Egg spell for wealth and money. Egg spell Egg spell for money and happiness

The egg contains great magical power. With its help, you can diagnose the evil eye and remove damage. Since ancient times, a spell has been cast on an egg to attract wealth.

It is better to use domestic eggs for rituals, because... they are closer to nature than store-bought hatcheries. The spell with chicken eggs can be carried out by women and men.


Egg spell for material well-being

To successfully carry out the ceremony, you must strictly follow all the recommendations:

Take one homemade egg;
Three ten-kopeck coins.

Wait until the third night after the full moon; if it is Friday night, postpone the ceremony for a month.
Buy three thin candles from church the day before.

Place the coins with the heads down in three corners, place candles on top, and place the egg in the center.

Light the candles with a match and say clearly: “Like in a round meadow, a white hen laid a golden egg. Whoever swallows it will gain wealth. I, the servant of God (name), walked through the clearing and found a golden egg, Amen.”

Place the candles near the stove, forming a triangle, and cook the egg until hard. Cool for a minute in ice water, smash it on your forehead and eat without drinking, without salt or bread.

Carry coins with you and don’t waste them.

Don't expect sudden wealth immediately after eating an egg. The first serious profit will come in a month. This powerful egg plot must be kept strictly secret, otherwise you will face poverty, and people close to you may experience health problems.

If you don’t have enough money, the egg spell should not be repeated too often, otherwise all luck will turn away from you.

Only to remove negative impacts. There is a lot of information about rituals and ceremonies for removing damage or the evil eye with this concentration of the quintessence of life. This is what causes the skew in his perception.

However, an ordinary chicken egg is too valuable a magical attribute to be bypassed in other rituals. It truly is the true “source of life.”

Therefore, it can be used to attract light energy into any area of ​​life. Let's look at a few rituals where his role is the main one.

What kind of eggs can you use?

First, let's remind home magicians of the rules for selecting a magical attribute. They are the same for all rituals.

The egg, first of all, must be fresh!

Under no circumstances should you use anything that has been in the refrigerator. There is no life in it.

It also matters where you bought it. Thus, a product produced industrially is not suitable for magical actions. That is, it makes no sense to buy eggs in the supermarket.

Let's imagine how it is produced and stored. The chickens are fed all sorts of stimulants to help them lay eggs well. There are a lot of them there, whole clouds in a small space.

It is clear that they have no idea about their master’s love and care. Bad luck for the birds! Further, the eggs are collected mainly mechanically.

The hand of a good housewife does not touch them. Chickens don't see the sun. The grass is not freely grazed. Let's not even talk about transportation to the point of sale.

At this time, the eggs are in the refrigerator. So, will there be life in such a product? What's with it? Introduced? Horrible, isn't it?

You and I need more than just life, enclosed in a fragile shell. We need her strength, imbued with sunny love.

Therefore, let's go buy magic tools to the village, to a familiar grandmother.

What did you think? The magician must have a friend in the village, who is caring and good-natured. A woman who loves her farm and knows every bird. Isn't there one? So, get one!

Well, in the meantime, go to the market. Although, there are also a lot of resellers there, trying to slip lifeless goods.

For a chicken egg

First, let's use the golden egg to attract luck and wealth to ourselves. This ritual is good for those who have problems in work or business. After it is carried out, everything improves, calms down, and small but stable growth begins.

Yes, also, to start, just break one fresh egg and pour it into holy water. Place the container at the head of the bed when you go to bed. Look in the morning.

If it remains intact and does not flow in the water, then the ritual can be performed. And if the white, or worse, the yolk, has spilled into the water, then now is not the time to call on luck. You need to remove the damage first.

Any day is suitable for attracting good luck with an egg. Just make sure there is no eclipse. And yet, this ritual is not performed during a thunderstorm or other natural “disturbance.”

At this time, the energy is so unstable that it can harm you. You know, hurricanes or other disasters happen in places where the energy background has become too black. This is how nature removes this dirt.

You should not mix your pure and bright intentions with these powerful impulses. Otherwise, nature will remove the excess from you.

