court, broadcasting of the TV channels RTR, Pervy, Rossiya 24 and NTV was stopped in Ukraine.

On March 24, he stated that about 100 thousand Russian military personnel continue to be on the border with Ukraine in full combat readiness, preparing for an invasion of Ukraine, although two days earlier international military observers, including Ukrainian ones, conducted observation flights over the western regions of Russia and no No problems were found. Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andriy Parubiy submitted his resignation due to disagreement with President Petro Poroshenko on issues of information policy on July 25, but the president did not accept his resignation because a successor could not be found. The NSDC could be headed by SBU Chairman Valentin Nalyvaichenko or Verkhovna Rada deputy Yuriy Stets.

See also: Russian-Ukrainian crisis (2014)


Married. Raises daughter Yarina.

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation


In 1994 year graduated from history faculty Lvovsky state university named after Ivan Franko .

In 2001 graduated from graduate school State University "Lviv Polytechnic" specialty " political science and sociology" .


Married. The couple have a daughter, Yarina.

Career and politics

He began his career back in 1987 - as a laboratory assistant in architectural and archaeological expeditions Institute of Public sciences AN Ukrainian SSR. Afterwards, until 1991, he was also a laboratory assistant and senior laboratory assistant on archaeological expeditions.

In 1988, he headed the nationalist youth organization - the Spadshchina society, was a participant in the national liberation movement, and organized the first pickets in Ukraine.

Since 1990, deputy of the Lviv Regional Council, secretary of the permanent deputy commission on youth and sports.

While still a student, in 1991 he was one of the founders of the Social National Party of Ukraine (SNPU), which was later (in 2004) renamed the VO "Svoboda".

From 1994 to 1998 headed the deputy group in the Lviv City Council. At the same time, since 1996, he headed the Society for Assistance to the Armed Forces and the Navy of Ukraine "Patriot of Ukraine".

In 1999, Parubiy became editor of the scientific and political magazine "Landmarks".

Since 2002, he returned to the Lviv Regional Council, was a deputy, and deputy chairman.

During the Orange Revolution in November-December 2004, he was the commandant of the Ukrainian House in Kyiv.

In 2005, he headed the People's Union "Ukrainians!" party, which was later reorganized into the civil association "Ukrainian House". In 2006, he was elected as a deputy of the Lviv Regional Council from the Our Ukraine bloc.

2007-2012 - People's Deputy in the Rada of the VI convocation from the Our Ukraine-People's Self-Defense bloc. Head of the subcommittee on issues of control over the implementation of external relations of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Foreign Affairs.

February 3, 2012 wrote a statement about the exit from the party "Our Ukraine", and June 6 joined the party "Front zmin."

In the parliamentary elections of 2012, he was elected to the Rada from the Fatherland Party (No. 21 on the list). He headed the subcommittee on legislative support for the integration of Ukraine into the international scientific and educational space of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Science and Education. Non-partisan.

In November 2013 - February 2014 he was the commandant of the Maidan Self-Defense, one of its leading figures.

In 2014, in early elections to the Verkhovna Rada, he ran on list number 4.

Since November 2014, people's deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation.

On December 4, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada approved the appointment of Parubiy to the post of first deputy speaker of parliament.

On April 14, 2016, Andriy Parubiy was elected Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada instead of, who headed the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Assassination attempts

On the evening of December 24, 2014, an unknown person threw a grenade during a meeting between the politician and his Self-Defense comrades near the Kiev Hotel; there were also several deputies there. A criminal case has been initiated into the attack under the article of hooliganism.

Born on January 31, 1971 in Chervonograd, Lviv region. In 1994 he graduated from Lviv State University. I. Franko. Later - postgraduate studies at the Department of Political Science and Sociology of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic".


Married. Raises daughter Yarina.

Operational case

On April 27, 2010, before the ratification of the agreement on extending the stay of the Chernomsky fleet in Ukraine until 2042, scuffles occurred between deputies in the Rada. Opposition representatives threw eggs at Speaker Vladimir Lytvyn and set fire to smoke bombs

On May 14, 2010, the Kyiv prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against Parubiy and Grymchak on suspicion of interfering in the activities of Lytvyn and other members of parliament in order to prevent the ratification of an agreement to extend the stay of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine until 2042.

