Number and Digit “5. Didactic material on mathematics. Number and Number “5 Preparing for school number and number 5

Number 5, number 5

Target: introduce the number 5 and the number 5. Educational task : technique of adding one to the previous number, learning to count within 5, consolidating knowledge about geometric shapes, learning the number 5, writing numbers 5. Developmental task: develop children's speech, memory, attention, and thinking. Educational task : to cultivate children’s interest in mathematics, to cultivate in children a caring attitude towards visual materials. Methods and techniques: Verbal- artistic expression, questions, answers, explanation, instructions Visual- showing and viewing paintings Practical - didactic exercises Game- creating a game situation Demo material : cards with the image of the number 5. Handouts : counting sticks. Vocabulary work : number five, number five.

Progress of the lesson Organizational moment

IN: Let the children all make a finger game together:

One, two, three, four, five!

Let your fingers go for a walk!

This finger went into the forest,

This finger found a mushroom,

This finger began to clean,

This finger began to cut,

This finger ate everything

That's why I got tired.

I Part. IN: Children, you have counting sticks on your tables. Make a house out of them. Our kittens will live in it. Let's count together how many corners the house has. One, two, three, four, five.

Who might be spinning there?

Who can dance there?

Who can ride there?

Well, of course, the number 5!

Q: Look at the number 5.

Q: So how long will the kittens live in this house?

Q: How did we know?

D: We added 1 to 4 and got the number 5.

Q: The cat’s kittens are still small. They played with numbers and they fell apart. Please help the cat mom put the numbers in ascending order.

Q: Katya, what first number should we put?

B: Vova, put the next number. Which one will you install?

Then we do the same work with the rest of the children.

II Part

Q - children, what new number did we meet? D- 5 B- the number 5 is written with the number 5. What does the number 5 look like D- like a sickle

The wind quietly began to dance. The number 5 on the paper extended a hand to the right. The leg bent sharply.

B- Well done!

1.Now make the number 5 on the table using sticks. Well done!

2.Now open your notebooks and write the number 5 in dots to the end of the line.

Q: Now, kids, let’s stretch our fingers a little:

There are 5 fingers on my hand

5 grabbers, 5 holders

To plan and to saw

To take and to give

One, two, three, four, five!

III Part

Q: Children, our kitten friends have scattered all the figures and don’t know how to arrange them. Let's help our friends.

Q: Now everyone go to the hoops. Children, pay attention to the codes inside them. Let's arrange all the blocks into hoops. The options may be different, for example: in one - all small and blue, in the other - all large and round.

IV Part. Game "Right - Left".

Q: Now let’s play the game “Right - Left”.

Children and kittens decided to take a walk in the forest, but they got lost and couldn’t find their way. Forgot where the right and left sides are. Let's help. We raise our right hand. It is our hand that can draw, write, cook, and sew.

Now move your right hand to the side, name the objects that are on the right side, that are to your right. Repeat the word "right."

D: Right.

B: And now the left hand. We always wear a watch on our left hand, our heart beats on the left side, right?

Q: Well done! You know how to distinguish between the right and left sides. And our friends found out where the right and left sides are. And now they won't get lost.

Kittens: Thanks, guys. We learned a lot from you. Goodbye guys.

D: Goodbye!

Lesson summary

What number did we meet? - Is it more or less than 4? - How long? - How did we get the number 5?

Topic: Number and figure 5

Target: acquaintance with the number 5 and the number 5, with the composition of the number 5.


Introduce the formation and composition of the number 5, teach how to write the number 5;

Develop logical thinking, attention, memory, speech;

Cultivate accuracy, instill interest in the subject.

Equipment: a set of numbers from 0 to 5, notebooks, pencils, pictures of a sickle and a hook.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizational moment .

Guys, let's greet each other! We stand next to the desks.

Children pronounce words and perform movements:

Hello hands clap - clap - clap (clap your hands).Hello legs, top - top - top (we stomp our feet).Hello cheeks plop - plop - plop (we clap our palms on our cheeks).Hello lips - smack - smack - smack (we smack our lips).Hello teeth - click - click - click (teeth chatter).Hello, my nose - beep - beep - beep (touch your nose).

