Osho quotes about the meaning of life. Quotes and sayings of the great Osho

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What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, the only thing that matters is whether you are a happy person or not.

Osho's teachings can be imagined as a chaotic mosaic composed of elements of Buddhism, yoga, Taoism, Greek philosophy, Sufism, European psychology, Tibetan traditions, Christianity, Zen, Tantrism and many other spiritual movements intertwined with his own views. Osho himself said that he does not have a system, because systems are initially dead, and living currents are constantly undergoing changes and improvement.

This is probably the main advantage of his teaching - it does not give ready-made quick answers to all questions, but only provides a rich basis that initially gives a good start for finding your own path and forming your own conclusions.

Throughout his life, Osho had different names. This is quite characteristic of the traditions of India and conveys the essence of his spiritual activity. The name he received at birth was Chandra Mohan Jain. Later they began to call him Rajneesh, his childhood nickname. In the 60s they began to call him Acharya (“spiritual teacher”) Rajneesh, and in the 70-80s - Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh or simply Bhagwan (“enlightened one”). He called himself by the name Osho only in last year of his life (1989-1990). In Zen Buddhism, "Osho" is a title that literally translates as "monk" or "teacher". So he remained Osho in history, and it is under this name that all his works are published today.

  1. People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer.
  2. Every action leads to an immediate result. Be careful and observe. A mature person is one who has found himself, who has determined what is right and wrong, good and bad for him. He did it himself, so he has a huge advantage over those who do not have an opinion.
  3. We are all unique. No one has the right to tell you what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which we define these changing concepts every day. Sometimes you may do something wrong, but that is how you will benefit greatly.
  4. There are times when God comes and knocks on your door.. It can happen in one of a million ways - through a woman, a man, a child, love, a flower, a sunset or a sunrise... Be open to hear it.
  5. The desire to be unusual is the most common desire. But relaxing and being ordinary is truly unusual.
  6. Life is a series of riddles and secrets. It cannot be foreseen or predicted. But there are always people who would be satisfied with life without secrets - fear, doubts and anxieties would go away with them.
  7. First, listen to yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company. Become so happy that you will no longer be bothered whether someone comes to you or not. You are already full. You don't wait in trepidation to see if someone will knock on your door. You are already home. If someone comes, great. No - that's also good. Only with such an attitude can you start a relationship.
  8. If you are rich, don't think about it, if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering only comes from taking life seriously. Start treating life like a game, enjoy it.
  9. Courage is moving into the unknown, despite all the fears. Courage is not the absence of fear. Fearlessness happens when you become bolder and bolder. But at the very beginning the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great. The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on.
  10. You change every moment. You are like a river. Today it flows in one direction and climate. Tomorrow will be different. I never saw the same face twice. Everything is changing. Nothing stands still. But it takes very discerning eyes to see this. Otherwise the dust settles and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.

Listen more consciously. Awaken yourself.
When you feel like everything is boring, kick yourself hard. Yourself, not another.
Open your eyes. Wake up. Listen again.

First, it’s worth finding out who Osho is. It is known that this is a famous spiritual leader. Today, many perceive his teaching as the only true rules of life, but there are also those who believe that his philosophy only harms society. Many times the teachings of this Indian esotericist have been criticized, but over the past few years he has developed large number"satellites". This is due to the fact that in most of Osho’s thoughts there is the truth of human existence, as well as the meaning of life.

This spiritual leader devoted a special place to statements about love and its manifestations. Many of Osho’s statements about love have become the basis for today’s understanding of this feeling. Moreover, they act as the basis for understanding such concepts as family and gender relationships.

Biography of Osho

This is the Indian Enlightened Master. All over the world he is known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. He published more than 600 books, they are like a collection of his conversations with his students that Osho conducted over a quarter of a century.

Shortly before his death, he announced the discarding of the prefix "Bhagwan Sri", since for most it is interpreted as God. The sannyasins (his disciples) decided to call him the name “Osho”, already known to us, which first appeared in ancient Japan. This is exactly how all the disciples approached their spiritual mentors.

The letter “O” means great respect, love, gratitude, synchronicity, harmony, and “Sho” means a multidimensional expansion of consciousness.

Being enlightened, Osho realized more clearly than others the instability of the modern existence of humanity in this world. He believed that endless wars, unacceptable treatment of environment: annual extinction of several thousand species of plants and animals, deforestation of entire forests, drainage of seas, presence of dangerous nuclear weapons, which has indescribable destructive power - all this will lead humanity to complete extinction.