The case was initiated under Article 28 of the Criminal Code (committing a crime by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy, an organized group or a criminal organization) and 344 (interference with the activities of a government official).

On the 22nd of today, the unified opposition celebrated the Day of Unification on the Sofia Maidan. Respect, Viktor Yushchenko will be there. And not Yanukovych. Yushchenko is completely aware of the opposition. Our looks have changed. There are a lot of patriotic and decent people in “Our Ukraine”, but I have exhausted my potential by rushing to the middle of the party. Just today I wrote a statement about leaving “Our Ukraine”. The hour of roses has passed, the hour of final decisions has come. Perekonany, today my place is there, where there is a united opposition, where there is a fair struggle. And I have earned my time. This time is not against anyone, but for the sake of the nearing of Ukrainian victories

Titles, ranks, regalia

  • Chairman of the subcommittee on legislative support for the integration of Ukraine into the international scientific and educational space of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Science and Education.
  • Awards: Order of Merit, 3rd degree; Certificate of honor from the President of Ukraine.

In 1994 he graduated from Lviv State University named after Franko. Later - postgraduate studies at the Department of Political Science and Sociology of the National University of Lviv Polytechnic.

Career. In 1988, he headed the nationalist youth organization - the Spadshchina Society. He took part in the national liberation movement, organized the first pickets in Ukraine. In 1989, he was arrested for organizing an unauthorized rally.

Since 1990 - deputy of the Lviv Regional Council, secretary of the permanent deputy commission on youth and sports.

1994-1998 - Deputy of the Lviv City Council, head of the deputy group.

Since 1996 - head of the Society for Assistance to the Armed Forces and Navy of Ukraine "Patriot of Ukraine".

Since 1999 - editor of the scientific and political magazine Orientiry.

2002 - deputy, deputy head of the Lviv Regional Council.

Since 2005, he has been the head of the People's Union of Ukrainians! party, reorganized into the civil association Ukrainian House.

2006 - Deputy of the Lviv Regional Council from the Our Ukraine bloc.

2007-2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VI convocation from the bloc. Head of the subcommittee on issues of control over the implementation of external relations of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Foreign Affairs. Member of the parliamentary group For Ukraine!

Since December 2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VII convocation from the Fatherland Party (No. 21 on the list). Head of the subcommittee on legislative support for the integration of Ukraine into the international scientific and educational space of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Science and Education. Non-partisan.

On February 27, 2014, by decree of the acting President of Ukraine was appointed Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Before him, this post was held by , who moved to work in the Presidential Administration.

On December 4, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada approved the appointment of Parubiy to the post of first deputy speaker of parliament.

On April 14, 2016, after being elected Prime Minister, Andriy Parubiy took his place as Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada.

Views. Active participant in the Orange Revolution. During the events of November-December 2004, he was the commandant of the Ukrainian House in Kyiv. Awarded a memorial badge "Outstanding Participant of the Orange Revolution."

From November 2013 to February 2014 - commandant of Euromaidan, head of the Maidan Self-Defense.

Regalia and awards. Awarded the Order of Merit, 3rd degree, and a certificate of honor from the President of Ukraine.


Andrey Vladimirovich Parubiy is a Ukrainian statesman and political figure. Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (since April 14, 2016).

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (February 27 - August 7, 2014); First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (December 4, 2014 - April 14, 2016); People's Deputy of Ukraine (December 25, 2007 - February 27, 2014; since November 27, 2014).

Commandant of Euromaidan, head of the Maidan Self-Defense from November 2013 to February 2014.
Born on January 31, 1971 in the city of Chervonograd, Lviv region.

After graduating from school, he entered the history department of Lviv University. He began his career in 1987 as a laboratory assistant in the architectural and archaeological expedition of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Laboratory assistant, senior laboratory assistant on archaeological expeditions until 1991.

In 1988, he headed a patriotic youth organization - the "Spadshchina" society (Ukrainian Spadshchina - heritage), whose members were engaged in restoring the graves of UPA soldiers, collecting memories of still living rebels, organizing camps, and guarding anti-Soviet rallies in Lviv. In March 1989, he was arrested for organizing an unauthorized rally.

