Oatmeal cutlets. Oatmeal cutlets How to make cutlets from oatmeal

Oatmeal cutlets are becoming more and more popular every year. And not only among those who care about their figure and adhere to a healthy or lean diet, but also among ordinary people who cannot afford to cook meat cutlets often or are simply tired of the monotony. In addition, oatmeal cutlets are not only tasty, but very healthy.

Oatmeal consists of complex carbohydrates, which give the body strength and vigor. Therefore, those who not only dream of losing weight, but also improving their body health, try to include cereal in their diet as often as possible. Complex carbohydrates are valuable because they take much longer to digest than simple carbohydrates, which means a person feels full for several hours. During this period, the body does not experience rapid surges in blood sugar. The advantage of oatmeal over, for example, chocolate is that at first you experience the same feeling of fullness and a surge of energy, but after chocolate you will feel hungry within an hour, and after cereal - after a few hours.

A contraindication to eating oatmeal cutlets and any dishes made from this cereal is an allergy to gluten. Also, those who have problems with bone tissue should not overuse oatmeal, since the cereal contains phytic acid, and in large quantities it can contribute to the leaching of calcium from bone tissue. This fact should be taken into account by older people who already have a deficiency of calcium in their bones.

Oatmeal cutlets recipe

To make oatmeal cutlets you will need:

  • 2 cups oatmeal;
  • 300 ml boiling water;
  • 1 cube of meat or chicken broth;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

For the preparation of these cutlets, it is better to take oatmeal flakes that have already been subjected to heat treatment. Then they won't taste like porridge.

Boil water and pour over the cereal, let it sit for 15 minutes. They will completely absorb the liquid and become soft.

Add a bouillon cube to the cereal. If you're against seasoning, at this point add salt and pepper and all your favorite seasonings that you put in regular meat patties. The bouillon cube will give the oatmeal cutlets the taste of meat and when hot, rarely can anyone taste the difference.

While the flakes are brewing, chop the onion; the more onions, the tastier the cutlets.

Add onion and egg to the oatmeal and stir well. If you like smooth minced meat, you can beat all the ingredients in a blender.

Form the minced meat into cutlets, it will be soft, help yourself with a spoon, carefully roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs. If you are used to thicker minced meat, you can add a tablespoon of dry oatmeal.

Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the cutlets over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.

Cover the cutlets with a lid and simmer them for 5 minutes over low heat.

You don’t need to place the cutlets on a paper napkin; they practically do not absorb oil. Serve them with mashed potatoes, pasta and vegetables.

Options for preparing oatmeal cutlets

Oatmeal cutlets have many cooking options. MirSovetov recommends choosing according to your taste and not being afraid to combine products. The most common dishes are:

  1. Lenten cutlets. They are prepared according to the same recipe as the basic one. Just don't add an egg. They can be consumed on fasting days. And also those who are interested in them love them.
  2. Oatmeal cutlets with mushrooms. It is best to use champignons. They need to be peeled, chopped finely and fried, maybe with onions, then added to the minced meat. If it seems to you that the minced meat has large pieces, you can pass it through or.
  3. Oatmeal cutlets with meat. For those who are not yet able to give up meat products, but are ready to reduce their quantity, this option is also suitable. You can add a little minced pork and beef to the steamed oatmeal. Then no one will guess that the cutlets contain oatmeal. Children really like this dish.
  4. Vegetable cutlets with oatmeal. To prepare them, you need to take carrots, cabbage, zucchini and pumpkin, mince them and add dry oatmeal. Then the minced meat will become thick, and the oatmeal will give the cutlets lightness and airiness.

And the most important secret of oatmeal cutlets is that they should only be served hot, then they will become incredibly tasty. You can also eat them cold, but the taste will not be the same.

I suggest you try making oatmeal cutlets. If children or adults in your family do not like oatmeal in the form of porridge, offer them rolled oatmeal cutlets. Even though there is no meat in my recipe, it is very difficult for an unknowing person to determine what they are made from. I would even say that they taste somewhat like chicken.

I took a test with sour cream. Well, very tasty!

Oatmeal cutlets

My step-by-step photo recipe for making oatmeal cutlets involves adding hard cheese, fried onions and raw eggs to the minced meat.

By adding fried mushrooms to these cutlets, you get another dish. You can improvise with herbs; garlic, grated raw potatoes or carrots work very well in oatmeal cutlets.

Lenten cutlets made from oatmeal need to be cooked without eggs, but believe me, this will not affect the taste in any way. In this review we will tell you about this recipe. Moreover, to confuse the situation, oatmeal can be steamed not just with boiling water, but with chicken, meat or mushroom broth.


  • Oatmeal (rolled oats) – 1 cup,
  • Water or broth - 1 glass,
  • Hard cheese – 150-200 g,
  • Raw egg – 2 pcs.,
  • Onions – 2 pcs.,
  • Garlic - optional
  • Bread or loaf - 4 slices,
  • Spices - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking process:

Pour a glass of boiling water over Hercules, cover and let it stand for 20-30 minutes so that the flakes swell. If you don’t have time to wait, you can cook the oatmeal a little on the stove. But to be honest, while I was preparing the remaining ingredients for the cutlets, the oatmeal steamed well.

Peel the onion and finely chop. If everyone loves the smell of garlic, prepare it too. Fry everything together until golden brown in vegetable oil.

Soak the loaf in water or milk. I used pieces of homemade white and rye bread for the oatmeal cutlets. Then squeeze out the excess liquid.

Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.

When the oatmeal has absorbed all the liquid, add all the other ingredients and mix the minced meat. For a more uniform structure (and so that the children would not look for onions in the cutlets), I crushed the bread and fried onions in a blender into a puree.

The minced oatmeal is neither stiff nor liquid. To make it easier to form rolled oatmeal cutlets, you need to wet your hands in water. To coat the cutlets, use flour, ground crackers or semolina.

Cook fried oatmeal cutlets until beautifully golden brown on both sides. To prevent the cutlets from absorbing excess oil during cooking, the pan must be properly heated.

For baby or diet food, oatmeal cutlets can be prepared baked in the oven or steamed in a double boiler or slow cooker.

Oatmeal cutlets in a slow cooker

To quickly fry the oatmeal cutlets, I cooked them in two frying pans and also used my slow cooker.

Of course, cooking cutlets in a slow cooker takes a little more time, but still...

The minced oatmeal is the same, turn on the multicooker in the “baking” or “frying” mode, pour a couple of tablespoons of oil into the bowl, wait for it to warm up, and place the rolled oats cutlets. Fry with the lid open on both sides until golden brown.

Lenten oat cutlets


  • Oatmeal – 1 cup,
  • Boiling water – 100 ml,
  • Raw potatoes – 1 pc.,
  • Onion – 1 large onion,
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Flour, crackers or semolina for breading,
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook lean cutlets from oatmeal

In this recipe, less water is used for steaming rolled oats than in the previous version of oatmeal cutlets with cheese due to the fact that eggs are not added to bind the minced meat.

You can also fry onions and garlic into cutlets or chop them on a fine grater with potatoes and use them to prepare raw minced meat.

When the rolled oats are steamed, add the remaining ingredients and knead the minced meat.

Form into cutlets, roll in breading and fry in a frying pan until golden brown.

Anyuta and her recipes wish you bon appetit!

If you have some made from oatmeal, we will be very glad if you share it with our readers.

For those who adhere to a lean diet, or just sometimes want to take a break from eating meat, this version of rolled oatmeal cutlets, popularly called “oatmeal,” is suitable.

For this recipe, it is better to take flattened flakes, which you need to pour boiling water over or cook for a short time. Whole grain oats that need to be cooked for 30 minutes will not work. And you can’t find it in our stores.

To make lean cutlets from oatmeal, take a glass of oatmeal, an onion and a potato. You will also need salt, pepper and oil for frying.

Onions must be peeled, washed and chopped very finely.

Fresh potatoes need to be peeled and grated on the finest grater. You need to make the dough for the cutlets quickly so that the potatoes do not have time to darken. Otherwise, your cutlets will turn out too dark and not tender golden.

Pour a glass of cereal into a large bowl and pour a glass of boiling water. If the flakes are steamed, then after a couple of minutes you can add onions and potatoes. If they require cooking, then it is better to steam them first, and then start cutting vegetables.

Add onion, potatoes, salt and pepper to the bowl. Mix everything thoroughly. The oatmeal will release a little sticky mass that will prevent the cutlets from falling apart in the pan.

Pour oil for frying into a preheated frying pan, and then place small cutlets with a tablespoon. Fry on both sides for 3-4 minutes until golden brown. You need to fry on low heat.

Place the finished fried oatmeal cutlets on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. The ideal option is to fry the cutlets in a dry frying pan with a non-stick coating, this option is for those who are counting calories in their diet.

Bon appetit!

Oatmeal patties can be called classics of the 80s and 90s. It was during this time of general shortage and lack of money that this simple recipe appeared. It was believed that such cutlets were an excellent substitute for delicious crispy products made from chicken, duck or other poultry.

Oatmeal cutlets are suitable for feeding vegetarians, fasting and people on various diets. They are quite filling and perfectly satisfy hunger, and are quick to prepare.

You can find out how to cook oatmeal cutlets below.

Quick oatmeal cutlets

The simplest recipe out there. A godsend for students and culinary specialists – “first-year students”.

Advice! Some housewives, after the initial quick frying, stew the cutlets, bringing them to readiness under the lid with a small amount of water. For this recipe, it is better not to use this method, as the oatmeal patties may fall apart or crack in the middle.

  • Extra instant oat flakes – 2 tbsp.
  • Ready-made chicken broth - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Small carrots – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Salt.
  • Breadcrumbs – 100 g.
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • Black pepper.
  • Dried herbs as desired.
  1. Soak oatmeal in well-heated broth. If there is no broth, then bring two glasses of water to a boil and dissolve one chicken-flavored broth cube in them.
  • In a blender bowl, puree the peeled garlic and onion.
  • Add a chicken egg, garlic, onion, dried herbs and spices with salt to the soaked flakes. Knead into thick minced meat, adding a little breadcrumbs.
  • Form round cutlets, dip in beaten egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry until nicely golden brown.

  • Oatmeal cutlets with vegetables

    Compared to the previous recipe, these cutlets have a more delicate and uniform consistency.

    • Quick-cooking oatmeal - 3 tbsp.
    • Beef or chicken broth - 1 tbsp.
    • Cauliflower – 200-300 g.
    • Potatoes – 1 pc.
    • Garlic – 3 cloves.
    • Onions – 1 pc.
    • Salt.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Black pepper.
  • Breadcrumbs – 200 g.
  • Soy sauce – 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml.
  • Dried herbs to taste.
    1. Boil the broth and pour it over the oatmeal. Add soy sauce, dried herbs, salt and spices to taste. Once the oatmeal has softened, puree it using an immersion blender.
    2. Boil cauliflower and potatoes in salted water and also mash in a blender into a puree along with fresh onions and garlic.
    3. Combine oatmeal and vegetables, beat in the egg and knead the minced meat for the cutlets. Add some breadcrumbs if necessary.
    4. Form cutlets of any shape, dip them in egg and roll in breadcrumbs.
    5. Fry until a uniform golden crust forms.

    Oatmeal cutlets with mushrooms

    Another recipe for cutlets that are cooked during Lent. To diversify the dish, instead of regular cereal, you can take an assortment of several types (rice, buckwheat, wheat).

    • Extra oatmeal – 2 tbsp.
    • Oyster mushrooms – 300 g.
    • Onions – 1 pc.
    • Broth – 1 tbsp.
    • Garlic – 3 cloves.
    • Butter – 50 g.
    • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.
    • Wheat flour – 2 tbsp. l.
    • Breadcrumbs – 200 g.
    • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
    • Tomato paste, mayonnaise, cheese - optional.
    • Salt.
    • Black pepper.
    1. Soak oatmeal in boiled broth and leave to infuse.
    2. Finely chop the onion into cubes and sauté together with mashed garlic in heated butter.
    3. When the onion becomes transparent, add the oyster mushrooms cut into strips and fry them until tender, adding salt and seasoning to your taste.
    4. Cool the prepared mushrooms and mix with steamed oatmeal. Add spices, wheat flour and knead into thick minced meat.
    5. Form small oblong cutlets. Place them in a small baking tray, pour over tomato paste and mayonnaise. Bake until done.
    6. If desired, sprinkle with cheese before serving.

    Oatmeal cutlets- a vegetarian dish, but who said that it cannot be prepared healthy and tasty? If you want your figure to always be fit and athletic, low-calorie rolled oatmeal cutlets are definitely for you.

    The recipe for oatmeal cutlets is easy to prepare and, which is very nice, is cheap enough for the family budget, and the benefits are of course enormous.

    Just the fact that oatmeal speeds up the metabolism in the body already adds a bunch of advantages to it, which is why this dish is well suited for overweight people, because the cause of obesity, first of all, is a slow metabolism.

    Oatmeal cutlets


    • Oatmeal (instant) - 1.5 cups.
    • Eggs (large) - 2 pieces.
    • Medium onion - 1-2 pieces.
    • Garlic - 5-6 cloves.
    • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.
    • Meat broth - 1 glass.
    • Vegetable and olive oil.

    How to cook Oatmeal cutlets:

    1. Pour the oatmeal into a bowl, add the eggs, mix and set aside until the oatmeal swells slightly, and at this time you need to chop the onion and garlic.
    2. Chop the onion very finely. Crush the garlic with the back of a knife and then chop it very finely. Chop the onion and garlic, and do not grind it in a meat grinder or through a press. Add garlic and onion to the oatmeal, salt and pepper and mix everything thoroughly.
    3. Heat a mixture of vegetable and olive oil in a frying pan. Form patties with wet hands and fry over medium heat until golden-crisp. Then pour in the meat broth (the taste of the cutlets will depend on what kind of broth you used), I used chicken broth.
    4. Reduce heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and cook the oatmeal cutlets until cooked. The cutlets must be turned over. Serve oatmeal cutlets with any side dish.

    Quick oatmeal cutlets

    The simplest recipe out there. A godsend for students and culinary specialists – “first-year students”.

    Advice! Some housewives, after the initial quick frying, stew the cutlets, bringing them to readiness under the lid with a small amount of water. For this recipe, it is better not to use this method, as the oatmeal patties may fall apart or crack in the middle.


    • Extra instant oat flakes – 2 tbsp.
    • Ready-made chicken broth - 1.5 tbsp.
    • Small carrots – 1 pc.
    • Garlic – 3 cloves.
    • Onions – 1 pc.
    • Salt.
    • Breadcrumbs – 100 g.
    • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
    • Black pepper.
    • Dried herbs as desired.


    1. Soak oatmeal in well-heated broth. If there is no broth, then bring two glasses of water to a boil and dissolve one chicken-flavored broth cube in them.
    2. In a blender bowl, puree the peeled garlic and onion.
    3. Add a chicken egg, garlic, onion, dried herbs and spices with salt to the soaked flakes. Knead into thick minced meat, adding a little breadcrumbs.
    4. Form round cutlets, dip in beaten egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry until nicely golden brown.

    Oatmeal cutlets with vegetables

    Compared to the previous recipe, these cutlets have a more delicate and uniform consistency.


    • Quick-cooking oatmeal - 3 tbsp.
    • Beef or chicken broth - 1 tbsp.
    • Cauliflower – 200-300 g.
    • Potatoes – 1 pc.
    • Garlic – 3 cloves.
    • Onions – 1 pc.
    • Salt.
    • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
    • Black pepper.
    • Breadcrumbs – 200 g.
    • Soy sauce – 1 tsp.
    • Vegetable oil – 100 ml.
    • Dried herbs to taste.


    1. Boil the broth and pour it over the oatmeal. Add soy sauce, dried herbs, salt and spices to taste. Once the oatmeal has softened, puree it using an immersion blender.
    2. Boil cauliflower and potatoes in salted water and also mash in a blender into a puree along with fresh onions and garlic.
    3. Combine oatmeal and vegetables, beat in the egg and knead the minced meat for the cutlets. Add some breadcrumbs if necessary.
    4. Form cutlets of any shape, dip them in egg and roll in breadcrumbs.
    5. Fry until a uniform golden crust forms.

    Oatmeal cutlets with mushrooms

    Another recipe for cutlets that are cooked during Lent. To diversify the dish, instead of regular cereal, you can take an assortment of several types (rice, buckwheat, wheat).


    • Extra oatmeal – 2 tbsp.
    • Oyster mushrooms – 300 g.
    • Onions – 1 pc.
    • Broth – 1 tbsp.
    • Garlic – 3 cloves.
    • Butter – 50 g.
    • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.
    • Wheat flour – 2 tbsp. l.
    • Breadcrumbs – 200 g.
    • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
    • Tomato paste, mayonnaise, cheese - optional.
    • Salt.
    • Black pepper.


    1. Soak oatmeal in boiled broth and leave to infuse.
    2. Finely chop the onion into cubes and sauté together with mashed garlic in heated butter.
    3. When the onion becomes transparent, add the oyster mushrooms cut into strips and fry them until tender, adding salt and seasoning to your taste.
    4. Cool the prepared mushrooms and mix with steamed oatmeal. Add spices, wheat flour and knead into thick minced meat.
    5. Form small oblong cutlets. Place them in a small baking tray, pour over tomato paste and mayonnaise. Bake until done.
    6. If desired, sprinkle with cheese before serving.

    Lenten oat cutlets


    • 1 tbsp. - oatmeal,
    • ½ tbsp. - hot water,
    • 3–4 pcs. - fresh champignons,
    • 1 piece - potato,
    • 1 piece - onions,
    • 2 cloves - garlic,
    • green,
    • salt,
    • spices,
    • oil for frying.


    1. First you need to steam the oatmeal with boiling water and leave it for 20 minutes.
    2. Next, peel the potatoes and grate them on a fine grater.
    3. Then, peel the onions and mushrooms, chop the onion in a blender (or grate), finely chop the champignons and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent them from darkening.
    4. Then, finely chop the greens and pass the garlic through a press.
    5. Afterwards, squeeze the oatmeal a little, but do not pour out the water.
    6. Add potatoes, garlic, mushrooms, onions and herbs to the cereal. Mix everything well. If it turns out a little dry, add a little water. Salt and pepper.
    7. The next step is to form the cutlets and place them in a heated frying pan.
    8. Fry over medium heat on both sides until crusty, then cook until done over low heat or in the oven. Read more:

    How to cook oatmeal cutlets

    We will need:

    • a glass of oatmeal;
    • one head of onion;
    • one potato;
    • one clove of garlic;
    • pepper;
    • breadcrumbs;
    • salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. Take 100 ml of hot water, which must be boiled beforehand. You need to soak oatmeal in this water for half an hour.
    2. As soon as the flakes begin to swell normally, onions are immediately added to them, which are first grated on a coarse grater.
    3. Boiled potatoes are peeled and then finely grated to add to the onion and flakes. A clove of garlic is added to this minced meat and passed through a press.
    4. The resulting mixture is kneaded using a puree masher. You can also use a food processor. Salt and pepper are added.
    5. Cutlets are made, which must be thoroughly rolled in breadcrumbs before frying.
    6. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it up, lay out the cutlets to then fry them over high heat until crusty.
    7. Cook the colettes until cooked, covered with a lid. The fire must be reduced.

    Bon appetit! Don’t forget that oatmeal has always been considered an excellent dietary food that helps restore health and keep your body in good shape.



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