Lion cat rabbit from a to z. Rabbit-Leo man: characteristics, personality traits and compatibility

Leo, born in the year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese horoscope, seems to be the living embodiment of the concept of the “golden mean”: he is active, but not too hasty; vain, but at the same time royally generous. In the character of Leo-Rabbit, the true nature of a bold predator is harmoniously combined with wisdom and prudence, and the desire for primacy is balanced by unfeigned good nature. Upon closer examination, the Leo-Rabbit combination turns out to be surprisingly favorable for life!

Being by nature very sensitive to attention and praise, Leo-Rabbit strives to win the sympathy of others through self-improvement and professional growth. He does not mind basking in the rays of universal adoration, but in his character there is a desire to achieve this through his achievements, and not through extravagant antics. In addition, in his desire to be significant and noticeable, Leo-Rabbit never forgets about the sense of duty and responsibility to other people - he has it even more developed than necessary. This can be called his distinctive feature among other signs of the Eastern Zodiac horoscope.

In everyday life, Leo-Rabbit is by no means an ascetic and ideally strives for comfort and luxury. At the same time, luxury in his understanding has nothing to do with bad taste - he has refined taste and a well-developed artistic sense. In communication, Leo-Rabbit is generous and responsive, but due to his caution, he will not spray himself on everyone who would not mind becoming his friend. If you are lucky enough to be among his friends, do not doubt that you will fully feel the power of his nobility and generosity.

Leo-Rabbit Love

Leo-Rabbit in love is a very positive character. He knows how to be romantic, without reaching the point of exaltation and madness of passion: Leo-Rabbit will not wake you up at night with calls and will not crash your car if he catches you in a cafe with a work colleague. It is not difficult to win the heart of someone born during the period of power of Leo and Rabbit: give him as many compliments as possible and do not forget to warmly thank him for everything he does for you.

Leo-Rabbit always takes care of his soulmate, and even if fate suddenly takes them in different directions in life, he worries about her well-being. An alliance with him is comfortable if you respect his opinion. The Leo-Rabbit man usually chooses sophisticated women whom he likes to show off to his friends. The Leo-Rabbit woman loves successful men and is capable of becoming a wonderful First Lady.

Sexuality of Leo-Rabbit

Leo-Rabbit needs a regular partner; he needs bed battles for excellent tone and good mood. Love joys do not exhaust him, on the contrary, they give him vigor and strength.

Celebrities of the Leo sign born in the year of the Rabbit-Cat:

Walter Scott, British writer.
Stanislav Sadalsky, Soviet and Russian actor.
Whitney Houston, American singer.
Charlize Theron, American actress.
Yunus-bek Evkurov, Russian military and political figure.

The characteristics of the Leo-Rabbit are quite interesting, since it combines many absolutely contradictory features. A rabbit's calmness and unbridled laziness can be abruptly replaced by a lion's assertiveness and ambition in almost everything. This happens in his life, at work, in his love life.

Such a contradictory and capricious character makes Leo-Rabbit a very interesting conversationalist and a versatile personality, with many hobbies.

The charismatic Leo can conquer anyone with his charm, developed intelligence and refined good manners. From others, in turn, he expects only a positive assessment and does not accept criticism at all.

In company he is quite tactful and talkative. He easily achieves respect in society and achieves his goals.

The main feature of the Leo man is his pronounced selfishness, which becomes stronger over time. Leo, born in the year of the Cat, is cunning and resourceful, very fixated on himself, his appearance and needs, therefore he often leads a healthy lifestyle and has a rather extravagant appearance.

Very independent, independent, courageous, determined, hardworking and at the same time stubborn, Leo is successful in almost any business.

In progress

In professional and educational activities, he goes towards a clearly defined goal and definitely achieves it, no matter what the cost. Such determination makes him a good specialist, whom his superiors appreciate and gives him rapid career growth. The Leo Cat cannot be denied cunning and ambition; he can easily get out of any difficult situation or avoid problems.

By nature, Leo is a leader, which has its advantages in his career development., but here excessive emotionality interferes, which is difficult to cope with. Often men find themselves in quite unusual and creative professions, since they have many interests and are constantly improving themselves. The desire to earn money is motivated by a love of luxury and delicacy. Men are quite sociable, sociable, and mobile. Having started work on any project, he will always finish what he started.

In friendship

The Leo Rabbit values ​​friendship very much and is a person who has many good and reliable friends, just like himself. He is kind-hearted, if someone needs help, he will gladly provide it. Leo is noble, fair and straightforward. He is correct in conversation and can give practical advice. Among friends, in various situations, he is guided only by his conscience.