Since 1990 - deputy of the Lviv Regional Council, secretary of the permanent deputy commission on youth and sports. The day before the elections, he was arrested along with two comrades for unauthorized hanging of leaflets and campaigning; he learned about his election as a deputy in the cell of the district police department, which he agreed to leave only after the release of his comrades.

In 1991, along with Oleg Tyagnibok, he was one of the founders of the Social National Party of Ukraine (SNPU), renamed in 2004 into the All-Ukrainian Association “Svoboda”.

In 1994 he graduated from the Faculty of History of Lviv State University. I. Franko.
In 1994-1998 - deputy of the Lviv City Council, head of the deputy group.

Since 1996, he has been the head of the Society for Assistance to the Armed Forces and the Navy of Ukraine “Patriot of Ukraine,” which was the youth branch of the SNPU.

Since 1999, he has been editor of the political magazine “Orienty” of the SNPU, for which he wrote articles.

In 2001, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Department of Political Science and Sociology of the National University “Lviv Polytechnic”.

From April 2002 to April 2006 - deputy, from June 2002 - deputy head of the Lviv Regional Council.

Active participant in the Orange Revolution. During the events of November-December 2004, he was the commandant of the Ukrainian House in Kyiv. Awarded a memorial badge “Outstanding Participant of the Orange Revolution.”

In January 2005, he left Svoboda along with six out of eighteen members of the political council due to different views on the development of the party. Since 2005, he has been the head of the People’s Union “Ukrainians!” party, reorganized into the Civil Association “Ukrainian House”.

From December 25, 2007 - December 12, 2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VI convocation from the bloc "Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense" under No. 80. Head of the subcommittee on issues of control over the implementation of external relations of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Foreign Affairs. Member of Vyacheslav Kirilenko’s deputy group “For Ukraine!” He was a member of the political council of the Our Ukraine party (leader - Viktor Yushchenko).

On April 28, 2010, the Kyiv prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under Part 2 of Art. 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on the fact of illegal influence on the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and people’s deputies in order to prevent them from performing their official duties, committed by a person using his official position, by prior conspiracy by a group of persons (Part 2 of Article 28, Part 2 of Art. 344 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), committed by a group of individual people’s deputies of Ukraine on April 27, 2010 in the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine during a plenary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine during the ratification of the agreement on extending the stay of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea. On May 14, 2010, the Kyiv prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against people's deputies from the Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense faction Yuriy Grymchak and Andrey Parubiy for illegal influence on the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada and people's deputies.

In December 2011, he took part in a protest on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow.

On February 3, 2012, he wrote a statement about leaving the Our Ukraine party, the reason was fruitless discussions with Yushchenko about the need to unite the opposition in the fight against President Yanukovych. On June 6, 2012, he joined Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s Front for Change party.

Since December 12, 2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VII convocation from the All-Ukrainian Association "Batkivshchyna" party No. 21. Head of the subcommittee on legislative support for the integration of Ukraine into the international scientific and educational space of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Science and Education.


From November 2013 to February 2014, he coordinated the daily functioning of Euromaidan (Kiev, Independence Square); acted as the de facto commandant of his tent camp and the leader of the Maidan Self-Defense units.

On February 20, Andrei Shevchenko contacted Andrei Parubiy by phone about the fact that someone was shooting at protesters. Parubiy replied that his group checked the building of the Kyiv Conservatory and found no one there. Later, the politician suggested that the shooting was carried out by snipers who arrived and were controlled by the Russian Federation.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

On February 27, 2014, Andriy Parubiy was appointed to the post of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. He was one of the initiators of the creation of the National Guard of Ukraine, which included the Maidan and Right Sector Self-Defense units.

In March 2014, he took the initiative to introduce visas for Russian citizens, and then proposed putting a stamp in passports about leaving the country, using the experience of the USSR, explaining: “Those who work in Russia will not be our allies anyway, so we don’t give a damn about their interests." Russian President Vladimir Putin, having learned about this initiative of Parubiy, categorically forbade the introduction of retaliatory measures: “if we introduce a visa regime with Ukraine, innocent millions of Ukrainians will suffer, who already live poorly, and, working in Russia, earn little money for family support, you don’t need to do this.”