  1. Take the egg in your hands. Roll it between your palms until it warms up.
  2. Now apply it to the crown. Tell:

    “In a dark mansion sits a homeless wolf. He looks fiercely, he wants to be free. I’ll cut out the window and let the sun in. I give the wolf free rein, but I take the ransom. Run through the forests, gather strength. Protect me until my grave! Let your free power be my protection. Let your feet tread the paths to success for me! Said with a lock. Be good to me! Amen!"

  3. All. Now the egg must be properly disposed of.

Go and bury him under a big living tree. Just be careful not to use it for food.

You have already taken his power. And they gave away their weakness and failure. Whoever eats it will be in trouble.

For pregnancy

You also need to use an egg. Previously, this was the only method used. After all, life is contained in it.

She was transferred to the young woman’s womb (not in the literal sense). For such an important ritual, you definitely only need to purchase eggs locally (in the village).

And also see how the owner keeps the chickens. Is he caring, are they happy with their fate? The result of the ritual depends on their well-being.

And yet, it is better to conduct the ceremony itself there, in the village.

You need to start on the first day of the waxing moon. You will need to do a whole “course” of rituals.

For the first time - seven. If it doesn’t work out, there are still seven more to go. And then for the third time. Everything is only on the growing moon.

The process of conception itself must also be present. That is, there is no need to give up marital joys for this time.

And the last condition. Women during menstruation should not perform the ritual. Choose a time so that seven days are completely clean (middle of the cycle).

The ritual takes place at dawn. The egg should ideally only come from a chicken. The woman strips naked and lies on her back.

The egg is rolled over her stomach while the formula is spoken. The spell should be said seven times, without being distracted by outside things.

If the woman herself rolls the womb, then this should be done with her left hand. If the husband decides to help, then let him do as he pleases. Apart from the two of them, no one is allowed to participate in the ritual.

The plot is as follows:

“In a green field there is a bay horse. Not shod, not bridled, breathes freedom, sways the grass. I'll catch the horse by the mane. Carry me like a free bird. Where the seed of life should appear! Let (name) enter my womb. Will bring joy to the family! The horse carries me faster than the wind. To the sun and water, air and earth! Enter me (name) of strength four! To conceive life, to give a new body to a new soul! Amen!"

To your health

You also need to take a fresh product.

  1. It is held in the left hand while the Lord's Prayer is recited.
  2. Then break it into a jar of water.
  3. The container is placed on the top of the head and the following words are read:

“Lord, help me! Forgive me my sins, let go of bad thoughts! Let illness not touch me, health will return forever! Amen!"

Now say “Our Father” again. Pour the water and egg down the drain. Do not reuse.

Read this plot when you don’t feel very comfortable. Just keep in mind, this is not a cure.

If you have a cold, you will not regain your health this way. But when there are no symptoms yet, but unpleasant sensations are already present, then it is worth carrying out the ritual.

An egg is a unique natural material that is often used in magic. A love spell on an egg is a very accessible effect with which you can bewitch a man. Perhaps, for the success of such a ritual, only sincere faith in one’s own strength and in magic is required. All rituals that use love spells on an egg should be performed exclusively during the waxing moon.

Simple love spells

The simplest love spell on an egg does not require any special skills. It is important to use a fresh egg, preferably straight from a chicken.

Rite No. 1

Before the ritual you need to do the following:

  • The egg must be pierced very carefully with a thick needle on both sides;
  • Let the white and yolk drain out;
  • Using a needle and a red thread threaded into it, the shells can be strung like beads.

It is this attribute that will be used in the ritual. It should be remembered that if the egg breaks during the preparatory actions, then the ritual should be abandoned. And it should be repeated no earlier than a week later. In addition to this attribute, you will need to stock up on a bucket of water, which must be collected from a standing natural source, for example, from a lake. Immediately before the ceremony, you should pull the thread out of the eye of the needle and tie a knot at one end. After this, you need to take one end of the thread and lower the egg shell into a bucket of standing water.

In this case, you need to say the following words:

“Through distant mountains, forests, seas and oceans, my dear (lover’s name), come to me and stay with me forever. With my strength and will I conjure you. With magic words I conjure our love forever.”

Next, you need to start slowly winding the thread around your finger, bringing it closer to the water. Until the thread is completely wound around your finger, the shell cannot be removed from the water. In this case, you need to repeat the spell words five times. After this, you need to pull out the shell and go outside. There, the thread must be pulled out of the egg and, together with the shell, without crushing it, buried not far from your own house. After this, the ritual is considered completed. When you arrive home, you should immediately go to bed with thoughts about your loved one.

Rite No. 2

There is another simple ritual in which you need to use:

  • Three church candles;
  • Fresh chicken egg;
  • An object that the person being bewitched held in his hands at least once;
  • White bird feather;
  • A piece of new white fabric;
  • Kitchen knife;
  • A glass filled with holy water.

The ceremony is performed in the evening in complete privacy. During the ritual the following actions are performed:

  • Candles are placed on the table;
  • A glass of water is placed next to the candles, and the prepared item is placed;
  • The feather of a bird is drawn over the item 30 times;
  • The blade of the knife is heated in the flame of one of the candles;
  • Using a knife, the egg is broken and its contents are poured into a glass of water.

Carrying out all the above actions, you need to say the following magic words:

“Hurry, white swan (name of the person being bewitched) to your white swan (own name). The white light will not be nice to you without her, you will not see the red sun, the clear sky will be covered with clouds for you. The white swan loves you and is waiting for you. She hid the sun under one wing, under the other she hid the sky, and in her eyes the white light completely drowned. My word is strong, I will tie it to a stone and throw it into the deep sea. No one can get it and change it. Amen".

After this, the item should be placed on a glass with an egg and covered with a white piece of cloth. In this form, the magical attributes should be left until the morning. The next day, early in the morning, you need to go to your loved one’s house and throw out the charmed water at the doorstep. The item used in the ritual must be hidden in a secluded place at home.

Rite No. 3

Love spells on eggs that are performed on Easter are quite simple. Easter eggs are usually used for this. On this day, positive energy in the world around us increases significantly. Therefore, the love spell always turns out to be powerful. To bewitch your loved one on Holy Sunday you need to take 7 Easter eggs.

“I will leave the house, blessing myself, and cross the threshold, crossing myself. I will head to the distant kingdom, where the Most Holy Theotokos sits on a gilded throne, looking intently at Saint Joseph with her clear eyes. So the Servant of God (my own name) will look and admire me, the Servant of God (the name of the person being bewitched). Just as the Orthodox people are waiting for a bright holiday, so the Servant of God (the name of the person being bewitched) will wait for me, the Servant of God (my own name), grieve, and not sleep at night. There is no key to my words, and no one will open the lock. Amen".

The next day you need to go to the cemetery and bury the enchanted eggs under seven namesake graves. In this case, it is necessary to rewrite the names and surnames on the graves and order magpies for these people, and also be sure to light candles for the repose.

Love spell on a single man

There is a love spell on an egg that can be used to attract exclusively single men. To do this, you need to take a fresh egg in your hands and cast a spell. After this, the charmed egg must be placed in a warm place for 19 days. It is very important to make sure that your chosen one is next to you on the 20th day. This is precisely the complexity of this ritual. If you organize this, then your loved one will be with you.

Spell words that need to be pronounced on an egg may sound like this:

“Hurt, hustle, hustle, hustle, my dear, I’m telling you, don’t wander the earth, but come anyway. With magical words, the heart of the Servant of God (the name of the man being bewitched) will be attached to mine. Just as a chicken egg wanders, so its soul wanders around the world; just like a chicken egg goes rotten, so its soul sticks to me forever;

A rotten egg should be placed in the freezer and stored there. Remember, when the egg defrosts, the chosen one’s feelings for you will disappear. It is clear that an egg cannot be stored in the freezer indefinitely, so you need to try to awaken natural feelings and affection in your loved one as quickly as possible.

Not long ago, my friend came to visit me with a huge cake and good news. It turned out that after 5 years of painstaking work as a secretary-assistant, she suddenly received a promotion to deputy head of the sales department.

It happened so unexpectedly that she was literally speechless... It is important to note that where my friend works, career advancement is extremely rare, and not every employee manages to stay in a position for more than six months...

