50 shades of gray and twilight comparison. The silence of the inner goddess. Christian Gray Vs. Edward Cullen

On Twilight Tuesday, we reflected on the success of Fifty Shades of Gray, which began as Twilight fan fiction.

Much has now been achieved by the erotic novel of E.L. James "Fifty Shades of Grey" and his ever-growing fanbase of mostly women. The novel, which released in paperback on Tuesday (April 3), began life as Twilight fan fiction; In this regard, there are a couple of elements in the novel that lend themselves to comparison with Stephenie Meyer's saga.

First, there is the insecure and naive beauty as the main character - Anastasia Steele, who does not know that she is attractive until she meets Christian Gray, a controlling older man with magnetic charisma. Apparently, James tore Bella and Edward out of Mayer's world and transported them several years into the future to a non-supernaturally influenced Seattle; on the Internet her book was called “Master of the Universe.” "Shades of Gray" shows everything that Mayer's series did as she adapted to pop culture trends. The book, recognized as a New York Times bestseller and soon to be released, has already been dubbed "mommy porn." Yes, I know Twilight isn't mommy porn, and I know that Shades of Gray isn't just an adult version of Twilight, but there are similarities.

So what does this mean for the publishing industry and the fan fiction community as a whole? For this week's Twilight Tuesday, let's explore the increasing popularity of fan fiction.

To begin with, for the uninitiated, let me clarify that many fanfictions are racy. Like NC-17 and XXX ratings, but as much as I'd like to, I can't post examples here. Slash fics, stories that feature same-sex relationships, can be very detailed. While these stories probably won't make it to store shelves, the idea of ​​a novel about the relationship between Edward and Jacob or Edward and Jasper is quite entertaining.

Twilight author Mayer seems to have mixed feelings about this, but she admitted that she liked some of the authors and especially the alternate version of Twilight, which she calls "Ruins." [note: this is a play on words, "Breaking Down"].

"I hadn't heard of it at first... I couldn't read works where the characters were copied," she once said during an interview with Twifans.com. “It drove me crazy. There was one about Harry Potter and Twilight, which was very funny. And another story about a girl who is in the movie as Bella was funny."

Mayer's "Ruins" was the crutch that helped her get through the end of Breaking Dawn, a place where she could allow herself to distance herself from the egregious scripts about her sincere and accurate characters.

“We came up with an alternative to Dawn called Ruins. It was amazing!” she said. "End the fall and destruction in the life of Bella Swan and everyone around her."

Naturally, Mayer did not publish that alternative Twi version, but there are other cases of famous authors who began their careers writing fan fiction; Take Cassandra Clare, who wrote a popular variation on the Harry Potter theme called the Draco Trilogy long before she came along with The Mortal Instruments.

We could also count Seth Grahame-Smith's bestselling Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, which can be rated as fan fiction, along with other Pride and Prejudice variations: Mr. Darcy Chooses a Wife and Mr. Darcy's Diary: A Novel. .

Authors who have a negative view of fan fiction claim that they own their characters and that the authors' inspiration should be directed towards creating original works. So where do we draw the line, and more importantly, should we draw it? While the readership is building, does it make sense? Or is there a challenge here to prioritizing quality over quantity?

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Twilight, Fifty Shades of Gray and the Fan Fiction Phenomenon

We have long assumed that Hollywood workers simply do not have enough imagination to create new masterpieces and, in musical terms, they take a recognized hit as a basis and make a remix of it.

Actually, now we will show and tell you everything... Remember how, in the wake of the popularity of the teenage “Twilight” saga, piquant novels for adults by E.L. James? But the writer claimed that all her stories and images were original. Yeah, we, of course, believed it, but double-checked it. And it turned out that there are more similarities than differences!

"50 shades of grey": The main character of the frank drama, Christian Gray, is a very attractive 27-year-old billionaire with his own secret, or rather, shrouded in a veil of secrets, and madly in love with the main character.

"Twilight": The main character of the vampire saga, Edward Cullen, is also handsome, wealthy, with no less secrets and secrets, and lost in love with the main character, but only 10 years younger!

"50 shades of grey": The main character of the novel by E.L. James Anastasia Steele is a completely ordinary girl who loves to read books and doesn’t notice how she bites her lips all the time. After meeting the main character, she not only falls in love with him, but becomes obsessed with him.

"Twilight": It looks like you can just copy and paste the previous paragraph here. Don't you think so?

"50 shades of grey": Yes, we remember that Jose Rodriguez is Anastacia’s best friend, who takes care of her and suffers from unrequited love.

"Twilight": Is it worth reminding how much Bella was cared for and worried about by her best friend Jacob, who was able to sacrifice his feelings for her for the sake of his beloved friend’s happiness?

"50 shades of grey": Well, here are just the dry facts... Elliot Gray is the very cheerful half-brother of Christian (the main character), who is having an affair with the blonde Kate.

"Twilight": Do you hope it won't coincide? But no, because Emmett Cullen is also the no less cheerful step(!) brother of the main character, Edward Cullen, who has an affair with the blonde Rosalie.

"50 shades of grey": Well, you already know everything yourself, except that this beautiful and confident blonde is Anastasia’s friend!

"Twilight": The film simply cannot be without spectacular blondes, unless this one is Edward’s half-sister. They decided to confuse and distract us!

"50 shades of grey": Mia Gray is Christian's half-sister. A talented girl, but with her own quirks, who is always ready to help and support the main character, and with whom all TV viewers only fall more in love from episode to episode!

"Twilight": Ellis Cullen is Edward's half-sister, a talented but quirky girl who is always ready to help and support the main character, and with whom all viewers only fall in love more and more from episode to episode! Well, sorry...

"50 shades of grey": Even despite his small role in three parts, fans of the erotic drama managed to notice and fall in love with the hero of actor Andrew Airlie - Christian's adoptive father, and also a successful businessman and lawyer.

"Twilight": And here we won’t surprise you either, because Carlisle Cullen is also Edward’s adoptive dad, albeit a successful one in the field of medicine!

"50 shades of grey": It seems as if the fantasy is already running out, but how else can one explain that Grace Gray was given the role of Christian’s adoptive mother, who loves him very much and gave him all the tenderness and care after the death of his own mother. She also gets along great with Anastasia!

"Twilight": Well, let's repeat it? Esme Cullen is Edward's adoptive mother, who took care of him after the death of his parents, and by the way, became friends with Bella!

"50 shades of grey":"Villain" from the novel by E.L. James feels great hatred for the Gray family, and even kidnaps Mia in order to lure Anastasia into a trap and take revenge on the main character.

"Twilight": But the villain of the vampires hates the Cullen family with all his heart and kidnaps Bella’s mother so that... Well, you understand!

"50 shades of grey": Don’t you think we’ve already seen these shots somewhere?

"Twilight": Ah... So here they are!

If you have watched Fifty Shades of Gray and the Twilight saga, you must have noticed many parallels between these stories. However, E. L. James, author of “50 Shades...”, stated that her story is original and very different from the vampire saga. What do you think?

Christian Gray Vs. Edward Cullen

"Fifty Shades of Gray": Christian Gray is a handsome, rich, mysterious 27-year-old millionaire with a secret who falls madly in love with the main character.

"Twilight": Edward Cullen is a handsome, rich, mysterious 17-year-old with a secret who falls madly in love with the main character.

Anastasia Steele Vs. Bella Swan

"Fifty Shades of Gray": Anastasia Steele is an ordinary, clumsy simpleton, a book lover with a lip-biting habit, who falls in love and becomes obsessed with the mysterious protagonist.

"Twilight": Bella Swan is an ordinary, clumsy simpleton, a book lover with a lip-biting habit, who falls in love and becomes obsessed with the mysterious protagonist.

Jose Rodriguez Vs. Jacob

"Fifty Shades of Gray": Jose Rodriguez is Anastacia's good friend and in love with her.

"Twilight": Jacob is Bella's good friend and has a crush on her.

Kate Kavanagh Vs. Rosalie Cullen

"Fifty Shades of Gray": Kate Kavanagh is a beautiful and confident blonde. Anastasia's friend, in a relationship with Christian's half-brother Elliot.

"Twilight": Rosalie Cullen is a beautiful and confident blonde. Edward's sister, in a relationship with his half-brother (and her own) - Emmett.

Elliot Gray Vs. Emmett Cullen

"Fifty Shades of Gray": Elliot Gray is the protagonist's cheerful half-brother who is in a relationship with Kate.

"Twilight": Emmett Cullen is the protagonist's cheerful half-brother who is in a relationship with Rosalie.

Mia Gray Vs. Alice Cullen

"Fifty Shades of Gray": Mia Gray is Christian's slightly strange but talented stepsister.

"Twilight": Alice Cullen is Edward's slightly strange but talented half-sister.

Jack Hyde Vs. James

"Fifty Shades of Gray": Jack Hyde is Anastacia's former boss who molested her. Has a dislike for the Gray family. He kidnaps Mia to lure Anastasia into a trap.

"Twilight": James is a vampire who tries to attack Bella. Has a dislike for the Cullen family. He pretends to kidnap Bella's mother to lure her into a trap.

Grace Gray Vs. Esme Cullen

"Fifty Shades of Gray": Grace Gray is Christian's adoptive mother who took care of him after his mother died. Treats Anastacia very well.

"Twilight": Esme Cullen is Edward's adoptive mother who took care of him after his parents died. Treats Bella very well.

Carrick Gray Vs. Carlisle Cullen

"Fifty Shades of Gray": Carrick Gray is Christian's adoptive father. He is a successful lawyer and businessman.

"Twilight": Carlisle Cullen is Edward's adoptive father. He is a successful doctor.

Carla Mae Wilkes Vs. Renee Dwyer

"Fifty Shades of Gray": Carla Mae Wilkes is Anastasia's loving, estranged mother. Recently married a guy named Bob.

"Twilight": Renee Dwyer is Bella's loving, estranged mother. Recently married a guy named Phil.

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