Automatic wire bending machines. What is used for bending wire? How to make a machine with your own hands! Methods for bending metal wire

Machines for flat wire bending are widely used by manufacturers of commercial equipment. The wire is fed from the coil, passes through the correct block and is fed to the bending console, where the product is bent according to a given CNC program. At the end of the bending process, the part is cut off by a guillotine. All operations are performed fully automatically. The machines have ample capabilities for the production of flat products of any complexity: rings, frames, various open and closed contours, flat spirals. To obtain a spatial product, many customers use a press, thus, having high productivity in the production of flat products on a wire bending machine, the workpiece is placed under the press for spatial bending, which ensures high productivity and good repeatability of the resulting wire product.

have a patented non-flatness compensation system. This is relevant for domestic wire, which, when unwinding from a coil, retains internal stresses, the geometry of the product “twists” and it is not flat (which in 3D machines is usually compensated by turning the console). UME bending machines have the mechanical ability to adjust the “reverse twisting” of the wire, as a result of which it is possible to obtain a completely flat product, without adjusting the bending tool or the CNC program.

Wire bending machines UME series have a rotary table, so the operator can adjust a convenient table angle (for example, more vertical or more horizontal), in accordance with the geometry of the product.

Wire bending machines UME series very easy to use and reliable. The CNC of the well-known company B&R (England) allows you to program bending modes; it is possible to program a batch of products, where several products are made sequentially one after another. Both bending by rolling and pushing is programmed, with the transition from radius to radius.

Wire bending machine, model UME-40. Wire bending is done from a coil. The machines are most popular among manufacturers of commercial equipment and POS products. Wire bending is carried out using a CNC program. A distinctive feature is the high productivity, as well as the inexpensive price of the machine and tools. The maximum standard frame size is 600x600mm.

Wire bending machine, model UME-65. The wire is unwound from the coil, passes through the correct block and enters the bending and cutting unit. All operations are performed using a CNC program. The machines are most popular among manufacturers of commercial equipment and POS products. A distinctive feature is high productivity, as well as an inexpensive price for bending equipment and tools. The maximum standard frame size is 600x600mm.

Wire bending machine, model UME-80. The wire is unwound from the coil, passes through the correct block and enters the bending and cutting unit. All operations are performed using a CNC program. The machines are used for the production of flat wire products of various shapes, both with small and large (variable) radii. A distinctive feature of the machine is its high productivity, as well as an inexpensive price for tools and equipment. The maximum standard frame size is 1000x1000mm.

Objects of various configurations and purposes can be made from wire. During work, it is important to bend the material correctly, therefore, when the diameter of the metal thread is more than 1 mm, it is advisable to use special devices.

The main types of this type of tool, as well as how to make a wire bending machine with your own hands, will be discussed in this article.

If it is necessary to perform a small amount of work, then hand tools are used to bend the wire. For bending soft metal materials or when the wire diameter does not exceed 3 mm, pliers or round nose pliers are used. These tools allow you to securely clamp a part of the product in one tool, and use another to bend the wire to the desired angle.

In this way, you can bend the material using a carpenter's vice. In this case, the wire is fixed in a vertical position, and the change in direction is also carried out using pliers or any other clamping device or mechanism.

If you need to make a round bend, then for this purpose any rod of suitable diameter is used, which is also clamped in a vice. A rounded bend will need to be made when making springs from elastic wire yourself.

To do this, it is enough to clamp a rod or pipe of a suitable diameter in a vice, fix the end of the wire on one side, and use pliers to wind the wire the required number of turns.

If the wire has to be bent too often, then the most correct solution would be to purchase special devices or machines.

Tools for bending this material are a design in which the wire is clamped and bent using human muscle power. Machine tools typically use electric drives, and for the manufacture of complex products such machines are equipped with electronic controls.

Rules for work

Wire bending is not a complicated process, but to work effectively with this material you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. For work, you must use gloves made of thick fabric.
  2. Use only working tools and automatic machines.
  3. If a vice is used to perform this operation, then before starting the process, you must ensure that the workpiece is securely fixed.
  4. Before bending, the workpiece should be leveled.

Following these recommendations will help prevent scraps and injuries in the event of a sudden release of material from the holding device. You should also take care of the wiring and proper grounding when using machines that run on electricity.

Equipment use

If the volume of work is large enough, then equipment equipped with an electric motor will allow you to perform a large number of operations. The use of machines will significantly increase labor productivity, but at the initial stage it will be necessary to make some efforts to study the process of operation of a wire bending machine.

The most economical machine for bending wire is considered to be coil equipment, in which the material is supplied from bulk coils.

The process of bending wire on such equipment is carried out in the following order:

  1. The wire from the coil is fed to a roller mechanism, which aligns the material.
  2. The straightened wire is fed to the bending mechanism.
  3. At the next stage, bending and separation of the wire products occurs.
  4. After cutting the finished product, the process is repeated.

To make wire bending work as comfortable as possible, CNC machines are used.

Despite the significant cost of such equipment, the return on investment in a business occurs within a few months. Machines equipped with a microprocessor allow not only to fully automate the process, but also to carry out welding work on curved products.

DIY device

If the wire bending device will be used only for home work, then you can make a manual machine yourself. Equipment made with your own hands will not be highly productive, but for performing daily operations in a small volume such a product will be quite sufficient.

For a homemade machine you will need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Sheet steel 4 mm.
  2. Steel rod 20 mm.
  3. Profile pipe 20*20 mm and 30*30 mm.
  4. Two 12 mm nuts.
  5. Steel pipe ¾.
  6. Bolt 12 * 70 mm.
  7. Bushing from the reaction rod of a VAZ 2106 car.

To perform this work you will also need to prepare the following tools:

  • drill and 20 mm.

A device for bending wire is made with your own hands in the following sequence:

  1. A rectangle measuring 150*80 mm is cut out of a steel sheet using a grinder.
  2. Stepping back approximately 30 mm from the shorter side, you need to make a hole with a diameter of 20 mm exactly in the middle.
  3. Cut a piece 45 mm long from the metal rod.
  4. Place a piece of rod into the previously made hole and weld it on the back side.
  5. Cut a 70*30 mm rectangle from a metal sheet.
  6. Make two holes with a diameter of 16 mm in the 70*30 mm plate. The holes should be equidistant from the edges of the plate, and the distance between them should be 20 mm.
  7. Weld M12 nuts to the 70*30 mm plate so that they align with the holes made earlier. In order to perfectly center the nuts before welding, it is recommended to place them on a bolt, which should be threaded into the hole.
  8. Cut a piece 45 mm long from a ¾ steel pipe.
  9. Weld a 70*30 mm plate to the resulting cylinder made of a metal pipe, so that the pipe hole is in the same row as the previously drilled 16 mm holes. When performing this work, the plate should be placed exactly in the middle of the height of the steel cylinder.
  10. Cut a piece 400 mm long from a 30*30 mm profile pipe.
  11. Weld a section of profile pipe to a 70*30 mm steel plate. The metal connection is made on the side opposite to the welded cylinder. This will create a lever with a cylinder and 2 holes at the end.
  12. A piece 100 mm long is cut from a 20*20 mm profile pipe.
  13. A section of profile pipe is welded to the edge of a 150*80 mm plate. This element must be positioned from one of the corners to the level of the previously welded metal rod.
  14. Cut a 70*40 mm plate from a metal sheet. This part will be intended to support the workpiece, so it must also be welded to a section of the profile pipe.
  15. The torque bushing fits onto a 12 mm bolt, which should then be screwed into a nut welded to the lever.
  16. The lever with the bushing is fitted as a cylinder onto a piece of metal rod welded to the frame.
  17. To securely fix the machine during operation, it is recommended to secure the frame to a flat horizontal surface using threaded connections or welding.

Wire bending is carried out as follows:

  1. The workpiece is placed on the side platform so that the front part is inserted into the gap between the central cylinder and the bushing attached to the lever.
  2. The lever rotates to the required angle.
  3. The workpiece is removed from the machine, trimmed and used for its intended purpose.

If the homemade machine was made of high-quality materials, and the welding seams were made at a professional level, then the device can be used not only for processing wire. In this case, it is possible to use the product for bending pipes, including profile pipes, with a diameter of up to 10 mm.

