DIY underwater periscope for fishing. DIY periscope made from PVC pipes. DIY periscope made from PVC pipes

Vlad and I read the wonderful book “Physics for Kids” by L.L. Sikoruk. and found there the idea of ​​creating DIY periscope.

A periscope can be made from an unnecessary box, but no matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t find the right size. Therefore, it was decided to make it simply from cardboard.

We will need:

  • cardboard,
  • 2 mirrors,
  • glue, scissors.
  1. To begin with, we took 2 sheets of A4 cardboard. The larger the cardboard format you have, the longer the periscope can be made, and accordingly it will be much more interesting for the child. The sheets were glued together along the long side with tape.
  2. Next, we measured the length of the mirror with a ruler. We had 2 square mirrors with a side length of 6 cm.
  3. A scan was drawn on the cardboard. Please note that the width of the main strips should be equal to the side of the mirror (in our case it is 6 cm). Don't forget to leave allowances for gluing.
  4. Now we carefully tried to glue everything together with glue. But since we didn’t have much patience to wait for everything to stick together well, we also sealed all the seams with tape: scratch:
  5. The result is such a wonderful device. All production was accompanied by stories and fantasies about the submarine. Vladik even had to restrain his desire to test the periscope in the water. :wacko:

Vladik is very impatient. He practically pulled the finished periscope out of my hands. He didn’t even let mom play enough.

Then we began to look around everything:

We looked at the second floor of the bunk bed.

They put the toy on the closet. If you just look, then only the cap is visible, but through the periscope you can see that it is a teddy bear in a cap.

Then they looked out from behind the needles at each other.

We looked out the window. It is interesting that when looking from the second floor you cannot see the base of the tree, but through the periscope you can easily see the tree near the ground.

Vlad also really liked that when you look through the periscope, you can see your eyes in the mirror, as if you were a snail with eyes on legs. This is such a fantasy.

We had great fun. In the evening I brought the youngest Makarchik from the nursery. And then the chase began with the periscope being taken away. New and unknown things are always in great demand in our family.

Of course, Vladik took our craft to kindergarten. I wonder if the toy will return home intact or with spare parts.

It was great entertainment. Today we had a good time. And now you have another experience with mirrors in your piggy bank. Do you agree that science is fun? Did you like it? Let's do crafts together and put science into practice? If you want to continue studying the properties of mirrors, then look at what otherexperiments with mirrorswe have prepared for you. Share the most interesting experiments and tricks with your friends in social networks. Thank you for being with us.

Happy crafts and experiments.

Often in war films you can see how a soldier from a trench watches the enemy through a cunning device. The “eyes” of this device rise above the parapet, while the observer is located below, inaccessible to the bullets of enemy snipers. The name of this spotting scope is periscope. Who invented it and is it possible to make a periscope with your own hands?


The word “periscope” itself, loosely translated from ancient Hellenic, sounds something like “I look around.” The prototype of this device has been known since the 15th century, and it was invented, as often happens, not at all for what it is used for now - monitoring the enemy during military operations.

The simplest periscope was made by Christian pilgrims with their own hands, attaching two fragments of a mirror to a stick at an angle of 45°.

This simple device was used to be able to see over the heads of the crowd at the Aachen festival. For the time being, invention played a modest role funny toy, however, already in the 17th century the situation changed.


Humanity has been at war throughout the history of its existence. Moreover, the leap in the development of deadly devices that kill at a distance occurred almost instantly from the point of view of world history. Bows and crossbows replaced spears and slings. The arrows began to reach the enemy at previously unprecedented distances, the power of the shot and the accuracy of the shooters were constantly growing.

It is not surprising that the artisans soon wondered how to make a periscope that would allow them to observe the movements of the enemy while remaining invulnerable. In the 17th century, the periscope began to be used during the siege of fortresses to monitor the besiegers without the risk of being hit by an arrow or

And in the middle of the 19th century, when many countries began to make massive attempts to build underwater vessels, the periscope almost immediately became their integral part. Its device was perfectly suited for spying on conventional surface vessels. Moreover, observation could be carried out secretly, without surfacing, and this essential requirement during the conduct of military operations.

Homemade simple periscope

Making a simple periscope with your own hands is not at all difficult. In order to acquire a means of covert surveillance, you need to stock up on two small mirrors. You can buy round ones, or you can cut out two rectangular mirrors with a glass cutter (who has such skills).

The next thing you need is the body. Here fantasy is not limited by any boundaries. Any oblong object made of a fairly hard but workable material. Even a narrow and long sweets box will do.

A drawing of the periscope is shown in the figure. The transformation of a Montpensier box into a means of espionage occurs as follows:

Inspection holes are cut out at the bottom and top of the body - on opposite sides, as shown in the diagram.

Mirrors are mounted inside the housing at an angle of 45° to the vertical axis. The mounting of the mirrors should provide the possibility of their adjustment; this will need to be done later and ensure that the observation objects are visible through the periscope, and not the insides of the device.

One of the options for making a periscope with adjustable mirrors is shown in additional scheme. The mirror is glued to a base made of multilayer plywood, along its edges there are adjusting bolts at 3 points. So that the mirror always occupies a stable position, between mounting plate and a compressed spring is inserted into the base.

Complicating the design

The simplest homemade periscope will not allow you to see an object located in the distance in detail. It would be tempting to combine the capabilities of a periscope and an option for making a periscope with a function for zooming in on distant objects is shown in the diagram.

The basis is the same simple periscope, but two new elements are added to it: a lens and an eyepiece, taken from a ready-made telescope. Having understood a little about the basics of optics and familiarized yourself with the options for making homemade refracting telescopes, you can choose the lenses for the lens yourself.

When assembling a periscope with your own hands based on the parts of a finished telescope, you must ensure strict adherence to one rule (circled in red). The final distance between the lens and the eyepiece should be exactly the same as it was for the telescope taken as a basis.

It is worth taking care of the possibility of adjustment (leveling) focal length to adjust the sharpness of the device. In the diagram, the eyepiece is inserted into a special eyepiece tube.

We have a new addition to our section of homemade crafts for children: a do-it-yourself metal periscope.
Hello. Today we will try to make a real, metal periscope. able to withstand various types of environmental influences.

As a child, playing war games, I always wanted to have a periscope, so that I could observe the positions of my friends from an ambush without giving up my position. But unfortunately, at a young age, without sufficient experience and skills, all that was left was to dream about it. Today, even though the age for such toys is no longer the same, I still decided to make my childhood dream come true and perhaps you readers will decide to make the same toy for yourself or for yours.

What do we need for this?
Scraps from aluminum frames, which I asked the guys from the workshop for installing plastic and aluminum windows. They immediately cut them for me at an angle of 45°, we also need a piece of mirror and black cotton material.

Let's get started. First we need to get rid of unnecessary details.

After we have removed all unnecessary material, we cut the material into strips and glue them rubber glue to profile with inside. This is necessary in order to get rid of glare.

We align the mirror perpendicular to the inner plane and apply hot glue. After waiting a little, we tilt the mirror, guided by the approximate line that needs to be drawn in advance.

After the glue has completely hardened, all that remains is to glue all the parts together with a quick-drying epoxy glue. Before gluing, be sure to put all the parts together, look through the periscope and make sure that the mirrors are installed correctly.

As it turned out, the length of the small pipes was too long. Using such a periscope is inconvenient. I had to cut it off a little.

Well, that's all, the periscope is ready, it's time to spy.

Author of the article “Do-it-yourself metal periscope” Shuhratux

Periscope- one of the simplest, but far from uninteresting optical instruments. Used to shift the observer's line of sight. It is convenient for "seeing" over the heads of the crowd at races and competitions, at sports games. This device consists of two flat mirrors or, preferably, two rectangular prisms, assembled in some kind of casing or holder.

The reflective surfaces are arranged in such a way that they are parallel to each other and located at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the vertical. Light falls on the upper plane of the mirror or the reflecting face of the prism at an angle of 45 degrees and is therefore reflected at the same angle, deviating, therefore, by an angle of 90 degrees from the original direction (in the plane of the mirrors). Then, similarly, it is reflected at -90 degrees from the second mirror, thereby taking on the original direction. Thus, the image is direct imaginary and appears at a level significantly different from the original one.

How to make a periscope with your own hands?

The simplest option for making a periscope is to fix two mirrors with plasticine (you can get them from unnecessary ladies' cosmetic bags, broken children's toys, etc...) on a long cane according to the above diagram. Thus, you will get a simple but fully functional periscope.

However, there are more sophisticated systems. To make it, you will need one, two or three Pringles cans (depending on the length of the structure. However, you should not take more than three, since at this distance the field of view will be so small that you will hardly be able to distinguish anything). If necessary, carefully remove the bottom of the future middle can in the design. Now make rectangular holes on the diametrically opposite sides of the jar at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal, as shown in the figure. Pass a strip of tin through the holes obtained, a couple of centimeters long longer than the diameter of the cylindrical box and about 1 cm wide. Make an observation hole in the appropriate place on the bottom of the jar. (see picture)

Now attach a flat mirror with plasticine or glue (can be round, or can be rectangular). Perform a similar operation with the other end of the periscope, only in mirror symmetry, to obtain a design that matches the description given above. Now connect all the components into one whole, wrap the joints with opaque paper and secure with adhesive tape. Adjust the position of the mirrors in the best way (adjust) and bend the protruding ends of the sheet metal to secure the position of the mirrors.

Your child is haunted by the laurels of captains submarines and detectives? This means that you will spend the next couple of hours incredibly fun, and also usefully, creating a periscope together!

Take a look - which method seems most successful to you?

1. How to make a periscope from cardboard boxes or milk cartons with your own hands

This list contains everything necessary materials:

Well, shall we get started?

If you choose milk cartons, be sure to wash and dry them thoroughly. In such boxes, cut off the triangular tops.

Step 2. Then you should connect the boxes together in the area of ​​the empty centers with tape.

And by the way, if you later want to increase the length of the periscope, you can attach another box in the center without sides!

Step 3. TO right side box, attach a mirror (don’t forget to move away from the edges!) and outline it with a simple pencil.

Using the resulting markings, carefully make a cut with a stationery knife. Then turn the box over and do the same procedure, but on the left side.

Step 4. It’s time to insert the mirrors into the prepared holes at an angle of 45 degrees.

They should be attached from the inside with reliable double-sided tape along the top and bottom edges of the mirror.

It is important to remember that adjusting the two mirrors may take some time, so do not rush to fix them as firmly as possible right away.

Step 5. Installed mirrors must be completely visible through the holes.

At an angle of 45 degrees, the first mirror will reflect light onto the second. Well, if you are not sure that you have accurately determined the required angle, then continue to adjust the mirrors, looking at the bottom.

Once the angles are adjusted, you will be able to see everything above from the bottom hole, which means your periscope is ready for incredible adventures!

2. DIY periscope made from PVC pipes

You will need:

  • PVC pipe;
  • two knees;
  • two round mirrors;
  • double sided tape.

This time the task is more difficult, because all the necessary materials - the pipe holes, elbow holes and the diameter of the mirrors must exactly match in size. But if you approach this process thoroughly, then you can easily find everything you need for the work in any hardware store or on the Internet.

Step 1. The first step is to attach the elbows to the edges of the pipe.

Don’t forget that their holes should look in different directions (this is practically a real periscope!)

Step 2. Using a similar principle to the first method, install the mirrors at the edges of the knee at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step 3. Once the two mirrors are positioned at the desired angle and visibility is adjusted, securely secure their edges with double-sided tape.

Well, in this case, for reliable operation of the device, the mirrors can even be glued to epoxy resin.

Well? It looks like you've been waiting for exciting investigations?



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