Questions on military topics for February 23. Poems about dad

Competition for two teams “Road to Freedom”

Two teams are formed: one is men, the other is women. At the signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line. The team that makes the longest line of clothing wins.

“The most attentive” - table competition

The presenter reads the text: “I’ll tell you a story in one and a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately!”:

“Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, not just one, but seven.”

“When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night, twice, or better yet, 10 times.”

“A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march!”

“Once I had to wait 3 hours for a train at the station...”

If they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it: “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”


— Cool lady;

— student I;

— student 2;

— student 3;

- an ordinary man.


3 posters depicting types of men; large blanket.

On the stage (or on the open space that replaces it) Cool lady and 3 students. Posters are attached to the wall. There is a man standing in the corner under a blanket. His task is to remain motionless almost until the end of the scene.

Cool lady:

So, girls, the topic of today's lesson is: “Extinct species. The man is unreasonable." You all remember that in 2050 the male part of the population of our planet happily died out due to their immoderate desire to reproduce, thereby providing us women with a long-deserved opportunity to achieve a bright future. Today we have only a vague idea about men, thanks to myths and legends that have come down to us from time immemorial. But we, your classy ladies, carefully convey some facts to young people. Let's briefly review the material covered, (name), starting with you.

Student #1:

The first species of extinct male known to us is the Male. A male is a man from whom women of the past were “dragged,” that is, they could be taken with bare hands and dragged. A feature of the Male was the presence of two thought centers. The first, main one, was located just below the waist. The Male thought to them most of the time. The second one was located in the skull, was rudimentary and only prevented the Male from breeding and reproducing.

Cool lady:

Great, (name). How could you recognize the Male in the crowd?

Student #1:

By its bright appearance. He used luxury cars, yachts, dachas and barbecues as bait. His hunting season began in early spring and lasted until late autumn. Habitats: bars, restaurants, nightclubs, beaches in summer. In winter, the male migrated to the areas of prestigious ski resorts.

Cool lady:

Everything is correct. (name) will continue.

Student #2:

I prepared a report on Bore. A bore to the question “How are you?” began to tell in detail how he was doing. It reproduced rarely, strictly according to the clock and if you were very lucky. He was especially cruel to women, driving them into delirium tremens with his moralizing. Most often, Bore could be found in public transport, sanitary and epidemiological stations, at a rally, in marriage agencies, and also on Internet forums. At the end of his life, Bore transformed into Old Khrych or Old Senile. A special feature of Bored was the horns that adorned him almost all year round.

Cool lady:

Wonderful, (name). There's nothing to add. Now (name) will tell us about Henpecked.

Student #3:

We know little about this type. He was very timid, timid, had difficulty obtaining food, preferring to hide under a woman’s heel. With skillful training, he could cope with housework quite tolerably. He camouflaged himself well, blending in with surrounding objects. Sometimes he passed from one woman to another by inheritance.

Cool lady:

Okay, but how did scientists find out about Henpecked?

Student #3:

Following footprints in the kitchen and on the doormat.

Cool lady:

As you can see, the picture is quite unsightly. But today I want to inform you about an amazing discovery that our scientists made. A completely new type of man, previously unknown to us, was found in the permafrost. We called him Ordinary Man. All that is known about him is that women could not live without him.

Students (in chorus):

But why?!

Cool lady:

But this is what you have to find out in the practical lesson. Attention! Here is an ordinary man!

(Tears off the coverlet.)

The students, pushing each other away, pounce on the Man and drag him “behind the scenes.” Passionate sighs and sounds of kisses can be heard from there.

Cool lady:

“Why, why” - yes, because what kind of life is this without a real ordinary man!

All participants take a bow.

Competition "Best Legs"

Do not say the name of the competition under any circumstances - it's a surprise!

What kind of work do men have to do at home? What you won’t do for the woman you love! All interested men are invited here (or a certain number, if there are a lot of men - according to the number of chairs allocated for the competition).

