Oxo code classifier of specialties by education. Oxo is an all-Russian classifier of specialties by education. The main regulatory documents are

<11>Other products in the pharmacy range include medical products, disinfectants, personal hygiene items and products, glassware for medical purposes; items and means intended for the care of the sick, newborns and children under three years of age; spectacle optics and care products, mineral waters, medical, baby and dietary food products, dietary supplements, perfumes and cosmetics; medical and sanitary-educational printed publications intended to promote a healthy lifestyle - Federal Law of April 12, 2010 N 61-FZ “On the Circulation of Medicines” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 16, Art. 1815 N 31, Art. 4161, Art. 5293, Art. 6409; Art. 2012, N 26, Art. 3477, N 48, Art. 6165, Art. 1098, Art. 5797, Art. 7540; , Art. 4359, 4388; Art. 5797; 2016, Art. 9, Art. 3287, Art. 4194, 4283) .

<7>All-Russian classifier of educational specialties.

<8>Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 N 5485-1 “On State Secrets” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 15, Art. 1768; 1997, N 41, Art. Art. 4673, 8220, 8221, 8222, 8223, 8224, 8225, 8226, 8228, 8229, 8231, 8232, 8233, 8234, 8235, No. 52, 2003, No. 6, No. 27; , st. 2700 , No. 4449; 2004, No. 2711, No. 3607; 2007, No. 6055; , Art. 6033; 2011, Art. 4596, Art. 6407; 2015, Art. 1393).

    Appendix No. 1. List of areas of preparation for higher education - bachelor's degree Appendix No. 2. List of areas for preparation of higher education - master's programs Appendix No. 3. List of specialties in higher education - specialty Appendix No. 4. List of areas of preparation for higher education - training of highly qualified personnel in scientific training programs - teaching staff in graduate school Appendix No. 5. List of areas of higher education preparation - training of highly qualified personnel in programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate study Appendix No. 6. List of specialties of higher education - training of highly qualified personnel in residency programs Appendix No. 7. List of specialties higher education - training of highly qualified personnel under assistantship-internship programs

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2013 N 1061
"On approval of lists of specialties and areas of training in higher education"

With changes and additions from:

January 29, August 20, October 13, 2014, March 25, October 1, 2015, December 1, 2016, April 10, 11, 2017, March 23, 2018

list of areas of training for higher education - master's programs (Appendix No. 2);

list of specialties of higher education - specialty (Appendix No. 3);

list of areas of higher education preparation - training of highly qualified personnel according to programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (Appendix No. 4);

list of areas of higher education preparation - training of highly qualified personnel according to programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies (Appendix No. 5);

list of specialties of higher education - training of highly qualified personnel for residency programs (Appendix No. 6);

list of specialties of higher education - training of highly qualified personnel under assistantship-internship programs (Appendix No. 7).

D.V. Livanov

Lists of areas of higher education preparation have been established: bachelor's, master's, training of highly qualified personnel in programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school and adjunct programs.

Lists of higher education specialties have been approved: specialty, training of highly qualified personnel under residency and assistantship internship programs.

The lists approved in 2009 by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation can be used until the completion of training of persons previously admitted to the areas of training (specialty) specified in them.

These are lists of areas of training (specialties) of higher vocational education, confirmed by the assignment to a person of the qualification (degree) “specialist”, as well as “bachelor” and “master”.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2013 N 1061 “On approval of lists of specialties and areas of training in higher education”

This order comes into force upon its official publication

This document is amended by the following documents:

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 23, 2018 N 210

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 11, 2017 N 328

The changes come into force 10 days after the official publication of the said order.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 10, 2017 N 320

Changes take effect 10 days after the date

Ensures the exchange of information between government departments in the education system, solves problems in the field of training the necessary specialists in production or other fields, in other words, OKSO takes into account the needs of the market in certain areas of activity, which ultimately leads to a reduction in unemployment.

Among other tasks of the classifier, one can highlight the regulation of licensing in the educational field, the correlation of the level of training of specialists in Russia with international standards and, of course, statistical recording, analysis and processing of this data to achieve the above tasks.

All-Russian classifier of specialties includes higher and secondary vocational education, is based on the Law “On Education” and lists of areas of training developed in accordance with it, and its maintenance is regulated by the Ministry of Education of Russia in close cooperation with VNIIKI Gosstandart.

OKSO objects

Objects OKSO are specialties of secondary and higher vocational education, where skills, knowledge, and skills acquired during training in educational institutions are taken as a specialty, when trained specialists become capable of solving professional problems.

Structure and codes in OKSO

All-Russian classifier of specialties is a set of codes, names of objects and their additional classification characteristics, which are summarized in one table. In this case, coding (object identification) has a three-level hierarchy system, using a sequential method for coding. Each subsequent level specifies the previous one, which, in turn, is some generalization for the subsequent one. OKSO codes have the following form: ХХХХХХ – six digital values, where the first two indicate the first level of the hierarchy, 4 and 5 – the second, and the last two – the third. At the first level, enlarged groups of specialties are distinguished, which correspond to a broader subject area. It narrows at the second level and becomes more specific at the third, where the specialty itself is highlighted. At the same time, in the name block, the all-Russian classifier of specialties divides the names of different classification levels in different fonts - bold on the second level and italics on the third.

Classification characteristics of OKSO

Additional classification characteristics include information about qualifications, which determine the level of training of a specialist. At this stage, OKSO codes have the form XX, that is, they represent two digits, where the first character indicates higher or secondary vocational education, and the second indicates the level of training: bachelor, specialist or master for higher education and basic or advanced for secondary education. Thus, if you need to encode the entire name of a qualification in OKSO, you get a code of 8 characters of the form ХХХХХХХХ (the first six for the direction of training or specialty and 2 for the qualification itself).

Date of last update of the classifier and changes to it: 05/05/2019

Expiration date: —
Base: -
Subsequent classifier:

Responsible authority: Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
Official website: http://Ministry of Education and Science.rf

Information resources for classifier development

Based on the lists of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education and lists of specialties and areas of higher education training approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Purpose of the classifier

All-Russian Classifier of Specialties in Education (OKSO) is intended for classification and coding of professions, specialties and areas of training used for the implementation of professional educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education.

OKSO is used to solve problems related to:

  • regulation of admission, educational activities and graduation from educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education;
  • determining the forecast demand for personnel with appropriate qualifications;
  • regulation of licensing and state accreditation of educational activities in the field of secondary vocational and higher education;
  • regulation of statistical accounting in the field of secondary vocational and higher education.

Building a classifier

OKSO includes the following sections:

  • section I. Professions of secondary vocational education;
  • section II. Specialties of secondary vocational education;
  • section III. Directions of preparation of higher education - bachelor's degree;
  • section IV. Directions of preparation of higher education - master's degree;
  • section V. Specialties of higher education - specialty;
  • section VI. Directions of preparation of higher education - training of highly qualified personnel according to programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school;
  • section VII. Directions of preparation of higher education - training of highly qualified personnel according to programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies;
  • section VIII. Specialties of higher education - training of highly qualified personnel under residency programs;
  • section IX. Specialties of higher education - training of highly qualified personnel under assistantship-internship programs.

Classification objects

The objects of classification in OKSO are professions and specialties of secondary vocational education, specialties and areas of training in higher education.

Under profession, specialty, direction of training is understood as a set of competencies acquired as a result of receiving secondary vocational or higher education and ensuring the formulation and solution of certain professional tasks.
Professions, specialties and areas of training are combined into larger groups.

Under enlarged group is understood as a set of related professions, specialties and areas of training.
For a generalized description of professions, specialties and areas of training, enlarged groups are united in the field of education.

Under field of education is understood as a set of enlarged groups related to a specific field of activity.

OKSO contains codes for areas of education, enlarged groups, professions, specialties and areas of training, as well as their names.

Classification and coding system

OKSO uses a hierarchical classification method and a sequential coding method.

Classifier code structure
The code designation of a profession, specialty or area of ​​training consists of seven digital characters:


The 1st digital character corresponds to the code of the field of education;
The 2nd and 3rd digital characters correspond to the enlarged group code;
The 4th and 5th digital characters correspond to the educational level code;
The 6th and 7th digital characters correspond to the code of the profession, specialty or area of ​​training.

After the code of the area of ​​education, after the code of the enlarged group and after the code of educational level, a dot is placed.

The code for the area of ​​education, enlarged group and educational level are sequential digital codes within OKSO.

The code of a profession, specialty or area of ​​training is a sequential digital code within a larger group and educational level.

When coding an enlarged group as an object of classification, the educational level code and profession code (specialty, area of ​​training) have the value “00”.

When coding the field of education as an object of classification, the enlarged group code, educational level code and profession code (specialty, area of ​​training) are not used.

Used in OKSO list of areas of education, established by the Procedure for the formation of lists of professions, specialties and areas of training, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2013 No. 1059:

  • mathematical and natural sciences;
  • engineering, technology and technical sciences;
  • health and medical sciences;
  • Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences;
  • social sciences;
  • education and pedagogical sciences;
  • humanities;
  • art and culture;
  • defense and security of the state. Military sciences.

Used in OKSO list of enlarged groups, established by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2013 No. 1061 “On approval of lists of specialties and areas of training in higher education” and dated October 29, 2013 No. 1199 “On approval of lists of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education”:

  • Math and Science
    • 01 Mathematics and mechanics
    • 02 Computer and Information Sciences
    • 03 Physics and astronomy
    • 04 Chemistry
    • 05 Geosciences
    • 06 Biological Sciences
  • Engineering, technology and technical sciences
    • 07 Architecture
    • 08 Construction equipment and technologies
    • 09 Informatics and computer technology
    • 10 Information security
    • 11 Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems
    • 12 Photonics, instrumentation, optical and biotechnical systems and technologies
    • 13 Electrical and thermal power engineering
    • 14 Nuclear energy and technology
    • 15 Mechanical engineering
    • 16 Physical and technical sciences and technologies
    • 17 Weapons and weapon systems
    • 18 Chemical technologies
    • 19 Industrial ecology and biotechnology
    • 20 Technosphere safety and environmental management
    • 21 Applied geology, mining, oil and gas engineering and geodesy
    • 22 Materials technologies
    • 23 Equipment and technologies of ground transport
    • 24 Aviation and rocket and space technology
    • 25 Air navigation and operation of aviation and rocket and space technology
    • 26 Equipment and technologies of shipbuilding and water transport
    • 27 Management in technical systems
    • 28 Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials
    • 29 Light industry technologies
  • Health and Medical Sciences
    • 30 Fundamental medicine
    • 31 Clinical medicine
    • 32 Health Sciences and Preventive Medicine
    • 33 Pharmacy
    • 34 Nursing
  • Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences
    • 35 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
    • 36 Veterinary and animal science
  • Social Sciences
    • 37 Psychological Sciences
    • 38 Economics and management
    • 39 Sociology and social work
    • 40 Jurisprudence
    • 41 Political sciences and regional studies
    • 42 Mass media and information librarianship
    • 43 Service and tourism
  • Education and pedagogical sciences
    • 44 Education and pedagogical sciences
  • Humanities
    • 45 Linguistics and literary criticism
    • 46 History and archeology
    • 47 Philosophy, ethics and religious studies
    • 48 Theology
    • 49 Physical culture and sports
  • Arts and culture
    • 50 Art history
    • 51 Cultural studies and sociocultural projects
    • 52 Performing Arts and Literary Creativity
    • 53 Musical art
    • 54 Fine and applied arts
    • 55 Screen Arts
  • Defense and security of the state. Military Sciences
    • 56 Military Administration
    • 57 Ensuring state security

Educational levels in OKSO they have the following codes:

  • 01 secondary vocational education - training of qualified workers, employees
  • 02 secondary vocational education - training of mid-level specialists
  • 03 higher education - bachelor's degree
  • 04 higher education - master's degree
  • 05 higher education - specialty
  • 06 higher education - training of highly qualified personnel according to programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school
  • 07 higher education - training of highly qualified personnel according to training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies
  • 08 higher education - training of highly qualified personnel in residency programs
  • 09 higher education - training of highly qualified personnel under assistantship-internship programs

Compliance of the classifier with international and national regulatory documents

OKSO is compared with the International Standard Classification of Education ISCED 2011 and the International Standard Classification of Education ISCED 2013.
Each profession, specialty and each area of ​​training is assigned the following ISCED codes:

  • - educational program code;
  • - code of the field of education.

Classifier management system

Development and presentation for acceptance of changes to All-Russian Classifier of Specialties by Education (OKSO) is provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Standardization Rules PR 50.1.024-2005 “Basic provisions and procedure for carrying out work on the development, maintenance and use of all-Russian classifiers”.

OKSO classifier updates

A list of the latest updates to the classifier, indicating the change number, the date of its approval and entry into force.



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