Pomegranate. Useful properties. What do we know about pomegranate? How many grains are there in one pomegranate?

The pomegranate is closely associated with the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. According to some versions, the ruby ​​miracle fruits of pomegranates are “paradise apples”, one of which became a bone of contention between Adam and Eve

pomegranate apple

In the TANAKH, pomegranate is named among the seven types of plants that have become symbols of the fertility of Eretz Israel (Devarim 8:8).
This fruit is mentioned many times in the Torah:

— The Midrash states that the number of pomegranate seeds is 613, which corresponds to the number of Mitzvot. Israel is compared to a pomegranate - like this fruit, it is full of good deeds. A student of Torah should be like a pomegranate - eat only the sweet fruit and discard the bitter peel;

- some sages and scholars of the Torah suggest (some scholars also came to this opinion) that the apple that Eve gave to Adam was not an apple from an apple tree, but a pomegranate apple, since among the Israelites and Persians the pomegranate tree was considered the Tree of Knowledge for a long time Good and Evil;

— the story about Noah also mentions pomegranate:
“There were also animals that Noah didn’t even know what to feed. There was such a case with a chameleon. One day Noah cut a pomegranate; it turned out to be wormy. A nearby chameleon began to greedily pick up the worms that had fallen out of the apple. Since then they started giving him vegetables with wormhole.”

Pomegranate is a symbol of love

Let us turn to chapter four of the Song of Songs. In this book, the pomegranate appears as a symbol of love and sensuality, its red color is associated with fire and passion.
Fifteen verses of this chapter are a monologue of a young man, a love song dedicated to his beloved. In the description of the beloved's charms, one can find a color scheme: the curls of the hair are black, like a herd of goats, the teeth are white, like sheep. Let's take verse 3:
Scarlet ribbon lips,
and your speech is sweet,
half a pomegranate cheek
from under the curls.
For the lips, the author uses the most intense of the shades of red - scarlet - “sha-ni”. Note that the expression "hut a-sha-ni" in modern Hebrew means the red thread, the main idea; “ra-ka” means temple, but in the era of the Talmud (beginning of the first millennium AD), the metaphor “face pomegranate” was widely used, meaning the cheeks because of the special combination of red and white in the color of the skin of this fruit. RASHI added to this that the pomegranate also resembles a cheek in its oval shape.

Pomegranates - Puncia granatum

Pomegranate, a sweet and sour berry, is one of the most ancient fruits known to man. Pomegranates have always been popular in the Near and Middle East and were well known in Ancient Rome. It is believed that the birthplace of the pomegranate tree is Persia.
The Russian name pomegranate comes from the Latin granatus (grainy).
The history of the origin of the name of this fruit is in itself very interesting. In Ancient Rome, this fruit had two Latin names - malum punicum and malum granatum. The first literally meant “Punic apple”; the Romans called the Phoenicians who moved from Asia Minor to North Africa in the 12th-7th centuries BC Punics. and founded a number of colonies there: Carthage, Utica, Leptis Magna and others. At that time it was believed that the best pomegranates grew in Carthage. The second name, literally meaning “grainy apple” - malum granatum, formed the basis for the names of this fruit in other languages: in German - Granatapfel (Apfel - apple), Italian - Melograna (mela - apple), Swedish - Granatapple, Spanish - Granada, French - Grenade and English - Рomegranate (from the Latin pomum - fruit).

Flowering - inside and out:

The pomegranate is inescapably beautiful - not only when it blooms,

when fruits begin to form,

and in all seasons: and when the young leaves turn ruby ​​red,

...and when the foliage shines with the gold of autumn,

and even when its flowers fall

In nature, pomegranates grow as dense shrubs or low trees (evergreen or deciduous) with thorny branches.

Since ancient times, in the East, pomegranate has been considered the king of all fruits. Probably due to precisely the original shape of the sepals, which forms the “crown” crowning the fruit. It is even believed that it was the pomegranate that suggested to people the shape of the headdress of kings - the crown.

“Pomegranate apples” usually ripen in late summer – early autumn

Ripe fruits have a thin, tough skin, the color of which can vary from pinkish-yellow to various shades of red.