In his opinion, one must live naturally, peacefully, and turn inward. It’s worth giving yourself a little time to be alone, silent, and watch internal work your mind.

American followers of Osho purchased a ranch in Central Oregon, the area of ​​which was 64 thousand acres. Rajneeshpuram was founded there. The Indian esotericist, having lived on the ranch for 4 years, became, so to speak, the most daring experiment in creating a spiritual commune (transnational).

Thousands of his followers from Europe, Asia, Australia, South America. As a result, the commune turned into a prosperous city with more than 15,000 adherents.

In 1984, suddenly, just as he had stopped speaking, he began to speak again. Osho philosophized about meditation, love, human unfreedom within the framework of a heavily conditioned, crazy world. He accused politicians and priests of corrupting fragile human souls and destroying human freedom.

In 1985, the American government accused the Enlightened Master of violating current immigration laws, and then arrested him without warning. Osho was kept in shackles and handcuffs for almost two weeks in custody, refusing bail. There he was physically harmed, based on a medical examination. In Oklahoma, Osho was exposed to a large dose of radiation and became intoxicated with thalium. A bomb was discovered in the Portland prison where the Enlightened Master was later imprisoned. Only he was not evacuated.

His lawyers, concerned for the life of the Master, agreed to admit an immigration violation, Osho left the United States on November 14. Then the commune disintegrated.

The American government was not satisfied with the violation of the constitution in their country, so when Osho went to other countries at the invitation of his disciples, it, using world influence, tried to negatively influence his work wherever he went. As a result of such a policy on the part of American government 21 countries have imposed a travel ban on both Osho and his companions.

In 1986, the Enlightened Master returned to Bombay. His disciples began to gather around him. In 1987, due to the rapid growth of people coming to Osho, he moved to Pune, after which his International Commune was formed. Daily spiritual discourses, holidays, and meditation weekends have been revived.

Osho has created a number of new meditations, one of which is “Mystical Rose”. This was the most memorable breakthrough in this field 2500 years after the great Vipassana meditation of the Buddha. More than a thousand people took part in it (both in the commune and in its meditation centers around the world).

Osho left his body on January 19, 1990. He did not want to identify his teachings with religion. His teaching was centered on the individual and his freedom. To him it seemed like a single world, without any restrictions on skin color, nationality, or race.

Osho did not consider himself God, he never believed in prophets, prophecies, or the messiah. Osho considered them to be selfish people. In this regard, he did everything he could. Osho left what would happen when he was gone to the will of existence, since he trusted him absolutely.

The Enlightened Master believed that if there was truth in his words, then it would definitely survive. That is why Osho did not call his students followers, they were his travel companions.

Osho about love

Jealousy, from Osho's point of view

It is the first step towards the destruction of true love. Most often, Osho said about love that it is expressed in the desire for good for a person. In this regard, it is implied that in a situation where there is no good intention in love, if it causes suffering to both the subject himself and his partner, then we are no longer talking about love. The latter cannot, according to Osho, coexist with gloomy jealousy, since love is not capable of possessing someone. Otherwise, it would mean that the individual killed someone and then turned it into his personal property.

In relationships, you need to give freedom, because love is not a restriction, not a sacrifice, but exclusively good, given free of charge.

When a person lives with a partner solely for the sake of money, security, reliability, children, etc., excluding love, his existence is comparable to prostitution.

Place of expectation in love

It is unacceptable to create shackles, since demands and expectations instantly destroy love. According to Osho’s statements, lovers never have enough of this feeling, which is why they should not wait, because waiting is always unjustified. True love can never be disappointed because it has no expectations at all.

Osho speaks about love from such a perspective that a person should neither wait, nor ask, nor demand. In a situation where love only brings disappointment, the feeling cannot be called real.

Love as art, harmony

Osho compared the love of a man and a woman to art. According to his revelations, to understand love, it must be treated as the latter. If you want to succeed in it, you need to learn the art gradually.

Both are not given to us at birth; they can only be mastered by following practice. For example, every dancer learns to dance through the study of plasticity and movement. It takes a lot of practice to master the art of dance. Moreover, the art of love takes much more energy, because in the first case only one person is involved, while in love there are two. There is a meeting between two completely different worlds. In the process of such rapprochement, conflict is sure to brew if one does not know the ways to achieve harmony.

“...A woman in love with you can help increase your creativity, can inspire you to heights you never even dreamed of. And she doesn't ask for anything in return. She just needs your love, and this is her natural right...” (Osho). Quotes about love between a man and a woman are always relevant. Just a few words contain a deep truth, which many men are unable to see even in our time.

Love as a hierarchy

Osho spoke about love like this because in it, as in the hierarchy, there is an ascent: from the lowest level to the highest, from intimacy to the so-called superconsciousness. There are many steps, many levels in love. According to Osho, everything always depends on the person himself: people who are at the top of the hierarchical ladder and those who occupy the lowest positions understand love completely differently.

The lowest form of love

Osho talks about love in this aspect when people fall in love with cars, dogs, things, animals. This happens because the feeling in question of an ordinary, untrained individual has been transformed into something terrible - an ongoing conflict. As a result, this leads to constant squabbles, grabbing each other by the throat. This kind of behavior is the lowest form of love.

In the case of using feeling as a bridge (meditation), there is nothing terrible in this. But if you always try to understand the essence, then within the framework of this very understanding a person begins to move upward.

Three stages of love according to Osho

From his point of view, they are:

  • physical love;
  • psychological;
  • spiritual.

With the harmonization of all three stages, divine love (unconditional) arises, the ideal of esotericists, spiritual people, what, according to the Bible, is called God, since he is love.

Highest level

Osho argued that only then does love transform into an unconditional form, when it ceases to be suffering and dependence. In a situation where love is a state of mind, the so-called lotus of the soul and happiness finally opens up, beginning to exude delicate aroma. This can only happen at the highest level.

Osho (quotes about the love of a man and a woman) emphasized that only at the highest level will an individual achieve a special divine state of consciousness. At the lowest level, this feeling remains politics, the manipulation of only one person.

Osho: quotes about love

A large number of quotes are devoted to this topic. Here are a few of them:

  1. "...The mind is a very businesslike, calculating mechanism; it has nothing to do with love..."
  2. "...Love is a spiritual experience that has nothing to do with genders and bodies, but connected with the deepest inner being..."
  3. "...Self-love does not imply selfish pride, not at all. In fact, it implies just the opposite..." and others.

This is how Osho described the trembling feeling known to many. Love quotes (short) are easy to remember because they contain truth that never gets old.

Women, from the point of view of Indian esotericism

Osho spoke about a woman’s love from a position of grief, since the fair sex was constantly suppressed. He argued that men had ruled the weaker sex for a long time. They took every opportunity to do this, and women were always suppressed.

It seemed strange to him that men dominated even in dance, poetry, and music. It should be the other way around, but women have never been given the opportunity to achieve anything meaningful. He believed that if women were prevented from getting an education, society would eventually become poorer. Osho insisted that it was simply necessary to give the weaker sex respect. The world should belong to both sexes.

If a man is alone, he only creates wars. Life becomes a never-ending struggle. History is filled with cruel people who are considered famous today.

How do men love?

According to Osho, a man’s love comes down more to primitive physiological needs. Women's love always higher, stronger, filled with spirituality. That is why women are monogamous, while men are polygamous. Every man wants to possess all the female representatives, and even in this case he will not be satisfied.

Now Osho’s quotes about a man’s love are becoming increasingly popular, for example: “...A man’s love is his place of rest...”

Love and fear

According to Osho, there are two types of life: the first is based on fear, the second is based on love. In the first case, life will never give deep relationships, since a person lets the other in only to a small extent, after which the wall grows, everything stops.

One who is love oriented is religious. He is not afraid of the future, results and consequences. Such a person lives in the present.

In youth, people boldly go into love, because there is a very strong presence strong desire love that suppresses fear. Then the latter, accumulating, fills everything so that there is no room left for a free decision to give love. People love only because they want to feel that way. This is inherent in a person from the very beginning, but fears accumulated throughout life prevent one from being happy.

Difference between love and infatuation

Osho, like other sages, pointed out that there is a huge difference between these feelings. What many call love later turns out to be simple falling in love.

Likewise, the relationships that true love gives rise to differ from those built on falling in love. In the first case, they give mutual happiness, and in the second - quarrels and disappointments.

Finally, it is worth recalling that the article examined how Osho understood the most reverent feeling (for quotes about love, see above). His points of view regarding male and female perceptions of love are described. Osho’s main love rule is also voiced (quotes about self-love): without accepting yourself, it will be impossible to open up to another person.

The enlightened master believed that love (no church can stand around it), awareness are qualities that no one can monopolize. Osho wanted people to know themselves, regardless of the opinions of others. To do this, you need to look inside. There is no need for a church or any other external organization.

Oscho has always promoted freedom, creativity, and individuality. He was always for the beautiful Earth, for existence in at the moment, there is no need to wait for heaven, fear hell, or experience greed. It’s enough to just be in silence, here, enjoying your existence.

His philosophy is to destroy in any way everything that later becomes slavery: groups, authorities, leaders - these are diseases that should be avoided.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, better known as Osho, brought to the world new look on things considered simple and ordinary. What is it like to live without attachment to the world, but love it with all your heart? These and many other questions are answered by the wisest mystic, the spiritual teacher from India, revered by millions, a man of peace, Osho.

  • Until you are able to say no, your yes is meaningless.
  • The crowd doesn't like loners; it recognizes only false people who imitate each other in everything. The crowd despises anyone who keeps to himself, who stands up for his rights, defends his freedom, does his own thing, regardless of the consequences.
  • Love knows how to go into the unknown. Love knows how to throw away all guarantees. Love knows how to rush into the unfamiliar and unknown. Love is courage.
  • There are three traps that steal joy and peace: regret about the past, anxiety about the future, and ungratefulness for the present.
  • Allow yourself the luxury of not interacting with unpleasant people.
  • Make as many mistakes as possible, just remember one thing: don’t make the same mistake twice. And you will grow.
  • You only need one thing - to be natural, as natural as your breathing. Love your life. Don't live according to any commandments. Don't live according to other people's ideas. Don't live the way people demand of you. Listen to your own heart. Become silent, listen to the small, weak voice within you and follow it.
  • The reasons are within ourselves, outside there are only justifications.
  • Love is not a relationship, but a state.
  • The only time you have is now; the only place is here.
  • Nobody can say anything about you. Whatever people say, they are talking about themselves.
  • You must know that freedom is the highest value and if love does not give you freedom, then it is not love.
  • The world comes to you as it comes from you.
  • If you are rich, don't think about it, if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it.
  • Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving. By giving, you receive. There is no other way.
  • People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer.
  • Millions of people have chosen to avoid sensitivity. They became thick-skinned, and only to protect themselves so that no one could hurt them. But the price is very high. No one can hurt them, but no one can make them happy either.
  • Only an unhappy person tries to prove that he is happy; only dead man tries to prove that he is alive; only a coward tries to prove that he is brave. Only a person who knows his baseness tries to prove his greatness.
  • People have completely forgotten that they need to live. Who has time for this? Everyone teaches someone else what they should be, and no one ever seems satisfied. If a person wants to live, then he must learn one thing: accept things as they are, and accept yourself as you are. Start living. Don't start preparing for life in the future. All the suffering in the world comes from the fact that you completely forgot that you need to live, you began to engage in activities that have nothing to do with life.
  • Falling is part of life, rising to your feet is living it. Being alive is a gift and being happy is your choice.

1. People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer.

2. Every action leads to an immediate result. Just be alert and watch. A mature person is one who has observed himself and found what is right and wrong for him; what is good and what is bad.

And thanks to the fact that he found it himself, he has enormous authority: even if the whole World says something different, nothing will change for him. He has own experience, on which he can rely, and that is enough.

3. We are all unique. Never ask anyone what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment to find out what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes you may do something wrong, but it will give you relevant experience from which you will immediately benefit.

4. There are times when God comes and knocks on your door. This is love - God knocking at your door. Through a woman, through a man, through a child, through love, through a flower, through a sunset or dawn... God can knock in a million different ways.

5. The desire to be unusual is a very common desire.
Relaxing and being ordinary is truly extraordinary.

6. Life is a mystery. It cannot be predicted. But there are many people who would like to live a predictable life, because then there would be no fear. Everything would be certain, there would be no doubt about anything.

But will there be room for growth then? If there is no risk, how can you grow? If there is no danger, how can you strengthen your consciousness? If there is no possibility of you deviating, how can you walk on the right path? If there is no alternative to the devil, will there be any possibility of reaching God?

7. Become solitary first. Start enjoying yourself first. First become so truly happy that it will not matter if no one comes to you; you are full, overflowing. Even if no one knocks on your door, it's still okay - you're not missing out on anything. You don't expect anyone to come and knock on your door.

You are home. If someone comes to you, good, great. If no one comes, that’s also good and wonderful. Then you can go into relationships with others. Now you can do this as a master and not as a slave, as an emperor and not as a beggar.

8. If you are rich, don’t think about it; if you are poor, don’t take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it.

9. Courage is moving into the unknown, regardless of all fears. Courage is not fearlessness. Fearlessness happens when you become bolder and bolder. This is the highest experience of courage - Fearlessness; courage that has become absolute. But at the very beginning the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great.

The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on. A daredevil goes into the unknown despite all his fears.

10. You change every moment. You are a river. Today it flows in one direction and climate. Tomorrow will be different. I never saw the same face twice. It is changing. It is constantly changing. But you need to have discerning eyes to see it. Otherwise the dust settles and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.

Attitude decides. Listen more consciously. Awaken yourself. When you feel like you've had enough, kick yourself hard. Kick yourself, not someone else. Open your eyes. Wake up. Listen again.

Osho – amazing person, some consider him a sage. The first acquaintance with his books made a huge impression on me. Once in a store I took a look through one of his books and... it captivated me... I read without stopping, I wanted to absorb and absorb. Of course, I bought it and read it to the end. Since then, Osho's books have always been with me.

What he writes about and how...it simply turns your mind around and makes you wake up. It's like some kind of transformation is happening. You read his book and feel that what he wrote resonates with you so much, so in tune with what’s inside you. It’s as if you already knew all this from somewhere before, and now you’re just finding confirmation of your thoughts. Amazing feeling. Surely it is familiar to you too. How does reading his books make you feel?

I want to read and re-read Osho’s books after a while, as if for the first time. It seems that in every written line there is so much deepest wisdom that you want to absorb, think about, and realize. And some phrases are especially catchy and etched in your memory. I will share some of these Osho quotes on life in this article.

Osho Quotes about Life

“Don't wear masks! Be yourself! Whatever life has created you for, embrace it, enjoy it, be proud of it. Rejoice! Be grateful to God for creating you, no matter how you turn out. Don’t give up anything, because when you condemn something in yourself, you condemn God himself... He is your creator, he created you this way.”

“Live moment by moment without thinking. After all, prudence is your most favorite mask.”

“Life is not a scientific calculation. She is irrational. It is a mystery to be lived, not a puzzle to be solved.”

“Why did you lock yourself in your little world? You are at odds even with your inner life, so how can you reconcile yourself with the life outside? Find with her common language! Start from the core of yourself, make peace with yourself, then you will get along with everything around you. Transformation begins precisely with this: once you accept everything as it is, you will no longer be able to remain the same.”

“If you understood that when you fail, everything that society has imposed on you falls apart, any failure could be the beginning of the greatest success you can achieve in life.”

“You can only change yourself. And the moment you change, everything around you changes, because we are an integral part of the world. And the lighter you are, the more you have changed, the more important you become for the world - the highest energy appears in you.”

“Knowledge is a real revolution. I'm not talking about the knowledge that they fill their heads with in universities. I'm talking about the knowledge you gain when you know yourself. Self-knowledge is our transformative power.”

“Throw away all the books, forget about any grades. Look at the world like children, because children do not yet know what exactly they see - they just look.”

“We don’t agree to anything less – we are only satisfied with the eternal. Nobody needs temporary things - on the contrary, they only increase hunger and thirst. It's like putting out a fire with oil: the oil makes the flame burn even hotter. The fleeting is like oil thrown into the ardor of desire: it only poisons the mind, strengthens its greed. Thirst is quenched only by the eternal. There is no other way."

“Happiness comes when you don’t think about it. This is the main property of happiness: it comes when you achieve something else.”

“When you are happy, you forget about everything else. If you cannot forget yourself, this is not happiness at all. Happiness means that you are no more. It only comes when you disappear."

“Nothing in the world is meaningless”

“Miracles happen, but they cannot be seen with the eye - they can only be felt by the soul.”

“Meditation, prayer is an opened door. Thanks to them, the former is darkness! - dissipates, and everything is illuminated with light.”

“Eternal, long, unceasing happiness can only be when you have realized that it is your essence, and no one can take it away.”

“Children are self-sufficient - that’s the secret of their beauty. They are their own light."

“God is not someone up there who can’t wait for you. God reveals himself to this world."

“Everything that comes out of your mouth is marked with your features, carries the aroma of your essence - this is an indicator. If anger emanates from you, it is a symptom of some internal illness. If hatred comes out, you have disunity. If love, and compassion, and light emanate from you, you are whole, you are healthy.”

“Let everything that comes from you come from the soul. Don’t think about your actions, it’s better to change your essence. The present is not what you are are you doing, but what kind of you are There is

“Life is energy. Only a sluggish, bloodless mind does not stray from the beaten path. He simply cannot afford it: it takes too much energy to get to the very edge of the abyss. But it is those who go astray who later become Buddhas.”

“Don't listen to what people say, look at what they are.”



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