On March 1, 2014, Parubiy instructed the SBU and the Prosecutor General's Office to conduct an investigation into how much the activities of Russian television channels in Ukraine comply with the law, and whether there are facts of inciting ethnic hatred, calls for war and separatism. On March 25, 2014, by decision of the Kyiv Administrative Court, broadcasting of the TV channels RTR, Pervy, Rossiya 24 and NTV was formally stopped in Ukraine.

On March 24, he stated that about 100,000 Russian troops continue to be on the border with Ukraine in full combat readiness, preparing for an invasion of Ukraine, although two days earlier international military observers, including Ukrainian ones, conducted observation flights over the western regions of Russia and no No problems were found. Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andriy Parubiy submitted his resignation due to disagreement with President Petro Poroshenko on issues of information policy on July 25, but the president did not accept his resignation because a successor could not be found. However, on August 7, 2014, Poroshenko still accepted Parubiy’s resignation.

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

On August 26, 2014, he left the political council of the Batkivshchyna party along with 20 associates, among them: Alexander Turchynov, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Arsen Avakov, Sergei Pashinsky, Pavel Petrenko, Liliya Grinevich. The reason was the inability to agree with the party on a merger with several other political forces and put Arseniy Yatsenyuk at the head of the list.

On September 10, a congress of a new party took place, called the Popular Front. After the creation of the party, Andrei Parubiy took part in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada on October 26, 2014 on the lists of the Popular Front (No. 4). In the early elections to the Verkhovna Rada, the Popular Front party received the largest number of votes, which allowed it to receive 64 seats on party lists in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation.

On January 28, 2017, A. Parubiy, in an official address to the people on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the Heroes of Krut on the Verkhovna Rada website, noted that “for a century now, the war has been going on almost continuously with the original enemy of Ukraine, with Russia.”

Assassination attempt

On the evening of December 24, 2014, an unknown person threw a grenade during a meeting between the politician and his Self-Defense comrades near the Kiev Hotel; there were also several deputies there. A criminal case has been initiated into the attack under the article of hooliganism.

On February 1, 2015, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov, announced that the assassination attempt was organized by a terrorist organization, and three people were detained in this case. The minister accused the former commander of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Stanislav Shulyak, of organizing it.

On December 25, 2015, Andrei Parubiy named former colonel of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Sergei Asavelyuk as one of the organizers of the assassination attempt, writing about it on his page on the social network Facebook. “Exactly a year ago, near the Kiev hotel, a live grenade was thrown at the feet of me and my friends... Today it is already known that this was an order from the Kremlin, coordinated by Sergei Asavelyuk “Assa”, the commander of the sniper group during the shooting of the Maidan,” the message says.

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that former commander of the Internal Troops Stanislav Shulyak is suspected of organizing the assassination attempt. The direct perpetrator of the crime was Russian citizen A. G. Sokolenko. Citizens S.M. Korobov and D.M. Sokolovsky, who organized Sokolenko’s arrival in Kyiv and his movement around the city, were also involved in the assassination attempt. Korobov also covered Sokolenko during the actual execution of the crime and on the way to his escape. On January 30, during a special operation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Sokolovsky and Korobov were detained.


Father - Vladimir Ivanovich Parubiy (born 1943), former deputy chairman of the Lviv Regional Rada.
His wife, Ulyana Yurievna Parubiy, was a graduate student at the I. Franko Lviv National University.
Daughter - Yarina (born 2001), enjoys snowboarding.

Sister - Elena (Ukrainian Olena Volodymyrivna Parubiy), studied at the Lviv National University named after I. Franko, head of the department for work with individuals of the tax inspection department of the Sykhiv district of Lvov. On May 18, 2010, she was detained in a criminal case of a bribe in the amount of $2,000 for failure to check the use of cash registers for private entrepreneurs.


Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise V Art. (June 23, 2009) - for significant personal contribution to the development of the constitutional foundations of Ukrainian statehood, many years of conscientious work, high professionalism in protecting the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

Order of Merit, 3rd class. (December 6, 2006) - for significant personal contribution to the development of local government, many years of conscientious work and high professionalism;

Certificate of honor from the President of Ukraine.
Honorary citizen of the city of Chervonograd
Award weapon - pistol "Fort-17-05" (March 31, 2014).



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