The presenter invites the men to sit on chairs and gives each of them a children's book.

You should read a book to your child before bed. Who had to do this? Wonderful. But in order for everything to be natural and the reading to be expressive, you need to put your right leg on your left, wrapping the trouser leg up to the knee on this leg.

Did you do it? Now we open the book and read loudly at the same time.

Fine. Even louder.

Presenter (addresses women):

Now let’s choose the hairiest legs!

(Prize to the man with the hairiest legs).

Competition "Let's talk frankly"

Two sets of cards are prepared in advance for the competition. Ideally, the cards should be different colors (one color for questions and another for answers).

The presenter holds two sets of cards of two colors in his hands; Questions are written on cards of one color, answers are written on cards of the second.

Each guest is offered a choice of a card with a question, which he (or the host) reads out loud to everyone present. The participant then chooses a card with an answer and also reads it out loud.

The point of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, it is only important that the number of questions coincides with the number of answers.

Questions for cards:

Is your loved one tormenting you with jealousy?

When do you feel forced to smile?

Do you compliment your boss?

Do you respect alcoholic drinks?

Are you ever delighted with erotica?

Do you dream of winning a car?

How often do you step on others' toes?

Are you wasting your honestly earned money on trifles? Do you hide your “illegal” earnings from your family? Do you use obscene words in conversation? Do you criticize our government?

Are you capable of noble deeds?

Answers for cards:

Let's talk about this without witnesses.

It’s a shame to ask such questions, knowing my character.

It happens, but only at night.

Every day, and more than once.

Every time I go to bed.

I had to suffer from this.

Exclusively in the restaurant.

And I won’t say it under torture.

I allow myself this pleasure once a day.

When there are guests in the house.

Of course, otherwise life would be uninteresting.

When kicked out of the house.

Using this principle, you can create your own questions and answers.

Guess who drinks vodka

This game is a joke and you only have to play it once, but it's worth it. The conditions are simple: any number of participants are called. Then the game leader brings out the appropriate number of transparent glasses with straws, each filled with 150 grams of liquid.

The presenter announces: “Now I will give each participant a glass. All but one glass contain clean water. And in one glass - pure VODKA! The task of each participant is to drink the contents of his glass through a straw, trying not to show by his appearance that he is drinking. The task of the observers is to guess who exactly has the vodka poured.”

So, the participants sip the liquid, observers try to guess: who is drinking vodka, expressing their guesses, making bets, etc. Each of the contestants believes that only he has vodka and tries very hard to hide his feelings.

When all the contestants have drunk everything, the presenter announces that “... this is actually a joke and all the glasses are filled with vodka!”

Table game "Fat-cheeked Lipslap"

Props: a bag of sucking sweets (caramels).

The game involves 2 people.

Participants take turns taking a candy from the bag (it is in the hands of the presenter, who counts the candies), put it in their mouth (you cannot swallow candy!) and after each candy they call their opponent “fat-cheeked lip-slapper.”

The winner is the one who puts the most candies in his mouth and can say the “magic phrase.”

This competition will delight and amuse not only the participants, but also the spectators!

Two teams of 3 people each (1 woman and 2 men).

The woman stands between the men, and in a minute they must dress the woman, but only in the clothes that they themselves are wearing (watches and rings also count). Accordingly, the team with the most clothes on the woman wins.

Table game "Spiritometer"

Props: Whatman paper with a drawn scale, multi-colored markers.

Towards the middle or end of the feast, it’s time to check how drunk everyone is!

Everyone who is ready to pass the test goes to the scale and receives markers to make the appropriate mark.

The scale should be drawn in advance on whatman paper (it is better if the scale is long enough so that the minimum values ​​are around a meter from the floor or higher). The degrees on the scale are indicated in decreasing order: “in the insole” (at the very bottom) - 90 - 80 -...40 - 30 - 20 - 10 - “like a piece of glass” (at the very top).

Participants one by one approach the scale, stand with their backs to it, bend over and, extending their hand to the “Spiritometer” between their legs, mark the degrees on the scale with a felt-tip pen.

Everyone wants to be more sober, and the smallest degrees are indicated high, so players have to raise their hands as high as possible.

Table game "Thorny Path"

The presenter invites three married couples.

Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives.

The host opens three bottles of vodka or wine (or takes open but still full bottles from the table) and places them in the path of each man.

After this, each man is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk up to her and hug her.

When the participants are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and switches places with the wives.

Spectators and wives are asked to remain silent.


Target: Education of patriotism and citizenship in children of senior preschool age, development of moral values, introduction to the history of the Fatherland.

Equipment: sheets of paper, cut pictures, construction set, envelopes with cut proverbs

Children are divided into 2 teams and choose a captain

The competition begins.

"Make a proverb".

Each team receives an envelope with two proverbs about the army, war, and service cut into words.


Hard to learn, easy to fight.

A fight is beautiful with courage, and a comrade is beautiful with friendship.

Stand boldly for what is right.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

There are sheets of paper on the table.

The captains need to make one airplane each.

Points are awarded for speed and quality of work

Now let's carry out the tests.

Airplanes are launched according to their flight range.

Game "Build military equipment" from the constructor

Game: "Cut pictures"

Each team is given the task of collecting a cut-out picture. Who's faster?


One, two - there is a rocket.

Three, four - plane.

One, two - clap your hands

And then on every account.

One, two, three four-

Arms higher, shoulders wider.

One, two, three, four

And they walked around on the spot.

Contest "Guess the riddle"

1. The giant is standing in the port

Lighting up the darkness

And signals to the ships

Come visit us.


2. A steam locomotive without wheels

What a miracle locomotive

Is he crazy?

He went straight across the sea.


Riddles for Team II

1. Flies, buzzes

And when he sits down, he becomes silent.


2. Upside down cauldron

Helped protect a person


She fell into the quinoa

Now I won't find her. (Bullet)

We have "Poplar", "Topol-M",

We do not serve Flora at all.

We stand guard over the country,

So that there is no more war. (Rocket Forces)

“Where we are, there is victory!” -

Our motto is glorious, fighting.

We have been from sea to shore since centuries,

They fled "stone" wall! (Marines)

The plane soars like a bird

There is an air border there.

On duty both day and night

Our soldier is a military man (Pilot)

Game: Question and answer

1. Name the types of troops in our army.

2. Tell us how the military uniform of a soldier, pilot,

3. What military equipment do you know?

4. What is the importance of military equipment in the service of soldiers?

5. Why do soldiers need weapons?

6. Why are medals awarded?

7. Why do we need shoulder straps in the army?

Game "One - many"

Airplane - …

Game "4th wheel"

Tank, fighter, helicopter, plane;

Artilleryman, sniper, cook, paratrooper;

Drum, machine gun, machine gun, cannon;

Vest, overcoat, jeans, jacket.

Leading: You showed courage, perseverance and patience,

And sometimes endurance, to everyone's surprise,

To stand guard over your Motherland

And from enemies, defend Russia with honor!

Game "Choose words - signs"

Defender of the Fatherland (Which) -…

Tank (Which) - …

Army (which) - …

Motherland (which) - …

All (What)- military equipment."

question and answer.

2. What kind of headgear does a fighter wear during a fight to protect his head from injury? Helmet

3. How many battles did A.V. Suvorov lose? Haven't lost a single one

4. What kind of headdress did the Red Army soldiers wear? Budenovka

5. What kind of headgear does a tanker have? Helmet

6. What is the name of a paratrooper's headdress? Beret

7. What do both the rifle and the tree have? Trunk

Publications on the topic:

Traffic rules quiz “What? Where? When?"“Quiz “WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?" according to traffic rules Objectives: - repeat the rules of the road; establish rules of behavior on the street; develop speech.

Entertainment "Traffic Quiz" Goal: to strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules. Equipment: team emblems, road sign cards, brushes, paints, paper.

Quiz for children 6–7 years old Warm-up station. Questions for the 1st team: Last month of the year? (December) A cow as a child? (calf) A bun overgrown with needles? (hedgehog).

Quiz "World of Fairy Tales" Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of previously read works. Objectives: 1) Strengthen children’s ability to guess familiar fairy tales 2) Develop.

Quiz "Autumn" Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn, patterns in nature; to cultivate a love for their nature. Progress of the lesson:.

Intellectual game "Gambling Dozen" for students in grades 2-3, dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day

Mesha Tatyana Sergeevna, English teacher
Place of work: State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 16, Pinsk, Brest Region, Republic of Belarus
Description of material: The material will be of interest to primary school teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities.

Target: formation of a correct perception of the concept of the purpose and role of boys as defenders of their Fatherland.
- promote the development of a sense of patriotism;
- instill respect for people;
- create conditions for the development of logical thinking and broadening the horizons of students;
- cultivate accuracy, speed of reaction, the desire to become strong, brave, dexterous, smart.
Rules of the game:
“Gambling Dozen” is one of the variants of the game “What? Where? When?". 3 teams participate in this game at the same time.
The team is given 5 tokens as “starting capital”. A team can bet on a question using any number of tokens it has. If the answer is correct, the team receives the number of tokens that were posed to the question; if the answer is incorrect, the team is fined the same number of tokens. If the team did not place a bet, then if the answer is correct, it receives one token; if the answer is incorrect, it is fined one token. Before hearing a question, the presenter takes bets on the question, then asks it. The facilitator's assistant monitors which team captain raises his hand first to answer. If there are no people willing to answer the question, then the right to answer is drawn by lot.
The game consists of three blocks. After each block, you can hold a so-called “medium” (time out), during which a quiz for the audience, a musical number, etc. is offered.
Progress of the game:
Wonderful holiday in February
My country welcomes you.
She is her defenders
Hearty congratulations!
On land, in the sky, on the seas
And even under water
Soldiers protect our peace
For us, my friend, with you.
I. Aseeva

Block No. 1
1. Armed forces. (Army)
2. Graduate of a military school. (Officer)
3. Solemn review of troops. (Parade)
4. A military unit that guards something or someone. (Guard)
5. A soldier who guards the borders of the Motherland. (Border Guard)
6. There are marching, guard, border. (Outpost)
7. What is the name of a soldier's coat? (Overcoat)
8. Manual explosive projectile. (Grenade)
9. One name for a man's name and a machine gun in the civil war. (Maxim)
10. The shelter from which the soldiers are shooting. (Trench)
11. Military unit located in a city or fortress. (Garrison)
12. Military term for a surprise attack. (Attack)
Musical number

Block No. 2
1. The main person on the ship. (Captain)
2. A boy on a ship, preparing to become a sailor. (Jung)
3. A sea cook on a ship. (Cook)
4. A device for holding a vessel stationary in open water. (Anchor)
5. Part of the equipment of a ship, with the help of which it sails during the wind. (Sail)
6. Marine signal "save our souls." (SOS)
7. What is the name of the floating crossing? (Ferry)
8. A nuclear powered ship. (Nuclear-powered ship)
9. Strong sea storm. (Storm)
10. Association of warships. (Squadron)
11. Place for parking of ships and vessels. (Port)
12. A vessel capable of sailing through ice. (Icebreaker)
Quiz for fans
1. Who is not a warrior in the field? (One)
2. Heroic figure. (Three)
3. How much do you need to measure to cut once? (Seven)
4. The “unclean” dozen. (Thirteen)
5. Robber's figure. (Fourty)
6. The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (Whistling)
7. A container for miracles. (Sieve)
8. Royal head distinction. (Crown)
9. Serpent according to the priest. (Gorynych)
10. Witchplane. (mortar, broom)
11. A headdress designed for a fool. (Cap)

Block No. 3
1. Which military personnel wear blue berets? (Airborne Forces)
2. A melody with a clear rhythm that is easy to walk to. (March)
3. A staircase used to board a ship or plane? (Ladder)
4. How to find out the rank of a serviceman? (By shoulder straps)
5. What the evening command sounds like in the barracks. (“All clear!”)
6. What is the name of a soldier’s winter headdress? (Ushanka hat)
7. What are the doors in tanks called? (Hatches)
8. Special room for parking, maintenance and repair of aircraft. (Hangar)
9. How to decipher an armored personnel carrier? (Armored personnel carrier)
10. Continue the proverb: “It’s hard in learning - …” (easy in battle)
11. What is extra: a visor, a helmet, a hat, a cap, a beret? (Hat)
12. What is a gas mask for? (Protection against polluted air)

For future defenders
Present day
Try to remember
And keep it in your heart.
You are strong, you are brave,
And the enemy is treacherous
He's afraid to approach you.
And there is more in life
Big things
Where are you going honor
I didn’t call for you,
You go boldly
Spear ready!
Fight for your loved ones
For your happiness!
I. Grosheva

If you are planning to celebrate February 23 with your colleagues, you definitely need to develop at least a small entertainment program. Any holiday becomes much more fun and memorable if you spend it in an interesting and unusual way! So, when developing a scenario for February 23, it is quite possible to include a short quiz for men or for all those present. The quiz questions can be different and relate to absolutely any topic, the main thing is that it is funny, and the questions do not offend anyone in particular!

Sample Quiz Questions

Prepare a sheet in advance with the following questions:

  • What winter month will present men with a wonderful holiday, their day (February).
  • During the Civil War, this was the name for machine guns, and now cigarettes, and also this name (Maxim).
  • The winners shout... (hurray!).
  • The Commander-in-Chief, ordering to shoot, shouts... (sigh!).
  • In case of danger, the one standing on the “nike-up” shouts... (ATAS!).
  • The person throwing the ball shouts... (pass!).
  • What is the name of the military headquarters? (location of the military leader).
  • Tankman's hat (helmet).
  • The tree and the rifle have (a barrel).
  • Review of troops, ceremonial event (parade).
  • The difference between Kutuzov and other military leaders (an eye patch).

Gradually, you can move from practically childish questions to more adult ones, and it must be said deliberately sexual, of course, if such an approach is appropriate in your team!

  • Sometimes it stands, more often it hangs, sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s cold (shower).
  • The troops are moving, so what are they doing? (maneuver).
  • It’s dark all around, there’s a white “sheet” in front of you and a lot of fun (cinema).
  • Hairy, “flying” behind her cheek, she knows her business (toothbrush).
  • The guy with the red head will knock on everyone (woodpecker).
  • Climb onto someone else's woman without legs, without arms (yoke).
  • In the army, this part is selected (guard).
  • Passing between my legs, I sit, have fun, after a few minutes I sit and sweat (exercise bike).
  • A cool man has this on his uniform (epaulets).
  • Which shells can explode in your hands? (grenade).
  • With them, a soldier is not afraid of kilometers, what is it? (boots).
  • First lick the back, then just the front (postage stamp).
  • When they suddenly attack, then what do they do? (attack).
  • It hangs by the machine gun, it’s a toy, but (a grenade).
  • For many, it dangles from the back at the “X” beginning (tail).
  • They are graduated from a military school (officers).
  • When we went behind enemy lines, did what? (raid, attack).
  • Where do soldiers most often lie? (In the trenches).
  • Report to a senior officer in the army (report).
  • The military openly call her a fool (bullet).

At the end, completing the comic quiz, the winner and his “deputy” - the one who managed not to guess a single correct answer - are awarded diplomas and certificates. You can also write something funny in them!

Even adults at a collective party celebrating February 23 will find the quiz most interesting and fun if the questions are read out with some humor and the right intonation. After all, how the audience reacts to the game is largely the fault of the presenter!

Quiz questions

1. Armed forces. Answer: Army.

2. Graduate of a military school. Answer: Officer.

3. A soldier guarding the borders of the Motherland. Answer: Border guard.

4. There are guard, marching, border. Answer: Outpost.

5. Manual explosive projectile. Answer: Grenade.

6. A man's name and a machine gun in the civil war. Answer: Maxim.

7. In what country and when did the first tank appear? (In Russia in 1915 it was called an all-terrain vehicle.)

8. Cold steel. Answer: Sword.

9. Command to shoot. Answer: “Pli.”

10. Cover from which soldiers shoot. Answer: Trench.

11. A military unit that guards something or someone. Answer: Guard.

12. What orders are named after Russian commanders? (The Order of Alexander Nevsky was established in the 18th century, the Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov, they were awarded during the Great Patriotic War.)

13. Location of the military leader. Answer: Bet.

14. Military unit located in the city, fortress. Answer: Garrison.

15. Selected part of the army. Answer: Guard.

16. Name the first Russian order. (Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.)

17. Movement of troops to a new direction for the purpose of striking. Answer: Maneuver.

18. Location of troops for battle. Answer: Position.

19. Large formation of troops. Answer: Corps.

20. Military fortification, which consists of a rampart and a ditch in front of it. Answer: Redoubt.

21. What were Roman soldiers rewarded for their military exploits? (Wreaths.)

22. Military term for a surprise attack. Answer: Attack.

23. Brief report of a serviceman to a senior officer. Answer: Report.

24. Which of the military leaders of the 20th century. was the first to be awarded the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree? (Marshal G.K. Zhukov.)

25. Soldier's coat. Answer: Overcoat.

26. A place where you can shoot at targets. Answer: Tyr.

27. Heavy combat vehicle (four letters). Answer: Tank.

28. Solemn review of troops. Answer: Parade.

29. Name the most memorable and large-scale military parades on Red Square. (The 1941 parade, when the Germans came close to Moscow, and the Victory Parade in 1945)

30. Movement of troops. Answer: Maneuver.

31. A raid by a military detachment behind enemy lines. Answer: Raid.

32. What orders are named after Russian admirals? (Order and medal of Ushakov, order and medal of Nakhimov.)

33. The main boss on the ship. Answer: Captain.

34. A teenager, but a full-fledged sailor. Answer: Jung.

35. Sea cook on a ship. Answer: Cook.

36. A place protected from waves for ships. Answer: Port.

37. Conductor of sea vessels. Answer: Pilot.

38. Marine signal “save our souls.” Answer: SOS.

39. Which commander commanded the Russian army during the war with the French in 1812? (Mikhail Kutuzov.)

40. Name the types of troops in the modern army. (Artillery, motorized rifle troops, armored forces, infantry, marines, airborne, engineering, aviation.)

41. For what purpose were the first airplanes used? (For reconnaissance. Then for air combat and bombing.)

42. Who and when was the St. Andrew’s flag established? (Peter I in 1699. This is the stern flag of the Russian Navy.)

43. Association of warships. Answer: Squadron.

44. What does the word “boarding” mean? (A method of naval combat. The enemy ships approached each other and grappled with hooks. The sailors boarded one ship and entered into hand-to-hand combat.)

45. What battle do the following lines tell about, and who wrote them:

You will never see such battles!

Banners were worn like shadows,

The fire sparkled in the smoke,

Damask steel sounded, buckshot screamed,

The fighters' hands are tired of stabbing,

And prevented the cannonballs from flying

A mountain of bloody bodies.

(M. Yu. Lermontov about the Battle of Borodino in the poem “Borodino”.)

46. ​​From which work are these lines taken?

Crossing! Crossing!

Left bank, right bank,

The snow is rough, the edge of ice...

To whom is memory, to whom is glory,

For those who want dark water -

No sign, no trace.

(A. T. Tvardovsky. Poem “Vasily Terkin.”)



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