Useful video

Watch the video where a man shows how to assemble a simple structure of a reinforcement bender for bending rods and squares:

Wire bending, performed either manually or using various tools and special equipment, allows you to give products made from this material different configurations. During the bending process, the inner layer of the wire is subjected to compression, and the outer layer is subjected to tension. Wire bending machines, which today are presented in a wide variety of models, are very popular, since bent wire products are actively used to solve various industrial and household problems.

The simplest device for bending wire

To perform bending operations at home without any problems, it is best to choose wire made from soft materials. Simple bending of stiffer wires, if necessary, can be carried out using ordinary plumbing tools:

  • pliers (with the help of such a tool, which every home craftsman has, you can form a simple bend in the wire, as well as securely fix its segment for further processing);
  • pliers (using this tool, which is one of the types of pliers, you can perform bending of varying degrees of complexity);
  • wire cutters or needle nose pliers (using such a tool, the wire can be cut into pieces of the required length).

Simple techniques for manual wire bending

If you need to make a product of complex configuration from wire using the bending method, it is better to first draw it on paper and periodically check the sketch. To form the simplest figures, such a sketch does not need to be used. For example, if you need to create a bent product of a rectangular shape, you can do this as follows:

  • The wire at the place of its future bend is clamped in a bench vice.
  • The upper (not clamped) part of the wire is bent using ordinary pliers or a hammer.

As a result of this simple procedure, a bend at a right angle is formed on the surface of the wire.

To produce a large number of similar wire parts, templates and homemade devices are used.

Manual bending rules

If you are going to manually bend the wire, you must adhere to a number of recommendations that will allow you to complete this procedure without harm to your own health.

  1. All bending procedures should be carried out only with gloves made of thick fabric.
  2. The wire that is being bent must be secured in a vice as securely as possible so that it does not jump out during operation.
  3. All tools and equipment that you are going to use for work must be in good working order and perform their assigned functions efficiently.
  4. Heavy tools and equipment that you use when bending should not be placed on the edge of the workbench, so as not to accidentally hit them and drop them on your feet.
  5. When carrying out all manipulations with the wire bending tool with one hand, the other should be kept as far as possible from the future bend. Pliers or any other tool can break off and injure a hand located close to the bending area.

Wire bending using improvised means is possible only in small quantities, since such a procedure is quite labor-intensive. In addition, this operation can only be used to create products of the simplest configuration.

A specialized wire bending machine allows you to produce various products in large volumes, including those with complex shapes.

Working with a wire bending machine

To produce a large number of bent products from wire, various techniques can be used, each of which uses special equipment. The most common and economical method is the coil bending method.

Bending using this technology occurs in several stages.

  1. The wire, which is wound on coils, is fed to a two-plane roller machine, which aligns it.
  2. After alignment, the wire is fed to a wire bending machine, on which the product of the required configuration is formed.
  3. The formed product is cut off, and the entire bending cycle is repeated again.

The use of this technology allows you to fully automate the bending process and thereby achieve high productivity.

Budget wire bending machine

A wire bending machine can also look like a stationary template around which the wire is rolled using movable pressure rollers. Using such devices, bends of even the smallest radius can be formed on the surface of the wire, the value of which is comparable to the outer diameter of the workpiece. At the same time, the configuration of the product formed on such a machine can be quite complex.

The adjustable stops and variable arms of this template allow you to create many combinations of wire bends

A wire bending machine can also operate on the principle of pushing the workpiece through a system of rollers. When using such equipment, the end of the wire is connected to a special wire, which pulls the product through the working parts of the machine. A wire bending machine of this type, due to the features of its design, allows the production of products with even very complex shapes.

When leveling the wire, a wire bending machine is also used, which in this case is used for straightening. The working parts of such equipment can be straight frames or two-plane straight blocks. At the same time, rotating straightening frames are more efficient, which is why they are used in cases where leveling the surface of the wire needs to be done as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Types of professional equipment

The simplest type of professional equipment used to bend wires are machines with one console. Meanwhile, such devices can only produce products of simple geometric shapes, the development length of which does not exceed 1000 mm.

More complex products with a development length of over 1000 mm make it possible to create double-cantilever equipment, in which the workpiece is deformed simultaneously from both ends. This machine can produce products with many complex curves.