He easily makes new acquaintances; he has friends from different walks of life and different ages. Often spends time in noisy companies or in a quiet, cozy place talking.

Receives support and approval from friends.

In love

Leo's love can be divided into three periods - this is at the beginning of the relationship, when Leo is already accustomed to the girl, in the family.

At the first stage, the man is quite independent, persistent, and independent. His choice will be the girl who will give him reciprocity; he is not one of those who will strive for years. His ideal is an intelligent, well-groomed, interesting lady. Leo loves to intrigue and observe the object of his attention. If the Rabbit feels cold towards himself or the girl simply ceases to be interesting to him, then Leo may disappear, without explanation.

When the relationship becomes more serious, the independent and strong Leo turns into a vulnerable and gentle kitten that needs care. A man becomes more open and vulnerable, so the girl is required to have patience, affection, attentiveness, and reciprocity. Of course, one should not forget about his personality, because Leo loves to be praised.

The coincidence of interests and hobbies among partners will be important, because doing something they love together brings them together, otherwise Leo will distance himself both physically and emotionally.

The Leo Rabbit values ​​freedom in love; he does not need to be limited, driven into any framework or protected in his communication with other people. Leo will not be able to get along with a jealous person. A special role here is given to the fact that this zodiac sign needs the attention of not just one person, but many. Therefore, such a need often creates a problem in a relationship and can be the cause of conflict and even a breakup, initiated by a man. For a girl, Leo should be one and only and unique.

He doesn’t like it when people demand something from him and present him with a fait accompli.

Due to excessive emotionality, the Rabbit may end the relationship, which he will later regret, but it will be too late to return everything.

In his intimate life he likes to bask like a cat and have fun, he is very passionate and sensitive. Appreciates romance, the environment in which a date or evening takes place. For him, the presence of music, candles, and incense is important.

According to the eastern calendar, ideal compatibility with Cat, Dog, Horse, Goat and Ox, and minimal compatibility with Monkey, Rooster, Rat and Tiger

According to the Western calendar, it is ideal with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries. Poor understanding with Libra, Aquarius.

In the family

Leo-Rabbits usually marry in adulthood, because freedom is important for them. Marriage is not always a plus for him, because Leo loves publicity, so he is often not ready to be with one girl, he needs freedom, jealous spouses are not for him.

In general, he values ​​and loves his family, takes care of his children, is attentive to his wife, and rarely provokes quarrels if he is honored. He tries to please and improves relations with his wife's relatives.

Leo wants to be proud of his wife, so the wife should not only take care of her family, but also have a hobby.

The wife should not interfere with the Rabbit's hobbies; this is important to him.

Even loving his wife, Leo often pays attention to other girls, often starting affairs, so she needs to be on her guard and constantly surprise her partner. You shouldn’t be at home all the time; this condition depresses the active and versatile Leo.

A joint outdoor recreation or some kind of travel will bring closer and strengthen relationships.

If the Leo-Rabbit does not find harmony, then selfishness will soon take over.

You will learn more about the Leo man from the following video.

To the question What can you say about the lion-rabbit girl? given by the author Natalu the best answer is Leo cat
This is a rather calm Leo, but not a calm Cat. Rather, it is a lynx that falls on top of its prey at the moment when it least expects it. This is a very cunning Cat, especially if he does not adhere to high moral principles. He is selfish enough to think about his surroundings, and tries to use his aggressiveness only if it benefits him. Leo Cat knows how to become popular, how to win the crowd to his side, how to force the team to follow his instructions.