Conspiracy to attract money

It turned out that my guest was so tired of routine work and a small salary that she decided to take extreme measures... One fine evening she found a text on the Internet money plot from the Bulgarian healer Vanga. To test the effectiveness of the method, my friend also performed a small ceremony.

For the ceremony, she needed: a chicken egg, three coins (10 kopecks each), a triangular bowl and three church candles, bought the day before in the temple. The friend placed the coins with the eagle down in the corners of the dishes, placed candles on them and placed an egg in the middle.

When everything was ready, my friend read these lines exactly 33 times: “A white hen laid an egg in a clear clearing, and the hen laid a money egg and added more money. And whoever takes this egg and eats it will become rich and will never know worse. I, the servant of God [your name], walked through the clearing, found an egg, ate it and thanked our Lord for the gift sent. Now wealth will not leave me. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, my friend put candles by the stove, hard-boiled an egg, broke it on her forehead and said the following words: “I break an egg on myself, I take all its benefits for myself.”.

If it weren’t for the story of my close friend, I would never have believed in such miracles. By the way, her husband recently received a large bonus to his salary... Coincidence? Don't think!

Despite the fact that the Bulgarian clairvoyant is no longer with us, her knowledge continues to help people. Vanga's conspiracies and rituals relieve lack of money and bestow good luck in all endeavors.

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This powerful conspiracy for wealth, read on an egg from a “ripple hen” - a brown chicken egg with white spots - will help you gain wealth and attract big money. You will have to go around to buy such an egg, although the luckiest ones find such eggs very quickly and, after reading the plot, quickly become rich and self-sufficient people, living their whole lives in wealth and luxury. Having found an egg without haggling, buy the whole ten from the seller, leave the change to the seller. At home, choose an egg that is unevenly colored or has some inclusions on its shell and hard-boil it for 5 minutes. While the egg is hot, wrap it in a new handkerchief and take it in your left hand and read it out loud three times wealth spell words :

I will go out from doors by doors, from gates by gates,
Away from your home,
Get out of your city.
Let me go look for my happiness
In ways unknown.
Through winding paths,
On all four sides.
I'll go without looking back.
My hidden happiness awaits me
Deep and strong - not to be found.
Not in a strong chest,
Not in a secret hiding place,
Not behind the doors
My happiness is hidden
And it will be found behind a thin shell
In a chicken egg.
Find my happiness and not ruin it,
Don't split.
Don't get lost along the way
Don't give it to anyone.
The hen lays eggs and raises chickens,
And I should live in wealth.
Key. Lock. Language.

When the egg has cooled, carefully peel it, leaving it in the jacket (the film between the egg and the shell) and placing the entire egg in your mouth without disturbing its integrity, say to yourself once:

Money-girlfriends, money-girlfriends,
I will get wealth from a chicken egg.
From this day forward and without end.

The night before going to bed, you must read the “Our Father” nine times. The strong spell for wealth that you read on the egg begins to act very quickly and soon you will live richly.

© Copyright: Magician


  • A conspiracy against poverty allows you to quickly find money and get rid of lack of money in a very short time. In difficult times, when there is not enough money to buy the most necessary things, in the old days they read this good white conspiracy against poverty, which very quickly restored monetary wealth by attracting and luring money from a variety of sources (extra change in a store, finding money on the street, and so on). The conspiracy against lack of money should be read on a green scarf and grains of wheat (one glass). Calcine the wheat in a frying pan, reading the Lord's Prayer nine times while calcining. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the roasted wheat in it. At midnight on the full moon or new moon, light four yellow wax candles, placing them in the corners of the table, placing a green scarf in the center and pouring wheat grains onto it. First, cross the scarf with grains three times, then tell yourself a spell against poverty that attracts money and relieves you from lack of money:

  • Vanga’s conspiracy which will be discussed will help you attract good luck in business and luck for life. A strong conspiracy capable of quickly becoming the luckiest person is done in a quiet, deserted place, sitting near standing water, a pond or lake. It is very important that the water on which the lucky magic spell is read is not running. If you already know where such a place is, early in the morning at sunrise, sit next to the water seven times and read the words of the spell for good luck:

  • On the night of baptism, you need to read a strong money plot for wealth so that the money in your wallet never runs out. The ritual of white money magic performed on the night of January 19, Epiphany, will very quickly relieve those in need from poverty and make even richer those people who live in abundance. In the old days, on the night of baptism, this conspiracy was read by all people who knew it - it lasts for exactly a year and therefore requires its constant repetition at each Baptism. With the help of this conspiracy, even the merchants' trade went better and brought more profit, and the peasants' harvest was richer and richer with each new year, increasing the wealth and well-being of the person charmed with more money and wealth. Anyone can independently perform a monetary ceremony on the night of baptism. At midnight on January 19, when all the water on earth is holy, you need to stand under the flowing water (you can warm it in the shower or pour yourself from a ladle or mug - whichever is convenient for you) and repeat the Epiphany money plot three times for money and wealth in the house, so that your wallet will always be full:

  • Special money spells are a very simple money ceremony. At 7 o'clock in the evening, take a coin with the number 5 and spin it on the table and say this money spell to attract wealth. The ritual with a coin to attract money, luck and wealth is considered completed after you sew the charmed coin into the lining of your wallet. After this conspiracy made before Easter, you will be lucky in everything and the money in the amount you need will always be in your wallet.

  • A good spell to attract money should be read for wealth and prosperity. Having carried out a money ceremony, the money will always be in your wallet and there will always be prosperity in the house. In the morning, take a sieve, put a handful of small coins in it, as many as your hand can grab from your wallet. I’ll say right away that you need to read a money plot all year long that attracts wealth and good luck into your home so that none of your relatives, much less strangers, see it. Early in the morning at dawn, go outside and holding the change in your hand say:

  • Knowing the money plot that you need to read before Easter all year, you can live in wealth. Prepare a handful of small change, putting a few coins in a pile every day in preparation for a ritual that brings wealth and attracts money to the house. The conspiracy will make you a rich person, you will not know the need, living in complete prosperity and wealth. At the time of reading the plot for wealth, there should be no one in the house except you! Pour tap water into a basin and throw in all the change you have accumulated over the week. Now, you need to read the plot for wealth 33 times, bending on your knees in front of the basin, clasping your little fingers crosswise in front of you. The words of the money plot for wealth are:

  • A money conspiracy to attract money is the best way to attract wealth in order to live in abundance without knowing the need. You need to read a strong conspiracy for money yourself by taking a silver spoon; if there is no silver spoon in the house, any new tablespoon will do to attract money. Very soon after reading the conspiracy, your house and your wallet will begin to be attracted - big money will be attracted from a variety of sources, the existence of which you had not even realized before - this action of an old and very powerful conspiracy for money attracts wealth and prosperity to your home and now you have money will always be present and will not be transferred. Before reading the plot, wash the spell spoon in seven waters and wipe dry and, wrapping it in a red soft cloth, read the spell on the spoon out loud once to attract money to the house:

  • Strong conspiracies to attract money are usually read on the moon. If you read the money plot that attracts money. A conspiracy to help get rid of lack of money and poverty has helped people since ancient times, when the very concept of money first appeared, people worshiped the gods of the moon and sun. The most powerful magical effect of a money plot occurs if you read a money plot on a waxing or full moon, so it’s better to guess. But if time is pressing, for example, you need to pay off debts and you urgently need to get a lot of money with the help of money magic, then it is permissible to read a spell for money and for the waning moon. Buy a new tablecloth and a new ball of red thread. To cast a money spell, wait until the full moon and take out the smallest coin from your wallet; if there are several small coins of the same denomination, take everything and, standing at the window, read the lunar spell with this money so that there is always money in your wallet and house and never runs out:

  • Conspiracies to attract money and wealth are the most popular money rituals and rituals that our ancestors read. To carry out a ritual that attracts wealth so that you always have money, you need to find a body of standing water (a pond, lake or well). Fill it with a full bucket of water and take it home. To charm water into money, you need to put two high denomination bills - don’t be afraid, they won’t get wet or drown. Say a spell for wealth over water with money:



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