Courses on executive documentation in construction. Advanced training course Executive technical documentation in construction: practice of maintenance and execution. Professional retraining in the specialty “Documentation in construction”

The course provides a systematic set of practical recommendations for maintaining as-built documentation, “tested” during the implementation of various construction projects, which can significantly reduce production costs.

Who is it for?

Managers and specialists of construction companies, developers (technical customers), contractors and general contractors, architectural supervision, state construction supervision, foremen, site managers and all interested parties. As well as persons responsible for the operation of buildings and structures or regional operators.


The program will cover issues taking into account current legislative and regulatory requirements.

You will receive a systematic set of practical recommendations for maintaining as-built documentation, “tested” during the implementation of various construction projects.

This System can be considered as an element of anti-crisis management of a construction company, because allows you to significantly reduce production costs by reducing product defects, inconsistencies in document flow and theft on the construction site.


  1. System of technical regulations in the field of construction. The procedure for applying and fulfilling regulatory requirements on a mandatory and voluntary basis during the implementation, acceptance and documentation of construction and installation work, finished structures and engineering networks and systems.
  2. The influence of the quality of as-built documentation on the cost of construction; efficiency, profitability, reliability and durability of the capital construction facility in operation. Examples and possible consequences of unreliable executive documentation.
  3. Algorithm of actions, detailed consideration of the full range of measures for preparation for maintenance, as well as for organizing the actual maintenance of high-quality as-built documentation in the normal mode, ensuring a significant minimization of labor, financial and time costs throughout the entire construction process.
  4. Types, composition, procedure for registration, presentation and storage of executive documentation.
  5. Practical recommendations for developing working lists of hidden work and critical structures subject to inspection.
  6. Practical recommendations for developing a Program for conducting planned control measurements, testing of used building materials, completed structures in construction and laboratory conditions, as well as pipelines, engineering systems and equipment.
  7. Rostechnadzor requirements for the procedure for issuing inspection reports for hidden work, critical structures and sections of engineering support networks, completed “before” and “after” 03/06/2016, in accordance with the provisions of RD-11-02-2006 and the Order of Rostechnadzor dated 10/26/2015 city ​​No. 428.
  8. Practical recommendations for the design of executive geodetic diagrams and drawings.
  9. Rules and features of the formation of a commission for the acceptance of hidden work, critical structures and sections of engineering support networks, completed “before” and “after” 03/06/2016, and taking into account the organizational structure of construction production and the method of construction. The procedure for vesting commission members with appropriate powers.
  10. Practical recommendations and real examples on the development of various regulatory documents for the execution, presentation and storage of executive documentation.
  11. Preparation of a package of acceptance documentation for inspection of a completed construction/reconstruction facility and its commissioning.
  12. Interim acceptance of sections of engineering and technical support networks with subsequent documentation.
  13. Mandatory requirements of Rostechnadzor (RD-11-05-2007) and other rules for drawing up the General Work Log. Features of maintaining special logs (concrete work, welding work, installation work, etc.).

For participants it is provided

Work materials, lunches, coffee breaks.

Document upon completion of training

Based on the results of the training, students who successfully pass the final certification of the training program receive a Certificate of advanced training in the amount of 72 hours (License for the right to conduct educational activities dated May 3, 2017 No. 038386, issued by the Moscow Department of Education).

Information for non-resident clients

Non-resident clients are provided with assistance in booking a hotel for the period of training.

This event can be order in corporate format(training employees of one company).

Course of Study

"Construction control and quality management in construction"

The course is designed for construction directors and their deputies, chief engineers, investors, developers, customers of the construction and investment process and all interested parties.

By attending this course, you will:

  • familiarize yourself with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of construction control and quality management in construction,
  • learn about the as-built documentation and its purpose in ensuring the organizational and technological scheme in construction,
  • learn to avoid mistakes in design documentation leading to financial losses at the construction stage,
  • discuss with the teacher the issues of practical organization of production control and contract work,
  • get examples of judicial and arbitration practice,
  • learn about typical mistakes when maintaining as-built documentation at a facility and the responsibility of managers and participants for quality and safety

Day 1.

1. Organizational and legal procedure for ensuring the quality of manufactured building materials, products, structures, completed construction projects.

  • « Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures” – Federal LawNo. 384-FZ dated December 30, 2009 Implementation of a list of National Standards and Codes of Practice.
  • Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2010 No. 1047-r.
  • Requirements for the issuance of certificates of admission to types of work affecting the safety of capital construction projects (Order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 624 dated December 30, 2010, Government Decree No. 207 dated March 24, 2011).
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2010 No. 468 “On the procedure for carrying out construction control.”
  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account amendments dated November 28, 2011 No. 337-FZ.
2. Regulatory and legal framework for maintaining executive, technical and technological documentation in construction.
  • Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” No. 184-FZ dated December 15, 2010;
  • Guiding documents of Rostechnadzor;
  • Requirements of regulatory and technical documents;
  • Requirements for design documentation;
  • National standards and codes of practice (Order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated June 1, 2010 No. 2079, Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2010 No. 1047-r).
3. As-built documentation and its purpose in providing an organizational and technological scheme in construction.
  • The composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation during construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects.
  • New requirements for maintaining as-built documentation in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2010 No. 468 “On the procedure for carrying out construction control.”
  • Mandatory requirements of current SNiPs and joint ventures for the preparation of as-built documentation when carrying out construction control.
  • Experience in automation of executive technical and technological documentation in construction.
4. Design documentation for the construction site.
  • Regulatory, legal and technical support for design during construction of facilities: review of documents.
  • Composition of sections of project documentation Composition of sections of project documentation and basic requirements for their content (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008).
  • Review of errors in design documentation leading to financial losses at the construction stage.

Day 2.

1. Production control.
  • Production control of building materials and construction and installation works at all stages of the technological process. Incoming quality control of building materials.
  • Features of relationships with suppliers of building materials, products and structures in modern conditions.
  • Methods for quality control of construction and installation works, means of control.
  • Acceptance of certain types of work with preparation of the required documents.
  • Features of checking and preparing documentation during incoming quality control of incoming materials, products and structures in modern legal conditions.
  • Mechanical and physical methods for quality control of materials and technological processes in construction.
  • Technology of earth pile and concrete works, ensuring the quality of construction.
  • Typical technological violations.
  • Features of operational quality control of monolithic structures manufactured (erected) on a construction site.
  • Updating GOST standards for concrete work (GOST-7473-2010 from 01/01/2012).
  • Inspection of welded joints (SNiP 03.01-87).
  • Instruments and methods of non-destructive testing.
2. Contract work.
  • Types of contracts in construction and their features. The procedure for conducting contractual work. Errors in conducting contractual work. Termination of contracts due to violation of standards, regulations, technical conditions, etc. Judicial and arbitration practice.
3. State control over quality in construction.
  • Changes in the system and structure of state supervisory authorities. Division of powers between the bodies of Rostekhnadzor and Gosstroynadzor. Changing the status of state construction supervision. 8.
4. Errors in maintaining as-built documentation at the site.
5. Responsibilitymanagers and participants in the investment and construction process for quality and safety.
  • Updating of Articles 9.4 and 9.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Changes to the Town Planning Code, strengthening the responsibility of construction participants for inadequate quality and safety (Federal Law No. 337 of November 28, 2011).
6. Answers to questions.
7. Issuance of documents.

    The practice of maintaining, registering and presenting ID during construction, reconstruction, major repairs, restoration in the conditions of changing legislation and inconsistency of norms.

    For specialists directly responsible for maintaining ID-engineers for construction / OKS, heads of technical and technical documentation, specialists in the departments for the preparation of technical documentation and documentary acceptance, site foremen.


    • Real examples and practical recommendations for the development of various regulatory documents for the execution, presentation and storage of as-built documentation, including practical recommendations for the development of working lists of hidden work and critical structures subject to inspection.
    • Mandatory requirements of Rostechnadzor (RD-11-05-2007) and other rules for drawing up a general work log. Features of maintaining special journals. Preparation of a package of acceptance documentation for putting the facility into operation. Amendments to the Town Planning Code not taken into account in RD 11-05-2007, which came into force on 07/01/2017.
    • Rostechnadzor requirements for the procedure for issuing inspection reports for hidden work performed “before” and “after” 03/06/2016, in accordance with the provisions of RD-11-02-2006 and Rostechnadzor Order No. 428 dated 10/26/2015.
    • Types, composition, procedure for registration, presentation and storage of executive documentation. Examples and possible consequences of careless ID management.
  • Course presenters:

    Naumenko Irina Ivanovna

    a specialist with many years of practical experience in the structures of the customer and the general contractor, with diverse knowledge in the field of implementation of large-scale industrial and civil construction projects. Significant and varied experience in control and supervisory activities, including work in the design supervision group of the General Designer, creation from scratch and management of the construction control service (of the General Contractor, and later of the State Customer), as well as participation in state control (supervision). Experience gained in positions at various levels (from foreman to chief engineer), applied knowledge in construction and related professions allows the lecturer to consider problematic issues from different angles.
  • Reviews about the course

    Sviridova Olga Vladimirovna

    All the questions that I had before the seminar were resolved during the classes.

    Milishnikova Elena Valerievna
    LLC "Kinef"

Advanced training

from 4700 rub.


2 weeks (72 hours) instead of 6,100 rubles— 4,700 rubles!!!

1 month (144 hours)instead of 8,970 rubles — 6,900 rubles!!!

FORM OF LEARNING: DISTANCE (correspondence).

Applications are accepted daily, enrollment in the course is accepted weekly as documents are submitted.

Final document: CERTIFICATE of advanced training of the established form in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Part 2 of Article 76 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of July 1, 2013 No. 499 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs” paragraphs 19, 20.)

Brief course program:

Section 1. General part of the program
Module 1. Legislative and regulatory support for construction
Module 2. Economics of construction production
Module 3. Quality management of construction production and construction control system. As-built documentation in construction
Module 4. Construction safety
Module 5. Regional features of construction

Section 2. Specialized part of the program
Module 6. Methodology for organizing construction, reconstruction, and major repairs
Module 7. Procedure for carrying out construction control by type of work
Module 8. Judicial practice and offenses in the field of control activities

License for educational activities No. 3362 dated March 26, 2018, issued by the Education Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg.

Documents required for enrollment in the course (copies):

  • Passport
  • Document on higher/secondary vocational education
  • Document confirming change of last name, first name or patronymic (if necessary)


Training is conducted in accordance with professional standards 2016–2018.

Employees of construction organizations responsible for carrying out construction work must not only have a special higher or secondary technical education, but also undergo advanced training at least once every 5 years, followed by certification.



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