Pomegranate seeds are widely used both fresh and as a seasoning for various dishes and sauces. Wine and punches are made from pomegranates. Pomegranate is served with ice cream, stirred with heavy cream and crushed meringue for a delicious dessert, or sprinkled on salads. Various drinks, syrups, such as grenadine, and thick sauces are prepared from pomegranate juice.
Indian chefs are especially famous for their skill with pomegranates. Here, pomegranate seeds are dried and used as a spice to season vegetables and legumes. Pomegranate seeds are often used to decorate hot-sweet vegetable curry dishes, which gives the food a pleasant cooling note. Pomegranate juice is common in North India not only for dishes and desserts, but also for marinating - it contains enzymes that make meat more tender.

Andrian Judro. "Wailing Wall" (fragments)

The medicinal properties of pomegranate were first mentioned by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who used pomegranate juice for stomach pain, and the peel to treat intestinal disorders. Avicenna used pomegranate flowers for bleeding, throat diseases, dysentery, and also as an antipyretic. Currently, the medicinal properties of pomegranate are used even more widely.
In addition, pomegranate seed oil has long been recognized in cosmetology as an excellent product for nourishing, moisturizing the skin and giving it elasticity.
Healing tea is brewed from the leaves; the fruits are tasty and nutritious. Dried pomegranate flowers are also brewed as tea, with a taste reminiscent of hibiscus flower tea.

On Rosh Hashanah, all dishes served on the festive table symbolize wishes for a good year ahead. Bitter, sour and salty dishes are removed away. An integral attribute of the Jewish New Year's table are sweet challah and apples with honey. These dishes symbolize hopes for a sweet and good year. The head of the fish is intended so that everyone present at the table can wish for the other - to “be the head and not the tail” in good deeds. It is customary to serve sweet dishes and fruits at the table: honey, dates, pomegranates and apples.

The pomegranate is full of seeds that symbolize good deeds. Try to count the number of grains in a pomegranate - you will be convinced that there are 613 of them. Let us repeat: this corresponds to the number of Commandments. “May my good deeds be as numerous as pomegranate seeds” - these are the words of the prayer. We want the new year to be filled with numerous good deeds and merits, like pomegranate seeds.

Happy New Year!

In chem. the fruit contains:

  1. microelements;
  2. beta-carotene;
  3. lemon;
  4. apple;
  5. oxalic acid.

There are disaccharides, monosaccharides, saturated and unsaturated acids. It consists of almost 80 percent water. The remainder is fiber, antioxidants, tannins, phytohormones, and alkaloids.

Pomegranate contains a large number of amino acids: glutamine, aspartic and others.

Nutritional value of pomegranate juice and calories in kcal

Calorie content – ​​54 k/cal. BJU:

  • 0.29 gr. – fats.
  • 0.15 gr. - proteins.
  • 13.13 gr. - carbohydrates.

Nutritional value of pomegranate seeds with seeds per 100 g and calorie content

The seeds of this fruit contain a large amount of fatty acids, vitamin E and B vitamins. Acids give energy to cells and take part in the formation of fresh cells. Frequent consumption of seeds helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Be sure to chew the seeds thoroughly, otherwise eating them will not be beneficial.

100 g of pomegranate seeds contain:

  • 0.7 g protein;
  • 0.6 g fat;
  • 14.5 g carbohydrates.

Calorie content – ​​72 k/cal. The approximate weight of pure grains in one garnet is approximately half the total weight of the garnet.

What vitamins does it contain?

What vitamins do the fruit contain and how are they useful?

  • Vitamin C. Reduces the risk of vascular disease, helps strengthen the enamel on the teeth, and resists gum inflammation. Improves the body's absorption of iron, helps remove toxins, strengthens the immune system.
  • Vitamin B. Improves memory, strengthens the vestibular apparatus, increases performance. A lack of vitamins of this group reduces appetite and disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; causes insomnia, irritability, and depression.
  • Vitamin E. Helps renew body cells, maintains muscle tone, improves thyroid function, keeps human skin in good condition, and improves vision. Positively affects reproductive function.
  • Vitamin P. Helps strengthen blood vessels, helps prevent negative factors that influence the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

What vitamins are contained in the seeds?

