Methodological development for Orkse (4th grade) on the topic: summary of the quiz lesson "Orthodox holidays. Easter." Questions for the Easter quiz Competitions and quizzes for Easter



students of the course “Scientific and methodological foundations of teaching courses and modules of Orthodox culture in secondary schools”

Lesson summary - quiz on the topic:

“Orthodox holidays. Easter"


Hovsepyan L.S. – primary school teacher,

MAOU "Secondary School No. 6", Moscow, Troitsk

Troitsk - 2013

Lesson topic: “Orthodox holidays. Easter"

Objective of the lesson:

  • to form an understanding of what Easter is.
  • develop interest in the traditions and customs of Easter celebrations.
  • develop a respectful attitude towards Russian culture.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: nurturing love for one’s land, one’s people; familiarization with the origins of the cultural traditions of the Russian people; awakening interest in Russian folklore and ancient Russian rituals.
  • Educational: acquaintance with the Easter traditions of the Russian people, reflected in the folk calendar.
  • Developmental: formation of artistic and aesthetic taste; development of the creative abilities of each child; activation of creative fantasy and imagination.

Lesson progress:

Introductory talk:


The earth is waking up
And the fields are getting dressed.
Spring is coming, full of miracles!
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!

Christians call Easter the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the Feast of Holidays and the Triumph of their Solemnities, the King of Days or the Great Day. Easter is a celebration of the victory of eternal life over death.

Remember what events in Sacred history served as a prototype for Christian Easter?


- The prototype of the resurrection of Christ is the Old Testament Passover, that is, the liberation of the people of Israel from a state of slavery (the exodus from Egypt).


Easter is preceded by a forty-day fast called Lent. This is a time of intensified appeal of believers to God with repentant prayer. Those who fast on these days need to especially monitor their spiritual life - to avoid bad deeds, words and thoughts. During Lent, it is customary not to eat meat, fish, dairy products, or eggs, but this is not the most important thing. Fasting for Christians is abstinence from things that distract believers from spiritual life. The time of fasting must be used to cleanse one’s soul, then its main goal will be achieved, that is, to grow spiritually. (slide number 6)


The Easter holiday lasts 40 days,exactly as long as Christ appeared to His disciples after the Resurrection.

The Apostle Peter denied Christ three times.


What event happened on the 40th day after Easter? (slide number 7)


Ascension. The Ascension of Jesus Christ took place forty days after the Resurrection, in the vicinity of Jerusalem - east of the city, on the slope of Mount Olivet after a farewell conversation with the apostles.


Guys, what do you know about Easter? (slide number 8)

Students answer the questions asked.

Slide number 9 allows you to do vocabulary work and consolidate basic concepts on this topic.


Explain the meaning of the words:Easter, apostle, Golgotha, praetorium, scarlet, artos,



Easter (Hebrew passage, transition) is a holiday among Jews and Christians. The Jews celebrate deliverance from Egyptian slavery and the salvation of the firstborn children from the hand of the destroying angel. Christians celebrate deliverance from slavery to sin and the devil through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Apostle (from the Greek “sent”) - a disciple of Christ (one of the 12 or 70 closest disciples)

Calvary - the site of the crucifixion of Christ, a hill located northeast of Jerusalem outside the city wall in the area of ​​​​suburban gardens and graves. Christian tradition claims that Adam was buried on Calvary Hill, the blood of Christ flowed onto Adam’s skull and in his face washed all humanity from the filth of sin, hence the image of the skull at the foot of the cross.

Pretoria - in the Roman Empire, a palace in which the governor of a province lived and where he held court.

Bagryanytsya - clothing of crimson (bright red) color, in ancient times was a sign of royal dignity.

Artos (Greek - leavened bread) - a large prosphora, blessed on the first day of Easter and distributed to believers on Saturday of Bright Week.

Shroud - linen with which the body of Jesus was wrapped before being placed in a tomb in the rock. Now in the Christian church it is a large-sized cloth with an embroidered or painted image of Jesus Christ lying in the tomb or the deceased Virgin Mary.