Hello, tummy (we stroke the tummy).

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Hello!Let's take our seats.

Guys! Let's remember how to count forward and backward. We hold our hands in front of us, do not forget to bend our fingers. Let's go! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10.

Now in the opposite direction 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. (extend fingers) Well done!

    Introduction to the topic

Game "Remove the number"

Teacher: Now I will ask you problems about the numbers that are on the board, and one of you whom I call to the board will remove the number in question from the board.

Remove number:

Which stands immediately after the number 0 (1);

Which comes before the number 4 (3);

Which shows how many times I will clap my hands (clap 4 times);

Which shows how many hands a person has (2);

Which is the answer to the problem; The boy had 2 candies and he ate them. How many candies does the boy have left? (0)

After this, the number 5 should remain on the board.

Teacher : What number is left on the board?

Children: 5

Teacher: Formulate the topic of our lesson.

Children: Digit and number 5.

Introducing the number 5. Writing the number 5.

Teacher: Where is 5 in the number line?

Children: After 4 and before 6.

Teacher: What is the number 5?

Children: Using the number 5.

Teacher: What does the number 5 look like?

Children : .... (sickle, hook)


Easy to remember and understand -
The number 5 looks like a hook.

(Pictures depicting a sickle and a hook are hung on the board.)

Teacher : Let's see how to write the number 5 correctly.

Start writing a little to the right of the middle of the top

sides of the cage, lead the stick obliquely just above the middle of the cage,

then write a semi-oval to the right, touching the right side of the cell. From the top of the stick to the right, write a wavy line reaching the upper right corner of the cell.

Let's write the number 5 in the air with a magic pencil.

Write down the number 5

The teacher shows on the board, the children write down the numbers in their notebooks.

    Physical education lesson “Frogs”

Let's stand up, children, and say quietly:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

They stood up, squatted down a little, and didn’t hit their neighbor.

And now you have to get up.

Two frogs in the swamp

In the morning we washed ourselves early,

We rubbed ourselves with a towel.

They stomped their feet and clapped their hands.

Left - leaned right

And they returned back.

That's the secret of health.

Hello to all physical education friends!

    Work in notebooks.

Teacher: Draw so many squares in each row so that there are 5 in total. Tell us how the number 5 is composed.

    Lesson summary

What number did you meet?

How did we get the number 5?

Thanks for the lesson.

A lesson on the formation of mathematical concepts on the topic “Introduction to numbers and the number 5” in a pre-school class.

Yarmak Svetlana Gennadievna


Lyubimovskaya NSSh

Lesson topic: Introducing numbers and the number 5.

Type of lesson: lesson on acquiring new knowledge.

Purpose of the lesson: familiarization with the number and figure 5, formation and composition of the number 5.


1. Exercise children in the ability to solve problems within 5.

2.Develop the skill of writing numbers 5.

3.Develop ingenuity and mathematical skills.

4.Cultivate interest in mathematics.

Equipment: number 5; Cards with examples: 4+1; 3+2; 5-1; 5-2;

On the card board the composition of the number 5; Clock layout.

Method: Explanatory and illustrative.

Lesson plan

1. Organizational moment. Subject message.

2. Introducing the number and number 5.

3. Direct counting from 0 to 5; Count down from 5 to 0;

4.Work with didactic material No. 1 “Almatykitap 2003”

5. Construction using counting sticks.

6.Work in the ABC - notebook No. 1 "Almatykitap 2003"

7. Physical exercise.

8.Individual work using cards.

Oral problem solving. Didactic game “Wonderful bag”.

9. Reflection

10 Summary of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson

1. Class organization.

(Children stand in a circle, holding hands and reading the poem:

“Hello, school!

Hello class!

School day greets us.

The bell is already ringing, the lesson begins.” The teacher takes the bell and rings it, the children sit down at the tables.

Guys, let's sit down at the tables quietly and correctly. Straighten your back, put your feet together, put your hands on the edge of the table. And I will walk around the class and see who sits better and more correctly than everyone else. Very good guys, you heard me. Everyone did their best today. (Calls the children by name, thanks for their attention.) Educator:

Guys, which one of you can tell me if it’s morning or afternoon?

Children: Morning.