Pomegranate seeds contain many vitamins and nutrients, such as: nicotinic acid, vitamins (B, A, E), polyphenols, iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, fatty acids. Starch, iodine, ash, and tannins are also present.

Pomegranate seeds are often used in cosmetology, medicine, to prepare tinctures and some medicines.

How many grains are in one fruit?

There are legends and myths that indicate the number 365, and sometimes 613. In fact, the number directly depends on the variety, ripeness of the fruit, and its weight, so the number of grains in each pomegranate is different.

How much can you eat every day?

Eating pomegranate daily will increase hemoglobin, reduce stress levels, help in the fight against cancer, and have a positive effect on men's and women's health. It is useful to eat pomegranate and drink juice before meals at lunch and in the evening.

Possible allergies and other health hazards

Pomegranate is a strong allergen; its abuse can lead to undesirable consequences.

It is not recommended to eat pomegranate if you have high acidity and stomach and intestinal ulcers.. Eating pomegranate in large quantities can cause allergies. The vitamins and amino acids it contains in large quantities become toxic and harmful to the body. Overeating may cause cramps in the calves, a rash on the body, and dizziness.

With all these factors, a reaction can occur not only in people with allergies, but also in healthy people who were negligent in the choice of fruit or in its quantity when eating.

When taking medications based on pomegranate peel, you need to be careful. An overdose can cause dizziness, blurred vision, and increased blood pressure.

We invite you to watch a video about the dangers of pomegranate for the human body:


All parts of the pomegranate are beneficial, but in moderation. This fruit can be present in the diet of almost every person. It helps strengthen the immune system, but existing contraindications must be taken into account.

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To the question How many seeds are in a pomegranate? given by the author Ale the best answer is I didn’t count it, but I know it’s a lot))

Reply from Mahno[guru]
Three times less than gunpowder))

Reply from Child of the Olympics[guru]
two hundred fifty four

Reply from Leonid Kuznetsov[guru]
Interesting question! I’ve never counted, I should try to count!

Reply from CalmSea[guru]
slightly less than sunflower seeds

Reply from Doc[active]
Read at your leisure and write to me x)

Reply from Aphrodite Hermione[newbie]
there are 1000 1200 grains

Reply from Margarita (feisty)[guru]
It's interesting to count... But you need a medium garnet... Or count the grains of at least ten pomegranates and come to the average... I love such experiments)))

Reply from Samasebedevochka[guru]
four hundred exactly!

Reply from Anfisa[guru]
The number of grains in each pomegranate is 613, which corresponds to the number of Commandments. “May my good deeds be as numerous as pomegranate seeds” - these are the words of prayer on days of repentance

Reply from Ola Yula[guru]
I went to count...

Reply from Elena Delfinini Delfinni[guru]
556 pieces.