On Easter, it is customary to prepare traditional Easter treats, which symbolize new life and rebirth. They bake Easter cakes - rich bread with raisins and candied fruits, with which the ceremonial meal begins after the forty-day Lent. Sweet Easter is made from cottage cheese, the recipes and design of which may be different, but the meaning is preserved in the very form of this “delicious memory” - it is made in the shape of a truncated pyramid, reminiscent of the tomb in which the miracle of Christ’s Resurrection took place. And, of course, the symbol of Easter, the symbol of life, are colored eggs. On Holy Saturday, all these holiday table treats are blessed in churches. (Slide number 10)


- in birch leaves;


In onion skins;

In shreds;

In variegated colors;

Retro style;

Purchased Easter sets;


- are called “krashenki”, and those painted with patterns are called “pysanka”.

Teacher: From time immemorial in Rus', the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection was awaited with great joy, and not only adults, but also children rejoiced at its arrival. The bright holiday of Easter in Rus' has long been famous for various fun and funny games.For centuries, a favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling. This game was arranged like this: they installed a wooden or cardboard “skating rink” and cleared a flat area around it, on which they laid out colored eggs, toys, and simple souvenirs. The playing children approached the “skating rink” one by one and each rolled their own egg. The prize was the object that the egg touched.

Children also loved to “clink” eggs with each other, hitting their opponent’s egg with the blunt or sharp end of a colored hard-boiled egg. The winner was the one whose egg did not crack. (Slide No. 11 and Slide No. 12)

Consolidation of what has been learned. Reflection.

  • Why do you think Easter is considered the main Christian holiday?
  • Why do you think Judas betrayed Christ?
  • Why do you think Pilate, despite the fact that he was confident in Jesus’ innocence, still handed Him over to be crucified?
  • How do you celebrate Easter in your family? What part do you take in preparing for the holiday?

Lesson summary:

  • Easter is a bright holiday that enters the souls of people long before its onset.
  • In Rus', the Easter holiday is accompanied by Orthodox traditions; they are all united by the purest and brightest impulses of the soul.
  • Easter symbols are colored eggs, Easter cottage cheese and Easter cakes.


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Course work for a student of the course “Scientific and methodological foundations of teaching educational courses and modules of Orthodox culture in a secondary school” Presentation for a lesson-quiz on the topic “Easter”. Author of the work: Ovsepyan L.S. – primary school teacher, MAOU “Secondary School No. 6”, Moscow, Troitsk

Lesson-quiz on the topic “Easter” Here the earth wakes up, And the fields dress up. Spring is coming, full of miracles! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

To form an understanding of what Easter is. The purpose of the lesson is to develop interest in the traditions and customs of Easter celebrations - to cultivate a respectful attitude towards Russian culture.

Educational: acquaintance with the Easter traditions of the Russian people, reflected in the national calendar. Developmental: formation of artistic and aesthetic taste; development of the creative abilities of each child; activation of creative fantasy and imagination. Objectives: Educational: fostering love for one’s land, one’s people; familiarization with the origins of the cultural traditions of the Russian people; awakening interest in Russian folklore and ancient Russian rituals.

How many days does Easter last? 40 ; 50; 7. Which of the apostles denied Christ three times? Apostle Paul Apostle Peter Apostle Jude 1. Choose the correct answer

Ascension Transfiguration Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles 2. What event happened on the 40th day after Easter?

What is the name of the fast before Easter and how long is it? What is the last week before Easter called? For what reward did Judas betray Christ? Where and by whom was Jesus captured? Who judged Jesus? What did this man do after condemning Jesus to be crucified? Who carried the cross of Jesus? Who was crucified with Jesus? What is the name of the place where Jesus was crucified? Who did not leave Jesus during the execution and was next to Him until the end? On what day did Jesus rise again after dying on the cross? Which of the disciples did not immediately believe in the resurrection of Jesus? What Easter traditions do you know? 3.What do you know about Easter?

Easter; apostle; Calvary; praetoria; purple; artos; shroud 4.Explain the meaning of the words:

6.What do you call eggs that are painted in any way, and what about painted patterns? 5.How can you paint eggs?

Nikolai Andreevich Koshelev (1840-1918). Children rolling Easter eggs. For centuries, a favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling. This game was arranged like this: they installed a wooden or cardboard “skating rink” and cleared a flat area around it, on which they laid out colored eggs, toys, and simple souvenirs. The playing children approached the “skating rink” one by one and each rolled their own egg. The prize was the object that the egg touched. Children also loved to “clink” eggs with each other, hitting their opponent’s egg with the blunt or sharp end of a colored hard-boiled egg. The winner was the one whose egg did not crack. Easter games and fun - as part of traditional culture A similar custom was described by the Russian writer Ivan Shmelev: “The grandchildren who gathered with us for Easter loved to look for eggs in the garden. One of the elders hid surprise eggs in the garden in advance.”