The most complex wire products allow the creation of 3D machines on which bending can be performed simultaneously in three dimensions. The machines of this category are endowed with such unique functions by a rotary bending console, all movements of which are controlled by an electronic automated system. Despite all the advantages of processing using such equipment, it is quite expensive, so these machines are used in exceptional cases.

Types of wire bending machines

Wire bending is one of the ways to give it a new shape using manual or mechanical action using special equipment.

The bending itself occurs due to the compression of the inner layer, due to which the outer layer can be stretched and bent. Such technological work is in great demand, as is equipment for manual bending.

You can create products from bent wire with your own hands.

In this case, it is advisable to choose softer plastic materials for the process so that the wire can bend easily and doing the work with your own hands does not create difficulties.

If the wire is rigid and has a large diameter, then to process it manually you need to use certain tools:

  • using pliers you can create a small bend of a few mm; they are also convenient for fixing material for subsequent processing;
  • You can cut the wire into separate parts with wire cutters or needle-nose pliers;
  • pliers (a type of pliers) are considered one of the most convenient and versatile tools for bending wire with your own hands.

Before you start manually bending the material for the rings, it is better to create a certain template on paper and periodically check it as you work. Simple shapes can be made without templates.

For example, to create a regular rectangular clamp, it is enough to first clamp part of the wire with a bench vice, and bend the remaining piece at a right angle using pliers or a hammer.

Rules for manual bending

When performing manual wire bending work with your own hands, you should adhere to certain safety rules that can protect your hands from possible injuries:

  • Before starting work, it is advisable to put on gloves made of thick, dense fabric;
  • Materials should be well secured so that they do not jump out of the vice during bending;
  • All machines and tools for manual work must be in good working order;
  • Do not place heavy objects on the edge of the table (for example, if you hit the pliers, you can drop them on your leg and get a noticeable bruise, or even injury to your fingers);
  • When working with the wire with one hand, try to keep the other away from the bend (the pliers can break off and injure your hand).

Safety rules will protect your hands, but the DIY bending process itself is still quite complex and time-consuming. You can bend products by hand only if you have certain experience and knowledge.

Special equipment helps bend wire in large volumes. Let's study it in more detail.

Processing methods

If we talk about bending wire on a large scale (in production or a specialized plant), then various methods are used to plastically deform it.

One of the most common and economical is the bay processing method.

In this case, wire rings are wound onto coils, and then they are fed to two-plane roller machines that straighten the wire.

Afterwards, the material is processed on bending equipment (the required shape is created), at the end the wire is cut, and the entire work cycle is repeated again.

Moreover, all work is fully automated, which allows you to save time and money and use the device to create a simple curved structure with a development length of about 1000 mm.

For rolling wire with your own hands, there are special devices that consist of fixed templates of certain radii of curvature (the radius can be one or several).

The material is rolled around the created template using pressure rollers.

Basically, this technology is used to create bent products that have a small bending radius (about the same as the diameter of the wire).

The method of pushing the wire is reminiscent of the method of operation of 3-roll equipment on a profile bending and spring-coiling machine.

The material is pushed into the device using a special wire, then it is pressed against various rollers, which makes it possible to change the bending parameters and make transitions to different radii.

This device allows you to bend various structures with complex configurations and large bending radii on the development - from 1000 mm or more.

You can straighten the wire using straightening equipment or a special device. This equipment includes units consisting of rotating leveling frames or two-plane leveling blocks.

In this case, rotating frames are preferable, as they allow you to align the material more smoothly.

Professional equipment

If for bending wires on their own they use only the simplest devices (vises, pliers), then for mass industrial processing of the material professional machines are put into operation (for example, for the production of key rings or springs for handles).

A wire bending machine with one bending console is one of the simplest and makes it possible to create bent products of simple shapes. The length of the sweep in this case should not exceed 1000 mm.

Double-console machines can work with a reaming length of more than 1000 mm.

The material is cut into the necessary pieces, then it is deformed from both ends simultaneously.

Such equipment allows you to create products with a large number of bends. Machines with only one console can no longer perform this work.

Also, on double-console machines you can make figures with closed bends.

Wire bending on so-called 3D machines is becoming more and more popular these days.

Three-dimensional spatial bending can be done using a rotary bending console, which is controlled by an automated system.

Unfortunately, such material processing is quite expensive, so parts are mainly created using simple flat bending, and then, if necessary, individual parts are automatically welded.

But due to welding seams, products become more fragile and short-lived, so their cost is relatively low.

Homemade and industrial methods of wire bending

It is difficult to say where products made from wire, which is a metal thread or a thin rod, have not been used today. Wire bending made it possible to give products any desired shape. Both using hand tools and mechanical influences on special equipment.

From a physical point of view, the process of bending wire consists of simultaneous compression of the inner and stretching of the outer layers of the metal of the wire. The process can also be accompanied by a longitudinal displacement of these layers if twisting occurs. This technology for working with metal wire is widely used in many industries and in jewelry.

Methods for bending metal wire

There are several main ways to give metal wire the required shape of the finished product, so we can highlight:

  • manual method of bending wire using special tools and simple devices. It is used for wire with a diameter of up to 3 mm in the manufacture of simple products in utility production or households. As a rule, it does not require virtually any financial investment or special knowledge;
  • manual method of making jewelry from wire up to 2 mm in diameter. Requires special tools and devices, as well as certain knowledge and skills for working with precious metals;
  • bending wire from a coil, which is based on a special device called an unwinder;
  • bending wire from a metal rod;
  • bending using wire rolling method;
  • bending metal wire using the pushing method.

Wire bending machines

Mechanical machines for the mass production of parts and finished products from metal wire are widely used in industrial production. Depending on the technology used to shape the finished product, there are:

CNC machines

The development of machine tool construction has made it possible to produce wire bending machines with one or two bending consoles. They can produce finished products not only in flat 2D shapes, but also in spatial 3D models. The transfer of control of production processes to an industrial computer made it possible for a CNC machine to rotate bending consoles in three-dimensional space in any given sequence.

Wire bending with CNC machines not only allows for higher productivity, but also allows for the production of products of different shapes just by changing the production program.

Do-it-yourself wire bending devices

Metal wire, or rather, various products made from it, is widely used in any household.

Bending wire with your own hands using hand tools allows you to produce a fairly large number of household products, such as:

  • clamps,
  • brackets,
  • hangers, etc.

But for this we have to use the softest and most flexible types of wire, so that we can easily bend the metal into the shape we need.

So, for working with wire up to 3 mm in diameter, round nose pliers, pliers and a bench vice are suitable, and you can cut the wire with wire cutters or side cutters. This set is quite enough to give the metal wire the desired shape and its subsequent processing.

Working with large diameter wire has certain difficulties. But if it is also rigid, then to bend it manually you will need to use special bending devices.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made bending device, but it’s quite possible to make the tool yourself. How to make a device for bending wire with your own hands from available parts can be seen in the photo.

How to bend wire into a ring evenly

In order to bend the wire into a ring and make it the correct shape, you must use either a pre-made wooden blank of the required diameter, or use a piece of metal pipe of a suitable diameter. We wind at least two turns onto the template and make marks, and do not forget to make allowances for the thickness of the cut. Next, cut the wire and weld an even ring.

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Types and principles of operation of wire bending machines

There are several techniques for bending wire. The most common option is to bend such parts manually. In industrial production, the manual method is not cost-effective and has numerous costs. Various types of wire bending machines are used in production.

Types of Wire Bending Machines

Depending on the technology, there are several types of wire machines:

  • manufacturing parts from coils;
  • bending from a metal rod;
  • rolling bending;
  • bending by pushing;
  • CNC machines.

Machines for producing coiled wire

The specified type of unit is used for mass production. Such wire bending machines have high productivity and efficiency compared to others.

The wire manufacturing process goes through several stages:

  • take the unwinder;
  • a coil of wire is fixed in it;
  • the wire is affected by two mechanisms at once, one of which is planar, the other is roller;
  • the wire becomes a straight rod;
  • a straight wire rod is placed in the bending section of the apparatus;
  • the output is a part that has the desired shape;
  • the finished product is cut with special mechanical scissors.

Such a bending machine is capable of producing only a certain type of finished product. This is due to the presence of devices in it that are pre-configured for the production of parts having a certain shape.

The units produce simple-shaped parts and do not offer a wide variety of them. The number of bending operations on such machines is limited to five.

Devices that bend wire from a metal rod

This device is considered more technologically advanced than the previous one. The machine carries out additional processing of the finished product, which is not done by a unit from a coil.

The device allows you to do stamping and carving on wire products.

This type of machine has two main disadvantages:

  • has low productivity;
  • requires the installation of an auxiliary workpiece feeding device, which has a complex design.

Roll bending devices

Devices of this type are designed for the production of round-shaped parts. The wire is fed on the machine onto a shaft with a predetermined radius. Feeding is carried out using guide rollers. A rotational movement of the shaft is created, resulting in the wire bending around the finger several times.

The device allows you to adjust the spring pitch and bending angle of the part. This is ensured by the position of the rolling rollers in relation to the shaft.

This manual bending machine produces only one type of product. To change the type and shape of the manufactured product, a preliminary replacement of bending devices will be required. It will be necessary to carry out commissioning work.

Units operating by pushing method

The pushing method is used for wire that needs to be shaped into a complex geometric shape.

The pushing procedure is based on the forward movement of the metal material through the roll forming device. The given shape of the part is given by rolling rollers. Instead of a machine's roll forming device, a spring-coiling device can be used.

The equipment on which wire bending is possible in this way is complex and requires special knowledge.

Numerically controlled devices

Progress in machine tool building made it possible to introduce CNC units, with the help of which wire bending became possible.

The machines produce 2D-shaped parts and 3D-shaped products. The machines are controlled by an industrial computer. Thanks to the computer, it is possible to rotate the bending consoles in three-dimensional space in any sequence.

CNC units have high labor productivity. If you need to change the shape and type of products, you just need to change the production program on the computer.

Options for devices for bending wire materials with your own hands

For bending, sometimes it is enough to use improvised tools. Much depends on the thickness of the material used.

For bending products with your own hands with a diameter of up to 3 mm, the following are suitable:

  • bench vice;
  • pliers;
  • round nose pliers.

The material is cut with side cutters or ordinary nippers.

Products with a large diameter will require the use of a home-made device. The assembly of the machine is carried out in stages:

  1. a steel corner 19 cm long is screwed to the table with bolts;
  2. a frame is made from a metal plate, holes are drilled in it;
  3. a frame with guide rollers and handles is screwed to the corner;
  4. a metal block is selected to the frame groove;
  5. several through and blind holes are made in the block;
  6. a handle and a corrugated roller are bolted to the block;
  7. plates are welded at the bottom of the frame;
  8. the block is inserted into the frame groove so that it slides in it and does not fall out;
  9. guide rollers are screwed in;
  10. the bar structure is screwed to the corner.

A self-made mechanism will allow you to make products of more complex configurations.

It is one of the ways to give it a new shape using manual or mechanical action using special equipment.

The bending itself occurs due to the compression of the inner layer, due to which the outer layer can be stretched and bent. Such technological work is in great demand, as is equipment for manual bending.

You can create products from bent wire with your own hands.

In this case, it is advisable to choose softer plastic materials for the process so that the wire can bend easily and doing the work with your own hands does not create difficulties.

If the wire is rigid and has a large diameter, then to process it manually you need to use certain tools:

  • using pliers you can create a small bend of a few mm; they are also convenient for fixing material for subsequent processing;
  • You can cut the wire into separate parts with wire cutters or needle-nose pliers;
  • pliers (a type of pliers) are considered one of the most convenient and versatile tools for bending wire with your own hands.

Before you start manually bending the material for the rings, it is better to create a certain template on paper and periodically check it as you work. Simple shapes can be made without templates.

For example, to create a regular rectangular clamp, it is enough to first clamp part of the wire with a bench vice, and bend the remaining piece at a right angle using pliers or a hammer.

Rules for manual bending

When performing manual wire bending work with your own hands, you should adhere to certain safety rules that can protect your hands from possible injuries:

  • Before starting work, it is advisable to put on gloves made of thick, dense fabric;
  • Materials should be well secured so that they do not jump out of the vice during bending;
  • All machines and tools for manual work must be in good working order;
  • Do not place heavy objects on the edge of the table (for example, if you hit the pliers, you can drop them on your leg and get a noticeable bruise, or even injury to your fingers);
  • When working with the wire with one hand, try to keep the other away from the bend (the pliers can break off and injure your hand).

Safety rules will protect your hands, but the DIY bending process itself is still quite complex and time-consuming. You can bend products by hand only if you have certain experience and knowledge.

Special equipment helps bend wire in large volumes. Let's study it in more detail.

Processing methods

If we talk about bending wire on a large scale (in production or a specialized plant), then various methods are used to plastically deform it.

One of the most common and economical is the bay processing method.

In this case, wire rings are wound onto coils, and then they are fed to two-plane roller machines that straighten the wire.

Afterwards, the material is processed on bending equipment (the required shape is created), at the end the wire is cut, and the entire work cycle is repeated again.

Moreover, all work is fully automated, which allows you to save time and money and use the device to create a simple curved structure with a development length of about 1000 mm.

For rolling wire with your own hands, there are special devices that consist of fixed templates of certain radii of curvature (the radius can be one or several).

The material is rolled around the created template using pressure rollers.

Basically, this technology is used to create bent products that have a small bending radius (about the same as the diameter of the wire).

The method of pushing the wire is reminiscent of the method of operation of 3-roll equipment on a profile bending and spring-coiling machine.

The material is pushed into the device using a special wire, then it is pressed against various rollers, which makes it possible to change the bending parameters and make transitions to different radii.

This device allows you to bend various structures that have a complex configuration and large bending radii on the development - from 1000 mm or more.

You can straighten the wire using straightening equipment or a special device. This equipment includes units consisting of rotating leveling frames or two-plane leveling blocks.

In this case, rotating frames are preferable, as they allow you to align the material more smoothly.

Professional equipment

If for bending wires on their own they use only the simplest devices (vises, pliers), then for mass industrial processing of the material professional machines are put into operation (for example, for the production of key rings or springs for handles).

A wire bending machine with one bending console is one of the simplest and makes it possible to create bent products of simple shapes. The length of the sweep in this case should not exceed 1000 mm.

Double-console machines can work with a reaming length of more than 1000 mm.

The material is cut into the necessary pieces, then it is deformed from both ends simultaneously.

Such equipment allows you to create products with a large number of bends. Machines with only one console can no longer perform this work.

Also, on double-console machines you can make figures with closed bends.

Wire bending on so-called 3D machines is becoming more and more popular these days.

Three-dimensional spatial bending can be done using a rotary bending console, which is controlled by an automated system.

Unfortunately, such material processing is quite expensive, so parts are mainly created using simple flat bending, and then, if necessary, individual parts are automatically welded.

But due to welding seams, products become more fragile and short-lived, so their cost is relatively low.

It is difficult to say where products made from wire, which is a metal thread or a thin rod, have not been used today. Wire bending made it possible to give products any desired shape. Both using hand tools and mechanical influences on special equipment.

From a physical point of view, the process of bending wire consists of simultaneous compression of the inner and stretching of the outer layers of the metal of the wire. The process can also be accompanied by a longitudinal displacement of these layers if twisting occurs. This technology for working with metal wire is widely used in many industries and in jewelry.

There are several main ways to give metal wire the required shape of the finished product, so we can highlight:

  • manual method of bending wire using special tools and simple devices. It is used for wire with a diameter of up to 3 mm in the manufacture of simple products in utility production or households. As a rule, it does not require virtually any financial investment or special knowledge;
  • manual method of making jewelry from wire up to 2 mm in diameter. Requires special tools and devices, as well as certain knowledge and skills for working with precious metals;
  • bending wire from a coil, which is based on a special device called an unwinder;
  • bending wire from a metal rod;
  • bending using wire rolling method;
  • bending metal wire using the pushing method.

Wire bending machines

Mechanical machines for the mass production of parts and finished products from metal wire are widely used in industrial production. Depending on the technology used to shape the finished product, there are:

  • A wire bending machine that produces parts directly from a coil. It is the most productive and economical option for mass production of wire products. This happens due to the fact that the coil of wire is installed in a special device - an unwinder, from which the metal thread enters the correct block. There it is exposed to a roller or plane mechanism, as a result of which the output takes the form of an even and straight rod. After this, the wire enters the bending unit of the machine, where, with the help of mechanical devices, it is given the required shape of the finished product. At the end of the process, the finished part is cut with mechanical scissors. Typically, such a wire bending machine can produce one type of finished product, which is determined by pre-installed mechanical devices and limited by the ability to manipulate the feed mechanism. Therefore, the shapes of products produced on such machines are not very complex in configuration, since the number of bending operations is limited to five.
  • A wire bending machine for bending wire from a metal rod is a more technologically advanced method, which has a number of advantages compared to working from a coil. This is especially necessary when the finished product requires additional processing. This can be threading or stamping, which can only be done before giving the finished shape to the product. The disadvantages of such a machine are its need for an additional complex mechanism for feeding workpieces and relatively low overall productivity.
  • The wire bending machine for bending wire using the rolling method is mainly used for the production of various round-shaped parts and various types of round springs. For example, such a machine for bending wire by rolling works due to the fact that the wire is fed through guide rollers onto a shaft of a given radius, where, due to its rotational movement, it bends around the finger a given number of times. In this case, the wire is twisted along a given radius, which has a bending finger and rolling rollers. Due to the position of the rolling rollers relative to the central shaft, the bending angle or spring pitch can be set and adjusted. A wire bending machine by rolling, like other similar mechanical devices, is capable of producing only one type of product per operation. To change the range of products, both replacement and commissioning work are required.
  • Wire bending machine for bending metal wire using the pushing method. For certain wire parts, during their manufacture, it is necessary to give them complex shapes of certain geometric shapes, such as variable radii, irregular arcs, spiral appearance, and the like. It is not very effective to do this by running in, and sometimes it is even technologically impossible. Hence, the only possible way is to use the wire pushing method. The principle of operation is the forward movement of metal wire through a three-roll roll forming unit or a special spring-coiling device, in which the shape of the finished product is given due to the position of the rolling rollers. As a result, you can obtain any given curvature or a smooth change in the size of the radius. The main difference between rolling and other bending methods is that the equipment is more complex, requiring special knowledge during setup and maintenance.
  • Straightening machines are used as an additional device in technological lines for the production of various metal wire mesh for giving it a certain shape. Two technologies are used here: straightening using the rotation method using a frame and straightening using a two-plane straightening block. The two-plane block does not straighten very perfectly, but it does not twist the wire. But the rotating straightening frame has a more complex design, but many machine tool manufacturers still prefer it to the classic straightening block design.

CNC machines

The development of machine tool construction has made it possible to produce wire bending machines with one or two bending consoles. They can produce finished products not only in flat 2D shapes, but also in spatial 3D models.
The transfer of control of production processes to an industrial computer made it possible for a CNC machine to rotate bending consoles in three-dimensional space in any given sequence.

Wire bending with CNC machines not only allows for higher productivity, but also allows for the production of products of different shapes just by changing the production program.

Do-it-yourself wire bending devices

Metal wire, or rather, various products made from it, is widely used in any household.

Bending wire with your own hands using hand tools allows you to produce a fairly large number of household products, such as:

  • clamps,
  • brackets,
  • hangers, etc.

But for this we have to use the softest and most flexible types of wire, so that we can easily bend the metal into the shape we need.

So, for working with wire up to 3 mm in diameter, round nose pliers, pliers and a bench vice are suitable, and you can cut the wire with wire cutters or side cutters.
This set is quite enough to give the metal wire the desired shape and its subsequent processing.

Working with large diameter wire has certain difficulties. But if it is also rigid, then to bend it manually you will need to use special bending devices.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made bending device, but it’s quite possible to make the tool yourself. How to make a device for bending wire with your own hands from available parts can be seen in the photo.

How to bend wire into a ring evenly

In order to bend the wire into a ring and make it the correct shape, you must use either a pre-made wooden blank of the required diameter, or use a piece of metal pipe of a suitable diameter. We wind at least two turns onto the template and make marks, and do not forget to make allowances for the thickness of the cut. Next, cut the wire and weld an even ring.



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