Reply from Olivia Fraser[guru]
Pomegranate is an extraordinary fruit. There are many legends and myths associated with it among different peoples. Perhaps the most popular myth is about how the Greek god of the underworld Pluto gave Proserpina, who was kidnapped by him, several pomegranate seeds so that she would never leave him.
The pomegranate is considered a symbol of wealth, abundance and fertility. It is called the king of all fruits and it is quite possible that the jagged tail of the pomegranate became the prototype of the royal crown.
But the Lithuanian writer Anne Sakse tells a wonderful legend about how the pomegranate tree appeared.
A young Greek woman and a Turk fell in love with each other, but their peoples lived in enmity. However, they were not afraid of the curse of their fathers and set a wedding day. The groom's father decided that he would not allow such a son to disgrace his family and his people and asked the old man, who knew the secret of Greek fire, to prepare a fiery apple.
The old man remembered how once in his youth he, too, fell in love with a Greek woman, but did not violate his father’s prohibition and was greatly homesick all his life. He didn’t want to interfere with someone else’s happiness and poured hot bull’s blood into the round shell and poured seeds of some tree into it. He gave the finished fiery apple to the groom's father.
When the young people left the house to leave their family forever, the Turk's father threw a fiery apple at their feet. Everyone froze in fear. But a miracle happened - the apple split and blood flowed out and seeds fell out. The newlyweds collected these seeds, stained with blood, and sowed them in foreign lands. And from them grew a tree with red flowers and red fruits. The Greeks called this tree the pomegranate, the tree of happiness, and started the custom of throwing a pomegranate fruit at the feet of the newlyweds, thus wishing the newlyweds a happy life rich in offspring.
The middle of the fruit is pomegranate seeds, separated by white layers. . But how many are there? There are also legends about this. They say that there are 365, the same number of days in a year. In Judaism, they believe that there are 613 grains in a pomegranate, the same number as the commandments in the Torah. And my good friend was not lazy and counted how many grains were in the pomegranate that she got - 563.
Pomegranate is not only a beautiful fruit, which is essentially a berry, but also very tasty and healthy. To taste the juicy pomegranate seeds, you will have to work a little, but simply peel it, so as not to splash everything around with pomegranate juice and injure its seeds as little as possible. One convenient way to break a pomegranate without loss is to cut out the top of the head with a knife, cut lengthwise into four parts, disassemble it with your hands, and then free the grains of each part from the peel and white layers. It’s even easier if you cut the peel along the “equator” and then separate the halves. Or you can make a cross-shaped cut, put the pomegranate in cold water for 30 minutes, and it will open up like a flower.
According to a number of versions, the ruby ​​miracle fruits of pomegranates are “paradise apples”, one of which became a bone of contention between Adam and Eve
Pomegranates - Puncia granatum
Pomegranate - a sweet and sour berry - is one of the most ancient fruits known to man. Pomegranates have always been popular in the Near and Middle East and were well known in Ancient Rome. It is believed that the birthplace of the pomegranate tree is Persia.
The Russian name pomegranate comes from the Latin granatus (grainy).
The history of the origin of the name of this fruit is in itself very interesting. In Ancient Rome, this fruit had two Latin names - malum punicum and malum granatum.

Reply from Oblomadze[guru]
No wonder the pomegranate is called the Jewish fruit. To be honest, I drank the most delicious pomegranate juice in Jerusalem, the only thing I liked there

Reply from GreLLua[guru]

pomegranate, anar (Punica granatum), shrub or small tree (up to 5 m high) of the pomegranate family. The leaves are leathery, entire, and usually fall off in the winter. The shoots are prickly. The beginning of fruiting occurs in the 3-4th year after planting, full - from 7-8 years. The fruits ripen from September to November. With good care, one plant produces up to 50-60 kg of fruit. The fruit (pomegranate) is berry-shaped, spherical, up to 12 cm in diameter (300-600 g or more), with a flower calyx at the top, contains 400-700 seeds, with a leathery red or yellowish pericarp. The edible part - the juicy seed coat - makes up about 50% of the fruit's weight
“- do you know how many grains there are in it? - she asked mysteriously, looking at the immense size of the bloody pomegranate, - how many days in a year - so many grains... if a normal year is 365. and in a leap year - 366... ​​a miracle, Truth?. .
It wouldn't be a miracle! we looked at her with admiration... it can’t be! in any-any? both small and large? . Wow! How perfect Mother Nature is! . the conversation revolved around this amazing fact for some time, and then smoothly moved on to other topics... and only one restless creature could not calm down. This mysterious phenomenon could not fit into his head.
“Give it here,” I commanded. - if it’s not 365, you’ll wash the dishes.
She agreed without thinking.
The pomegranate was mercilessly broken. three pairs of hands, smeared with pomegranate juice, sorted through the scarlet seeds, arranging them into piles. an expert commission ensured that not a single grain was forgotten or counted twice. the experiment lasted about half an hour.
992 grains! it was pathetic to look at her. This pomegranate contained 992 grains! she tried to make excuses, she babbled something about three leap years, but no one believed her.
On the table, laid out in piles, was evidence that she was washing the dishes that day.

Pomegranate is an extraordinary fruit

Text Elena Korosteleva.

Lithuanian writer Anne Sakse tells a wonderful legend about how the pomegranate tree appeared.

A young Greek woman and a Turk fell in love with each other, but their peoples lived in enmity. However, they were not afraid of the curse of their fathers and set a wedding day. The groom's father decided that he would not allow such a son to disgrace his family and his people and asked the old man, who knew the secret of Greek fire, to prepare a fiery apple.

The old man remembered how once in his youth he, too, fell in love with a Greek woman, but did not violate his father’s prohibition and was greatly homesick all his life. He didn’t want to interfere with someone else’s happiness and poured hot bull’s blood into the round shell and poured seeds of some tree into it. He gave the finished fiery apple to the groom's father.

When the young people left the house to leave their family forever, the Turk's father threw a fiery apple at their feet. Everyone froze in fear. But a miracle happened - the apple split and blood flowed out and seeds fell out. The newlyweds collected these seeds, stained with blood, and sowed them in foreign lands. And from them grew a tree with red flowers and red fruits. The Greeks called this tree the pomegranate, the tree of happiness, and started the custom of throwing a pomegranate fruit at the feet of the newlyweds, thus wishing the newlyweds a happy life rich in offspring.

Pomegranate is an extraordinary fruit. There are many legends and myths associated with it among different peoples. Perhaps the most popular myth is about how the Greek god of the underworld Pluto gave Proserpina, who was kidnapped by him, several pomegranate seeds so that she would never leave him.

The pomegranate is considered a symbol of wealth, abundance and fertility. It is called the king of all fruits and it is quite possible that the jagged tail of the pomegranate became the prototype of the royal crown.

The middle of the fruit is pomegranate seeds, separated by white layers... But how many are there? There are also legends about this. They say that there are 365, the same number of days in a year. In Judaism, they believe that there are 613 grains in a pomegranate, the same number as the commandments in the Torah. And my good friend was not lazy and counted how many grains were in the pomegranate that she got - 563.

Pomegranate is not only a beautiful fruit, which is essentially a berry, but also very tasty and healthy. To taste the juicy pomegranate seeds, you will have to work a little, but simply peel it, so as not to splash everything around with pomegranate juice and injure its seeds as little as possible. One convenient way to break a pomegranate without loss is to cut out the top of the head with a knife, cut lengthwise into four parts, disassemble it with your hands, and then free the grains of each part from the peel and white layers. It’s even easier if you cut the peel along the “equator” and then separate the halves. Or you can make a cross-shaped cut, put the pomegranate in cold water for 30 minutes, and it will open up like a flower.

Once the pomegranate seeds have been extracted, there are many opportunities to prepare a variety of dishes with pomegranate.

- sprinkle pomegranate seeds on meat carpaccio or fish saviche

Add pomegranate seeds to salads made from cereals - rice, couscous, quinoa, etc. to green salads and salads with meat, sprinkle pomegranate seeds on pasta

You can make a syrup from freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, which is simmered over low heat until slightly thickened, coat the chicken or meat with a sauce of pomegranate juice, mustard and olive oil and bake in the oven.

Make granita from pomegranate juice

Add pomegranate seeds to fruit salads and desserts and prepare pomegranate lemonade from pomegranate juice and lemons

For children, you can make jelly from pomegranate juice and seeds.

Pomegranates are so good that they can be safely used for holiday table decoration. And the Dutch developed a special decorative variety. The fruits are smaller and almost black in color.

There are many myths associated with pomegranate. One of them says that there are 613 grains in each pomegranate, as many as the commandments in the Torah.

This sweet and sour fruit, which is actually a berry, has been attributed to divine origin since ancient times and was revered as the king of all fruits for its taste and the fiery red crown at the top of the fruit. The generic Latin name Punica indicates that the homeland of the cultivated pomegranate was, apparently, Carthage (in the territory of modern Tunisia), founded by the Phoenicians. The specific name granatum (grainy) is given in connection with the abundance of seeds in the fruit, so in some countries pomegranate has become a symbol of fertility. In the East, pomegranate flowers and fruits are a symbol of friendly feelings and heartfelt affection. The Moors named their best city, Grenada, located in southern Spain, after their favorite plant.

Pomegranate is a heat-loving crop. Even its most cold-resistant varieties do not tolerate frost below 15 degrees, so Israel is very suitable for its cultivation. In nature, pomegranates grow as dense shrubs or low trees of the species Punica granatum with thorny branches. Pomegranate trees bear fruit every year and do not require much care. A pomegranate tree lives up to 300 years, but by the age of 50-60 the yield drops sharply, and in the gardens the “pensioners” are replaced with new individuals.

There is nothing useless about a grenade, all its parts are extremely useful. Pomegranate fruits contain vitamins, fiber, minerals and trace elements - calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium - and produce up to 60% juice with a high content of anthocyanins. The juice of cultivated varieties of pomegranate contains from 8 to 20% sugar (glucose and fructose), up to 10% citric, malic, oxalic and other organic acids, phytoncides, nitrogenous substances, tannin, sulphates, chlorides and other salts.

The pericarp, roots and bark contain up to 32% tannins. The bark and roots of the pomegranate tree have medicinal properties; healing tea is brewed from the leaves. Dried pomegranate flowers are brewed as a tea, with a flavor reminiscent of Hibiscus flower tea.

Like many other fruits known to us, pomegranate has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. In Babylon, pomegranate was cultivated back in the 3rd millennium BC, using it as a medicinal plant. Roman and Greek doctors, including the “father of medicine” Hippocrates, considered it a very valuable fruit and prescribed it to patients for diseases of the stomach and intestines. Later, Avicenna also appreciated the healing properties of pomegranate: he recommended using it to treat dysentery, throat diseases, extreme heat and bleeding. In eastern countries, healers still use pomegranate to treat many diseases.

What are the benefits of pomegranate?

The benefits of pomegranate are due to its composition, because pomegranate is a real warehouse of minerals, vitamins and other useful substances. It contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, E and P. Of the minerals, pomegranate contains iodine, iron, potassium, silicon, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, copper, sulfur, chromium, aluminum, lithium nickel. In addition, pomegranate contains 15 amino acids that are not found in any other fruit. Apart from pomegranate, half of these amino acids are found only in meat products - so the benefits of pomegranate for vegetarians and those who fast are obvious.

The main benefit of pomegranate is in its juicy grains, and both the pulp of the grains (or rather, pomegranate juice) and the seeds are useful. Pomegranate juice contains concentrated vitamins and other beneficial substances, so it is used to restore the body after surgery or infectious diseases.

Pomegranate juice is prescribed for asthma, atherosclerosis, anemia (anemia), gastric disorders, low a. It helps reduce the fragility of blood vessels, so it is used to treat and prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Pomegranate juice is considered one of the most potent natural antioxidants. In particular, it contains a group of antioxidants called polyphenols (flavonoids). These plant chemicals have antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Antioxidants protect the body from the negative effects of free radicals. These are substances that are formed in the body during metabolism as a result of the negative effects of environmental pollution. Free radicals increase the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease, angina, heart disease and cancer. Therefore, the benefits of pomegranate for the prevention of these diseases are very great.

The anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate juice are used to treat burns, stomatitis and throat diseases. Pomegranate bark and fruits have astringent properties, which allows them to be used to treat colitis, enterocolitis, and diarrhea. Pomegranate juice also helps normalize intestinal microflora and improve appetite.

The benefits of pomegranate for diabetics are invaluable - regular consumption of small amounts of pomegranate juice or grains reduces blood glucose levels. Pomegranate is also useful for hypertensive patients - it helps lower blood pressure. But for the same reason, excessive use of pomegranate is dangerous for hypotensive people (people suffering from low blood pressure). Pomegranate roots and bark, on the contrary, increase blood pressure, so hypertensive patients should use them with caution for medicinal purposes.

Pomegranate seeds have an analgesic effect. They can help with headaches and menstrual pain, as well as with an increase in the pain threshold after menopause.

Many women also know the benefits of pomegranate for skin and hair. Pomegranate juice is used to care for oily hair, as well as to whiten the face (fight freckles and age spots) and remove acne.

But, unfortunately, the benefits of pomegranate go hand in hand with its harmful properties. There are not many of them, but they are worth knowing about. Pomegranate juice contains a large number of different acids (boric, succinic, oxalic, malic, tartaric). Therefore, it is not recommended to drink it in its pure form - it is better to dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1:3. Pomegranate is contraindicated for people suffering from high acidity, stomach ulcers and gastritis.



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