Easter week is the time of the first spring festivities in the open air: young people started playing games on lawns and forest clearings. In the traditions of the Russian people there were musical dance games - cheerful and playful, accompanied by an accordion. In the old days there was no Easter without a swing. Ahead of time, they dug poles into the ground, hung ropes on them, and attached boards. Everyone was willing to swing. Swings, or swings, were extremely beloved and popular in Easter festivities. Easter has come, who will rock us? Like these guys don't have enough ropes!

Why do you think Easter is considered the main Christian holiday? Why do you think Judas betrayed Christ? Why do you think Pilate, despite the fact that he was confident in Jesus’ innocence, still handed Him over to be crucified? How do you celebrate Easter in your family? What part do you take in preparing for the holiday? 7. Questions - reflections.

Conclusions: Easter is a bright holiday that enters the souls of people long before its onset. In Rus', the Easter holiday is accompanied by Orthodox traditions; they are all united by the purest and brightest impulses of the soul. Easter symbols are colored eggs, Easter cottage cheese and Easter cakes.

Answers. 1. How many days does Easter last? - 40 Which of the apostles denied Christ three times? - Peter What event happened on the 40th day after Easter? - Ascension 3.What do you know about Easter? 1. Great Lent, 6 weeks 2. Holy Week 3. For 30 pieces of silver 4. In the Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives on the outskirts of Jerusalem by a detachment of temple guards. 5.Roman governor Pontius Pilate. After condemning Jesus, he washed his hands as a sign of non-involvement in this execution 6. First He himself, and then Simon of Cyrene 7. Two thieves: one to the right, the other to the left of Jesus 8. Golgotha, or the Place of Execution 9. His mother Mary, John the Theologian, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Cleopas 10.On the 3rd day 11.Thomas 12.Can be called: dyeing eggs, preparing Easter cakes and cottage cheese, blessing Easter food, consecrating Christ with the exclamation “Christ is Risen!” and the answer “Truly He is Risen!”, festive Easter services in church, processions of the cross, Easter bell ringing (after the silence of the bells during Holy Week), Easter meal, Easter games: egg rolling, etc.

4. Explain the meaning of the words: Easter (Hebrew passage, transition) is a holiday among Jews and Christians. Jews celebrate deliverance from Egyptian slavery and the salvation of the firstborn children from the hand of the destroying angel. Christians celebrate deliverance from slavery to sin and the devil through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. apostle (from the Greek “sent”) - a disciple of Christ (one of the 12 or 70 closest disciples) Golgotha ​​- the site of the crucifixion of Christ, a hill located northeast of Jerusalem outside the city wall in the area of ​​​​suburban gardens and graves. Christian tradition claims that Adam was buried on Calvary Hill, the blood of Christ flowed onto Adam’s skull and in his face washed all humanity from the filth of sin, hence the image of the skull at the foot of the cross. Praetorium - in the Roman Empire, a palace in which the governor of a province lived and where he held court. crimson - clothing of a crimson (bright red) color, in ancient times it was a sign of royal dignity. artos (Greek - leavened bread) - a large prosphora, blessed on the first day of Easter and distributed to believers on Saturday of Bright Week. The shroud is a linen cloth that was wrapped around the body of Jesus before being placed in a rock tomb. Now in the Christian church it is a large-sized cloth with an embroidered or painted image of Jesus Christ lying in the tomb or the deceased Virgin Mary.

5.How can you paint eggs? in birch leaves; ink; in onion peel; in shreds; in variegated colors; retro style; purchased "Easter sets" 6.What do you call eggs that are painted in any way, and what about painted patterns? "painted eggs", and those painted with patterns - "pysanka".


"The bright holiday of Easter»

1. What is the name of the holiday that is celebrated a week before Easter?

on Sunday?

