Losing weight with Alexey Kovalkov. Kovalkov's diet: guaranteed results. The main question of all those losing weight

Very often, the other side of the coin for effective weight loss is deterioration in health. Based on this, the famous Russian nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov has developed a special therapeutic diet, which, if followed, will not leave you feeling well along with the extra pounds.

Dr. Kovalkov’s special diet is divided into several parts, including a preparatory one. It also necessarily implies the right exit. We will take a closer look at the stages and menu for the month in the following material.

Kovalkov's diet - all stages in detail

Kovalkov's diet has a mass useful properties:

  • normalizes intestinal function;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • relieves nervous tension;
  • includes a balanced diet;
  • eliminates obesity;
  • consists entirely of healthy food;
  • varied menu;
  • the serving size completely saturates the body until the next meal;
  • removal of harmful toxic substances from the body;
  • strengthens nails and hair;
  • rejuvenates skin cells;
  • effective in the fight against cellulite and double chin;
  • restores normal blood circulation and water-salt balance in the body;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • saturates the body with fiber.

The monthly menu for the Kovalkov diet is divided into 4 stages, including preparatory stages. In this article we will look at each in detail.

Principles of nutrition

If you follow the rules perfectly, thanks to the diet of Dr. Alexey Kovalkov, you can get rid of 7 to 10 kg of excess weight in a month.

It is very difficult to call this action a diet, since using the above method of losing weight you can eat for the rest of your life. Principles of nutrition according to the Kovalkov diet are as follows:

  • exclude foods containing light carbohydrates from your diet;
  • It is preferable to eat vegetables during this period;
  • replace animal fats with vegetable ones;
  • It is permissible to eat food after 18:00, but in moderation;
  • you need to be constantly psychologically prepared for this kind of nutrition;
  • no need for physical activity.

Regarding psychological attitude towards losing weight, Dr. Alexey Kovalkov suggests doing this as follows:

  • find the cause of excess weight;
  • take responsibility for this process;
  • Set a goal that will result in you losing all excess weight.

If you follow the above Kovalkov diet, categorically prohibited for use the following food:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • potato;
  • white bread;
  • sweet;
  • sugar;
  • semolina and rice cereals;
  • corn;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • canned food;
  • salt;
  • smoked meats;
  • spices.

Having become familiar with the basic principles of nutrition for weight loss according to Kovalkov’s method, let’s move directly to the stages of the diet. Let's start with the preparatory part.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory stage of the Kovalkov diet is the most difficult, since during this period you must completely “change” from your usual diet to a healthy one. At this time it is necessary to use Low glycemic index foods:

  • all vegetables except beets, potatoes and carrots;
  • all fruits except bananas;
  • green;
  • beans;
  • grain that has not undergone processing.

Sample menu for the day preparatory stage for weight loss looks like this:

  • Breakfast: stewed tomatoes and peppers, a cup of unsweetened black tea with lemon;
  • Lunch: buckwheat soup;
  • Dinner: fresh vegetables.

Also, during the preparatory period, it is strongly recommended to drink a lot of purified water, without gas. In addition, soups and cereals must be present in the diet for weight loss.

The preparatory stage can last from two to three weeks, depending on how quickly you get used to this kind of food.

First stage in detail

Next, we will consider in detail what the essence of the first phase is. So, Kovalkov diet - stage 1 allows in detail the following diets for weight loss purposes: products:

  • skim milk;
  • yogurt;
  • nuts;
  • eggs.

Duration the first phase of weight loss according to Kovalkov’s method may vary between one month and two. Of course, the timing of the above period depends on your initial weight.

Menu for the first week according to the diet of Dr. Alexey Kovalkov designed to normalize intestinal function:


  • Breakfast: 200 g of nuts and a green apple;
  • Lunch: pureed cabbage and broccoli soup;
  • Dinner: boiled egg, 200 ml of kefir.


  • bran;
  • vegetable salad, cucumber juice;
  • zucchini and eggplant stew.


  • two-egg omelet with tomatoes and herbs;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • baked peppers.


  • cabbage and cucumber salad;
  • stewed zucchini, kefir;
  • natural yogurt with nuts.


  • green apple;
  • fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, radishes;
  • broccoli puree soup.


  • steamed omelette, a cup of tea with lemon;
  • tomato and boiled eggs;
  • onion and pepper stew.


  • two boiled eggs, 150 ml low-fat yoghurt;
  • cucumber-zucchini smoothie with nuts and herbs;
  • stewed cabbage.

Second stage

Stage 2 of the Kovalkov diet
designed to help you lose more weight and can last from one month to three. During this period you need to use the following products:

  • any types of lean meat and fish;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • mushrooms: chanterelles, champignons, boletus;
  • seafood: shrimp, mussels.

Based on the above list of food products, detailed diet menu of Dr. Alexey Kovalkov at the second stage looks like this:


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with dried fruits;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken;
  • Dinner: baked trout, generously sprinkled with lemon juice.


  • mushrooms with shrimp, a glass of kefir;
  • baked rabbit meat with herbs;
  • grapefruit, two boiled eggs.


  • cottage cheese with sour cream and orange juice;
  • stewed peppers;
  • baked cod, orange.


  • yogurt with nuts, green tea;
  • chicken soup with vegetables;
  • lean beef patties.


  • fruit smoothie;
  • low-fat fish cutlets, 200 g champignons;
  • stewed rabbit meat and kefir.


  • cottage cheese and fermented baked milk;
  • salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes with low-fat sour cream;
  • baked peppers.


  • green apple, tea;
  • stew of chicken, peppers and tomatoes;
  • champignon and shrimp salad, fresh orange juice.

Third stage

Stage 3 of the Kovalkov diet is consolidation of the results obtained. During this period, sweets and wine are allowed in moderation. It is not recommended to combine fats with carbohydrates. Let's take a look detailed menu for the third stage of the diet of Dr. Alexey Kovalkov:


  • Breakfast: bran and tea with honey;
  • Lunch: millet porridge with prunes;
  • Dinner: 250 g of boiled rice, green tea.


  • oatmeal with milk;
  • buckwheat soup;
  • cottage cheese with honey.


  • fruit smoothie;
  • black coffee with cream, cottage cheese;
  • cucumber and tomato salad dressed with vegetable oil.


  • oatmeal, orange juice;
  • buckwheat and kefir;
  • baked peppers.


  • two boiled eggs, grapefruit;
  • citrus and apple salad;
  • stewed zucchini.


  • orange and black tea;
  • cottage cheese casserole with raisins;
  • 2-3 baked potatoes, 200 ml low-fat kefir.


  • yogurt, green apple;
  • buckwheat soup with low-fat meatballs;
  • 200 g of dark chocolate and a glass of red wine.

The right way out

Leaving the diet of Dr. Alexey Kovalkov involves returning to your usual diet, but in moderation. In order to consolidate the results obtained, it is forbidden to consume high-calorie foods containing sugar and large amounts of fat.

Five meals a day are required. It is recommended to cook the products on the grill, steam them, or bake them in the oven or slow cooker.

With great desire and great willpower, you can achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time, since Dr. Alexey Kovalkov proved by his own example the effectiveness of the diet, losing about 70 kg of excess weight in just 7 months.


Kovalkov's diet: how much weight can you lose?

If Dr. Kovalkov himself lost 50 kg, then everything is in the hands of those who want to bring their weight back to normal. Kovalkov’s diet offers not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to restore vigor, mobility, good health and condition of the body. Also, the Kovalkov diet suggests not exhausting the body by starvation or depleting it by consuming non-nutritious foods, but, on the contrary, choosing foods in such a way that the body receives all the necessary substances and does not suffer from hunger and bad mood associated with malnutrition.

The essence of stages 1 and 2 of Alexey Kovalkov’s diet

Dr. Alexey Kovalkov divided the diet he developed into three stages:

  • preparatory
  • basic
  • supportive

During each stage, not only its own special diet is provided, but also the level and form of aerobic exercise to activate the body’s metabolic processes. According to Kovalkov, daily regular walking is enough for the body’s metabolic processes to be activated and regulated, and, as a result, the nutrients the body receives from food are absorbed correctly and without consequences in the form of extra pounds.

So, during the preparatory stage, according to Kovalkov’s recommendations, a person:

  • Walks a lot, thus activating your metabolism
  • refuses “fast” carbohydrates – sweets, flour, sweet soda, quick snacks
  • performs a gentle cleansing of the intestines
  • gradually prepares the body to absorb a significant proportion of protein

During the preparatory phase, patients lose 5 kg within 2 to 4 weeks.

During the main stage, the duration of which varies individually:

  • a person continues to switch to a healthy diet
  • increases physical activity
  • adding some strength exercises to walking

IMPORTANT: Healthy eating, according to Kovalkov, means eating the right foods and in the right mode, and not restricting yourself in food. If a person learns over time to consume the right foods, then he can afford to eat quite large portions.

If you maintain the main stage without breaking the diet, then the expected result will please you - the body loses up to 200 g per day until its weight returns to normal.
The third stage is considered final and consolidates the achieved result. Its duration can be from a year to a year and a half.
This is a good time, because the body returns to normal without stress, gradually, and the person becomes quite accustomed to a proper diet, which becomes the basis of his life.

VIDEO: HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT CORRECTLY: Nutritionist N1 Alexey Kovalkov

Kovalkov's diet: allowed foods

Among the permitted foods according to the Kovalkov diet are foods with minimal fat content, low glycemic index, and maximum protein content.
The doctor especially insists on two egg whites before bed every day, and on eating protein foods during lunch and dinner.

Other permitted products, especially for the first stage:

  • fermented milk products
  • cheese (low fat, for example, Adyghe)
  • nuts, especially pine nuts and almonds
  • vegetables (raw, in salads, with less beets and carrots)
  • cereals (brewed in boiling water)
  • meat (baked or boiled)
  • fish (boiled or baked)
  • legumes

In this case, you should refuse:

  • sweet
  • fried
  • canned
  • fast food food
  • food prepared from semi-finished products

Can you eat beans on the Kovalkov diet?

Since beans are legumes and contain a significant amount of plant proteins, vitamins, and cope well with normalizing blood sugar levels, they are included in the list of foods that are allowed in the Kovalkov diet, as well as in many other diets.

Menu for the first week of stage 1 of the diet

During the first stage of the diet, the main task is to cleanse the intestines and prepare the gastrointestinal tract for a new diet.

  1. You need to eat 5 times a day and drink enough water.
  2. For breakfast you can eat yogurt (kefir, as anyone likes), nuts, dried fruits, bran.
  3. For second breakfast – grapefruit or apple.
  4. Lunch should consist of raw or steamed vegetables. For example, Greek salad works well.
  5. Afternoon snack – apple, grapefruit or other citrus.
  6. Dinner: white of two eggs, green tea.
  7. If you really want to eat, then you can drink a glass of kefir and eat an apple even after 18.00.

During the second stage of the diet, lean meat and fish, boiled or steamed seafood can and should be added to the foods that were allowed during the first stage. The doctor recommends eating animal proteins during lunch or dinner. Breakfast, as in the first stage, will consist of fermented milk products and nuts.

If kefir or yogurt can be purchased ready-to-eat, and you can also prepare a salad from raw vegetables, then how else can you diversify the menu while adhering to the Kovalkov diet?
Here are some approximate recipes.

  1. Chop the eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions, place them on a baking sheet, sprinkle with basil and bake in the oven until cooked.
  2. Grate the white cabbage, beat the egg white into the resulting mass, form cutlets, roll them in bran, bake in the oven or steam.
  3. Boil the chicken breast, cool, cut it into pieces. Add Chinese cabbage, cucumber, green onions, and pour olive oil over the salad.

VIDEO: Kovalkov's diet: stages of the Kovalkov's diet

Like any other diet, the Kovalkov diet has contraindications. And even those people who consider themselves healthy should discuss this option with their doctor before starting it. You should definitely not engage in any diet without close medical supervision:

  • children under 18 years old
  • pregnant women
  • people with certain chronic diseases

If a person is prescribed any other diet for any other indications, for example, in connection with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or excretory system, then this person should stick to it.

Book by Alexey Kovalkov Minus size

In his book “Minus Size,” the doctor explains the principles of healthy eating, the principles of metabolic processes, and the relativity of people’s ideas about extra pounds. Most often, what many girls consider to be extra pounds is not, and by exhausting yourself with diets, you can ruin your health, both physical and mental.
At the same time, overeating, which, by the way, even many famous people were committed to, is not healthy. Moderation in food, activity in life, good physical well-being and a good mood are the factors that will help make life happy, and not constant worry about the extra 5 - 7 kg of your weight.

Kovalkov's diet: results and reviews from those who have lost weight

The Kovalkov diet is not designed for a short period, that is, it is not one of the blitz diets. It is long-term, and one might even say lifelong. A person gradually, without stress, tames his body to a new diet and movement. The result is normalization of weight and its consolidation at a balanced level.

According to reviews, particularly significant and visible weight loss occurs during the first stage of the diet, 5 – 6 – 7 kg in two weeks, which makes its supporters very happy. Further, the process of losing extra pounds becomes less obvious, but constantly stable. So, during the second stage, approximately 200 g are lost daily, and taking into account the duration of this stage, in the end, the person gets rid of the accumulated fat and returns to normal weight.
The final stage allows you to maintain the achieved result without harm to the body.


Basic rules and principles of Dr. Kovalkov’s diet

General Kovalkov's advice boil down to the following:

  • Pay special attention to water - keep to the norm of 1.5 - 2 liters.
  • Small meals are a must.
  • Walking or running , as well as other physical exercises are a must for the diet! If you are not in the mood to do jogging, then you can walk in the fresh air for 15 minutes a day and gradually increase the walking time.
  • Replace animal proteins with plant proteins whenever possible. It is not necessary to go vegetarian, but it is better to focus on plant foods rather than meat.

Doctor Kovalkov's diet: stages, menu

Kovalkov’s entire diet is divided into several parts of different durations.

The first stage - from 2 to 3 weeks of diet

We refuse foods with fast carbohydrates, sweets - anything that motivates the production of additional insulin. We exclude animal proteins as much as possible.

It is forbidden: all fast food, most sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, etc.), pasta, flour, potatoes, legumes, carrots and beets. You can't eat sweet fruits for a while. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Can: kefir, yogurt, bran, some nuts and salad vegetables (dress salads with oil, preferably a little), apples, eggs.

Kovalkov's diet menu at the first, preparatory stage, there is a lack of protein products, therefore it is better to leave sports (if it is especially active) for this period.

First day

Breakfast. Two tablespoons of any nuts, 200-250 ml of kefir, bran. The latter should be used as an additive to kefir - you will get a well-saturated, healthy cocktail. For a glass of kefir you need about 2 tablespoons.

Lunch. A couple of small green apples.

Dinner. Pumpkin puree soup. Instead of pumpkin, you can also use broccoli or any product similar in caloric value and list of vitamins (in 100 g of raw pumpkin - 22 kcal, proteins - 1 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 4.4 g). You can add some dried seeds (sunflower or pumpkin), chopped cilantro, dill, and parsley to the soup.

Afternoon snack. Half a large grapefruit.

Dinner. Stewed vegetable stew without salt. To make the dish tastier, you can add some spices (black pepper, basil, oregano). The stew may include carrots, zucchini or eggplant, various types of cabbage, pumpkin, and onions.

Second day

Breakfast. Light fruit salad, preferably without dressing. If you can’t do without it, you can add the juice of a freshly squeezed half of an orange. The salad can include 1 large peach or 1 large apple, finely chopped medium ripe kiwi.

Lunch. A glass of tomato juice. You can pepper it, but you can’t salt it. It can be replaced with another unsweetened vegetable juice. Juices with high fructose content are excluded.

Dinner. A light salad of one medium bell pepper, a couple of small cucumbers and a large tomato. Add greens to your salad for better taste.

Afternoon snack. One medium apple or large orange.

Dinner. Fruit and berry smoothie with kefir. It is prepared very easily: put 1-2 favorite fruits, several berries of your choice into a blender, and pour in 200 ml of kefir. Stir and drink. If such a cocktail is not to your taste, then kefir and smoothie can be consumed separately.

The diet for the remaining days will look approximately the same, the main thing is to take foods from the “Can” list and compare their calorie content with the described option.

Result: in the first couple of weeks, up to 5-6 kg of weight is lost, mainly due to the loss of a significant part of fat accumulation.

The second stage of the diet is establishing a stable schedule.

Period - from 2 weeks to a month.

Further weight loss is accompanied by active physical activity, so you can return to sports, and those who have nothing to return to can start exercising. Running, cycling, jumping rope, cardio and strength training will help work out deeper fat deposits. What about food?

It is forbidden: bananas, grapes, potatoes, pasta, flour and sweets.

Can: in addition to everything already listed in the first stage - sweet and sour fruits (pears, grapefruit, orange, apple), vitamin-rich berries (blueberries, viburnum, blackberries, blueberries), most types of nuts (but in small portions), fermented milk products, eggs , lean meat (beef is best), lean fish. The lower the thermal impact when cooking, the better.

First day

Breakfast. 200-250 ml low-fat unsweetened yogurt or kefir.

Lunch. A pair of green apples.

Dinner. Baked or steamed fish, optionally with herbs and seasonings (up to 200 g). 150 - 200 g vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack. One large orange or half a grapefruit.

Dinner. Salad of grated radish, two chopped hard-boiled eggs, 2-3 lettuce leaves. It’s better not to dress the salad, but if you really want to, you can add olive oil. Do not add salt to the salad, but you can add spices and herbs.

Second day

Breakfast. Omelette of 2 beaten eggs with 2 tablespoons of milk and finely chopped herbs. It is better to cook it by steaming or using a minimum amount of oil. The ideal option is in a non-stick frying pan, which allows you to fry everything without adding fat. On this day you can drink a cup of tea or coffee.

Lunch. Unlimited herbal tea.

Dinner. 250-300 g steamed cheesecakes with the addition of semolina.

Afternoon snack. 1 medium sized orange.

Dinner. Stuffed cabbage rolls (up to 300 g).

Third day

Breakfast. 200 g low-fat cottage cheese or cottage cheese casserole of similar weight.

Lunch. 1 large green apple.

Dinner. Chicken cutlets, 200-250 g of fresh vegetable salad with herbs.

Afternoon snack. 200-250 ml low-fat natural yogurt or kefir.

Dinner. Fish baked in foil or steamed, with 200 g of salad. You can add a few cherry tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, and greens to the salad.

Fourth day

Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge steamed in the evening, 250 ml of low-fat kefir.

Lunch. 1 large apple or 1 medium orange.

Dinner. 250 g of boiled or steamed veal, 150 g of tomato-cucumber salad with herbs.

Afternoon snack. 1 glass of unsalted tomato juice.

Dinner. 250-300 g tuna salad, cherry tomatoes, arugula salad. Unlimited herbal tea.

Fifth day

Breakfast. Cottage cheese salad with various types of greens, seasoned with a small amount of kefir (up to 300 g of salad in total).

Lunch. Herbal tea (200-300 ml).

Dinner. Steamed chicken cutlet, 200 g brown rice porridge.

Afternoon snack. 1 medium-sized orange.

Dinner. 250-300 g of salad from 1 bell pepper, cucumbers, herbs, granular cottage cheese (no more than 4-5 tablespoons). Instead of cottage cheese, you can take a similar volume of feta cheese or Adyghe cheese.

Sixth day

Breakfast. Smoothies made from fresh berries and fruits; if desired, you can use vegetables (pumpkin, cucumber, etc.) instead of fruits. Made with 200 ml of kefir.

Lunch. A handful of any nuts or a large fruit - any from the “Can” list.

Dinner. 250-300 g of salad of avocado, herbs, cherry tomatoes and grainy cottage cheese, seasoned with olive oil.

Afternoon snack. 200-250 ml low-fat kefir.

Dinner. 300 g of salmon or trout salad (choose unsalted or lightly salted), radishes, cucumbers, bell peppers, green apples. You can dress the salad with low-fat yogurt without additives.

The third stage - habituation and adaptation

Period - 1 - 1.5 years.

The final stage of the diet differs only in allowing occasional consumption of animal fats (butter, sour cream) and alcohol (red wine).

So, Kovalkov’s diet is, in fact, a way of life, and not just a menu and calorie counting. Rethinking yourself, the right attitude, a deep desire to lose weight and understanding your body will allow you to slowly but surely improve your physical shape and never return to your old size.


How much weight can you lose on the Kovalkov diet?

Alexey Kovalkov is one of the most famous nutritionists who invented his own weight loss technique. It consists of several stages, a detailed description of which you will find below. This technique described in nutritionist books, his blog and is a frequent topic of discussion on women's television shows.

Dr. Kovalkov's diet is becoming more and more popular, because it is a chance to lose weight without fasting

If you intend to lose weight and never return to your previous shape, then this article is for you. Using the method described below, you can lose weight up to 27 kg in 4 months. Some women manage to lose about 7 kg in 2 weeks.

Try Kovalkov’s diet, perhaps your results will surpass others.

Video: Nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov about the best diet

Express diet Kovalkova “Minus size”

A very effective express diet was proposed by Dr. Kovalkov called "Minus size". It is intended for girls and young people who dream of losing weight in a month. up to 10 kg of excess weight. Moreover, this technique does not imply fasting, but rather teaches people eat properly and fully.

Initially, a pleasant nuance in the nutritionist’s stories is the support for young people who have weight problems. There is a whole book dedicated to the express diet, which contains a lot of detailed information for people those who want to lose weight quickly.

The Minus Size Diet is designed for quick weight loss.

Book "Minus Size" Thanks to the famous author it costs a lot of money. It is quite voluminous, but there is a lot of information in it about proper nutrition techniques, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and their correct combination.

This is of course very interesting topics, but those who want to lose weight need a specific technique. Therefore, now you will learn general information about the products that you need to consume in order to lose weight with this express diet:

  • Lean meats and lean fish
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and other dairy products with a minimum percentage of fat content
  • Any virgin vegetable oil
  • Vegetables with minimal starch content
  • Nuts

Prohibited during the diet:

  • Various sweets, including sugar (honey, chocolate, sweet drinks - exclude everything)
  • Flour products - pasta, bread are prohibited
  • Cereals
  • Juices with excess sugar

The “Minus Size” diet prohibits the consumption of fast carbohydrates

One of the priority dishes in the express diet is vegetable salads and baked vegetables.

As you can see, this diet involves exclusion of many products from the diet and is intended for people who want to quickly lose those hated pounds. Therefore, before you start such express weight loss, consult with the attending physician, After all, the absence of certain foods in your diet can negatively affect your health.

The essence of the Kovalkov diet

Alexey Kovalkov can tell you about his personal diet method with all the details, since I tried it on myself. During the step-by-step implementation of his technique, the famous nutritionist lost 50 kg excess weight.

The doctor does not support many modern methods and methods that nutritionists offer, as he believes that such diets are too exhausting and difficult for the human body.

Dr. Kovalkov is an opponent of mono-diets, in which the body does not receive enough of the substances it needs

Anyone who wants to lose weight after visiting Dr. Kovalkov and going through all the steps of the prescribed recommendations not only gets rid of excess weight, but also completely change their lifestyle.

The nutritionist believes that all sorts of strict diets, mono-diets and fasting on certain days ineffective. His technique involves limiting the consumption of foods with excess amounts. simple carbohydrates and eating vegetable fats instead of animal fats.

The essence of the Kovalkov diet is of three stages:

  • Finding out the reason why a person is overweight
  • Nutrition control, promotion of proper nutrition
  • Setting goals and gradually but surely achieving them

The main thing that the nutritionist insists on is: it is a moral and psychological attitude. It is important not only to close the refrigerator in time, but also find strength in yourself cope with possible bad mood due to the lack of favorite sweets and buns in the diet.

Kovalkov's diet, permitted foods

The Kovalkov diet involves not only taking certain foods, but also physical activity. According to the requirements of a nutritionist, it is worth paying attention to physical exercise at least 40 minutes daily.

The Kovalkov diet allows for a large number of products from which you can prepare delicious dishes

Fried food is banned, preference should be given only to steamed food. The nutritionist does not recommend consuming during the diet:

  • All products that contain sugar - honey, jam, ice cream, sweet juices and water, etc.
  • Potatoes, pasta, white bread
  • Cereals, especially rice
  • Corn
  • Smoked and overly salty dishes
  • Semi-finished products
  • Products with food additives
  • Alcohol, especially beer (an exception can be made for table wine)

The priority for those who want to lose weight should be:

  • Vegetables in different forms - both raw, steamed or baked
  • Dairy products with minimal fat content
  • Berries and fruits (except grapes and bananas)
  • Lean fish and meat

Vegetables and fruits are the basis of Kovalkov’s diet

A prerequisite during the diet is daily consumption at least 2 liters of water. Thus, you can flush out toxins from the body and slightly reduce the feeling of hunger by filling your stomach with liquid.

Be sure to stock up on vitamins, since if you exclude certain foods and even drink so much water, your body will need supply of micro- and macroelements to resist infections and diseases that attack weakened immunity.

Be guided by the principle "everything in moderation" in order not only to acquire beautiful forms, but also to have a healthy blooming appearance.

Kovalkov's diet stage I

Kovalkov's diet consists of three stages– preparatory, basic and consolidating. The benefits of the diet are:

  • No need to count calories
  • Balanced proper nutrition
  • The ability to choose a diet and create a menu according to your own preferences from a specific set of products
  • No need for dietary restrictions
Dr. Kovalkov’s diet is very convenient and easy to follow.

First stage is preparatory and lasts on average about a month. During this period, you just need to mentally prepare yourself not to look at the ice cream display cases and turn away from the stands with fresh baked goods.

The main thing is needed give up fast carbohydrates, these include fast foods, various baked goods and sweets. When consuming such foods, the pancreas produces insulin almost immediately.

At the beginning of the diet animal proteins are excluded; It is advisable to exclude flour products, alcohol and sweets for the entire duration of the diet. A prerequisite is the consumption of nuts and bran. An excellent solution would be to combine these ingredients with dairy products during breakfast. low fat.

According to Kovalkov’s method, meals must be taken 5 times a day

Number of meals in the first stage – 5 times The portions are individually sized, but you still shouldn’t overeat. Mandatory use 2 liters of water per day.

If you begin to gradually give up harmful foods, The gastrointestinal tract will be cleansed, its work is normalized, and the microflora is restored.

The nutritionist insists on eating protein foods instead of carbohydrates. At the first stage, those losing weight showed excellent results - 70% participants' weight decreased by 3-4 kg for the first 2 weeks. After successfully completing the first stage, move on to the second to achieve even more spectacular results.

Kovalkov's diet stage II

Second stage is basic and further strengthens the results obtained through physical activity. First you need to enter sports mode active walking. Start exercising gradually, from three times a week to daily race walking.

Strength loads are gradually introduced - active daily exercises at least 40 minutes. The nutrition is the same as in the first stage, but if desired, you can increase the number of servings. The number of meals can be adjusted depending on your daily routine.

At the second stage, the body should already get used to absence of harmful carbohydrates in the diet. The weight decrease is no longer so significant, but stable - approximately 200 g per day. The time for losing weight in the second stage is unlimited - with a stable weight loss, you should continue exercising and eating until the scales show the desired number.

During the second stage of the diet, more vegetables and fruits should be introduced into the diet, especially pay attention to grapefruit, which is famous for its fat-burning properties.

Gradually, you should start consuming it together with low-fat dairy products and lean meat with fish.

The final one is third stage, although it is not highlighted in a separate section, it is also very important. At the third stage, the person has already become accustomed to the diet, his main task is now maintain the result.

The amount of food can be increased and little by little you can introduce forgotten creamy foods into your diet. butter and white bread. But the majority of those who have achieved positive results do not want to return to consuming foods that can return them to their former weight.

It is also worth keeping the same amount of water consumption and active physical training. Consolidation period – from 1 to 1.5 years.

The final stage usually leaves the results obtained for a long time, provided that you do not flout the rules and eat junk food.

Kovalkov's diet menu for every day

For a more visual picture, we provide a sample menu so that you have an idea of ​​the approximate diet according to the diet of Alexey Kovalkov:

  • Breakfast - after waking up and 40 minutes of exercise, an hour later, prepare 100 g of bran with nuts and drink with a glass of kefir
  • Lunch – 2 apples
  • Dinner - 100 g bran with dried fruits and 2 apples, washed down with green tea without sugar or a glass of water
  • Dinner - 250 g vegetable salad with olive oil
  • 2 hours before bedtime - egg white of two hard-boiled eggs

This is a sample menu for the day, you can add nuts to dried fruits, replace kefir with skim milk or change ingredients depending on individual preferences, but according to the list of permitted products.

Kovalkov's diet menu for the week

Now let’s look at the menu on a larger scale - we’ll try to present your diet for a week during a diet. For the first day, you can use the example from the previous section. Menu from the second day (don't forget about morning exercises):

  • Breakfast - 200 ml kefir and a handful of nuts
  • Lunch – 2 apples
  • Dinner - fruit salad or 1 grapefruit
  • Dinner - 250 g vegetable salad with olive oil and 20 g cheese
  • 2 hours before bedtime - a glass of warm milk, you can add just a little honey, no more than ½ tsp

Day three:

  • Breakfast - 200 ml low-fat yoghurt
  • Lunch – grapefruit
  • Dinner - vegetable salad
  • Dinner - 250 g steamed vegetables and 50 g fish
  • 2 hours before bedtime - white of 2 boiled eggs

Day four:

  • Breakfast - 250 g steamed or stewed vegetables, a cup of green tea
  • Lunch – vegetable juice
  • Dinner - bean or pea soup
  • Dinner - vegetable salad
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 apple

Day five:

  • Breakfast - 100 g bran with dried fruits, a cup of green tea
  • Lunch – glass of low-fat yogurt
  • Dinner - 200 g steamed vegetables, 100 g chicken meat
  • Dinner - fruit salad
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 grapefruit

Grapefruit is given a special place in Kovalkov’s diet, because it is a well-known fat burner

Day six:

  • Breakfast - 200 g ryazhenka
  • Lunch – a handful of nuts and dried fruits
  • Dinner - 200 g fish, vegetable salad
  • Dinner - 2 apples
  • 2 hours before bedtime - white of 2 boiled eggs

Day seven:

  • Breakfast - white of 2 boiled eggs, a cup of green tea
  • Lunch – 100 g bran with dried fruits and 2 apples
  • Dinner - vegetable salad
  • Dinner - 200 g fish, steamed vegetables
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 grapefruit, glass of kefir

This is an approximate weekly diet according to the Kovalkov diet. If desired, you can change the ingredients according to the list of approved products. The result will definitely please you.

Thanks to Kovalkov’s technique, excess weight is hidden before our eyes

Kovalkov's diet recipes

Having learned the sample menu, you may wonder about recipes for preparing salads or meat, fish. For convenience, we present Example of a few simple dishes:

  • Curd and tomato salad– cut 2 tomatoes and mix with 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, pour in olive oil and sprinkle with lemon juice
  • Cabbage salad– chop white cabbage, mix with chopped bell pepper, sprinkle with herbs and season with olive oil
  • Beijing salad with beans– cut a head of Chinese cabbage or tear the leaves and mix with canned or boiled beans, add herbs and olive oil
  • Baked fish/meat– Rub fish or meat with your favorite spices and brush with olive oil. Place a layer of carrots and onions in foil and place the selected product there, place in the oven for 40 minutes

These recipes will be a godsend for you during a diet, since almost every day will include vegetable salads or meat/fish dishes.

Kovalkov's diet, contraindications

The Kovalkov diet is quite effective, but even for it there are certain contraindications. Therefore, before going on a diet, you need to consult a doctor who will determine whether the diet is right for you.

Women who breastfeeding, pregnant women should abandon such diets. First of all, you should think about the child, and already after childbirth and breastfeeding, pay attention to yourself. We are not persuading you to forget about taking care of yourself, under no circumstances, but a diet in this situation is not the best solution.

People who have chronic diseases They should also forget not only about this diet, but also about any food restriction in general.

Again, this is not a call to eat without measure, but recommendations to a balanced, nutritious diet. Since chronic diseases tend to worsen and health problems even with a beautiful body will not bring the desired effect.

In any case, you should not get carried away with diets without consulting a doctor, because health is much more valuable than any form.

Kovalkov's diet: reviews and weight loss results

Kovalkov’s diet is considered one of the most optimal and gentle. The author of the idea took it as a basis balanced healthy nutrition, combined with moderate physical activity, which brings positive results.

Thus, losing weight if you follow all the recommendations will definitely see the results t, but at the same time, the consequences of the diet will not negatively affect your health.

Dr. Kovalkov’s diet has a lot of positive reviews

Do you want to lose weight, but strict diets make you feel terrible? Dr. Kovalkov’s method of effective weight loss will help you. What is its essence? What is possible and what is not? Find out from our article.

Just a few years ago, nutritionist Kovalkov came up with a unique program called “Lose Weight Smartly,” but during this period a huge number of people have already lost excess weight using this system. And the author of the method himself lost more than 50 kilograms in just six months. Impressive, isn't it?

Dr. Kovalkov’s method of effective weight loss is quite simple. The nutritionist does not accept strict food restrictions and mono-diets, believing that they lead to psychological breakdowns, turning the fight against excess weight into a lifelong challenge. The diet, which changed the life of Dr. Alexey Kovalkov himself, is aimed at having a comprehensive effect on the body, and this effect occurs gradually. The main goal of dietary nutrition according to Kovalkov is to get rid of food addiction, as a result of which excess weight will go away, it will go away forever. The advantages of the diet include that the diet will be balanced, you will not be haunted by hunger, and you will not have to fanatically count calories. In Kovalkov’s program, a properly structured nutrition system plays a key role, however, according to the author himself, if you do not add physical activity to it and get rid of bad habits, then there may be no result.

Before you start “losing weight wisely,” get examined at the clinic. If you have serious health problems or chronic diseases, the diet is contraindicated.


To the question “What to eat to lose weight?” the famous nutritionist Kovalkov answers: “Almost anything.” Since Kovalkov’s diet consists of several stages (preparatory, main, consolidating), it should be understood that stage 1 is one menu, the second is another, etc. But there are also general recommendations for creating a menu: for example, the Kovalkov diet suggests that you add a lot of vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, legumes, lean meat and fish to your diet. Moreover, this must be done in stages. It is necessary to exclude sugar, honey, store-bought fruit juices, white rice, alcohol, and white bread. Among vegetables, beets, corn and potatoes should not be consumed, as their glycemic index is too high. You need to limit your salt intake and increase your daily water intake.

When creating a menu for the first week, remember that the Kovalkov diet allows for a lot, so you shouldn’t immediately “shake up” your body, let it get used to the new healthy diet: let your food be varied, satisfying, and tasty. You need to accustom yourself to healthy food. To make it easier, immediately create a menu for the month, excluding those foods that the Kovalkov diet lists as prohibited. Your goal is to prepare your stomach for a new lifestyle and cleanse your body of harmful substances. Therefore, in the first weeks (they are also called the preparatory stage), you need to eat porridge with water, vegetable stew, salad greens, fruits, and pureed legume soups. The preparatory stage lasts three weeks, many call it the most difficult, as you have to adapt to a new way of life. During this period, physical activity is important: you can start with simple walks.

First stage

After the preparatory phase, stage 1 begins and here the Kovalkov diet begins to produce the first results. At the first stage, you will have a hard time, since the choice of products is limited to certain limits, but the numbers on the scales will be a good incentive. You are allowed dairy products, milk, nuts, eggs and, of course, vegetables and fruits. The first stage menu might look like this:

  • breakfast - yogurt, nuts, green tea;
  • snack - green apples;
  • lunch - vegetables (salad or plain);
  • afternoon snack - fruit and vegetable juice (not store-bought, but freshly squeezed);
  • dinner: kefir, two eggs, vegetables.

This course lasts up to two months, depending on the amount of extra pounds. However, a month is usually enough to see the first impressive results. Remember to drink plenty of water and exercise.

Second stage

Since the Kovalkov diet begins with the preparatory stage, stages 2 and 3 are often confused. The second stage means the second main one, that is, in fact it is the third, because there was also a preparation stage. In the second stage, you need to pay attention to how much you drink. In this phase, residual fats are removed, which is facilitated by liquid. At the second stage, the menu becomes so varied that sometimes you even forget that this is a diet. Of course, no “harm” or sweets are allowed, but by that time, views on nutrition are changing. At this stage, you can eat any lean meat, seafood, mushrooms, cottage cheese, boiled potatoes, and even the complete ban on alcohol is lifted - you can drink just a little red wine. The menu at this phase might look something like this.

Mono-diets, which require fasting, exhaust the body and cause great harm. They are being replaced by diets in which you can eat well and lose weight - this is exactly what Dr. Kovalkov’s diet is.

All women are beautiful, but many of the fair sex firmly believe in the famous saying “ There is no limit to perfection". Very ardent ladies are constantly looking for flaws in themselves and trying to correct them with the help of diets.

Wrong Diet Methods spoil women's health and the results do not exceed expectations. From this article you will learn a very effective and efficient Alexey Kovalkov's diet, which will definitely bear fruit in the form of a slender body.

How much weight can you lose on the Kovalkov diet?

Alexey Kovalkov is one of the most famous nutritionists who invented his own weight loss technique. It consists of several stages, a detailed description of which you will find below. This technique described in nutritionist books, his blog and is a frequent topic of discussion on women's television shows.

Dr. Kovalkov's diet is becoming more and more popular, because it is a chance to lose weight without fasting

If you intend to lose weight and never return to your previous shape, then this article is for you. Using the method described below, you can lose weight up to 27 kg in 4 months. Some women manage to lose about 7 kg in 2 weeks.

Try Kovalkov’s diet, perhaps your results will surpass others.

Video: Nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov about the best diet

Express diet Kovalkova “Minus size”

A very effective express diet was proposed by Dr. Kovalkov called "Minus size". It is intended for girls and young people who dream of losing weight in a month. up to 10 kg of excess weight. Moreover, this technique does not imply fasting, but rather teaches people eat properly and fully.

Initially, a pleasant nuance in the nutritionist’s stories is the support for young people who have weight problems. There is a whole book dedicated to the express diet, which contains a lot of detailed information for people those who want to lose weight quickly.

The Minus Size Diet is designed for quick weight loss.

Book "Minus Size" Thanks to the famous author it costs a lot of money. It is quite voluminous, but there is a lot of information in it about proper nutrition techniques, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and their correct combination.

This is of course very interesting topics, but those who want to lose weight need a specific technique. Therefore, now you will learn general information about the products that you need to consume in order to lose weight with this express diet:

  • Lean meats and lean fish
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and other dairy products with a minimum percentage of fat content
  • Any virgin vegetable oil
  • Vegetables with minimal starch content
  • Nuts

Prohibited during the diet:

  • Various sweets, including sugar (honey, chocolate, sweet drinks - exclude everything)
  • Flour products - pasta, bread are prohibited
  • Cereals
  • Juices with excess sugar

The “Minus Size” diet prohibits the consumption of fast carbohydrates

One of the priority dishes in the express diet is vegetable salads and baked vegetables.

As you can see, this diet involves exclusion of many products from the diet and is intended for people who want to quickly lose those hated pounds. Therefore, before you start such express weight loss, consult with the attending physician, After all, the absence of certain foods in your diet can negatively affect your health.

The essence of the Kovalkov diet

Alexey Kovalkov can tell you about his personal diet method with all the details, since I tried it on myself. During the step-by-step implementation of his technique, the famous nutritionist lost 50 kg excess weight.

The doctor does not support many modern methods and methods that nutritionists offer, as he believes that such diets are too exhausting and difficult for the human body.

Dr. Kovalkov is an opponent of mono-diets, in which the body does not receive enough of the substances it needs

Anyone who wants to lose weight after visiting Dr. Kovalkov and going through all the steps of the prescribed recommendations not only gets rid of excess weight, but also completely change their lifestyle.

The nutritionist believes that all sorts of strict diets, mono-diets and fasting on certain days ineffective. His technique involves limiting the consumption of foods with excess amounts. simple carbohydrates and eating vegetable fats instead of animal fats.

The essence of the Kovalkov diet is of three stages:

  • Finding out the reason why a person is overweight
  • Nutrition control, promotion of proper nutrition
  • Setting goals and gradually but surely achieving them

The main thing that the nutritionist insists on is: it is a moral and psychological attitude. It is important not only to close the refrigerator in time, but also find strength in yourself cope with possible bad mood due to the lack of favorite sweets and buns in the diet.

Kovalkov's diet, permitted foods

The Kovalkov diet involves not only taking certain foods, but also physical activity. According to the requirements of a nutritionist, it is worth paying attention to physical exercise at least 40 minutes daily.

The Kovalkov diet allows for a large number of products from which you can prepare delicious dishes

Fried food is banned, preference should be given only to steamed food. The nutritionist does not recommend consuming during the diet:

  • All products that contain sugar - honey, jam, ice cream, sweet juices and water, etc.
  • Potatoes, pasta, white bread
  • Cereals, especially rice
  • Corn
  • Smoked and overly salty dishes
  • Semi-finished products
  • Products with food additives
  • Alcohol, especially beer (an exception can be made for table wine)

The priority for those who want to lose weight should be:

  • Vegetables in different forms - both raw, steamed or baked
  • Dairy products with minimal fat content
  • Berries and fruits (except grapes and bananas)
  • Lean fish and meat

Vegetables and fruits are the basis of Kovalkov’s diet

A prerequisite during the diet is daily consumption at least 2 liters of water. Thus, you can flush out toxins from the body and slightly reduce the feeling of hunger by filling your stomach with liquid.

Be sure to stock up on vitamins, since if you exclude certain foods and even drink so much water, your body will need supply of micro- and macroelements to resist infections and diseases that attack weakened immunity.

Be guided by the principle "everything in moderation" in order not only to acquire beautiful forms, but also to have a healthy blooming appearance.

Kovalkov's diet stage I

Kovalkov's diet consists of three stages– preparatory, basic and consolidating. The benefits of the diet are:

  • No need to count calories
  • Balanced proper nutrition
  • The ability to choose a diet and create a menu according to your own preferences from a specific set of products
  • No need for dietary restrictions

Dr. Kovalkov’s diet is very convenient and easy to follow.

First stage is preparatory and lasts on average about a month. During this period, you just need to mentally prepare yourself not to look at the ice cream display cases and turn away from the stands with fresh baked goods.

The main thing is needed give up fast carbohydrates, these include fast foods, various baked goods and sweets. When consuming such foods, the pancreas produces insulin almost immediately.

At the beginning of the diet animal proteins are excluded; It is advisable to exclude flour products, alcohol and sweets for the entire duration of the diet. A prerequisite is the consumption of nuts and bran. An excellent solution would be to combine these ingredients with dairy products during breakfast. low fat.

According to Kovalkov’s method, meals must be taken 5 times a day

Number of meals in the first stage – 5 times The portions are individually sized, but you still shouldn’t overeat. Mandatory use 2 liters of water per day.

If you begin to gradually give up harmful foods, The gastrointestinal tract will be cleansed, its work is normalized, and the microflora is restored.

The nutritionist insists on eating protein foods instead of carbohydrates. At the first stage, those losing weight showed excellent results - 70% participants' weight decreased by 3-4 kg for the first 2 weeks. After successfully completing the first stage, move on to the second to achieve even more spectacular results.

Kovalkov's diet stage II

Second stage is basic and further strengthens the results obtained through physical activity. First you need to enter sports mode active walking. Start exercising gradually, from three times a week to daily race walking.

Strength loads are gradually introduced - active daily exercises at least 40 minutes. The nutrition is the same as in the first stage, but if desired, you can increase the number of servings. The number of meals can be adjusted depending on your daily routine.

At the second stage, the body should already get used to absence of harmful carbohydrates in the diet. The weight decrease is no longer so significant, but stable - approximately 200 g per day. The time for losing weight in the second stage is unlimited - with a stable weight loss, you should continue exercising and eating until the scales show the desired number.

During the second stage of the diet, more vegetables and fruits should be introduced into the diet, especially pay attention to grapefruit, which is famous for its fat-burning properties.

Gradually, you should start consuming it together with low-fat dairy products and lean meat with fish.

The final one is third stage, although it is not highlighted in a separate section, it is also very important. At the third stage, the person has already become accustomed to the diet, his main task is now maintain the result.

The amount of food can be increased and little by little you can introduce forgotten creamy foods into your diet. butter and white bread. But the majority of those who have achieved positive results do not want to return to consuming foods that can return them to their former weight.

It is also worth keeping the same amount of water consumption and active physical training. Consolidation period – from 1 to 1.5 years.

The final stage usually leaves the results obtained for a long time, provided that you do not flout the rules and eat junk food.

Kovalkov's diet menu for every day

For a more visual picture, we provide a sample menu so that you have an idea of ​​the approximate diet according to the diet of Alexey Kovalkov:

  • Breakfast - after waking up and 40 minutes of exercise, an hour later, prepare 100 g of bran with nuts and drink with a glass of kefir
  • Lunch – 2 apples
  • Dinner - 100 g bran with dried fruits and 2 apples, washed down with green tea without sugar or a glass of water
  • Dinner - 250 g vegetable salad with olive oil
  • 2 hours before bedtime - egg white of two hard-boiled eggs

This is a sample menu for the day, you can add nuts to dried fruits, replace kefir with skim milk or change ingredients depending on individual preferences, but according to the list of permitted products.

Kovalkov's diet menu for the week

Now let’s look at the menu on a larger scale - we’ll try to present your diet for a week during a diet. For the first day, you can use the example from the previous section. Menu from the second day (don't forget about morning exercises):

  • Breakfast - 200 ml kefir and a handful of nuts
  • Lunch – 2 apples
  • Dinner - fruit salad or 1 grapefruit
  • Dinner - 250 g vegetable salad with olive oil and 20 g cheese
  • 2 hours before bedtime - a glass of warm milk, you can add just a little honey, no more than ½ tsp

Day three:

  • Breakfast - 200 ml low-fat yoghurt
  • Lunch – grapefruit
  • Dinner - vegetable salad
  • Dinner - 250 g steamed vegetables and 50 g fish
  • 2 hours before bedtime - white of 2 boiled eggs

Day four:

  • Breakfast - 250 g steamed or stewed vegetables, a cup of green tea
  • Lunch – vegetable juice
  • Dinner - bean or pea soup
  • Dinner - vegetable salad
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 apple

Day five:

  • Breakfast - 100 g bran with dried fruits, a cup of green tea
  • Lunch – glass of low-fat yogurt
  • Dinner - 200 g steamed vegetables, 100 g chicken meat
  • Dinner - fruit salad
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 grapefruit

Grapefruit is given a special place in Kovalkov’s diet, because it is a well-known fat burner

Day six:

  • Breakfast - 200 g ryazhenka
  • Lunch – a handful of nuts and dried fruits
  • Dinner - 200 g fish, vegetable salad
  • Dinner - 2 apples
  • 2 hours before bedtime - white of 2 boiled eggs

Day seven:

  • Breakfast - white of 2 boiled eggs, a cup of green tea
  • Lunch – 100 g bran with dried fruits and 2 apples
  • Dinner - vegetable salad
  • Dinner - 200 g fish, steamed vegetables
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 grapefruit, glass of kefir

This is an approximate weekly diet according to the Kovalkov diet. If desired, you can change the ingredients according to the list of approved products. The result will definitely please you.

Thanks to Kovalkov’s technique, excess weight is hidden before our eyes

Kovalkov's diet recipes

Having learned the sample menu, you may wonder about recipes for preparing salads or meat, fish. For convenience, we present Example of a few simple dishes:

  • Curd and tomato salad– cut 2 tomatoes and mix with 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, pour in olive oil and sprinkle with lemon juice
  • Cabbage salad– chop white cabbage, mix with chopped bell pepper, sprinkle with herbs and season with olive oil
  • Beijing salad with beans– cut a head of Chinese cabbage or tear the leaves and mix with canned or boiled beans, add herbs and olive oil
  • Baked fish/meat– Rub fish or meat with your favorite spices and brush with olive oil. Place a layer of carrots and onions in foil and place the selected product there, place in the oven for 40 minutes

These recipes will be a godsend for you during a diet, since almost every day will include vegetable salads or meat/fish dishes.

Kovalkov's diet, contraindications

The Kovalkov diet is quite effective, but even for it there are certain contraindications. Therefore, before going on a diet, you need to consult a doctor who will determine whether the diet is right for you.

Women who breastfeeding, pregnant women should abandon such diets. First of all, you should think about the child, and already after childbirth and breastfeeding, pay attention to yourself. We are not persuading you to forget about taking care of yourself, under no circumstances, but a diet in this situation is not the best solution.

People who have chronic diseases They should also forget not only about this diet, but also about any food restriction in general.

Again, this is not a call to eat without measure, but recommendations to a balanced, nutritious diet. Since chronic diseases tend to worsen and health problems even with a beautiful body will not bring the desired effect.

In any case, you should not get carried away with diets without consulting a doctor, because health is much more valuable than any form.

Kovalkov's diet: reviews and weight loss results

Kovalkov’s diet is considered one of the most optimal and gentle. The author of the idea took it as a basis balanced healthy nutrition, combined with moderate physical activity, which brings positive results.

Thus, losing weight if you follow all the recommendations will definitely see the results t, but at the same time, the consequences of the diet will not negatively affect your health.

Dr. Kovalkov’s diet has a lot of positive reviews

The weight loss system was developed by a nutritionist and is distinguished by its new approach to the fight against obesity. It not only helps to get rid of extra pounds, but restores metabolism and helps a person switch to. As a result of the health complex, the weight returns to normal and is kept “within limits”.

What is the diet?

Kovalkov’s diet was included in the top 10 most effective and best weight loss systems in the world. Unlike numerous strict diets, it has a number of advantages:
  • The main goal is to normalize metabolism and eradicate food addiction (especially sweets).
  • The diet contains all the necessary nutrients, macro- and microelements, so the body does not experience stress when switching to a diet.
  • No need to count kilocalories.
  • A person who is losing weight does not experience a constant feeling of hunger. It is allowed to eat often, but in moderation. A sharp reduction in the amount of food, according to Kovalkov, leads to an abnormal diet - the replacement of hungry periods with gluttony. Such alternation over time develops into psychological problems, sometimes leading to...
  • The main “commandment” is to eat foods with a glycemic index below 50. According to a nutritionist, obesity is caused by “bad” carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. Therefore, it is important to completely abandon them, especially at the beginning of the diet. Low-glycemic carbohydrates, on the contrary, do not have the habit of being stored in reserve; they promote smooth weight loss.
  • A prerequisite for the effective effectiveness of the method is physical activity. At the initial stage - walking, hiking,; Next - strength exercises.

Before you start losing weight, you must undergo an examination at the clinic. If you have identified chronic and serious diseases or if you exceed the optimal weight by 30 kg or more, you cannot lose weight on your own - you will need the help of a specialist.

Basic diet rules

There are several basic rules of the Kovalkov diet:
  • Vegetables are consumed fresh, preparing a salad from them. It is allowed to add a little olive oil.
  • When heat treating meat, fish, and seafood, baking, boiling and steaming are used.
  • It is healthier to brew cereals with boiling water.
The following table will help you select products:

Stages of the Kovalkov diet

The diet is divided into three stages:


The duration depends on the individual characteristics of the person and lasts from 14 days to 1 month. The goal is to prepare your digestive system to absorb more protein.

A person parts his menu with easily digestible carbohydrates:

  • fast food;
  • sweet soda;
  • sugar;
  • bread and other baked goods made from premium wheat flour, which quickly release glucose into the blood, thereby forcing the pancreas to urgently produce the hormone insulin.
In addition, you must completely avoid all foods that have a glycemic index of more than 50. This list includes bread and pastries made from premium wheat flour, pasta, polished rice, as well as sugar, honey, chocolate, and dried fruits. As for vegetables, they stop eating potatoes, carrots, zucchini, and pumpkin. Animal proteins are removed from the diet.

The following should be present on the table:

  • vegetables with a low glycemic index - cabbage of any kind, legumes, greens, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and others;
  • grain products;
  • nuts;
  • low fat fermented milk products;
  • egg whites (h and 2 hours before bedtime, the nutritionist recommends eating 2 proteins).
A person should develop the habit of walking a lot.

At the initial stage, many people who are losing weight are already losing 5 kg.


The goal is to achieve optimal weight, which is calculated using a formula, and not taken from the head of the person losing weight. The duration of the stage is from 1 to 7 months.

Calculation of the optimal weight for a person depending on his type:

  • Normosthenic . If your height is less than 165 cm, 100 is subtracted from your height; if the height is between 166–175 cm, then subtract 105; people taller than 175 cm subtract 110; The normosthenic type is characterized by: proportional length of the limbs, broad shoulders, and a convex chest.
  • Asthenic . Another 10% is subtracted from the figure obtained for the normosthenic type. The asthenic type includes people with narrow shoulders, long and thin arms and legs. They are characterized by an elongated neck and chest.
  • Hypersthenic . 10% is added to the result obtained for the normosthenic type. People of this species are recognizable by their high diaphragm, rounded chest and short neck.
The following table will help determine your ideal weight:

At the second stage, the table must have:
  • fresh berries - viburnum, blueberries, rowan and lingonberries;
  • from vegetables - cabbage of any kind, cucumbers, garlic, spinach, onions, radishes and parsley;
  • among fruits, preference is given to apples and citrus fruits - grapefruit, orange;
  • from nuts - almonds, pine and walnuts.
The following is additionally added to the diet:
  • cereals - wheat, wild and brown rice, buckwheat, barley;
  • foods rich in animal proteins - lean beef, veal, chicken, turkey, fish and seafood;
  • fish is consumed with cottage cheese, and animal meat with vegetables;
  • 3 times a week they prepare dishes from fatty fish, which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.


The goal is to maintain normal weight. A person gets used to a healthy diet and follows the principles of the correct combination of foods. Strength exercises become optional, but walking remains the main physical exercise.

Stage 1: features and menu

Stage 1 of the diet is the most important, as the body prepares for a certain diet. So, the main features of stage 1:
  • It is allowed to occasionally drink a glass of red wine for dinner; other strong alcohol and beer are abstained.
  • Fats must be in the diet, but the daily norm is 30 g.
  • Bran is introduced, as it copes well with the feeling of hunger. Starting from 1 tbsp. spoons per day and bringing their consumption to 100 g. Be sure to drink it with enough water or green tea.
  • In the first half of the day, they load up on fruits; the choice is made in favor of apples, grapefruits, and oranges.
  • Diet: 5 meals. Everyone chooses the amount of food for themselves individually, the main thing is not to overeat or starve.
  • Drinking regimen - drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water.

Sample menu for the first week

  • The morning meal consists of 100 g of bran, to which nuts are added and washed down with kefir.
  • For lunch they eat 2 apples.
  • Fruit salad is prepared for lunch.
  • For the evening meal, prepare a portion of salad from fresh vegetables, sprinkled with olive oil.
  • 2 boiled egg whites before bed.
  • For breakfast - walnuts and a glass of fermented baked milk.
  • For second breakfast - 2 apples.
  • For lunch - 100 g of bran and green tea, a couple of apples.
  • For the evening, prepare 250 g of vegetable salad with olive oil and a piece of cheese.
  • Before bed, a glass of warm milk.

  • For breakfast - natural yogurt, nuts.
  • For lunch, a glass of vegetable juice with pulp is enough.
  • For lunch, prepare broccoli soup with the addition of fresh herbs.
  • They eat stewed vegetables for dinner.
  • Before bed - half a grapefruit.
  • The morning meal begins with a cup of green tea and a portion of steamed vegetables.
  • Snack on grapefruit.
  • Bean or pea soup (without meat broth) is prepared for lunch.
  • For dinner, make a smoothie from low-fat kefir and fresh berries.
  • Before bed - 2 apples.
Recipes for healthy dietary smoothies are presented in the video:

  • Morning - a portion of bran with nuts, green tea.
  • Snack - low-fat yogurt.
  • They have lunch with boiled vegetables and a piece of cheese.
  • They have a fruit salad for dinner.
  • Before bed - grapefruit.
  • Breakfast consists of 2 boiled egg whites and kefir.
  • For second breakfast - nuts.
  • For lunch - vegetable salad with vegetable oil and green tea.
  • For dinner - 100 g of bran and fermented baked milk.
  • Before bed - 2 apples.
  • The morning starts with a glass of fermented baked milk.
  • For second breakfast - 100 g of bran washed down with green tea and 2 apples.
  • For lunch - fruit salad with orange juice.
  • For dinner - baked vegetables.
  • Before bed - 2 apples.

Stage 2: Features and menu

The main task is to maintain a daily routine. It is necessary to eat, walk, and rest at the same time. Additionally, strength exercises are introduced. This could be squats with dumbbells, swimming or dancing, or cycling.

When doing strength exercises, be sure to eat porridge. The cereal is either brewed with boiling water, or poured with kefir and left to swell overnight.

If your weight has stayed at one level for several days, then you need to shake up the body and provoke metabolism. To do this, the volume of food is sharply increased in one day. The menu should include dishes prepared from products containing slow carbohydrates and proteins, but with a small amount of fat. These are cereals, vegetables and fruits high in dietary fiber.

In the main stage, the nutritionist also suggests organizing cleansing days of two types.

  • Watermelon peeling . They eat only watermelons in unlimited quantities all day long.
  • Rice . They eat specially prepared porridge for two days. It is prepared according to the recipe: you need to take 230 g of brown rice and cook it until completely cooked. If the water has almost boiled away, then add a little hot water into the pan. Add finely chopped dried apricots and curry to the boiled rice and mix. On rice days, drink unlimited water or unsweetened green tea.

Cleansing days should be carried out as desired, but no more than once a month.

Sample menu

There is a relaxation in nutrition. The serving size is allowed to be increased, but it is necessary to correctly combine products with each other.
  • For breakfast - a handful of nuts, a glass of fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk), 100 g of bran.
  • For second breakfast - fruit or seafood.
  • For lunch, prepare chicken broth, creamed fish soup or vegetable soup. Steamed vegetables are eaten with a piece of boiled or baked turkey, chicken or beef. Low-fat cottage cheese is eaten with fish.
  • For an afternoon snack - non-dairy porridge;
  • For the evening meal, prepare a vegetable salad with vegetable oil, 2 egg whites. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime.

Stage 3: Features

Nutritionist Kovalkov does not give any strict recommendations. A person who has reached the last stage has already lost weight, changed his diet, and his gastrointestinal tract works like clockwork. So, long-forgotten products are returning to the menu:
  • bread, but the choice is made of whole grain and bran;
  • baked potatoes;
  • dark chocolate;
  • butter.
It is allowed to increase the serving size, but the glycemic index of the products remains under control. Aleskey Kovalkov gives several important tips for his diet:
  • If you feel hungry, use alkaline water to combat it. It will reduce your appetite and help you feel full with a smaller portion of food.
  • You can't drink cold water. It can not only provoke a sore throat, but also increase the feeling of hunger.
  • You should drink water before meals, not after meals.
  • When preparing dishes, do not add butter, and salt is used in limited quantities.
  • After 6 pm you can and should eat, but the menu is designed so that the products do not contain complex carbohydrates.

Video: About the Kovalkov diet first hand

The nutritionist himself will tell you the details about his diet:

In addition to nutrition and exercise, we must not forget about the emotional component. A positive attitude and joy from every kilogram lost will be a good incentive to overcome the entire journey. If all recommendations are followed, a person will soon radically change his eating habits and easily walk several kilometers a day.

Also read.

People who are overweight often think about how to get rid of such a burden on the body. Being overweight is not only unsightly, but also dangerous to health. On the Internet you can find billions of different diets, exercises, massages and wraps that promote weight loss.

But, as a rule, all the diets that the World Wide Web actively offers us are only harmful to humans. Yes, you may lose weight on a buckwheat or apple mono-diet, but health problems will appear, and the weight will most likely return. We offer you this method of weight loss as the nutrition system according to Dr. Kovalkov.

In the article you can find a lot of useful information that will help you lose weight and improve your well-being.

Who is Dr. Kovalkov and what is his diet known for?

People trust the person who not only gives out nutritional recommendations, but who himself, by adhering to them, can achieve excellent results. The diet of nutritionist Kovalkov is just such an option. This specialist in the field of nutrition was able to lose 52 kg in just six months using his nutrition system.

After sharing his weight loss strategy, he gained enormous popularity in just 3 years. In addition, to help people suffering from excess weight, the doctor organized his own clinic, within the walls of which about 3,000 people were able to overcome excess weight.

Dr. Kovalkov talks about his diet in a video

The main question of all those losing weight

Everyone who wants to lose weight by choosing a diet, first of all, is in a hurry to find out how much weight you can lose by adhering to one or another dietary menu.

According to statistics and official data, following the Kovalkov diet, you can lose up to 27 kg in 4 months. But still, the results depend more on individual characteristics: initial weight, general condition of the body, image

Principles of Dr. Kovalkov's diet

The main idea that Kovalkov tries to convey in his books and speeches is the rejection of strict diets. In his opinion, it is precisely such strict restrictions on food that do not contribute to quality weight loss. The more prohibitions there are, the more you want to break them. On mono-diets, people often break down, and the weight not only returns, but can also increase.

Basic nutrition rules in video

This principle is fundamental in the nutritionist’s nutrition system. The diet method is based on three stages, which we will talk about later. You can watch a video about the stages of the diet:

The most important thing for losing weight is to understand what causes excess weight and clearly decide for yourself what result you want to achieve.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

This diet has no strict contraindications. It does not require large financial expenses or any specialized training.

The advantages of the diet include:

  • A generous diet that represents healthy, proper nutrition.
  • There is no particular need to constantly count calories and nutritional supplements.
  • If you follow a diet, you will not feel hungry.
  • Thanks to a balanced diet, you will always be energetic, be able to play sports and lead an active lifestyle.
  • The results of the diet last a long time.

The only negative, although it can hardly be called a serious disadvantage, is that if your weight exceeds the norm by more than 30 kg, then it is better to consult a doctor about choosing a weight loss method. He will prescribe an examination and then give useful recommendations.

Prohibited foods on the menu

  • Potato.
  • Pasta.
  • White bread.
  • Honey, jam.
  • Any sweets.
  • Rice and other grains.
  • Fatty, salty, smoked dishes.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Alcoholic drinks.

For people following this diet, the following will be useful:

  • Dairy products with a small percentage of fat content.
  • Vegetables: raw, boiled, baked.
  • Lean meat.
  • Lean fish.
  • Seasonal fruits and berries.

First stage of the diet

As already mentioned, Kovalkov’s diet consists of 3 stages. 1 is aimed at preparing the body for weight loss. It lasts 2-4 weeks, the duration depends on the initial weight and the desired result.

Nutritionist Kovalkov’s system or protein-fat diet is based on the maximum possible rejection of fast carbohydrates. And this is exactly what stage 1 is aimed at. It is necessary to stop consuming flour and bakery products, sweets, fast food, and soda.

Video about the first stage of the diet:

Sample menu for each day:

  1. Breakfast. Bran, 1% fat kefir, a few different nuts.
  2. Snack. 1 apple, green tea.
  3. Dinner. Greek salad.
  4. Before bed. A glass of milk and two egg whites.

Lunch is not on this menu. But this does not limit you: between meals you can eat any permitted fruits and vegetables, drink green tea. Remember to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It is better to drink 30 minutes before meals.

Second stage of the diet

At this stage, weight continues to be lost at a steady rate, approximately 100g per day. The stage can last from 1 month to a year. It depends on the organism and its characteristics.

Cereals are allowed, making the diet more varied. Protein products are also included: small portions of cottage cheese, lean boiled meat, fish.

Sample menu for 1 day:

  1. Breakfast. Bran, nuts, low-fat yogurt.
  2. Lunch. Apple or pear.
  3. Dinner. vegetable salad with a little olive oil.
  4. Afternoon snack. grapefruit or orange.
  5. Dinner. Two boiled egg whites.

Based on a one-day sample diet, you can create your own menu for the week that will suit you.

Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids during the second stage. Physical activity will also be useful. At least the simplest exercises at home, running or walking.

Video about the second stage:

The third stage of the diet

The final stage of the diet is not a specific strict menu, but a way of life. The nutritionist does not give specific contraindications, because it is understood that a person who has reached stage 3 is already able to feel his body and plan an appropriate menu.

Don't forget about physical activity. This will help create the ideal shape of your figure and improve your health.

For example, you can create a menu like this:

  1. Breakfast. Steamed protein omelette, low-fat natural yogurt.
  2. Dinner. Chicken and vegetables.
  3. Dinner. Vegetable salad.
  4. Before bed. A glass of milk and bran.

Video about the third stage:

Several useful recipes

In order to diversify your menu, we offer you recipes for dietary dishes that are allowed on Dr. Kovalkov’s diet.

  1. Light vegetable salad. Cut Chinese cabbage, bell peppers and cucumbers in a way convenient for you. Season with a spoon of olive oil, add some walnuts or pine nuts, and garnish the dish with lettuce leaves.
  2. Diet snack. Cut the top off a fairly large bell pepper and remove the core. Place a boiled egg inside. Mix low-fat cottage cheese with herbs and garlic. Add the mixture to the peppers, then place them in the refrigerator for about 60 minutes. Then remove and cut into rings, place beautifully on a plate.
  3. Vegetables in the oven. Cut the eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and onions into pieces, place in a mold and bake until done in the oven at 180 degrees. Decorate the finished dish with herbs and pour a spoon of olive oil.

A new way to lose weight from Dr. Kovalkov

This diet was needed by the whole world, because it shows that staying on modern diets is by no means the right position, which leads to dietary restrictions and often mental disorders.

All this suggests that you need to listen to the advice of nutritionist Kovalkov and rearrange your diet in the right way, which will allow the body to lose weight. This is the whole peculiarity: the restructuring of the body, and not its starvation!

Dr. Kovalkov’s diet has gained enormous popularity, the menu of which has been used by the whole world for almost three years. Alexey Kovalkov is a Russian doctor who completely changed all ideas about diets and basic dietetics.

The principles are here:

  • Activity
  • Drinking water
  • Products in the right quantities

How to lose weight in the gym?

Of course, these rules are well known and are used by everyone who is on a diet, however, Kovalkov’s method is a revision of all previous rules and the establishment of its own principles.

For the first time, the entire weight loss process came together into a clear system. By the way, it was thanks to this system that the author managed to lose fifty kilograms in just six months.

The most interesting thing is that Kovalkov’s method is based on the fundamental position of losing weight without dieting. The doctor himself notes that he does not understand people who use modern methods aimed at quick results. After all, this is a process of alternating fasting and gluttony.

The doctor says that such a system can lead to psychological deviations, because any taboo sooner or later returns with a huge desire. He compares such diets to being in prison, both of them eager to make up for lost time after the end of the sentence.

Kovalkov's diet

Starting a diet according to the Kovalkov method

The most important thing is to forget about the uncontrollable desire to lose weight, because this is fraught with anorexia

So, as Dr. Kovalkov says, the diet should start in the head. To do this, you first need to realize and find the reason: why you are overweight.

The next stage is accepting or not accepting the weight, and this is very important. I need to give a precise statement: this weight does not suit me. If you hesitate, you will not be able to lose the desired kilograms.

And thirdly, set a goal for yourself and be prepared for the fact that there will definitely be a result, even if you have to work hard on yourself for this.

The essence of such weight loss is taking responsibility for yourself. Because all miraculous methods like fat-burning pills or herbs involve placing responsibility on others and passively waiting for results.

The main thing here is to realize that you are your own friend, and a doctor - in exceptional cases.

Coping with food addiction, and not with extra pounds, is what Kovalkov suggests. The kilograms will leave you on their own when you start eating healthy food at the right time, in the right quantity.

Advantages of the technique

The goal of this method of losing excess weight is to change metabolism. The doctor promises that weight loss is guaranteed if the technique is strictly followed, the most important thing is to keep it! If you have chronic diseases, you should refrain from dieting.

There are benefits of the diet:

  • No calorie counting
  • Balanced diet
  • Choice of food
  • No fasting

Alexey Kovalkov, whose diet is presented below along with the menu, divided the whole process into three stages. Each stage is a separate nutrition plan; in addition to weight, the pace of life also changes. The doctor says that aerobic exercise in the form of walking is mandatory.

Preparatory stage, also known as the first stage

All those foods that release insulin. At this stage, the stomach is cleansed and prepared for the fact that it will continue to be fed a lot of protein. About five kilograms lost during the first stage will be cheered up here.

First stage of the diet

The Stage 1 menu allows you to contain vegetables, preferably raw. In addition, cook fish and meat, brew cereals with boiling water. Allowed foods: stew, soup, puree. Before going to bed, you can eat the whites of two eggs.

You are allowed to eat nuts and dairy products. You cannot completely give up fats; it is important to limit their consumption to thirty grams per day.

Bran plays an important role - you need to eat up to one hundred grams of it per day, and wash it down with water or fermented milk drinks. They help curb the feeling of hunger. You cannot drink alcoholic beverages except dry red wine.

Eat a lot of apples, albeit in the first half of the day.

The initial period involves eating small meals five times a day.

This is a difficult stage when many people experience withdrawal. You may feel tired, irritable, and even have difficulty sleeping.

You just need to firmly overcome all these feelings in yourself and move on to the second stage.

The main stage of the Kovalkov diet and active weight loss

Here you need to do more active walking in order to

The stage ends when you have reached the desired mark on the scales. Alexey Kovalkov advises adding cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, viburnum, grapefruits, other citrus fruits, and almonds to the menu to progress the diet.

For lunch you can eat low-fat cottage cheese, beef and veal cooked without salt. The day begins with a handful of nuts, and ends, as before, with two egg whites. Protein consumed per day is more than 70 grams.

If you eat meat, add vegetables here.

Kovalkov says that many people “play around” and begin to lose weight beyond the norm, but you just need to remember that there is a formula that will show your normal weight.

If your height is up to 165 kg, subtract 100 from it and get the optimal weight. With a height from 166 cm to 175, you need to subtract 105, over 175 cm, subtract 110. When you reach a normal weight, the diet should be stopped.

If you notice that your weight has frozen for some time, then arrange one that will shake up the body. On these days, eat only fruits and vegetables. You can also arrange “rice” days or watermelon days. Consuming only these products all day.

The final stage of the diet

The final stage lasts about three to four months and the main task here is to maintain your weight

You can stop doing strength training but still walk a lot. It is worth noting that Alexey Kovalkov says: this diet assumes that for the next two to three years you will monitor your diet, then your weight will become normal, and proper nutrition will become the norm.

The list of permitted foods is expanding, but carbohydrates still need to be kept under control. You can return forgotten products in small quantities, for example, potatoes and butter.

Many who have tried this method on themselves report a change in food preferences, a loss of the habit of eating buns and a desire to walk a lot.



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