Reply from Marinka The Best[guru]
Character traits



Personal relationships


Reply from Marinka The Best[guru]
Character traits
The Leo Cat, a proud and independent person, goes through life with his head held high, not noticing other mortals. He values ​​his aristocracy too much to stoop to performing stupid tricks that attract the public's attention - he is sure that he is already always the center of everyone's attention.
The Leo Cat rarely lies on its side, doing nothing. He loves the excitement of the hunt, but even city cats look at things soberly enough to waste time on a hopeless pursuit. Let ordinary cats exhaust themselves over trifles - the royal Leo cat will find a more worthy occupation for himself! But sometimes you can see him sitting for hours at the drain hole in the bathtub, waiting for a mouse to appear from this hole.
The Lion Cat has no doubt that he is the king of beasts. He devotes a lot of time to his toilet, licking himself and preening until his fur shines like silk. Before you have time to leave the room, he is already admiring himself in the mirror. He loves being photographed and loves receiving compliments. Truly, his vanity knows no bounds. But worries about appearance are forgotten if an adventure looms ahead - here he will not disdain to get a little dirty or get into a fight.
His favorite dish is fresh meat, and he also loves liver. But if you make him wait too long for dinner, you will have to atone for your guilt by offering him a particularly tasty morsel and a lot of affection, otherwise you will be punished by the bad mood of his royal majesty.
Personal relationships
Never, never allow a condescending attitude towards a Leo cat. This cat claims equality with you and will not forgive you for your patronizing treatment of him. He hates indifference even more; it’s better if you yell at him, but just don’t ignore his presence.
If a Leo cat feels loved and appreciated, he will do anything for his human family. He is trusting and friendly and is not afraid of strangers. At the same time, he will boldly protect you from any danger that, in his opinion, threatens you. Therefore, be careful when petting other people's cats, do not start a noisy game with children in his presence and, most importantly, stay away from dogs. Many harmless dogs were brutally scratched by these jealous and aggressive lions.
The Leo Cat makes many friends among women who respect his strength and are not going to boss him around. He doesn't play, he gives royal parties, and since not all cats agree to become his subjects, he has many enemies ready to steal his glory and even the food from his plate.
If your Leo cat disappears, do not worry - perhaps he went in search of an additional portion of attention to his person. In personal relationships, he claims the lion's share of adoration and believes that he has achieved success if others have properly flattered his vanity.

The wayward Leo-Rabbit is not used to obeying; he always acts according to his desires. Fate favors this ambitious man; he does not face any serious obstacles on his path. The Rabbit's sincerity softens Leo's proud disposition, so people of this combination are tactful and polite in communication. They do not like scandals and try to make the most favorable impression on others. Rabbit-Leo is a charismatic personality, people like his gentleness and sincerity. There is never a dull moment with him: he is prone to eccentric actions and likes to arrange surprises. Everyone can see something special in it that arouses great interest. In any case, Leo-Rabbit is a noticeable figure.

Characteristics of Leo Rabbit

It is impossible to be offended by this person, so any eccentricities are easily forgiven. Leo-Rabbit can be noisy, shameless, but at the same time so charming that it is difficult not to smile. He knows how to attract attention: he likes to joke, he is relaxed and inventive. He is not indifferent to compliments, he understands perfectly what a popular figure he is. Among his circle, the Leo Rabbit is a significant person, although not always with a plus sign. People of this combination love risks and strive to succeed in life by any means necessary. Therefore, sometimes they do not consider it shameful to violate generally accepted norms and rules; they even flaunt their courage. However, in most cases they manage to direct their energy in the right direction.

The proud Leo-Rabbit does not accept condescending treatment of his person. He prefers flattery, compliments and gifts. He takes any signs of attention for granted, because he is an exceptional person, one of a kind. Although he is responsive, kind, ready to help with advice or provide financial assistance. Leo-Rabbit is a noble, generous person, but still most of all concerned with the well-being of his own person. But he always acts according to his conscience, does not like to lie and dodge. Although, for the sake of the cause, he may use a little trick. The result is important to him, so he sees no obstacles on the way to his goal. If there is an opportunity to get around obstacles, he will definitely take this chance.

Leo Rabbit Compatibility

In love, Leo-Rabbit is a maximalist: he makes a lot of demands on his partner. He will not date an unattractive person with a calm character. Dreams of love, craves strong impressions. He tries to capture the imagination of his chosen one or chosen one, and is quite capable of extravagant acts. He is not constancy, often changes partners: he strives to find his ideal. He sees nothing wrong with this, moreover, in return he demands complete submission and even adoration.

In family life, this person will never come to terms with the role of a companion or soulmate. The proud Rabbit-Leo is the head of the family, and he does not accept objections. Having entered into marriage, he does not lose his royal habits: all members of the seven must obey his will. But Leo-Rabbit is devoted to his loved ones, you can turn to him for help at any time of the day or night. He will always find a way to surprise his partner and children: even if he doesn’t rest, he will take his family on a trip.

Leo Rabbit Career

The ambitious Leo-Rabbit will not vegetate in a non-prestigious position. It is not in his rules to be content with little, so he thinks a lot about his place in life. She takes her choice of profession and place of work very seriously. Acts in accordance with a predetermined plan. Colleagues value Leo-Rabbit for his diligence, hard work, and willingness to sacrifice his interests for the sake of a common cause. He is not obsessed with money, but he will not agree to a low-paid position.

The creatively gifted Rabbit-Leo is ready to make many sacrifices for the sake of fame. It’s as if he was born for the theatrical stage: emotional, ambitious, vain. Loves to be in the center of everyone's attention, loves compliments and applause. He does not recognize any prohibitions, he boldly goes towards his dream. Moreover, artistic talent helps him achieve success in any profession. He is very convincing in his arguments, charming in communication, and therefore does not encounter obstacles on his way.

Leo-Rabbit is a man who invariably inspires trust, a calm and balanced person. Pleasant to talk to, cheerful and always very polite. But Leo’s active nature breaks out and does not allow him to live a modest, measured life. He makes ambitious plans and tries to implement them in reality. This is not a dreamer and visionary, but a determined, energetic man. He is not indifferent to luxury things, so he is constantly looking for ways to earn money. He has good material wealth: his family will never need anything. He can be quick-tempered and harsh, but it is very easy to calm him down with just a couple of kind words. In love relationships, he manifests himself as a passionate partner, choosing only spectacular beauties. A modest, homely woman is perceived by him only as a friend.

The extravagant Leo-Rabbit woman attracts glances, she is always the center of attention. She wears spectacular outfits, is cheerful and has a positive attitude, but is not at all stupid, has a lot of advantages, and simply loves the attention of the public. She successfully resolves business issues and is very hardworking. She tries to take a position with a good salary; the financial issue is of great importance to her. She does not count on financial assistance; she is too proud and independent for this. It expects worship and unquestioning submission from men. She does not consider it necessary to sacrifice her interests for the sake of her family; she can become a good housewife if she falls in love very much. The secret of seducing a woman of the Leo-Rabbit sign is quite simple: love, adoration, recognition of her merits.

Tiger cat. It will go through life's journey with its claws extended.

Eastern horoscope- Cat/Rabbit

Zodiac horoscope- Leo

Sometimes deceptively calm, Leo Rabbit is potentially capable of great achievements. These people openly express their desires, they are colorful and attractive. Leo-Rabbits find it difficult to limit themselves. Their tendency towards self-centeredness and pomp is compensated by decent manners and generosity.

The combination of a Leo cat man or woman creates a wonderful personality who is highly sensitive, surprisingly calm and organized. These are people with a gentle character, but not meek. They are gentle and have great control over their character, and are not prone to confrontation.

The Leo Cat is a charismatic person, but at the same time does not like to be the center of attention. This combination creates quite ambitious people who usually succeed in life. Their serene persona is charming and friendly, not very demanding. These people like to find their own path without much effort, without fuss. They are patient and hardworking and speak in a persuasive manner and are therefore good communicators. This plethora of abilities makes them ideal workers in many fields.

In family life, they tend to be helpful, attentive, protective and even overly proud of their home. These people have intuitive sensitivity and understanding of other people's feelings, but offer their help only when asked for it. They know how to give advice very tactfully. These people are not loners, they like to have many friends around them. They love to communicate and enjoy helping others.

If you want to be loved and appreciated, these are the people you need. Throughout their lives, they are looking for friends who will admire them and a soul mate who needs to be loved and appreciated. This combination makes people who are not as trusting as other Leos, so they are quite cautious at times.

If they do not get enough time to rest, they become grumpy and irritable, and can show aggression. To minimize this weakness, they should get good sleep.

The diffusion in the combination of the lion and rabbit is amazing. Not a lion yet, but no longer a cat. Something in between, more like a lynx. Having a lot of ambitions, the lion rabbit is capable of a sudden attack even with a lack of strength. This is a very wayward cat, and if his willfulness is not burdened by moral principles, he is very cunning and can be dangerous. Fortunately, this does not always happen - the craving for natural cat laziness wins.

The lion cat is quite selfish and is not always interested in his surroundings. Due to the qualities listed above, the Leo Rabbit man turns on aggressiveness only in cases of extreme necessity. At the same time, he knows how to be popular - without extra effort he is able to win over not only individual people, but also a team and even masses of people.

In their hobbies, Lion rabbits, especially women, are very extravagant. The range here is quite wide - from strange professions and hobbies to difficulties in your personal life. In business, this cat’s ability to do a lot sometimes has no limits. He does not always consider it possible for himself to have at least some prohibitions. They make at least ideal advertising managers or image makers. But the desire for adventure is a double-edged sword. Predisposed to good luck at the beginning of life, in the second half of its life, lion cats do not avoid disappointments.

A penchant for vivid emotions requires such people to constantly change the scenery. Therefore, one should hardly expect constancy from them in personal preferences and attachments. Unless the lion rabbit is completely lazy.



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