5. Who was the first to know about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?" width="828" height="613 src=">" width="614" height="672 src=">

6. Why is this holiday of special significance?" width="576" height="527 src=">

In the traditions of Russian Orthodoxy on Easter during Bright Week, which follows

for Passion, we always visited those who, for some reason, may not have the full opportunity to receive the joy of the holiday. Believers went to prisons and hospitals, visited their relatives and lonely people who, for one reason or another,

can't get into the temple

did charity work." width="628" height="502 src=">

Easter- curd food made from raw cottage cheese or boiled in the shape of a truncated pyramid, this boiled and colored eggs, the predominant color is red, as a symbol of resurrection. And these are Easter cakes. Kulich- this is a kind of dough in which there are a lot of eggs, butter, all this is rich and made from products that were previously unavailable

for those who are fasting." width="492" height="472 src=">

There are many versions, but according to legend, the custom of dyeing eggs dates back to the 1st century after the Nativity of Christ. One of Christ's disciples, saint Mary Magdalene, preaching the faith came to Rome and, once in the palace Emperor Tiberius, began to tell him about the Resurrection of Christ. In those days, it was customary when visiting the emperor to bring him something as a gift; Saint Mary was poor and brought an ordinary chicken egg as a gift to the ruler of the Roman state.

After listening to her, the emperor did not believe the saint and said:

“How can someone rise from the dead? This is as impossible as if this egg suddenly turned red.”

And then a miracle happened before the emperor’s eyes: the egg itself changed color to red, thereby testifying to the truth of Christ’s Resurrection.

Since then, Christians began to color eggs at Easter and give them to each other with the words of Easter greeting:

“Christ is Risen! “Truly He is Risen!”

April 15

On April 21 at 13:00 at secondary school No. 28, located next to the Annunciation Church, a quiz dedicated to the Easter holiday will be held. Students from Shola No. 28 and the Sunday school of the Annunciation Church will take part in the quiz.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the questions in advance and prepare detailed answers.

GBOU secondary school No. 28 of Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg. Quiz "Easter" (with answers). Compiled by: teacher-organizer Smirnova L.I., Sunday school of the Church of the Annunciation. St. Petersburg, 2016.

The holiday of Christ's resurrection is called Easter. Easter occupies a central place among church holidays. Easter is celebrated in a particularly bright and solemn way.

I. What do you know about Easter?

1. What is the name of the fast before Easter and what is its duration?
(Lent, 7 weeks)

2. What is the name of the last week before Easter?
(Holy Week)

3. For what reward did Judas betray Christ?
(For 30 pieces of silver)

4. Where and by whom was Christ captured?
In the Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives on the outskirts of Jerusalem, a detachment of temple guards.

5. Who judged Jesus Christ? What did this man do after condemning Jesus to be crucified?
(Roman governor Pontius Pilate. After condemning Christ, he washed his hands as a sign of non-involvement in this execution)

6. Who carried the cross of Jesus Christ?
(First He himself, and then Simon of Cyrene)

7. Who was crucified with Jesus Christ?
(Two thieves: one to the right, the other to the left of Jesus Christ)

8. What is the name of the place where Christ was crucified?
(Golgotha, or Place of Execution).

9. Who did not leave Christ during the execution and was next to Him until the end?
(His Mother is the Most Holy Theotokos, John the Theologian, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Cleopas).

10. On what day after death on the cross did Jesus Christ resurrect?
(On the 3rd day).

11. Which of the disciples did not immediately believe in the resurrection of Jesus?

12. What Easter traditions do you know?
(Dyeing eggs, preparing Easter cakes and cottage cheese, blessing Easter food, christening with the exclamation “Christ is Risen!” and the answer “Truly He is Risen!”, festive Easter services in the church, processions of the cross, Easter bell ringing (after the silence of the bells during Holy Week ), Easter meal, Easter games: egg rolling, etc.)

13. How is the name Jesus Christ translated?
Jesus is the Savior. Christ is the Anointed One.


1. In connection with what event do Christians celebrate Easter?
1) Happy resurrection of Christ +
2) With the beginning of the harvest
3) With the end of winter

2. What is the celebration of Easter?
1) Divine services in churches +
2) Family celebration +
3) Folk festivals +

3. Is Easter celebrated on the same date every year, or is it a moving holiday?
Answer: in modern history, the date of Easter in the coming year is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar, that is, Easter is a moving holiday.

4. What food products are usually classified as Easter ritual food?
1) Cheese, butter
2) Shangi, milk
3) Eggs, Easter cakes +

5. Slavic dish - Easter - an indispensable attribute of the holiday. What is it made of?
1) From cottage cheese with cream (sour cream), pressed in the form of a truncated pyramid +
2) From puff pastry with decorations
3) From soaked crackers

6. What is Bright Week?
1) The week when the sun shines brightest
2) The week in which the maximum amount of Easter food is consumed
3) Bright Week is a festive week, when Easter is celebrated with special solemnity for seven days. +

7. How many days does Easter last?
1. 40 +
2. 50
3. 7.

8. Which of the apostles denied Christ three times and then deeply repented?
1. Pavel
2. Peter +
3. Judas.

9. Who asked Pilate for the body of Jesus and laid it in a rock tomb?
1. Mary Magdalene
2. Apostle John
3. Joseph of Arimathea. +

13. What event happened on the 40th day after Easter?
1. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles;
2. Ascension; +
3. Transformation.

III. Explain the meaning of the words:

1. Easter(Hebrew passage, transition) is a holiday among Jews and Christians. The Jews celebrate the deliverance from Egyptian slavery and the salvation of the firstborn children. Christians celebrate deliverance from slavery to sin and the devil through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

2. Apostle(from the Greek “messenger”) - a disciple of Christ (one of the 12 or 70 closest disciples).

3. Sanhedrin- the highest body of political, religious and legal (judicial) power in Judea during the period of Roman rule.

4. Calvary- the site of the crucifixion of Christ, a hill located northeast of Jerusalem outside the city wall in the area of ​​​​suburban gardens and graves. Christian tradition claims that Adam was buried on Calvary Hill. The blood of Christ flowed onto Adam’s skull and in his face washed all humanity from the filth of sin, hence the image of the skull at the foot of the cross.

5. High Priest- a clergyman who led the service in the Tabernacle, then in the First and Second Temples of Jerusalem. The high priest's duty was to oversee all matters pertaining to the temple, worship, and priesthood. He had to offer sacrifices both for his own sins and for the sins of all the people; he was to perform the prescribed sacrifices on the Day of Atonement. In the time of Jesus Christ, the high priest presided over the Sanhedrin and was politically the supreme leader of the people (though controlled by the occupying Roman authorities).

6. Pretoria- in the Roman Empire, a palace in which the governor of a province lived and where he held court.

7. Bagryanytsya- clothes of crimson (bright red) color, in ancient times it was a sign of royal dignity.

8. Unleavened Bread- flatbread made from unleavened unleavened dough, used in Jewish religious life as a Passover dish; same as matzah.

9. Artos(Greek - leavened bread) - a large prosphora, blessed on the first day of Easter and distributed to believers on Saturday of Bright Week.

10. Shroud- linen that was used to wrap the body of Jesus Christ before being placed in a rock tomb.

11. Bible- sacred books of the Old and New Testaments. It is a collection of books that were written by God's chosen people (prophets and apostles) under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is also called Holy Scripture because everything that comes from God is holy.

12. Guardian Angel- the name is taken from the Holy Scriptures: “He will command his angels about you - to guard you in all your ways.” Every baptized person has a Guardian Angel.

Riddles about Easter

The best holiday of holidays has come to us,
The most important, beloved, melodious,
Celebrate, people! All together
Take this message:
Today Christ is Risen! This is not a fairy tale!
Here it is, the long-awaited one...!

The soul sings!
After all, this is a miracle of miracles:
Christ is risen!
… …!

(Truly Risen)

Why is there joy and gladness throughout the whole earth? –
Because we celebrate Christ...


The housewives baked it in the oven for the holiday
Lush, ruddy miracles...!

Holidays of all holidays, Miracle of miracles,
Congratulations to all of you! After all, CHRIST IS RISEN!

"Easter Quiz" Answers.

I. Choose the correct answer and underline it:

  1. How many days does Easter last?
  2. Which of the apostles denied Christ three times?
    • Paul;
    • Peter;
    • Judas.
  3. Who asked Pilate for Jesus' body and laid it in a rock tomb?
    • Mary Magdalene;
    • Apostle John;
    • Joseph of Arimathea.
  4. What event happened on the 40th day after Easter?
    • The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles;
    • Ascension;
    • Transfiguration.

II. What do you know about Easter? Miscellaneous questions

  1. What is the name of the fast before Easter and how long is it?
    (Lent, 6 weeks)
  2. What is the last week before Easter called?
    (Holy Week)
  3. For what reward did Judas betray Christ?
    (For 30 pieces of silver)
  4. Where and by whom was Jesus captured?
    In the Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives on the outskirts of Jerusalem, a detachment of temple guards.
  5. Who judged Jesus? What did this man do after condemning Jesus to be crucified?
    (Roman governor Pontius Pilate. After condemning Jesus, he washed his hands as a sign of non-involvement in this execution)
  6. Who carried the cross of Jesus?
    First He himself, and then Simon of Cyrene).
  7. Who was crucified with Jesus?
    (Two thieves: one to the right, the other to the left of Jesus).
  8. What is the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?
    (Golgotha, or Place of Execution).
  9. Who did not leave Jesus during the execution and was next to Him until the end?
    (His mother Mary, John the Evangelist, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Cleopas).
  10. On what day did Jesus rise again after dying on the cross?
    (On the 3rd day).
  11. Which of the disciples did not immediately believe in the resurrection of Jesus?
  12. What Easter traditions do you know?
    Our readers named: dyeing eggs, preparing Easter cakes and cottage cheese, blessing Easter food, consecrating Christ with the exclamation “Christ is Risen!” and the answer “Truly He is Risen!”, festive Easter services in church, processions of the cross, Easter bell ringing (after the silence of the bells during Holy Week), Easter meal, Easter games: egg rolling, etc.

III. Where and under what circumstances did Jesus pray these words?

  1. "My father! Forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing."
    (On the cross, about those who crucified Him).
  2. “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me, however, not as I want, but as You want.”
    (In the Garden of Gethsemane, before arrest).
  3. "My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?"
    (On the cross before death).

IV. Explain the meaning of the words:

  1. Easter (Hebrew passage, transition) is a holiday among Jews and Christians. Jews celebrate deliverance from slavery in Egypt and the salvation of the firstborn children from the hand of the destroying angel. Christians celebrate deliverance from slavery to sin and the devil through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
  2. apostle (from the Greek “sent”) - a disciple of Christ (one of the 12 or 70 closest disciples)
  3. Sanhedrin - the highest body of political, religious and legal (judicial) power in Judea during the period of Roman rule.
  4. Golgotha ​​is the site of Christ's crucifixion, a hill located northeast of Jerusalem outside the city wall in an area of ​​suburban gardens and graves. Christian tradition claims that Adam was buried on Calvary Hill, the blood of Christ flowed onto Adam’s skull and in his face washed all humanity from the filth of sin, hence the image of the skull at the foot of the cross.
  5. high priest - a priest who led the service in the Tabernacle, then in the First and Second Temple of Jerusalem. The high priest's duty was to oversee all matters pertaining to the temple, worship, and priesthood. He had to offer sacrifices both for his own sins and for the sins of all the people; he was to perform the prescribed sacrifices on the Day of Atonement. In the time of Jesus, the high priest presided over the Sanhedrin and was politically the supreme leader of the people, although controlled by the occupying Roman authorities.
  6. Praetorium - in the Roman Empire, a palace in which the governor of a province lived and where he held court.
  7. crimson - clothing of a crimson (bright red) color, in ancient times it was a sign of royal dignity.
  8. unleavened bread - flatbread made from unleavened dough, used in Jewish religious life as a Passover dish; same as matzah.
  9. artos (Greek - leavened bread) - a large prosphora, blessed on the first day of Easter and distributed to believers on Saturday of Bright Week.
  10. The shroud is a linen cloth that was wrapped around the body of Jesus before being placed in a rock tomb. Now in the Christian church it is a large-sized cloth with an embroidered or painted image of Jesus Christ lying in the tomb or the deceased Virgin Mary.

V. Questions - reflections. Answers from quiz participants

  1. Why do you think Easter is considered the main Christian holiday?
    “On this day we celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind from slavery to the devil. The Resurrection of Christ is the basis and crown of our faith and the greatest truth” (Yulia, 6th grade);
    "Christian Easter symbolizes the victory of good over evil, life over death. The Holy Resurrection of Christ is a joyful and bright day. For believers, Easter is the end of Lent, and for everyone together - the joy of meeting with family and friends at a special, festive table. To this Christians prepare for this day all year long, both young and old wait for it. On Easter they dress up in festive clothes and prepare a festive dinner too. After seven weeks of fasting, they are allowed to eat whatever their heart desires, have fun and have fun.” (Alexander, 8th grade);
    “because “Christ has risen and life has reigned” (Anastasia, 7th grade);
    “because Christ rose again and atoned for the sins of people” (Yulia, 2nd grade).
  2. Why do you think Judas betrayed Christ?
    “Because of envy” (Anastasia, 7th grade);
    “wanted worship and glory” (Yulia, 2nd grade);
    “because of the love of money” (Anya, 2nd grade);
    “because Judas did not believe in Christ” (Nastya, 3rd grade);
    “the main reason is cowardice and love of money, he sold Christ for only 30 pieces of silver, which shows how low he valued the Lord, he later repented, but not understanding the Lord’s mercy, he hanged himself out of shame” (Ilya, 8th grade);
    “because people were against Christ” (Seraphim, 6th grade);
    “Judas Iscariot betrayed Christ because of a thirst for wealth and because of envy of Jesus, his moral purity and decency” (Alexander, 8th grade).
  3. Why do you think Pilate, despite the fact that he was confident in Jesus’ innocence, still handed Him over to be crucified?
    “He was afraid of Christ” (Yulia, 2nd grade);
    “The Jews forced him to do this with threats” (Anya, 3rd grade);
    “Having released Jesus, Pilate would have left some “king other than Caesar” free in the Roman region. This would have been treason against the emperor. He was forced to agree to be crucified” (Alexander, 7th grade).
  4. How do you celebrate Easter in your family? What part do you take in preparing for the holiday?
    All our readers paint eggs on Easter, help adults bake Easter cakes, go to church to bless Easter food, some participate in the night Easter service and procession, and receive communion at the Easter liturgy. Many families give each other gifts on Easter, visit family and friends, or receive guests at home. And, of course, everyone rejoices at this bright holiday!

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Slide captions:

Easter of Christ Completed by: Gribova S.A.

Easter quiz. Easter is the oldest and main Christian holiday. Installed in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is precisely the main meaning of the Orthodox faith - God himself became man, died for us and, having risen, delivered people from the power of death and sin.

What does the word “Easter” mean in Hebrew? 1) Resurrection 2) Exodus 3) Deliverance

Easter greeting Starting from Easter night and the next forty days (before Easter is celebrated), it is customary to christen, that is, greet each other: Who knows with what words?

In connection with what event do Christians celebrate Easter? 1) With the resurrection of Christ 2) With the beginning of the harvest 3) With the end of winter

What is the celebration of Easter? 1) Church services 2) Family celebrations 3) Folk festivities

Is Easter celebrated on the same fixed day every year, or is it a moving holiday? In modern history, the date of Easter in the coming year is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar, that is, Easter is a moving holiday.

What foods are considered to be Easter ritual food? 1) Cheese, butter 2) Shangi, milk 3) Eggs, Easter cakes

The Church Slavic dish – Easter – is an indispensable attribute of the holiday. What is it made of? 1) From cottage cheese with cream (sour cream), pressed in the form of a truncated pyramid 2) From puff pastry with decorations 3) From soaked crackers

What is Bright Week? The week when the sun shines most brightly 2) The week in which the maximum amount of Easter food was consumed 3) Bright week - a holiday week that lasted from Easter to the Red Hill holiday (the first Sunday after Easter). Bright Week is the beginning, a symbol of spring rebirth, renewal of life.

A number of ancient sources indicated that if on Easter night or during Matins you go to a spring and draw water, the water will acquire special power, almost equal to the power of holy water. What additional things needed to be done? 1) Carry water in complete silence 2) Treat the old lady 3) Keep the container with water closed

Easter games A favorite Easter game is “clinking” eggs with each other. The winner is the one whose egg does not crack. Another game in Rus' was egg rolling. A wooden or cardboard “skating rink” is installed. Painted eggs, toys and souvenirs are laid out around it on level ground. Players take turns approaching the “skating rink” and each roll their own egg. The item touched by the egg is the winnings.

Children gathered for Easter loved to look for eggs in the apartment or in the garden, which one of the elders had hidden in advance.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Extended day group. Easter traditions.

Methodological development of extracurricular activities for elementary school. It can be used by both after-school teachers and primary school teachers to conduct thematic classes...

Easter souvenir. Mezen bird

Mezen wood painting or palaschel painting is a type of painting of household utensils - spinning wheels, ladles, boxes, bratins, which developed by the beginning of the 19th century in the lower reaches of the Mezen River. The oldest...

Combined lesson on spiritual and moral education and technology: "Easter traditions. Preparation of Easter gifts (decoupage technique)."

This lesson is a combined interdisciplinary development on spiritual and moral culture and technology using the decoupage technique. The result of the lesson, in addition to newly acquired knowledge, is...



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs