The consequences of the first sexual intercourse, what happens after the first sex with a girl. First sexual intercourse - what men and women need to know Possible causes of excessively prolonged sexual intercourse

The very concept of “average duration of sexual intercourse” is not entirely clear. First we need to agree on what exactly we think. The term “sexual intercourse” can be understood in a broad and narrow sense.

What is "sexual intercourse"?

In sexual intimacy (sexual intercourse “in the broad sense”), certain stages are distinguished. Namely:

1) foreplay,

2) friction stage;

3) orgasm;

4) the final stage (postlude).

During foreplay, sexual arousal increases. People of different temperaments, ages, etc. it can have completely different duration and energy (sometimes it can be practically non-existent). The same can be said about the final stage.

Everything is so individual that the only stage that can, in principle, be measured is the frictional stage, starting with penetration, that is, insertion of the male penis into the vagina, and ending with ejaculation - ejaculation.

It is this period that is often meant by “sexual intercourse” (although this is not true). It is precisely how long this “sexual intercourse in the narrow sense” should last that will be discussed further.

What do statistics say about the duration of sexual intercourse?

It should be taken into account that the duration of sexual intercourse can be measured both in time units - minutes and seconds, and in the number of frictions - different men can perform frictions at different speeds.

So, studies show that in the vast majority of cases, sexual intercourse lasts from 1 minute 45 seconds, or about 65 frictions, to 3 minutes 37 seconds, or about 270-275 frictions. The average is 2 minutes 24 seconds. The conventional norm is considered to be a range from 1.5 to 5 minutes.

Sexual intercourse ends with ejaculation, that is, ejaculation, accompanied by male orgasm: continuation of frictions after this becomes impossible due to the disappearance of penile erection. Thus, exactly the mentioned time, that is, on average - 2 minutes 24 seconds, is enough for a man to “cum”.

A woman, on the other hand, needs significantly longer stimulation to achieve orgasm. Male and female bodies differ significantly in this regard.

For most men, especially long foreplay and the final stage are not necessary. By itself, a normal male orgasm lasts 5-10 seconds. The vast majority of men are not able to experience more than 1 orgasm during sexual intercourse.

Thus, by and large, besides these 5-10 seconds, a man “doesn’t need anything.” The rest of the friction stage, and other stages as well, are “intended”, rather, for women.

Even taking into account the need for some time for arousal to build up, if the entire sexual intercourse lasts 20 seconds or half a minute, then this will be quite enough for a man to achieve orgasm and sexual release. This means that for a man, any duration of sexual intercourse will be biologically normal.

As for women, most of the women examined received orgasm 3-4 minutes after the start of friction, on average - after 3.5 minutes. However, there was significant variation due to personal characteristics.

For different women, sexual intercourse could last from 1 to as long as 11 minutes - if you count from the moment of first penetration to the onset of the first orgasm. It is clear that only very few men are able not to “discharge” within 5 minutes of the friction stage (what can we say about 11!).

But at the same time, all the women examined experienced orgasm, if not always, then quite often. This happens because human sexuality, and indeed the human psyche in general, is a very flexible system. Insufficiently long sexual intercourse is compensated by longer foreplay. Practice shows that two adults are almost always able to adapt to each other.

It should be understood that nature had good reasons for designing the female sexual sphere differently from the male one. If in men orgasm occurs directly from the friction of the head of the penis against the walls of the vagina during friction, then in women the walls of the vagina are almost devoid of sensitivity in this regard.

This is not surprising: if the walls of the vagina were as permeated with nerve endings as the head of the penis, then the woman would die from painful shock during childbirth, when the vagina is subjected to very strong traumatic effects. For this reason, nature could not “make” female sexuality “mirror” in relation to male sexuality.

The center of female sexual sensitivity is the clitoris. It is located slightly above the entrance to the vagina and is not injured during childbirth. It is direct or indirect stimulation of the clitoris that leads to orgasm in a woman.

Since the increase in arousal in women with indirect stimulation of the clitoris takes longer than in men with direct stimulation of the glans penis, a woman’s orgasm occurs later than a man’s. True, for such difficulties, nature rewarded the woman with a longer orgasm, as well as the ability to experience orgasm several times during one sexual act.

But it is precisely for this reason that a man’s abnormally short achievement of orgasm creates problems for women: despite all the aforementioned flexibility of human sexuality, a woman often cannot adapt to an excessively short sexual intercourse. This problem should be solved with the help of specialists.

What determines the duration of sexual intercourse?

The timing of ejaculation in men can depend on many factors. First of all, it depends on the physiological and anatomical features. Different people have different degrees of sensitivity of nerve endings: accordingly, they need different times to achieve orgasm. For some men, too much foreplay “warms up” so much that later sexual intercourse lasts only a matter of seconds.

The moral and psychological state of a man also plays an important role: nervous exhaustion, lack of sleep, general irritation, increased emotionality (or, conversely, emotional decline) can lead to both a faster completion of sexual intercourse and, conversely, to an unnecessarily long duration. In general, men with high sexual arousal often tend to have sexual intercourse lasting less than 2 minutes.

The age of a man is also of great importance: very young men often do not yet have much sexual experience, and therefore are not yet accustomed to properly controlling their body.

In men, the period of youthful hypersexuality ends around the age of 22. After this, a compensatory decline in sexuality occurs, lasting until about 26 years of age.

Then sexuality again increases somewhat and reaches a plateau: it remains more or less constant throughout the man’s subsequent active sexual life (in the absence of diseases of the genitourinary system). It begins to decrease only during the period of male menopause, which for different men occurs approximately between 45 and 60 years.

At this time, sexual activity decreases, various dysfunctions may occur, including premature ejaculation or, conversely, its delay. In the presence of serious diseases of the genitourinary system, complete impotence can occur. After the end of the menopausal transition, sex life returns to normal, although usually at a much lower level. It is during the period of youthful hypersexuality or menopause that there may be problems with the duration of sexual intercourse.

Regularity of sexual intercourse is also important: after a period of prolonged abstinence, the first sexual intercourse may be too short. With an active sexual life, on the contrary, the average time of sexual intercourse may increase.

It also matters whether sexual contact occurs in an established couple or in a newly created one. Practice shows that sexual intercourse in an established couple is usually shorter, but both partners quickly and effectively achieve orgasm. Here it is precisely a matter of “habit” - a conditioned reflex.

If the body “knows” that orgasm always comes after certain actions (simply because it has already happened dozens and hundreds of times), then it quickly and effectively prepares for it.

On the contrary, after the separation of long-term spouses, it happens that for a long time they are not able to begin a normal sex life with new partners: simply because they are no longer so young, and the habit-reflex no longer makes it easier to achieve orgasm, as it was with their previous husbands or wife.

Possible reasons for too short sexual intercourse

Possible reasons for having sexual intercourse too quickly are:

  • increased sensitivity of the glans penis - congenital or resulting from previous diseases;
  • mental disorders associated with previously unsuccessful sexual intercourse;
  • vesiculitis or prostatitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • hormonal imbalance - pathological or natural age-related;
  • diseases of the central nervous system, spinal cord or brain injuries.

To provide effective assistance, you need to figure out what reason or combination of reasons caused the problem. Not always, but very often problems are primarily psychological in nature. However, they can also lead to a similar effect. In such cases, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Possible causes of excessively prolonged sexual intercourse

Having sexual intercourse for too long is not such a good sign as is sometimes believed. A pathological delay in ejaculation can ultimately lead a man to be unable to experience orgasm at all. The main reasons for such a violation may be the following:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • diseases or injuries of the central nervous system;
  • abuse of alcohol or other drugs;
  • pathologies of the reproductive system.

In addition, certain medications may play a role. In particular, medications that change blood pressure have side effects on the sexual sphere. It is known that even the famous “Viagra” was discovered during the search for a means to lower blood pressure...

How to normalize the duration of sexual intercourse?

First of all, you should think carefully about whether this is necessary. Despite the fact that officially the length of sexual intercourse is considered to be between 1.5 and 5 minutes, it is considered inappropriate to intervene in the situation when its duration is from 45 seconds to 12 minutes: deviations from the norm in these cases are not so significant, and one can adapt to lead a normal sex life in such cases. conditions are usually quite realistic.

But if treatment is still necessary, then only a specialist can help. Typically, to make sexual intercourse last longer, the following methods are used:

1. Treatment of existing diseases of the genitourinary system, if any (infections, inflammation, etc.).

2. Psychotherapy (possibly also chemotherapy) for existing nervous disorders affecting the sexual sphere.

3. Hormonal therapy (in particular, for dysfunctions during menopause).

4. Surgical, including surgical intervention to reduce or increase the sensitivity of the glans penis. There are different methods: from circumcision of the foreskin to creating a layer of hyaluronic acid under the skin of the head (using injections).

5. The use of additional means during sexual intercourse: thick rubber condoms to reduce sensitivity or a variety of sexual “toys” to increase arousal.

Currently, methods of treating sexual dysfunctions associated with disruption of the normal duration of sexual intercourse have been developed quite well.

The first wedding night is an unforgettable event in the life of lovers. Girls' attitude towards the first sexual intercourse is significantly different from that of men. Most of them are afraid of their first intercourse. They like caresses, hugs, kisses, tender words of their beloved man, but the upcoming sexual intercourse is often perceived with fearful caution. Therefore, the young man must take into account the girl’s feelings and experiences. He must be patient-persistent, gentle and always confident in his abilities. Reluctance to take into account the condition of your beloved, and sometimes gross violence, can cause her mental, and if she resists, physical trauma, often with serious consequences for her future intimate life (for example, the development of vaginismus or the formation of an aversion to sexual intercourse in a young woman). From time immemorial, millions of women have lost their virginity in the lap of nature, but today, in the era of civilization and antiseptics, more hygienic conditions are required. In short, the conclusion is simple: it’s best to do “this” at home.

The first sexual intercourse is, in some respects, an unpleasant experience, which allows one to further learn new secrets of sexual love. When partners decide to begin sexual activity together, they need, if possible, to limit foreplay, as it causes blood flow to the genitals, increasing the possibility of subsequent bleeding and increasing nervous excitability, which can lead to discomfort during the first sexual intercourse . It is difficult to expect that a woman, even if she is sexually developed, will be able to experience an orgasm during her first coitus, because pain, as a rule, blocks sexual arousal, although there are, of course, exceptions. Preliminary caresses before the first sexual intercourse should be gentle, imbued with warmth and love and less aimed at arousing erotic sensuality.

Choosing the right position during intercourse is important to reduce pain to a minimum during the first sexual intercourse. In the so-called normal position (lying on your back with straightened, slightly spread legs), the woman’s buttocks bend the bed, opening, first of all, the upper part of the entrance to the vagina - next to the urethra, just below the pubis. Straightened legs do not sufficiently open the perineal area and make it difficult to insert the penis into the vagina. When the muscles of the perineum are relaxed, the hymen is not tense, it sags freely, and you need to press on it with the penis for a long time until it, stretched to the maximum, ruptures. Pressure on the hymen causes pain, as is known, and in the so-called traditional, or normal, position, this process is delayed until the membrane ruptures. Heavily overgrown, or sieve, hymens can become an obstacle during the first sexual intercourse, especially if the partner is an inexperienced man (virgin). In situations where, despite repeated attempts, which only increase pain in women, it is not possible to break the hymen, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the increase in unpleasant emotions and fear has a very negative impact on subsequent mutual relationships between young spouses.

In this case, you should pay attention to two points. Firstly, during coitus, a man must act confidently, demonstrating a certain pressure and making decisions not only for himself, but also for his partner. At the same time, a woman should not lose her head from fear and not push her partner away too energetically, because her “heroic” defense, as a rule, is the cause of painful sensations, since the man has to make certain efforts.

It is necessary to clearly understand for yourself that we are not talking about some unbearable pain and terrible bleeding, pictures of which arise in a running imagination, but about a light, maybe slightly unpleasant, painful sensation that lasts a second, if we ourselves, with our own We will not complicate the situation with rash actions. Moreover, we should not forget that choosing the correct position during coitus and tension of the hymen significantly reduces the moment of pain, reducing the sensation of pain to a minimum.

Before entering into sexual activity together, it would be a good idea to also take care to get rid of such ailments as inflammation of the vagina or intense secretion of mucus (leucorrhoea) from the genitals at a gynecological consultation. Virgins often experience inflammatory processes caused by various infections (Trichomonas, fungus, etc.). Infection with Trichomonas and fungus usually occurs when using a public bath or shower, when swimming in contaminated swimming pools, etc. In these cases, redness, burning and unpleasant itching appear in the genital area. If a woman does not get rid of inflammatory diseases before starting sexual activity, then the first sexual intercourse can be very painful. Inflamed wounds easily form on a swollen and reddened perineum, which causes an unpleasant, painful reaction when trying to tear the hymen. That is why, before getting married, a girl should definitely see a gynecologist.

Unpleasant sensations during the first period of sexual activity can also be caused by small tears of the hymen, which require some time to heal. Therefore, if the husband does not curb his temperament and does not show some restraint, then there will be no time for the healing of such small wounds that can become inflamed, swollen and bleed with every attempt at sexual intercourse. Daily (sometimes multiple) coitus can contribute to the appearance of painful sensations in a woman for several days or even weeks after the first intercourse, discouraging her from performing marital duties for a long time.

The iron rule for a man should be to resume sexual activity no earlier than a few days after the first intercourse, that is, after the hymen tears have healed. During this period, a woman can be advised to lubricate the perineum with glycerin after washing her genitals in the morning and evening: this measure speeds up the healing process. When the wounds are completely healed, when lubricated with glycerin, you will no longer feel a burning sensation or tingling sensation.

In the future, after healing of the hymen rupture, some painful sensations may occur during sexual intercourse, since it takes time for the skin tissue of the vaginal vestibule and the vagina itself to become accustomed to the pressure of the male penis and mechanical friction. Gradually, with reasonable doses of sexual intercourse, young spouses will gain experience and relevant skills.

At the initial stage of sexual activity, it can also be recommended to systematically lubricate the perineum with lubricant or simply glycerin after washing, and immediately before intercourse, it is advisable to lightly lubricate the area of ​​the vaginal opening with a special vaginal lubricant.

To avoid painful coitus, before the first sexual intercourse, a woman should place a rolled-up pillow or sofa cushion under her buttocks so that the pelvis is slightly elevated. The woman should press her legs spread apart and bent at the knees as close to the chest as possible, since in this position the upper part of the vaginal opening
located close to the pubis and clitoris. The male penis rises and rests against the hymen in the lower part of the vestibule of the vagina and the perineal area. When the knees are wide apart and pressed to the chest, the hymen is maximally tense at the entrance to the vagina, which makes it easier to rupture quickly.

The first sexual intercourse is also complicated by the protective reaction of the partner’s perineal muscles. In this case, two groups of muscles are tensed: the first is the thigh muscles, trying to move the thighs closer to each other, and the second is the perineal muscles, located between the anal sphincter and the lower border of the entrance to the vagina. The muscles of the perineum, powerful and elastic, form a kind of elastic roller, which, when tense, narrows the entrance to the vagina. These muscles, which have the ability to contract strongly, press on the penis from below, pushing it up and bringing it closer to the pubis, which creates a situation characteristic of a lying position with straightened legs, that is, first of all, there is a danger of damaging the area of ​​the urethra and clitoris. Therefore, in the recommended position, the woman must consciously relax the muscles of the perineum.

Acute pain during sexual intercourse is caused, for example, by the unusual structure of the pubic bone.

The pubic bone in women with the right physique has the shape of a roll approximately the thickness of the thumb, which is curved and forms the pubic eminence. This bone hangs in a kind of arch over the entrance to the vagina, fused at its edges with the bones of the pelvis, and does not present an obstacle during coitus. In some women, the pubis has the shape of a flat saber-shaped strip 3-4 fingers wide, almost half covering the lumen of the vaginal vestibule. With this shape of the pubic bone, its lower edge becomes an obstacle, causing sharp pain when trying to insert the male penis into the vagina. It is felt especially strongly when the penis presses on the periosteum and presses the urethra against the sharp edge of the pubic bone. Painful sensations when pressing on the periosteum are very painful and, as a rule, are repeated with every attempt to resume sexual intercourse. All this contributes to the consolidation of a protective conditioned reflex and a woman’s negative attitude towards sexual life.

For painless coitus with a saber-shaped pubis, it is necessary to choose a position in which the wide plate of the pubic bone, partially covering the entrance to the vagina, could take a horizontal position, facilitating the insertion of the male penis into the vestibule of the vagina. The most comfortable position is the following: the woman places a rolled-up pillow or blanket under her buttocks so that the entire pelvis is raised, and the legs are bent at the knees and pressed to the chest. The advantage of this position is that the pelvic bones change their position, and the pubic bone is located horizontally; a woman can use her fingers to make sure that the sharp edge of the pubic bone has risen up, the obstruction at the entrance to the vagina has been removed and there is no painful reaction from pressing with her fingers. In short, by conducting this simple experiment, a woman herself will be able to determine whether the unusual structure of the pubic bone is the cause of her unhappiness in marriage.

Changing positions during sexual intercourse allows a woman to choose the most comfortable and painless one. A big role here is played by powerful and tense muscles of the perineum during coitus. When this group of muscles contracts in women with an unusual structure of the pubic bone, the penis is pressed against the sharp edge of the pubic bone, giving the man discomfort. This protective reflex tends to become stronger, and often even after a change in position, a strong contraction of the perineal muscles makes sexual intercourse difficult.
Thus, along with changing positions, it is necessary to pay attention to the muscles of the perineum. A woman must be able to relax them to facilitate the free entry of the penis into the vagina.

There are also women whose genital organs develop later than usual and at a slower pace. In most cases, such a woman “matures” during the first years of marriage. Sexual life becomes a kind of catalyst for her, accelerating the full development of her sexual apparatus. In women with an underdeveloped uterus and vagina, there is less activity of the mucous glands that moisturize the perineum, as well as insufficient blood supply to the pelvic organs, which is necessary to prepare the vulva and vagina for sexual intercourse (this will be discussed in more detail in the chapter on blood circulation).

Such defects in the development of the genital organs will disappear as sexual activity continues, but only if the sexual relationship is truly fulfilling, that is, if the woman begins to experience orgasm during sexual intercourse. Women with delayed development of the reproductive system can be recommended to use lubricants (lubricants) at the initial stage of sexual life - lightly lubricating the area of ​​​​the vaginal entrance with them. Reducing resistance and friction when inserting the male penis into it facilitates sexual intercourse, allows you to obtain sensual pleasure during coitus, thereby promoting blood supply and rapid “ripening” of the infantile genital organs.

In addition, another difficulty arises. The normal reaction of every person to pain is the desire to move away from the source of pain. During first coitus, a woman’s instinctive desire to interrupt sexual intercourse at the moment when she feels pain causes the hymen to relax, prolonging the painful sensations. Despite this reflex reaction, when mild pain appears, the woman must consciously move her pelvis forward, thereby reducing to a fraction of a second the duration of pain when the hymen is torn. By following this advice, you can cross the threshold of your sexual life almost painlessly.

The man may also be the culprit for the difficulties that arise during the first sexual intercourse. If a partner is timid, nervous, unsure of himself, afraid of appearing “unmanly” in the eyes of his beloved, then this naturally affects his physical condition - he is unable to achieve a full erection of the penis or maintain sufficient rigidity throughout sexual intercourse and elasticity, delay the premature release of sperm before insertion of the penis into the vagina, etc. And if the partners have already known the “taste” of sexual pleasure caused by caresses, have become accustomed to their nudity, gentle touches and kisses, then usually they are better prepared for any possible “surprises” during the first sexual intercourse and cope with them more confidently. A man who has managed to make sure that various caresses, kisses or superficial physical contact with his partner causes him to have a normal erection and ejaculation does not see much difference in his feelings during the first sexual intercourse. For him, this is essentially another step on the path of mutual knowledge of the secrets of the body. As for the position for a man, he can be in the traditional lying position, in which, lightly resting his knees on the bed, he holds the woman’s shoulders with his hands so as not to allow her to move away at the moment of feeling pain. However, a more preferable position is in which the man kneels between the woman's spread legs, holding her hips with his hands. In this position, he can control the situation rather than act blindly.

Difficulties with erection and premature ejaculation are gradually becoming a thing of the past,
just like the fear of losing virginity. These are signs of the times and modern conditions that facilitate the establishment of mutual contacts among young people, and we should not turn a blind eye to this. The nightmare of the first wedding night is already a history of morals. A situation when two people who practically do not know each other, whom parents and relatives carefully and reliably protected from any intimate contacts, are suddenly put in a position - without having prepared for this, accordingly - where she must endure pain in silence, and not demonstrate her masculine strength , hardly needs compliments.

It should be borne in mind that the reason for rapid ejaculation and weakening of erection in a man is excessive sexual tension caused by prolonged sexual abstinence. Sexual caresses preceding the start of joint sexual activity (petting) counteract the excessive accumulation of sexual tension, weakening of erection and premature ejaculation. Easily excitable men can, by caressing their partner before the first sexual intercourse, experience an orgasm accompanied by the release of semen, which leads to a significant decrease in sexual tension. However, you should not worry too much, since after a short period of time the man, having resumed caresses, will feel that the erection of the penis has become more stable and lasting. In this situation, it is very important that the young wife behaves correctly. It is well known that reproaches and irritations from a partner contribute to a young man’s neurotic fixation on sexual problems, increase his fear of intimacy, and therefore the likelihood of repeated breakdowns with each subsequent attempt to perform sexual intercourse.

Conceiving on the first wedding night can hardly be considered the optimal option, although such cases are by no means uncommon. If the first wedding night coincides with menstruation, you need to know that intercourse during this period is undesirable.

Many young wives in the first months after marriage complain of unpleasant dryness in the vagina, which significantly reduces sensitivity and causes discomfort during intercourse - especially in the initial phase. The dryness of the vestibule of the vagina and the vagina itself is explained by the effect, so to speak, of “sexual arousal” and the paucity of foreplay. Such physical contacts of the preliminary period, such as kissing, touching, caressing the breasts, various sexual games, as well as irritation of the clitoris, contribute to a rush of blood to the walls of the vagina, labia and clitoris. The flow of blood to the perineum and vagina leads to the secretion of mucus by the mucous glands, and at the same time interstitial fluid begins to seep through the walls of the vagina into its cavity. As a result of these changes, the vestibule of the vagina is moistened, and the labia minora open slightly, facilitating the insertion of the male penis. Thus, if a man can make his partner feel the fullness of sexual arousal, then this is quite enough to get rid of vaginal dryness.

In general, there is nothing complicated about the first wedding night, and at first it seems that there is no need to dwell on this topic. But let’s not forget that young people would like to study this problem more deeply, but do not know how and where to obtain the relevant information. A detailed analysis of the difficulties that arise in connection with the decision of partners to begin sexual activity together convinces us that information in this area is really necessary.

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First sexual intercourse or Rita's law. This information makes you think deeply and draw conclusions. Our Slavic ancestors, before Christianity, strictly observed the RITA Law, in which the strictest attention was paid to the birth and upbringing of a healthy, worthy generation. This Law states that a girl's first man should be the father of her children. According to modern views, one can say - relics of the past, darkness and fanaticism. But it's not that simple.

In the former USSR, scientific research was carried out, several thousand conclusions were made about the influence and transmission of human genetic characteristics and the manifestation of its inherited characteristics. This was known before under the science called telegony. The simplest examples were observed in animals and birds.

If a purebred dove was trampled by a “sizar”, then in the generation of this dove gray feathers will always appear. Crossing a horse with a zebra stallion did not produce offspring, but darker and lighter color pigmentation appeared on the sides and rump of the mare, in the form of zebra stripes. There are many such examples in purebred breeding of dogs, cats and other animals, both ornamental and agricultural. In all cases, the signs of the first male were observed, to a greater or lesser extent.

But the transmission of characteristics is not the most important thing. It is clear that the first man leaves an initial image, which is subsequently displayed during the formation of a female egg, and this image is transmitted regardless of the use of contraception. You can only protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy.

If another man becomes the father of a woman’s children, then the imposition of images gives a negative result on the children; they will be weak not only physically, but also morally: not purposeful, passive, callous.

This was the reason when women who had several men were expelled from the Family. This was required by one of the points of the Law. But if a woman had a sufficient number of children and for some reason could no longer or did not want to have them, then “going to the left” was punished in the Rod, especially when her husband was alive, but in some cases they turned a blind eye to this.

In this case, the woman jeopardizes her future health, since the superposition of many images causes an imbalance of energy flows in the body and, consequently, metabolic disorders.

Similar rules were established among other nations. They didn’t know the reasons, but they did as they were told, and maybe they knew more than us. Exiled women and their illegitimate children united in groups during their wanderings to make it easier to survive. This is how the gypsies appeared, which in translation means “they were driven out.” They could not resist the strong warriors of other tribes, and were forced to lead a nomadic life, earning their bread by any means.

As for men, changing partners did not affect the health of children, with the exception of infectious diseases, therefore, this was treated much more simply. But in the ancient Aryan Vedas it is said that a man gives a woman the strength of life for one year: 3 months for the formation of the fetus and 9 for bearing it.

Similar confirmation can be found in Ayurveda with a detailed description of the flow and influence of energies and their interaction during conception and gestation of a child. It has been officially scientifically proven that in accordance with the development and aging of the body, a person should at least live to be 150 years old.

Why they are silent about this is unclear. Perhaps it is easier to manage a weak people, or because this phenomenon is inexplicable from a scientific point of view? At one time, J.V. Stalin approved by legislative decree the moral character of the Soviet citizen in achieving a strong socialist society and the transition to communism.

Maybe these studies were one of the reasons for this decision. But if you compare at least the achievements in sports, the difference is noticeable. Who we and our children will be, and who or what they will make of them is unknown, but there is always a choice.

Correct conception according to the Vedas

The Vedas say that the mentality of the unborn child and his inclinations largely depend on the state of mind and psyche of his parents; in particular, it is very important how the father and mother feel and how they feel at the moment of conception. Just a hundred years ago in India, for example, before conceiving a child, parents necessarily underwent a special Vedic purification rite, which harmonized the mind and psyche of the husband and wife, allowing them to conceive good offspring.

People knew from their own experience that the state of mind of the parents at the moment of conception is transmitted to the child, determining his future. Nowadays, such rituals are not carried out, they are not even known about them, and the conception of a child is carried out in a defiled state of consciousness, which leads to unwanted offspring - just look at the younger generation as a whole.

This is the general degradation of humanity, and parents sometimes pay cruelly for their ignorance in such important issues as planning, conceiving and raising children. Therefore, this topic is worthy of careful study, and at present it is covered in lectures based on the Vedas - ancient wisdom.

What your child will be like depends largely on you. Try not to ruin the life of yourself and others. Continuing the topic, you can listen to lectures by Torsunov (or other Vedic lecturers) on relationships, family, conception, birth and upbringing of children - all these points about the formation of the image of children are discussed in detail.

– a very important and exciting event in the life of every person. Virgins often ask questions: “What should I do? How to prepare? This article will briefly outline recommendations that will help you overcome your fear of first sex.

First time

If both partners are inexperienced, each is afraid of disappointing the other and doing something wrong.

First, you should calm down and behave naturally: a good option would be to resort to breathing exercises, but it is highly undesirable to drink alcohol - this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

If the time has come for a girl to have her first sexual intercourse, then prepare for it with all your might. Choose underwear that makes you feel confident and beautiful.

Discuss contraception with your partner. The best option for the first time is a condom: it will protect against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.

Don't focus on the fact that it will hurt, try to relax and enjoy it.

Be sure to tell the young man about the discomfort and if the pain is too severe.
Don't think about special techniques or fancy poses - these are for more experienced people.

If you already have experience in sex, and your boyfriend is a virgin, take the initiative. Do not judge the young man if he does something wrong, do not embarrass him with offensive remarks, but on the contrary, promote relaxation and instill confidence.

Teenage couple

Don't worry too much, but remember that this is a big step, so be gentle and careful and how you take your girl's virginity will determine her attitude towards sex. Your intimate life in the future largely depends on the first man.

Use foreplay: in an excited state, the first sexual intercourse is less painful.

If after entering the vagina there is no blood, do not start sorting things out with your beloved, questioning her innocence. Such cases are not uncommon, since the hymen does not always break the first time.

A virgin guy has it easier than a girl, so only one piece of advice is appropriate: be yourself, listen to your own feelings.

What happens after the first sexual intercourse

What everyone needs to know about what can happen after the first sexual intercourse. This experience should have an exclusively positive impression, so you shouldn’t drag it out for too long, and if something goes wrong, it’s better to put it off for another time so as not to upset yourself and your partner.

Another question often arises, not discussed earlier in the article: “when and with whom to start having sex?” It is impossible to give a definite answer, since, most likely, the young man himself will understand when “the time” comes. It is not recommended to have sexual intercourse at a very early age and, best of all, “this” happens out of mutual love, with complete trust and understanding.

Remember that if there is a real feeling between you, no unsuccessful first experience will spoil the impression of each other. And, of course, you shouldn’t prepare yourself for the fact that the “first” will definitely be a “lump”. Love each other, good luck! Previously, we wrote about the dangers and how to avoid them.

The first sexual intercourse is important for both sexes, therefore it is necessary to properly prepare for such an important act: after all, it is difficult both physically and psychologically; because it is characterized by a certain pain, and after the first sexual intercourse there is blood.

Scientists involved in this area of ​​human life give many comments, and they all agree that it is necessary to be prepared in every sense for the loss of virginity. In physical terms, this means that it is better to start sexual activity after 18, because this is the age when the body is fully formed.

The importance of defloration

The loss of innocence in the fairer sex should happen at an age when the girl is fully formed, that is, physically ready for intimacy and can make a thoughtful and informed decision on such an important step. That is, the most suitable age for starting sexual activity is precisely 18 years old. This fact has been confirmed by experts in the field of sexology in many countries, although many nations have their own opinion on this matter.

A reasonable question is asked: why is defloration important for virgins? The first experience is remembered for life, everyone knows this: it even determines the girl’s attitude towards the opposite sex in the future. And often the life moments in which the loss of innocence occurs differ for both girls and boys. Some choose a completely experienced man as their first man, while others prefer to start with an equally innocent one.

The first intimacy greatly changes a girl psychologically - she becomes a real woman. For this reason, a guy's behavior during the first sexual intercourse is important. For the first time, a girl may experience uncertainty, fear, embarrassment and fear of pain.

It's no secret that during the first intimate intimacy the virgin membrane ruptures, which certainly leads to the onset of painful sensations. In any case, after the first sexual intercourse there is blood - this is the most obvious indicator of a girl’s innocence. But the blood may not flow, that is, the fact that there is no blood also does not mean that the girl was no longer innocent at the moment of intercourse. This depends on the individual characteristics of the body, so the first experience can lead to various changes in the body of a young girl.

Why does this happen

The thought that the first sexual intercourse is always unsuccessful and that this is a very unpleasant process must be driven away. It can be noted that many people have this attitude, but there are exceptions to any rule: it is not necessary that blood will bleed after defloration. There are cases when bleeding does not occur at all - and this is not some kind of defect, it is simply an individual predisposition. It’s worth figuring out why losing your virginity hurts and bleeds.

Sometimes there are cases when the loss of virginity goes away gradually - after the first couple of times, when the virgin film only breaks. In this case, it may happen every time, or it may not happen at all. Painful sensations mainly depend on confidence in the partner and the girl’s mood - the more confidence and desire to spend her first time with this person, the less unpleasant the sensations will be.

Thus, if a girl is initially determined that it will be very painful and there will be blood after the first sexual intercourse, then so be it - the mood can provoke contraction of the vaginal muscles, causing discomfort from intercourse to both partners. That is, it all depends on the mood - bleeding most often occurs when the girl is not mentally ready for sexual intercourse. Therefore, you shouldn’t get carried away and immediately think that everything will be bad. There is no need to be ashamed of your partner if you have entrusted him with your first sexual intercourse in your life.

The issue is very controversial, in addition to what doctors and scientists advise, but rarely does anyone listen to the words of experts, and even more so at a young age. The girl must choose the time of her first intimate relationship herself, be it her fully formed desire or the development of a love relationship, so everything is in order even if the first sexual intercourse takes place early.

As already mentioned, the right time is when the girl is already ready for this physically and mentally, and the average age for this is eighteen years old, although it may be a little earlier or later. It’s not for nothing that this period is called “coming of age.”

The law in our country states that a girl is allowed to have sexual relations after turning 18, under one condition: if the partner is over 18 years old.

An important aspect to think about is contraception methods and intimate hygiene rules. The fact that the first sexual intercourse does not protect against infection or another disease, but many people become pregnant after the first time.

First of all, the presence of sexual desire is important, and this also manifests itself differently in different sexes. In girls, arousal occurs in such a way that the genitals become wet, as a result of which a special lubricant is secreted with the help of special glands. It is this moisture that helps sexual intercourse occur smoothly and softly, since insertion of the penis no longer becomes an impossible task, since it is at this time that the girl may experience a certain amount of unpleasant sensations. Because there is still a hymen in the vagina, damage to which leads to bleeding after the first sexual intercourse.

After some time of contact, an orgasm occurs, the onset of which is indicated by the guy. This is the liquid with which fertilization occurs, so you should be very concerned about purchasing contraceptives. And even if after the first experience there was no bleeding, this does not mean that the girl is still innocent. We remind you that a girl’s performance after making love is not at all an indicator, and deflowering simply went more gently and smoothly.

It is worth noting that the choice of position has little effect on the first intercourse, and no one will give precise recommendations on this matter - everyone chooses what is best for him. The most common option is the missionary position, in which the guy is on top of the girl. That is, in general, an exact answer to the question of which pose is best to choose for the first time.

There is no need to feed yourself empty hopes that in some position there is less pain or bleeding less, this is true. It depends on the characteristics of the organism, and not on the location of the body.

Young girls are often intimidated with scary stories about how their first sexual experience only brings suffering. Some argue the opposite. And such phenomena as the presence of pain and the absence of blood, or the presence of blood and the absence of pain - none of this means that defloration has not occurred, this is simply a feature of the genital organs of an individual girl.

You need to follow some tips so that the first time is remembered as something positive: you need to do it only if the girl is excited enough and penetration does not cause problems because of it. If a girl’s lubricant is not enough, she can use any artificial one sold in a pharmacy. The position should be comfortable for both partners. It is recommended to have the first experience in the dark to reduce fear and shyness of both. Even if you have confidence in your stronger half, you should use contraceptives in any case.

As for blood and its quantity, this question also falls on the girl’s physiology. For example, bleeding may continue even after this for several days.

Blood flows precisely when the hymen ruptures and after that, as a consequence of disruption of the genital organs. Pain and blood are quite normal for the first intercourse, as is the absence of one of the variables. If a girl has any doubts, she can turn to a specialist. For example, it would not be a bad idea to do this if, some time after the first experience, there was a delay in the critical days or pain was felt before them.

You should consult a doctor if the first contact was unprotected. That is, there is no need to be ashamed of anything, because a scrupulous attitude towards one’s health has not yet killed anyone.

Sometimes a phenomenon such as an abnormal structure of the pubic bone causes acute pain during the first sexual intercourse. The norm is a roller shape, as thick as a thumb. It is this structure that does not pose any threat during the first sexual intercourse or during childbirth. By abnormal is meant a shape such as a saber-shaped bar, the width of which is 3 or 4 times greater than normal. Therefore, pain may occur that has nothing to do with whether it is the first sexual intercourse or the tenth.

During penetration, the penis presses the urethra against the protruding part of the pubic bone, which causes acute pain. Because of this, a woman reinforces the belief that her first intimate relationship is not the most pleasant experience. Medicine is powerless in this case, so it is worth discussing convenience with your partner, because both parties to the relationship should be comfortable. There is no need to endure pain; it is advisable to be honest with yourself and your chosen one.

During the first experience, it is better for a woman to be as relaxed as possible in order to avoid unnecessary discomfort for both herself and the man. It’s better to think about the positive, that sexual intercourse is a pleasant process, and also that all this is happening with a person you trust. In this case, everything will go smoothly and the memories will be positive.



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