The teacher reads a poem by Yu. Yakovlev

"If there is a ringing outside the window

The birds will chirp

If it's so light all around,

Why can't you sleep?

If you have a radio

Suddenly it started talking

This means that it is now morning."

You already know that the children’s classes at school begin at 9:00 a.m. (Shows a model of the clock).

2. Educator: Guys, when I went to your lesson, I managed to catch this balloon, but this large envelope was tied to the balloon on a string, let's see what's in it.

Children: Yes.

(Opens the envelope)

Educator: Oh! Yes, there is a figure! - shows.

Reads a poem by V. Danko

This magician is an A,

You keep a close eye on her.

Somersaults - once and twice!

It will turn into the number 2.

Who recognized the number?

The children answer.

The teacher asks what numbers the children are still familiar with?

(Shows numbers from didactic material, asks questions to each student. For example, How many musicians are there in the picture? (One)

How many apples are there on a tree? (1) P.21 Didactic material.

How many houses did the artist paint in the picture?(2)

How many girls wore national Kazakh costumes (2) P.23 Did. Material.

Here is a picture where a boy holds a lot of balloons in his hand, and in another picture the boy does not have a single balloon, they all burst. (0)

How many bears are there in the picture (3), chairs by the table (3), wheels by the bicycle (3).

How many pets (4), how many toys (4)

How many seasons in a year (4) does the subject pictures show (spring, summer, autumn, winter). Pages 24-29.

Educator: What time of year is it now?

Children: Autumn.

Educator: Now guys, close your eyes, the heroes of the fairy tale will appear in our album. (Close and immediately open your eyes)

Page 31 Illustration for the fairy tale “Turnip” Questions: Who pulled the turnip? (Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, dog, cat. Count the heroes from the fairy tale?). (5) Which hero from the fairy tale “Turnip” did the artist forget to draw? (mouse).

Educator: Children, in the fall flowers bloom near the houses. Quickly count how many flowers there are in my clearing? (5). There is an apple tree growing in the garden, its apples are ripe in the fall, how many are there? (5). I have five fingers on my hand, what about you? Children count. (5).

The teacher reads the riddle:

The five brothers are inseparable

They are never bored together.

They work with a pen

Saw, spoon, axe. (Fingers)

Now let’s work with our fingers and counting sticks. Let's assemble the figures using 5 sticks. (Flag, house, polygon, five and other figures on page 23 ABC - notebook No. 1) construction.

Educator: your wonderful fingers not only design well, they can also write beautifully. Take a pencil in your hand and write 5 in the air, repeat after me all together.

Showing a sample of writing a number at the board, the guys listen carefully, go to the board and write the number 5 across the cell.

Educator: Let's write down the number 5 in ABC notebook No. 1

The teacher monitors the students’ posture while writing.

Children open page 23 saying the words: “I’ll open my notebook

And I’ll put it on an angle

I won’t hide it from you, friends.

I'm holding the pen correctly.

I’ll sit straight, I won’t bend -

And I’ll get down to business.”

Write 2 lines of fives, following the writing rules. The arrows show what to write first and what to write next.

Educator: And now we will relax, dance and sing together.

Physical exercise.

Clack, clack, clack - the children are dancing.

Clack-clack, clink-clack,

Tsok-tsok-tsok - children dance, sticking out their heels.

Our children ran, faster and faster.

Our children began to spin more and more merrily.

Our children squat

They squat together at once.

They clap their hands together.

Oh! How much fun we have!


Sit down at the tables, we have a new task - to help Tapkyshbek solve examples.

(Individual work) 4+1; 3+2; 5-1; 5-2;

Page 24 ABC - notebook No. 1

The boy Tapkyshbek is very glad that you helped him in solving the examples

The apples were ripe in his garden and he decided to bring them to you, he wanted to treat you - he brought 2 plates and cannot arrange the apples.

Guys, how can you put five apples on 2 plates?

(there are five apples and 2 plates on the table, the children show how to arrange the apples.)

Children trace plates of apples in their ABC notebooks.

Educator: Guys, what new did you learn in our lesson?

Children: Five is 2 and 3

Five is 3 and 2

Educator: how else can you get Number 5?

Children: five is 1 and 4

Five is 4 and 1.

Educator: thank you for the correct answers. Now let's solve the problems.

1. Three chickens are standing,

They look at 3 shells.

2 eggs in a nest

They are lying with the hen.

Count quickly

How many chickens will my hen have?

2. The riddle is a joke.

The rooster laid five eggs, then another. How many eggs did the rooster lay in total?

3. Winnie the Pooh and Piglet bought five pieces of ice cream.

How much ice cream did Winnie the Pooh get, why was he so upset?

4+1 ; 5-1 ; 3+2; 5-2;

For example: At the zoo, 4 foxes were sitting in a cage, then they brought another one. How many foxes are there in the zoo now?4+1

Five squirrels were jumping from branch to branch. One lagged behind. Name all the squirrels that continue to frolic.5-1

5 mushrooms grew in the clearing; the hedgehog came and took two away. How many mushrooms were left?


Petya, Amir, Arman, Aigul, Dana. How many boys and how many girls?

How many children are there in total?

Educator: Let's play with the ball. I'll throw the ball, and you count

(count forward and backward to 5.)

Questions for children: We counted from 0 to 5. Which number is the smallest? (1)

What is the largest number in the range from 0 to 5?

(Children in a circle throw a ball to each other.)

Guys, while we were playing, a “wonderful bag” appeared on my table.

Let's guess what's in it.

(Children determine by touch what is in the bag)

There are five geometric Figures in a wonderful bag.


Well of course it's him

No end and no beginning

No corners and no sides.


Visible in the triangle

Three corners, three sides.


All angles are four equal,

There are as many equal sides

Our square

How nice he is

How square is he?


One square, two square,

Two squares stood in a row.

The boy connected them

Got a rectangle.


The boy squeezed the circle with his hands,

The circle turned into an oval.

Educator: Children, tell me how many days are in one week? Seven. Right.

How many days do we study in the preschool classroom? Five.

Name these days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Guys, what grade do school students like to get?

Children: 5

Educator: how to get the number five?

Children 5 are 2 and 3, 3 and 2, 1 and 4, 4 and 1. (On the illustration board there is composition 5;)

What geometric shapes are you familiar with?

Children: Circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle.


Guys, what new did you learn in our lesson?

Children: Five is 2 and 3;

Five is 3 and 2;

Educator: How else can you get the number 5;

Children: Five is 1 and 4;

Five is 4 and 1;

Lesson summary: What kind of lesson did we have?

Children: formation of mathematical concepts.

Educator: Guys, today in class we learned how to solve problems and examples, count and write. Construct using counting sticks;

Recognized geometric shapes. We got acquainted with the number and number 5.

Everyone worked well and actively lists the pupils. Guys, there's still something in my bag.

Yes, this is the number 5. For your correct answers and participation in class, you will receive a reward for your work - these beautiful A's. Let each of you use colored pencils to color the top five and keep it as a souvenir.

And I will also give you these amazing five-pointed stars.

Let them shine on your journey, so that you won’t be afraid to overcome difficulties.

Good luck and success to you!

Used literature:

1. Methodological manual for mathematics "Almatykitap" 2005

M.S.Satimbekova, A.N.Nauryzbaeva, S.S.Auelbaeva.

2. A manual for kindergarten, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva.

"Small kindergarten"

3. Formation of ideas about time in preschool children.

T.D. Richterman.

4. Alphabet-notebook No. 1 “Almatykitap” Satimbekova M.S., Nauryzbaeva A.N., Auelbaeva S.S.

5. Didactic material in mathematics No. 1 “Almatykitap” 2003

Satimbekova M, S, Nauryzbaeva A, N, Auelbaeva S.S.

6. “In the World of Magic Figures and Numbers” for children of different ages

"Shymkent" 2003 SaimasaevaG,Nurmukhametova Zh..


1. Form in students:

  • idea of ​​the number 5,
  • the ability to correlate the number 5 with the number of objects;
  • its place in the number series,
  • teach how to compare the number 5 with previously studied numbers,
  • write the number 5 using the number 5;
  • form an idea of ​​a pentagon.

2. Consolidate knowledge of numbers 1-4, clarify spatial relationships in front, behind;

3. Strengthen quantitative and ordinal counting;

4. Introduce the geometric figure pentagon, star;

5. Develop mental operations, attention, memory, speech.

6. Cultivate accuracy, perseverance, and instill interest in mathematics.


1. Multimedia presentation.

2. Sets of numbers from 1 to 5.

3. Counting sticks

Organizational point: We begin again to decide, guess, be smart! Let's wish everyone good luck - Get to work, good luck!

Updating knowledge and setting educational tasks.

SlideGame "Silence".

I will show different numbers of objects, and you will raise the necessary numbers.

Slide - How many numbers do we already know??(Children's answers)

List the numbers, starting with the smallest and ending with the largest.

List the numbers, starting with the largest and ending with the smallest.

Introducing the number and number 5


Before you are five brothers. The five brothers are inseparable.

At home they are all without dresses. They are never bored together.

But on the street they work with a pen,

Everyone needs a coat. Saw, spoon, axe. (Fingers.)


Circle your hand

How many fingers are there on a hand?

Hold each finger.

Say the number to your finger - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

A person has five fingers on his hand.

What is the name of each finger on your hand?

(Thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger.)

Finger gymnastics

(clench your fist, bend your fingers one by one)

For girls and boys

There are five fingers on the hand:

Thumb - a guy with a soul,

Index finger - Mr. Influential,

The middle finger is also not the last.

The ring finger walks arrogantly with a ring,

The fifth - little finger, brought you a gift.

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guys, who guessed what number you will meet today?

That's right, this is the number 5.

Introducing the number 5.


- Guys, let's look for the number 5 we need on the number line.

Where is the number 5 located in the number line? (after 4, before 6, between 4 and 6)

- What is the number that comes before the number 5? - previous number

What is the number that comes after 5? - next number.

What numbers are neighbors of 5?

Where is 5 in the series of numbers?

Which number is greater: 4 or 5?

Count forward and backward to 5

Slide– Consider the number 5.

Number five - with a big belly,

Wears a cap with a visor.

At school this number is five

Children love to receive.

Game “What does the number 5 look like” (Children name objects that are similar to 5)

  • For the sickle, of course, you never know.

-What do you know about the number five? Where does the number 5 appear?

Five is the best grade in school:


This is a magician-five. You keep a close eye on her!

Poured, pretty. He will tumble - once and twice!

The number is great. It turns out to be the number two.


  • Five fingers on the hand, five toes on the foot.
  • 5 senses in humans (vision, hearing, taste (bitter, salty, sweet or sour), smell and touch.) Touch - is a special feeling caused by the touch of the skin to various solid and liquid bodies.
  • There is money - 5 rubles, 5 kopecks.
  • Five rays of a star.
  • 5 working days in a week, - Name the fifth day of the week (repeat in order of days of the week).
  • 5 corners of a pentagon,
  • – How are starfish related to the topic of the lesson? (they have 5 tentacles)
  • – Where else have you seen stars? (Epaulettes, Kremlin, hero star)

Letter number 4.



Collect the number 5 from sticks



What elements does this figure consist of?

(- I start writing a little to the right of the middle of the upper side of the cell, move the stick obliquely just above the middle of the cell, then to the right I write a semi-oval, touching the right side of the cell. From above the stick to the right, write a wavy line reaching the upper right corner of the cell.)

Let's write the number 5 in the air with a magic pencil.


Having folded three fingers into a beak,

With both hands at the same time


Fingers do exercises, (Children stretch their arms forward,

To reduce fatigue, clench and unclench your fists)

And then they are in the notebook

They will write numbers.

Geometric material.

1. Let's connect the numbers in order and you will get a picture.

? - What kind of figure did you get? Why was she called that?

(pentagon, this figure has 5 angles, it consists of five segments)

2. Connect the numbers in order and you will get a picture.

? -What figure did you get?

? – How are the figures different?

(the sides of a pentagon do not intersect, but the sides of a star intersect)

Creative task . - Working with counting sticks.

Show 5 sticks.

What can you make from 5 sticks?


? - Guys, what new number did we meet today? (Number 5)

The most beautiful number is five!

It would always be five and five!

The presentation can be downloaded.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs