Jewish gangs. Methods for identifying the Jewish ethnic mafia. World Assessment of Judaism and Zionism

No matter how influential the Jewish mafia is in certain segments of society, nevertheless, its control over society is, of course, not limited to these sectors. Its influence can be found in almost every area of ​​American society. The same applies to Canada and Europe. "THE FIRST JEWISH PRESIDENT" Do you want to know the truth? Barack Obama today is Israel's best friend. John Heilemann In order to make it easier for her to achieve her goals, the Jewish mafia works in a certain unified way. For decades, this mafia has corrupted and weakened American society, both economically and morally, while Jewish-controlled Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, the media, and the government have continued to deceive people over and over again. Perhaps the most tragic aspect of the Jewish mafia's actions was that it successfully deceived the United States into fighting for Israel. It cost America millions of lives, trillions of dollars, years of suffering for survivors. Without a doubt, unless something is done that will radically change the power structure, limit the influence of the Jewish mafia in Washington, then America will come to a complete economic and moral bankruptcy. As we look at every segment of society for the control exercised by the Jewish Mafia, we must not forget that this huge crime syndicate rarely operates alone. Without the greed of criminal gentiles, the activities of the Jewish mafia would be much less effective. For the most part, the same can be said about the victims of the Jewish mafia. As long as there are greedy, dishonest and naive people, the Jewish mafia will have many victims. The Jewish mafia continues to grow in strength, day by day, without encountering any difficulties at all.
In recent decades, they have been careful and led from behind in order to avoid any publicity. But today, this mafia draws attention to itself every day, as if to say that they do not care anymore that people understand that they control everything. The Jewish-owned New York Magazine even recently published an article admitting that Obama is America's first Jewish president. This is exactly what I have been saying until recently. The arrogance shown by the Jewish mafia is justified to a certain extent. After all, they continue to deceive, exploit and profit from the goyim over and over again in secret and with impunity. Indeed, it seems that the Jewish mafia has managed to put everything and everything under its control. This arrogance has taken deep roots in Israel's ruling circles. No one can criticize the Jewish mafia that has taken control of the media, the banking system, Wall Street, the federal government, the education system, or corporate America without being insulted, threatened, and slandered. No one can even raise the question of the Jewish mafia's Kosher tax without being labeled an anti-Semite. In fact, by simply posting this article, I have officially cut myself off from any possibility of ever getting a job in corporate America if I happen to happen to work there. Since I work in the financial industry, the publication of articles exposing the Jewish mafia, of course, did not help my business at all. In fact, by telling the truth that few dare to speak, I have sacrificed a huge part of my business. But, knowing the consequences, I still chose this path. And you call this freedom? Welcome to the United States, a country that claims to offer you democracy, freedom, a free market economy, and the pursuit of happiness, but in reality offers only fascism, brainwashing, and exploitation by corporate America and the Jewish mafia.

It would be better for people, damn it, to wake up and finally understand where the sources of rotting and decay of the world and white-collar crime are. Until they do, things will only get worse, I guarantee that. Whenever one mentions the crimes of the Jewish mafia, criticizes their control of the media, banks and government, most Jews, fearing the growth of anti-Semitism, consider it their duty to protect the name of the Jews. Some of them start screaming racism when they see the words "Jews" or "Jewish" in the same sentence, with words like crime, control, deceit, manipulation, or any other non-complimentary things. Often, these accusations (of racism) come from the lips of the Jews themselves. In other cases, they come from gentiles who have been brainwashed by Jewish-controlled media, pop culture, education, and other factors that shape social norms. Although there are Jews who courageously stand up to the Jewish mafia, unfortunately, in most cases, their accusations are directed specifically at Zionism. Whenever the authors dare to tell the truth about ethnic cleansing in Israel, 9/11, Wall Street scams, media control, and corruption in Washington, they feel the need to replace the word "Jews" with the word "Zionists" for fear of being labeled an anti-Semite. . However, the use of the word "Zionists" in such cases is often incorrect because it refers to villains who deceive and commit crimes in order to strengthen Israel or support Israeli ethnic cleansing. The problem is that most of the crimes committed by the Jewish mafia have little to do with Zionism, the protection of Zionist or religious interests. The Jewish mafia is made up of Zionist Jews and non-Zionist Jews. It includes both Jewish Jews and Jewish atheists.

Finally, the Jewish mafia includes non-Jewish gentiles who were recruited through the lure of money and power. Just as not every Jew is a member of the Jewish mafia, the crimes committed by Jews are not always inspired by the Zionist or Religious-Jewish programs. Wall Street and commercial banking scams, media control and workplace discrimination are not necessarily the result of a Zionist conspiracy. Thus, I want to encourage people not to be afraid to link the Wall Street and Fed scams, the manipulation of the Jewish mafia by the media, because Zionism is not a prerequisite for a scam. When I talk about Jews and their criminal activities, I do not mean Judaism and Jews as a race (for those who are of the opinion that the Jewish people are a separate race). I mean the solidarity and cohesion that is responsible for the internal work of the Jewish mafia. I mean a single Jewish network that connects both Zionist Jews and non-Zionist Jews. Whenever we see a community of Christians or Muslims, blacks or whites who have committed a large-scale fraud or some other sophisticated criminal offense, we usually do not think of the villains as a tight-knit group of people associated along national or religious lines (of course, for some exceptions). Therefore, in such cases, the perpetrators are defined as persons, and not as representatives of a particular race or religion. In contrast, when Jews take part in criminal activity, many observers present such activity as a Jewish conspiracy. The reason for this is that no other group of people even comes close to the Jews in terms of interaction and cooperation. It is part of the Jewish culture that unites religious and non-religious Jews.

In some respects, the common work, the unification of Jewish efforts in criminal activity, also has its origins in the Talmud. In other cases, these criminal acts have nothing to do with the Talmud. As a result, when one points to Jewish mafia control of society, people should not be fooled by the racial or religious masking of guilt that the Jewish mafia always uses. We must focus on the perpetrators, their motives and actions. However, I would like to call on all Jews who consider themselves honest people to first recognize the disproportionate, extremely high share of Jewish participation in large-scale criminal activities, as well as the existence of economic, political and social control of the Jewish mafia over the population. Further, these people should speak out against the countless crimes of the Jewish mafia, and not deny the facts and the penetration of criminal groups into all spheres of life, in order to deflect criticism of the crimes of this mafia from themselves. This is the only mechanism by which an honest and honorable Jew can distance himself from any connection with the Jewish mafia. Otherwise, even the most innocent Jews who do not recognize the facts and protest against the control and investigation of the crime of the Jewish mafia will be treated in the same light as the criminals themselves, even if in fact they were used by the mafia, for sure just like the other 99%. I know that there are many honest, hardworking and noble Jews. Now is the time for them to step forward and distance themselves from the Jewish mafia before they are labeled as collaborators. When a Jew denies the role of the Jewish mafia in the suffering and exploitation of people, crimes against them, hoping in this way to protect the name of the Jew, then he will be considered an accomplice in these crimes, even if he himself suffered at the hands of the Jewish mafia. Attacking the police, not just the criminals, makes the attackers complicit in the crime. This is a very important point that needs to be emphasized.

In my opinion, most people have become anti-Semitic because no one likes to be used, deceived and controlled. No sane person will argue that for many centuries anti-Semitism has existed only due to religious reasons. In real life, anti-Semitism is a natural response to the Jewish mafia's constant crimes and exploitation of people. The Jewish mafia has played the same tricks throughout history. The US is just its latest victim. “Anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude of non-Jews towards Jews, caused by the Jews themselves. Jewish groups have thrived on the oppression and rejection that they have always met in the world ... the main reason for this is that they use the images of enemies that they create in order to maintain solidarity. — Albert Einstein, quoted from an article published in Collier on November 26, 1938. Mike Stathis

So, among the mafias, the Jewish mafia is the most fused with state, financial, media structures, and most states. This is the uniqueness of its position among its smaller and younger competitors.

And in general, it is in the ancient traditions of the Jews - to infiltrate and take root. In order to intercept the control levers. Finally, administrative Like now in Ukraine.

If they fail to do this for some reason, then they begin to shake the state, organize a revolution or flash mobs in it, imitating and preparing it. This is facilitated by the almost complete control of Jewish network structures over finances and the media space. In chaos, it is easier to seize control. Or while the natives are fighting among themselves for power, privatize everything that can be grabbed. As it was in Russia.

And this same Jewish mafia, for the sake of its own interests and the interests of our geopolitical enemies, is persistently trying to destroy my habitat.

Just look at Runet: not all Jews are conducting anti-Russian and anti-Russian propaganda. Some even do the opposite. But 90% of anti-Russian and anti-Russian propagandists in Runet are Jews. And how should I feel about the Jewish mafia and their attempts to deprive me of my habitat?

The Jewish mafia, and in general many Jews not connected with it, like to make a substitution: if you are against the Jewish mafia, then you are against the Jews, which means you are an anti-Semite. And then smoothly move on to the Holocaust. This is about the same as if the Sicilians said: since you are against our mafia, then you are against the Sicilian people.

But neither the Sicilians nor the Sicilian mafia for some reason do not declare this. Unlike the Jews.

The analogy with Sicily is that most Sicilians, like Jews, have nothing to do with the mafia. But both those and others will never openly oppose their mafia. At least for the most part. And even if both of them are sharply negative towards their mafia, they will never refuse to help her, if an offer “which cannot be refused” follows. The Mafia will find a way to get their consent.

And Jews like to deny the existence of the Jewish mafia. Than without noticing it, they fall into terry anti-Semitism. By denying Jews the ability to organize themselves into illegal communities. The Jews recognize the presence of the Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Chechen and even Russian bureaucratic mafia, but their own, Jewish does not exist! Thus, pushing to the conclusion that the Jews are not smart enough and organized against other peoples. And a little dumb.

The most rabid anti-Semitism is!

By the way: the mafia, both Sicilian and Jewish, often feeds their population from part of their income. And sometimes even protects him and restores justice, destroyed by individual villains who are not members of their mafia. For the image of noble dons protecting their herd population from adversary wolves.

And in general, the more the mafia merges with legal structures, the less they need to do atrocities with their own hands. The state does it for them.

So here it is:I have exactly the same attitude towards the Jews. To each specific Jew (and non-Jew), as he deserves. Without singling them out from other peoples surrounding me. For an internationalist. But I have a bad attitude towards the Jewish mafia. And not just like that, but for the above reason. As soon as the Jewish mafia stops destroying my habitat and begins to improve and protect it, I will immediately love the Jewish mafia and its individual members. Because I am a practical person. What is useful to me is nice. And vice versa.

Yes, I sometimes criticize and sometimes even ridicule the Jews for their prejudices, and Judaism with its nonsense. But even here I do not single out the Jews and their religion from others. Periodically, I do the same with Christianity, and with Islam, and even with Russians as a nation. Breaking stereotypes of thinking.

And all because I am a freethinker. Which I am proud of.

And I don’t know anything about the “anti-Semitic inkwell”, so I will refrain from commenting.

The mechanism of action of the Jewish mafia
and robbery of Russia

Nikolay BOTKO

Let's abolish dishonest taboos.
Jewish features.
Jewish "boxers" and the robbery of Russia.
The mechanism of Jewish influence.
The Holocaust pushed back discussion of the "Jewish mafia".
Jews as presidents and prime ministers.
The need for politicians to realize the phenomenon of "ethnic mafias".

Ethnic mafias are widely discussed in the media. Italian, Albanian, Chechen and others are mentioned, but almost no one mentions the “Jewish mafia”, preferring to call it a different ethnic group, for example, the criminal community of Semyon Mogilevich is called the “Russian mafia”. Ethnic mafias are more often considered in terms of criminalistics, rather than politics. Also incorrect. Let's destroy unreasonable and dishonest taboos.

If I, as an ethnic Russian, are asked about my attitude towards the Russian mafia, I will answer in two ways:

-- and whether the Russian mafia is being discussed or is it only “Russian-speaking”. Big difference. Is it a hat according to Senka? The question is not abstract, as in the case of the "father of the Russian mafia" Semyon Mogilevich and his entourage.

Secondly, I confess that I have a bad attitude towards criminals in general, and ethnic Russians among them in particular.

Can I be perceived as an expert on the Russian mafia? The expert community and casual passers-by, seeing me as a Russian, can legitimately attend to the involvement of experts of other nationalities in such a discussion. And I agree with this logic...

I do not consider all Armenians responsible for the affairs of the Armenian mafia. Naturally, the sins of the Jewish mafia cannot be shifted onto the shoulders of all Jews. (Jewish mafiosi deliberately translate attacks from themselves to all Jews). Reason prompts the boundary between the ethnic mafia and the ethnos. The border is blurred, but it exists. Let's start with this introduction...

Jewish features

Russia survived the NATIONAL DISASTER not from an external invader with tanks and missiles, but in peacetime from the internal degradation of statehood and the moral foundations of society. The most important role here was played by the Jewish mafia.

When statehood and the foundations of society collapse, power over the ruins and basic property flows to undestroyed structures. Ethnic mafias are the least vulnerable to the destruction of the foundations of life of indigenous nationalities. For a number of reasons incomparably with others, the most powerful in the world is the Jewish mafia. I will list a number of key features of the Jewish worldview that catalyze the power of the Jewish mafia:

Jews are not inclined to show commitment to their language (Hebrew or Yiddish) and prefer to communicate even among themselves in the language of the indigenous ethnic group among which they live.

Jews work for the benefit of the non-Jewish statehood where they live, but with the obligatory organization of their special privileged position in it. The United States is a classic example. At the same time, Jews tend to consider their ethnic issue as the main one (often referring to the “hostility of others towards them”), supporting their own wherever and wherever they notice “Jewish blood in their veins”.

Jews quickly establish "their own by blood" and by conviction, completely refusing to other nationalities the right to point out this important detail of their connection with each other. Anyone who dares to declare the Jewishness of someone or the Jewish basis of any community (it would seem that this is not so?) Immediately massively defames the terms “anti-Semite” and “fascist”. This is always done aggressively and with a great fuse of confrontation, which immediately puts the opposite side in the position of the accused and justified. Try in this role to approach the discussion of the crimes of the Jewish mafia.

It should be mentioned that Jews are called an ethnic group only in Russia, while in the rest of the world they are, as it were, “dissolved” in indigenous nations, joining “their own” with references to freedom of religion and conscience. That is, in Western Europe they are not talking about Jews, but about the British, French, Italians, etc. of the Jewish faith. Those who disagree are gagged by the above methods.

There is international solidarity and cooperation between Jewish organizations with the most powerful financial support for each other across borders and often to the detriment of existing orders in other countries.

Jewish "boxers" and the robbery of Russia

Now directly about the robbery of Russia. You can talk a lot about the Jewish fundamental component in the Bolshevik movement, about the fight against Great Russian chauvinism and about the Ukrainization of Little RUSSIA, NovoRUSSIA and ChervonoRUSSIA. Russia miraculously avoided the transition from Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet. Every Jew in Russia knew about Yu.V. Andropov... ... except for non-Jews. Non-Jews turned out to be deaf and blind in this matter. And so on...

But I will focus on the Jewish component in the plundering of Russia over the past 25 years.

I am sure that not only I was surprised by the rise and strengthening of Yeltsinism, where a politically omnivorous bastard who firmly clung to power was surrounded by illiterate young boors of Jewish nationality with strong ties to foreign political and financial circles. Our country has always had many intelligent and decent people. Why and how exactly did this foam float to the surface, and where did they get such political power in their hands? Everything secret is gradually becoming clear. There is more and more information that after the interrupted GKChP, a number of “spare” and previously seemingly implausible plans for the total destruction of the Soviet Union and the plundering of Soviet property became the main ones.

Boris Berezovsky openly states that "the Russian government has given half of Russia to seven private banks", and these "Kremlin-appointed" billionaires=bankers "have Jewish blood in their veins".

BAB explains such a supernatural luck of the "God's chosen ones" not by the selective distribution of the national treasure by the mafia of Gaidar and Chubais from the Yeltsin Kremlin, but by their universal "ability to take a hit", which neither Russians, nor Tatars, nor Yakuts can ... ...

The famous Chubais "... we have chosen bandit capitalism." These same “we” are not the Russian people at all, but a Jewish bandit group that shot the parliament and seized power with tanks.

The Mechanism of Jewish Influence

What is the actual mechanism of robbery of Russia by the Jewish mafia? Everything secret usually becomes clear over time. And the sewing in the bag is not to hide the distorters of history, well-fuelled by thieves.

Here are some posts on this topic:

The article points out that the Jews Rothschilds and George Soros, in cooperation with Britain's leading liberal economist Lord Ralph Harris, have been preparing a group of "young reformers" Gaidar-Chubais for almost a decade to plunder and privatize Russia.

"One more word about Gaidar", January 22, 2010 .

Here, the participants in the events, Yuri Luzhkov and Gavriil Popov, insist that Yegor Gaidar, the pusher of Belovezhye and a supporter of the shock privatization, was strongly imposed on Yeltsin as the leaders of the Russian economic bloc. American politicians.

"A disservice to Harvard Russia", by Vladislav Krasnov, June 7, 2006 .

Here it is indicated for full support(contrary to the norms accepted in the West and in the USA ) the Gaidar-Chubais group by US intelligence agencies and related economists at Harvard University.

Do I need to mention that the American financial and political establishment is what Ariel Sharon sounds like "Jews run America and Americans know it" . No other ethnic mafia or any other structures on Earth had SUCH resources to influence in the decaying party nomenclature Soviet Union (= Russia).

Interestingly, in the early 1990s, one of the hearings in the US Congress stated that "as long as Chubais is in power in Russia, this is a guarantee of Russia's actions in American interests" ... Can anything be added to this? Is it perhaps the statement of Chubais himself that "a single team has been in power in Russia from 1991 to the present."

The Holocaust pushed back the discussion of the "Jewish mafia"

International Jewry relies primarily on the Jewish lobby in the United States. The description of this ethnic mafia was devoted in 1910 to the monograph of the automobile king Henry Ford "International Jewry" .

But then the phenomenon of “ethnic mafias” did not enter the political lexicon. The Second World War and its results with the Holocaust that horrified the World (the ethnic extermination of Jews by the Nazis) excluded the discussion of this issue from politics and political science for many decades, as well as disputes about ethnic mafias in general.

Russia is the victor of Nazi Germany, and the Russian-speaking world has the best prerequisites for discussing this topic in the history of earthly civilizations. Without awareness of this issue, political science is doomed to castration, like the theory of evolution without virology.

Note that Jewish power has long outgrown the Jewish printing of American currency by the US Federal Reserve System, which came from the Rothschilds. (After all, the Federal Reserve System was organized by Jewish bankers led by the Rothschilds and to this day does not belong to the state). The old banker Rothschild left precepts to his offspring in terms of procreation. Men must marry Jewish women, and it is desirable for Rothschild Jewish women to marry aristocrats in Europe while maintaining their religion. Then the offspring became Jews with the acquisition of aristocratic privileges. By the way, the wives of the Bolshevik leaders are entirely of the Jewish tribe. In Russia, it is customary to consider nationality according to the father (as well as according to medieval orders among aristocrats). The first named D.A. Medvedev as the future president of the Russian Federation, the head of the World Congress of Bukharian Jews, a certain Alisher Usmanov already in 2003, the Jew A.B. Chubais represented Medvedev in this status in January 2007 in Davos, Switzerland. And V.V. Putin made such a statement for the first time only in the fall of 2007. Good chronology? And it's important to mention that according to numerous sources, D.A. Medvedev's mother and wife are Jewish.

Jews as presidents and prime ministers

Everything flows and changes in world politics. Something new has hatched. Religion has ceased to play a dominant role in civil society. In step with this, the reformist "giyur" earned with might and main(conversion of a non-Jew by birth to the Jewish religion). Moreover, among the Jews they learned to “distinguish their own” not only by adherence to Judaism or the Jewish origin of the mother. It is enough just to have "Jewish blood in the veins" even through the paternal line (as in the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky).

Acceptable in the environment of the Jewish community is “shabesgoy” (Shabesgoy is a non-Jewish servant to a Jew who is idle on Saturday). Jewish values ​​are attracted to shabism not only through a Jewish wife, but also by banal bribery or intimidation. Take a closer look at the involvement of Count Sheremetev and his ilk in the leadership of Russian compatriots abroad of the Russian Federation.

Given this, we note that in today's world, Jews began to rule not only indirectly through the roles of treasurers and "gray cardinals" like A.B. Chubais or Henry Kissingkra. Jews and "carriers of Jewish blood" openly took the first roles as presidents and prime ministers. YES. Medvedev is not alone in this regard...

Sarkozy is not Hungarian, but a descendant of Hungarian and Greek Jews. And it played a huge role when, during the elections in France, American Jews, with the help of the US CIA, put de Villepin under house arrest and pushed Sarkozy into the presidency of France. Jews and President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, and just yesterday the Prime Minister of Ukraine - Yulia Grigyan-Tymoshenko. It's curious that Barack Obama has a grandmother in Africa named Sarah, his wife is Jewish and her relative Capers Funnye is one of the most famous black rabbis on the south side of Chicago. Now the Labor Party of Great Britain, which has gone into opposition, is choosing its new leader. For some reason, the main candidates are two Jewish brothers David and Ed Miliband. By age and even recent almost unknown, they would have to go to senior comrades as novice assistants, but someone out of nowhere suddenly carefully pulled them to ministerial posts in the government of Gordon Brown. And now the Laborites will be directly controlled by the young Jewish growth.

The need for politicians to realize the phenomenon
"ethnic mafias"

The Jewish mafia, over the years of successful functioning, has developed many ways to elude punishment for their horrific crimes. In Russia, by manipulating the consciousness of society through the media, where the Jewish mafia dominates, and even involving the functionaries of the Kremlin “vertical of power”, the arrows of accusations are transferred to Caucasians and people from Central Asia, who are in distress due to the collapse and looting of the USSR. It is clear that it is not these unfortunates, who are forced to seek a piece of bread for survival for themselves and their families, who are to blame for the national catastrophe in Russia, but It is convenient for the Jewish mafia, often speaking on behalf of “ordinary Russians”, to point to the “blacks” and “illegal immigrants” that flooded Moscow. Muscovites are developing a negative attitude towards "Khokhlov who have come in large numbers." Through the efforts of the Jewish mafia, Russia and its capital have moved from the humiliation of the once “limiters” to the slavery of illegal guest workers.

Little of, the bogey of allegedly emerging “Russian fascism” has been skillfully fed since the mid-1980s. Well, what kind of mass "fascist movement" can there be in Russia, which survived the Patriotic War? Clearly stick out "whipping boys."

Many Russian politicians understand the harmfulness of the Jewish mafia for Russia, although they express it more at the everyday "kitchen" level, but some (very few) of them exaltedly express "understanding" or sympathy for the fascist attitude towards Jews, calling themselves "Russian fascists". However, the scaling and financial support of this phenomenon is carried out in the interests of the Jewish mafia - it is easier to label opponents of the mafia itself as "fascists".

Internationally, the Jewish mafia is interested in destroying the planned unification of the lands and peoples of the East Slavic civilization, is interested in dividing the Russians into patches of independence (since ancient times - divide and rule), in preventing a unique in history and super-necessary for Russia alliance with Iran and etc.

Transferring accusations from the sore head of Jewish mafiosi to others achieves what Boris Berezovsky, chuckling with pleasure, calls guaranteed impunity for their crimes due to "only 3% of anti-Semitism" in Russian society.

Without understanding the phenomenon of the ethnic mafia ( with an eye on the Jewish mafia in the first place) modern politics cannot be understood and improved. It's like discussing modern medicine and healthcare without knowing virology and viruses. The general article in the criminal codes "on conspiracy" (in English - conspiracy) without detail is clearly not enough. The sooner politicians understand and take note of this phenomenon, the greater the chance of avoiding national catastrophes in the lives of countries and their indigenous peoples. Such as in the hard times of revolutions, and in a peaceful measured life.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the American mafia, in which there were many Jews, practically controlled all spheres of life.

At the height of Prohibition, Arnold Rothstein, nicknamed "The Brain", the leader of the New York underworld, according to historians, became the first high-caliber businessman in the American underworld.

When Rothstein was killed, Meir Lansky took his place. He became chairman of the administrative board of the gangster syndicate Murder and Co.

At the initiative of Lansky, the gangsters broke up into specialized groups and did not invade other people's possessions.

"Lepke" Accountant, with his gang of two hundred gangsters, controlled the entire clothing industry in New York.

The psychopath and sadist Arthur Flegenheimer, nicknamed "Dutch Schultz", at the head of a gang of a hundred thugs, collected tribute in Negro areas.

Irving Wexler, nicknamed "Waxy-Gordon", competed with Lansky in the smuggling of heroin and cocaine. The battles between them were called "Jewish wars".

"King" Charlie Solomon controlled the underworld of Boston.

Among the hired killers, the most famous was Harry Strauss, nicknamed "Phil from Petersburg", although in fact he was from Brooklyn. He usually strangled his victims with a rope. His services were widely used by various gangs. On his account there were up to four hundred victims.

Whatever crimes the Jewish gangsters committed, they invariably remained faithful to Jewish traditions. For example, Shmuel Levin, nicknamed "Redhead", always wore a yarmulke at home and tried, as far as possible, not to kill on Saturdays. When he had no choice, he covered himself with a tallit and prayed before going to the next victim.

Jewish gangsters generously donated money to the Jewish community and Zionist organizations, defended Jews from attacks by anti-Semites. In the late 1930s, they fought the American Nazis, and grateful Jews did not forget this: at the funeral of the gangster Samuel Morton, nicknamed "Marigolds", rabbis walked at the head of the five thousandth mourning procession. One of them explained to reporters that Morton was defending Jewish suburbs from raids by rioters.

And in 1933 Jewish gangsters decided to kill Hitler. Professional killer Daniel Stern was chosen for this operation.

The Attorney General of the United States received an urgent message from the State Department that an assassination attempt was being prepared on Hitler, and the head of the FBI was instructed to immediately prevent it.

For four months in a row, FBI agents chased Stern all over America, but although he was not caught, the assassination attempt on Hitler did not take place.

Before the formation of the State of Israel, all the underground Jewish organizations in Eretz Israel - Haganah, Etzel and Lehi - received from Jewish gangsters not only significant amounts for the purchase of weapons, but also assistance in loading them in New York harbor.

In the summer of 1946, Haganah envoy Reuven Daphne arrived in Los Angeles. He met with one of America's most famous and brutal gangsters, Benjamin Segal, nicknamed "Psycho Bugsy", and a conversation took place between them.

You want to say that the Jews in Palestine took up arms and learned not only to shoot, but also to fight? Bugsy asked.

Daphne nodded.

Bugsy looked into his eyes and asked:

– When you say “fight”, do you mean that the Jews actually kill?

Daphne nodded again.

Kill like killers? Bugsy didn't hesitate.

Daphne nodded for the third time.

In that case, I'm with you Bugsy said and leaned back in his chair.

In total, Bugsy contributed a huge amount at that time, about fifty thousand dollars, for the benefit of the future Jewish state, but he did not happen to hear about its creation: a year before, Bugsy was shot dead. Another envoy of the Haganah, Murray Greenfeld, also met with Jewish gangsters. He recalled:

“About half past one in the morning, the strangest group of people I have ever seen in my life entered the living room. The men are all stocky, their heads grow straight out of their shoulders, and their companions are all blondes. The men sat along one wall, the women along the other. The owner of the house asked me to state the essence of the matter, and when I stated, he turned to the men and said: "Well, guys, now you know why you were called here and what you should do." Then he looked them over and ordered: “Joe, you have five thousand; Max, with you - also five; Harry, you've got ten…” and so on.

The owner squeezed almost a hundred thousand dollars out of his guests, put them in a paper bag, and I walked with this bag through Baltimore at two in the morning to the hotel itself.

On the eve of the UN vote on the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, Jewish gangsters offered to help Yishuv representatives in obtaining a majority vote by eliminating those delegates who were supposedly going to vote against.

Their offer was politely declined.

But there were also such Jewish gangsters who made money on the enemies of Israel. So, in 1951, Arthur Liebov and Sam Stein were accused of conspiring to sell American military aircraft to Egypt during the War of Independence.

Meir Lansky also contributed to the creation of the Jewish state. He provided the future mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kolek, with a hotel for a fundraising evening for Israel. The gangsters raised more than ten thousand dollars that evening, and Lansky also deposited a check for the same amount.

Lansky continued to finance the Jewish state after the end of the War of Independence: he transferred money through the MAGBIT and acquired Israeli government bonds. At Lansky's urging, his Italian gambling partners in Las Vegas and Cuba also bought a sizeable package of Israeli bonds.

In 1970, fleeing the FBI and the tax authorities, Lansky flew to Israel and spent two years seeking citizenship. But the Supreme Court rejected Lansky's lawsuit against the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which denied him citizenship, and he voluntarily left Israel, ceasing to donate money to it and leaving behind a long trail of the old dispute about whether the doors of the Jewish state should be opened to all Jews who knock on them.

In the vast majority of cases, Jewish gangsters were exemplary family men and wonderful fathers. They could kill and rob, but their children had to study and become doctors or lawyers. Children unquestioningly carried out their father's will, and thus the history of the Jewish mafia in America ended with the generation of fathers.

Vladimir Lazaris. Pictured: Meir Lansky.Photo: Wikipedia, Public Domain (cropped)

Al Ravenna, World Telegram staff photographer - Library of Congress. New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection., Public Domain.

500 years of Jewish history and 25 years of searching in Israeli and foreign archives formed the basis of the book by Vladimir Lazaris “Among strangers. Among my own".

"Details" publishes selected chapters from this one-of-a-kind chronicle-historical book. The articles are based on protocols declassified by the censorship, archival materials about the most unexpected aspects of Jewish life in the Diaspora before and after the Holocaust, and many unknown documents published for the first time in Russian.

Buy the book “Among Strangers. Among my own” or other works by Vladimir Lazaris, please visit his website:

... All Jews are leftists ...

I. Ilf and E. Petrov


In the XX CENTURY, Russia turned out to be the main country of the world, which experienced the brunt of Jewish rule, from which it never managed to get rid of. The reason for such a sharp fall of a huge and self-sufficient country lies in the history of relations between the Russian and Jewish peoples for more than a millennium.

Say a word about Svyatoslav

Few people outside our Motherland know the name of a warrior, ruler and man - the Grand Duke of Kyiv Svyatoslav Igorevich, nicknamed the Brave. But even less is known that his correct name is Svetoslav, and not Svyatoslav, since his name comes from the word "Light", and not "holy." So, having replaced only one letter, the enemies of Russia killed the correct understanding of his name, which is formed from two such beautiful words as Light and Praise. As a result, the male name Svetoslav turned out, meaning the one who praises the light or the light of the glorifying. In addition, unlike Alexander the Great, whom our ancestors called the dark warrior, the people called the prince-warrior Svetoslav the Light Prince and the Light Warrior.

Prince Svetoslav Igorevich was brought up from childhood as a warrior. Svyatoslav's tutor and mentor was the Varangian Asmud (the Varangians were the highest caste of professional warriors, formed from different peoples of the Slavic-Aryans), who taught the young pupil to be the first in battle and hunting, hold firmly in the saddle, control the boat, swim, hide from enemy eyes both in the forest and in the steppe. Svetoslav was taught military art by another Varangian - the chief Kyiv governor Sveneld.

As a three-year-old child in 945 AD, or rather in the summer of 6453 from the SMZH (Creation of the World in the Star Temple - the new chronology of our ancestors, which originates from the moment the peace treaty was concluded after the victory in the war over Ancient China), he accepted participation in their first battle. It was at that time when Princess Olga, together with her retinue, went to war with the Drevlyans in order to avenge her murdered husband, Prince Igor. Prince Igor decided to collect the tribute in the second round, for which he was killed by the Drevlyans. In front of the Kyiv squad, Svyatoslav was sitting on a horse. And when both troops converged - Kiev and Drevlyane, then little Svetoslav threw a spear in the direction of the Drevlyans. Then Svetoslav was just a boy, so the spear did not fly far - it flew between the ears of the horse and hit the horse in the leg. But the Kyiv governors said: "The prince has already begun, let's follow, squad, for the prince." Such was the ancient custom of the Rus - only the prince could start the battle. And no matter what age the prince was.

By the way, the word PRINCE, as decoded by Grinevich G.S. in the ancient proto-language of our ancestors - KЪNAZ, means "to the perfection (refinement) of the earth, or, simply, the secrecy (refinement) of the earth"!

While Svetoslav was growing up and gaining experience and courage, his mother, Princess Olga, ruled the principality. But Svetoslav Igorevich was not like his mother. If Olga was baptized into the Greek religion, which later became Christian, then Svetoslav remained the bearer of the Vedic knowledge and traditions of his ancestors.

Through the centuries, a description of his portrait by the Byzantine historian Leo Deacon has been preserved: “Medium height, with a broad chest, blue eyes, thick eyebrows, beardless, but with a long mustache, only one lock of hair on his shaved head, which testified to his noble origin. In one ear he wore an earring with two pearls ... "

Most of all, Svetoslav valued combat armor and weapons. The ancient chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" tells of Prince Svetoslav as a true warrior. He spent the night not in a tent, but on a horse blanket, with a saddle in his head. On campaigns, he did not carry carts or boilers with him, did not boil meat, but thinly sliced ​​​​horse meat or beef, or the meat of wild animals, roasted it on coals and ate it like that. His warriors were just as hardy and unpretentious. But the squad of Svetoslav, not burdened with convoys, moved very quickly and appeared in front of the enemy unexpectedly, instilling fear in them.

Svetoslav himself was not afraid of his opponents. When he went on a campaign, he always sent a warning message to foreign lands: “I’m coming to you!” Which meant - I want to go to you, that is, you are my enemies. The funny thing is that our ancestors called enemies “you”, and now this is a word of respect for a stranger or an older person.

Do not attack without warning, do not shoot at an unarmed or unequal enemy - this is a code of military honor, an ancient tradition of the Slavic-Aryans, which was honored and observed by the great Light Warrior Prince Svetoslav.

In addition to military honor and courage, an outstanding feature of the character of Svetoslav, as a Light Warrior, was his uncompromising struggle against usury, brought to Russia by the Khazars. For taking money at interest and giving interest to others, he chopped off both hands. He considered usury a corruption of the soul and monetary slavery, giving rise to all vices. And the Khazars, who hunted in Russia by lending, were chained to a raft and floated along the Dnieper to the Black Sea.

Khazar Khaganate

The Khazar state - the Khazar Kaganate - is the most powerful and richest state in the southeast of the borders of Kievan Rus. It was located in the lower reaches of the Volga, stretching to the west and east up to Mordovia, including such territories as Northern Afghanistan, Crimea (Tmutarakan is one of its cities). The Khazar city of Semender was located in the North Caucasus, Sarkel - in the interfluve of the Volga and Don, their lower reaches. The capital Itil was located just at the mouth of the Volga, approximately on the site of modern Astrakhan.

Before enslavement by Persian Jews (i-UD-ey - means excising UD, i.e. circumcised, and UD is the male genital organ, from where the words Pleasure - receiving sexual pleasure, UDochka, UDilshe) in the middle of the 6th century AD. Khazars, white and black Khazars lived quite amicably in it. The ruling caste of professional warriors from the Slavic-Aryans was then called the White Khazars, while the Turkic tribes who came to the lower reaches of the RA River (Volga - Itil) from the depths of Asia, as refugees from Ancient China, were called Black Khazars. In essence, the black Khazars were representatives of the yellow race with admixtures of the black race. They had black hair, black eyes and swarthy (yellow) skin, for which they were nicknamed black Khazars.

Khazaria existed as a multinational state in which people of both the white and yellow races lived peacefully side by side with each other. Khazaria lived in the same peace and harmony with its neighbors. The favorable location of Khazaria (the famous “Great Silk Road” passed through the Khazar Kaganate) attracted Persian Jews from the tribe of Simonov to the country, who began to move here after the revolution they had made in Persia, when the Jews completely robbed the Persian people, and with all their wealth fled the country .

Using the so-called institution of Jewish brides (Jewish women specially trained in sexual magic), giving them in marriage to representatives of the highest Khazar nobility, the Jews took over all key government posts. How? Very simple. Children born of a Jewish woman are exclusively Jewish. It is through the maternal line that the national trait is transmitted among the Jews. So, a generation later, all the key positions in the Khazar state were occupied by children born of Jewish wives and male representatives of the ruling hierarchy of the Khazar Kaganate. Occupying high positions among the elite, the Khazar Jews began to contribute in every possible way to the development of the trading business for their fellow tribesmen. Having received the country's economy in their hands, they also began to seize political influence.

Maternal Jews were still few among the military elite, but even among them the time had come for an uprising. Obadiah, relying on the Khazar nobility of Jewish origin, with the help of mercenaries - Pechenegs and Guzes - unleashed a civil war, as a result of which the Khazar Turks were defeated and forced to leave their homeland and settle on the territory of modern Hungary. After the victory over the Khazar Turks in the civil war, the Khazar Jews imposed the heaviest tribute on the local population. Those Khazars who did not leave their homeland, the Jews turned into real slaves.

Once again, the Jews diligently “thanked” the people who provided the “refugees” with asylum on their territory. There are many parallels in the recent past - Palestine, Persia, and modern Ukraine and Russia are in the same position as the people of Khazaria a thousand years ago.

The complete control of the caravan routes passing through the Khazar Kaganate allowed the Jews to create a trading monopoly when they began to control the purchase prices and selling prices of imported and local goods. As a result, minimum purchase prices were set for locally produced goods, which led to the robbery of local producers, and maximum prices were set for goods sold by Jews, which gave Jews super profits due to outright robbery of producers and buyers.

When the civil war in China led to a sharp decline in trade, the Khazar Jews moved north and defeated and subjugated the Kama (Volga) Bulgaria, and also occupied the boundless lands of Great Perm, where they organized their trading settlements - trading posts. The conquered lands gave the precious fur of sables, martens, ermines, and in addition, the Khazar Jews organized the sale of children (just like now in Russia). And again, caravans with furs and slaves stretched from the North to the South, and the money went into the bins of the Khazar Jews.

The defeat of Khazaria

Kievan Rus turned out to be the most powerful and consistent enemy of the Jewish Khazar Kaganate. The mortal blow to the Khazar Kaganate, which put an end to its independent existence, was inflicted by the Kyiv prince Svetoslav, the son of Igor.

In Summer 6472 from the SMZH (964 AD), being 22 years old, preparing a campaign against Khazaria, Svetoslav did not go straight across the steppe through the Volga-Don interfluve, undertaking a skillful maneuver. In total, with a 20,000-strong army, he bypassed it, reached Ryazan, descended along the Oka to the Volga and then moved on 500 boats with a small number of troops and immediately laid siege to the capital Itil. The Khazars did not expect a blow from the north, and could not organize a serious defense. Svetoslav took it by storm, and, as the chronicles say, he left no stone unturned in it. Further, the Light Warrior undertook a campaign in the North Caucasus region, where he defeated the stronghold of the Khazars - the fortress of Semender. After that, the squad of Svetoslav moved to the Don, where they stormed and destroyed the eastern fortress of the Khazars - Sarkel.

Thus, Svetoslav, having made an unprecedented campaign thousands of kilometers long, captured the main strongholds of the Khazars on the Don, on the Volga and in the North Caucasus. At the same time, he created a base for the influence of the Slavic-Aryans in the North Caucasus - the Tmutarakan principality. These campaigns crushed the power of the Khazar Kaganate, which ceased to exist at the turn of the 10th-11th centuries.

As a result of the campaigns of the Grand Duke Svetoslav, the Old Russian state achieved the security of its southeastern borders and became at that time the main force in the Volga-Caspian region. The Khazar Kaganate collapsed and gave Russia the opportunity to develop as a state. At the same time, the Slavic and many other tribes living around were saved. As a result, their development was determined for many centuries to come. Having put an end to the Khazar bondage, Russia cleared the military barrier from its path, blocking trade routes to the East, which made it possible to revive trade between Europe and Asia...

Death of the Great Warrior

Defending the interests of the Russian state of Kievan Rus, Grand Duke Svyatoslav did not lose a single battle. All the more strange is the death of the Great Light Warrior. This was in the spring of 6480 AD (AD 972). After the conclusion of peace in a long war with the Roman Empire (Byzantium), when Svetoslav turned the inevitable defeat into another victory, then the prince’s small squad dealt a tangible blow to the emperor’s army, and the continuation of the war could leave the emperor without an army at all, and Svetoslav’s encircled squad with weapons and his left enemy lands as booty.

On the way home, being in the region of the Dnieper rapids on the islands of Khortytsya, most of his squad, the vast majority of which were baptized into the Greek religion, suddenly left him. And at night, during sleep, the Pechenegs attacked the sleeping soldiers who remained loyal to the prince. Pechenegs were called Slavic tribes that led a nomadic lifestyle. They had their own settlements, where they returned for wintering, during which they lay on their stoves and indulged in bliss or basked. From this came their nickname - PECHENEGI! And in this last battle, almost all the soldiers loyal to Prince Svetoslav and the prince himself died. According to the chronicle, the Pecheneg prince Kurya made a cup for himself from the severed head of Svetoslav, setting it in silver and gold.

In one of the later chronicles, a curious detail is given - the Pecheneg princes used this bowl in the rite of conceiving children. Before lying down on the couch, the prince and princess took turns drinking from this cup, saying, like a spell: "Let our children be like Him."

The death of Prince Svetoslav was beneficial both to Romea (Byzantium), because the living prince was dangerous for them, since he could destroy their empire in the next campaign, and to the forces that stood behind the young Vladimir, the future baptizer of Kievan Rus into the Greek religion, which led to the death of 9 million of the 12 million who then inhabited this Russia for the sake of the “peaceful God”, leaving only young children, in whose heads the concepts of the Lord God and slavish submission to him were already invested.

Also, the death of the Light Warrior was also an act of revenge for the completely destroyed Jewish Khazaria, on the part of the ruling Jewish elite.

Remembering the great victories of our ancestors is the sacred duty of each of us, because knowledge of those great victories of the past carries the keys to understanding how to build our future. As we remember the victory of our grandfathers in the Great Patriotic War over Hitler's Nazism in 1945, so we must honor and remember the invaluable contribution to the development of Russia of the victory of Prince Svyatoslav the Brave in 964 over Khazaria.

The empire, which lived on trade and robbery, ceased to exist. Its Turkic population, with the exception of a small tribe of Karaites, parted ways with Judaism, converting to other confessions (mostly to Islam), and the Jews themselves were forced to look for another place of residence - mainly in Western and Central Europe.

Svyatoslav was a pagan and a great warrior, before whom even Constantinople trembled. But he did not know the history of the peoples of the world very well and did not understand whom he had dealt with so successfully. He committed the defeat of the kaganate not for religious or ethnic reasons, but only for political and military, state considerations. Therefore, Jews continued to live and work in large numbers on the territory of Ancient Russia, playing a significant role in the life of Kyiv. The forcible introduction of Christianity in Russia in 988 by Prince Vladimir the Holy (according to some sources, a Jew by his mother) contributed to the adaptation of the ancient Russian population to the Jews.

Living among the Russians, the Jews remained themselves and behaved as they always did and do among other peoples, that is, with an extreme degree of ethno-egocentrism. However, in those days the peoples were still accustomed to expressing their will directly and actively, in a "non-parliamentary" form. In 1113, a violent uprising broke out in Kyiv against Jewish exploitation. The result was a meeting of the princes of Ancient Russia, who decided to expel all Jews from the state and continue to prevent their appearance on Russian soil. It was determined and publicly announced that the life and property of the Jews from now on will not be protected here. After that, the Jews withdrew from the inhabited lands, where they had so cleverly arranged their affairs until now, and left Russia. Of course, individual persons sometimes "fly" on our lands. But on the whole, Russia turned out to be free from this tribe for as much as six hundred and fifty years. Despite the fact that the Jews repeatedly asked to be allowed to live in Russia, the Russian tsars invariably refused them in general, although sometimes they used the services of individual wealthy and educated Jews.


FOR SIX and a half centuries, the Russian people completely forgot and lost the concept of the national properties of the Jews and turned out to be completely unprepared for a new meeting with them. This meeting took place in 1775, when Russia annexed, by the will of the Empress of German origin Catherine II, the lands that once belonged to Russia, and then torn away by Poland. The local population (Little Russians-Ukrainians and Belarusians) groaned under the yoke of the Jews (tenants, tax-farmers, usurers and liquor merchants), which was much harder and more merciless than the yoke of the Polish masters, who were economically dependent on the Jews. Now the Great Russians, the ancestors of modern Russians, also had to get acquainted with the Jewish yoke.

For a long time, Jews were forbidden to settle outside the lands that were annexed by Catherine: the so-called Pale of Settlement was established. This protective measure irritated the Jews, who dreamed of the riches of all of Russia, and caused them anger and indignation. However, it was skillfully overcome by rich and educated people from the Jewish community. Many of them even converted to Christianity (as did Israel Blank - Vladimir Lenin's grandfather) in order to be able to live and work in the ancestral regions of Russia. As you know, a baptized Jew does not cease to be a Jew, does not lose the specific features and life skills of his people.

Emperor Alexander II completed the work started by Catherine and showered blessings on the Jews. From now on, Jews were allowed to live everywhere in Moscow. (By the beginning of the 1890s [i.e., in some 35 years] over 70,000 Jews had settled in Moscow!) Since 1856, the conscription of Jewish children into the Russian army has ceased. In 1859, Jewish merchants of the first guild were granted the right to live and trade throughout Russia. In the same years such cities as Nikolaev, Sevastopol, Kyiv were opened for Jews. In 1861, all Jews - graduates received the right to live outside the Pale of Settlement, and they were also admitted to public service. In 1865, it was allowed to accept Jewish doctors into the military medical service, and temporary access to the inner provinces was also opened for Jewish mechanics, brewers, artisans and craftsmen ... Almost all Jews who wanted to use this right were able to use it, although in places of the greatest concentration of Jews remained the southwestern regions of the Russian Empire.

How did the Jews thank the Russian Tsar? The beneficence of Alexander II did not save him from cruel Jewish tribal hatred. The idea of ​​regicide arose in the committee of the underground party Narodnaya Volya, which included two Jews (Goldenberg and Zundelevich), two Poles (Kobyliansky and Kvyatkovsky), and one Russian (Mikhailov). It was Goldenberg who first suggested the idea of ​​killing the emperor and offered his services for this, as it became known later from his own testimony, published in the Historical Bulletin for 1910. However, it was considered inappropriate to transfer the case of the murder of the Russian Tsar directly into the hands of a Jew. The assassination attempt succeeded on March 1, 1881, a bomb was thrown at Alexander's feet. Although the Russian Rysakov and the Pole Grinevitsky were the bombers, the history of the preparation of this monstrous crime is replete with Jewish names: Natanson, Deutsch, Aizik, Aronchik, Aptekman, Devel, Bukh, Gelfman, Friedenson, Zukerman, Lubkin, Hartman and others.

The son of the late Alexander III, who ascended the throne, began a large-scale persecution of terrorists, which caused a wave of furious tribal Jewish hatred and revenge. Among those who attempted on the new emperor was Alexander Ulyanov, the eldest grandson of the Jew Israel Blank. He was caught and executed. Upon learning of his death, his younger brother Vladimir Ulyanov (future Lenin) vowed to take terrible revenge on the Romanov dynasty. This oath of personal revenge, as you know, he kept to the end.

Alexander the Third, who realized the sinister role of the "chosen people" on the tragic experience of his father, tried to restore the Pale of Settlement, began to "squeeze out" the Jews who had spread throughout Russia beyond its borders. He attached particular importance to the cleansing of the Jews of Moscow, which they filled so much that in the district where the choral synagogue was located, one could hear only Jewish, but not Russian speech. On March 29, 1891, the Minister of the Interior submitted to the emperor a report on the gradual expulsion of Jews from Moscow and the Moscow province. Alexander III wrote briefly on the document: “Execute”. The highest command was published on the days of the Jewish holiday Pesach. The eviction of the Jewish population was calculated for a year. This responsible task was entrusted to the director of the police department, Comrade Minister of the Interior von Plehve, and to the governor-general of Moscow, the tsar's brother, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich. They largely coped with the task (alas, not completely), but from now on both were doomed.

In a strange way, Emperor Alexander III lived only a year after the above-mentioned resolution, and it remained unfulfilled.

It must be said that the Jews not only operated underground, but also very actively and successfully won a “place under the sun” in the legal sphere of activity. Of the 5.6 million Jews who lived in Russia in 1913, 50,000 were workers, 250,000 were artisans, and the rest of the able-bodied Jews were merchants, usurers, shinkrays, and so on. According to the Russian census of 1897, out of 618,926 people employed in trade on the territory of the empire, 450,427 (that is, 72.8%) were Jews. The banker of the Imperial House, the Jew Stieglitz, received a baronial title; the banker and gold miner Rubinstein was received at court; the contractor for the construction of railways, Samuil Polyakov, enjoyed the favor of the emperor himself. A crook and a hack, he took a lot of money from the state, but he carried out the construction in haste, from unsuitable materials, “covering” the mouths of auditors with money. It was on the railway built by him in such an unscrupulous manner that the tsar's train, returning from the Crimea, crashed, during which Emperor Alexander the Third saved his family, but was injured, which later led to a fatal illness. He did not manage to complete the task of limiting Jewish influence in Russia. Despite restrictive quotas, in 1910 Jews made up 10% of the students of technical universities. The dominance of Jews in pre-revolutionary journalism, in the leadership of all political parties of the left wing, is well known. Etc.

All such successes of numerous Jews did not in the least appease this tribe as a whole, which was striving to restore its own order in Russia, and did not stop at nothing on the way to this goal.


Russian performers often figured on the SURFACE of the revolutionary movement, including such famous conspirators and terrorists as the legendary Boris Savinkov. But in the shadow behind them stood and pulled the secret threads of the true creators of revolutionary terror - the creators of the Combat Organization of the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs) Grigory Gershuni and Yevno Azef, Jews. It was they who, guided by tribal hatred and revenge and fulfilling the collective will of the kahal, doomed to death, first of all, those who prevented the Jews from freely carrying out their plans for the economic and political enslavement of the great state - the Russian Empire. As a rule, Jewish revolutionaries took Russian pseudonyms for themselves, ostensibly for conspiracy (for example, Evno Fishelevich Azef appeared before his colleagues as Nikolai Ivanovich). In fact, they masked not only and not so much their subversive activities as their national origin.

However, the Jews did not shy away from carrying out their own criminal plans, and among them were legendary terrorists, such as, for example, Rosa Brilliant. Making up only 4.2% of the population of Russia, Jews among political criminals in 1911 amounted to 29.1%. If, according to statistics, we deduce a certain average norm that reflects the number of political criminals among one or another people of the Russian Empire, then it turns out that among the Jews this norm was exceeded by eight times, and among Russians it was underestimated by one and a half times! The "Russian Revolution" was actually Jewish!

Jewish terror was carried out both in open and covert form. Among its victims are over 50 thousand Russian people, including ordinary gendarmes and other imperial officials, who were destroyed by bombs and revolver shots (counting those who died in the revolution of 1905-1907). But there are victims on a larger scale - the prime minister and the great reformer Pyotr Stolypin, the ministers of internal affairs Sipyagin and von Plehve, the governor of Moscow (uncle of Tsar Nicholas II) Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, governor Bogdanovich and other major figures of the tsarist regime. Over time, the Jews killed the last Russian emperor.

The revolutions of 1905 and 1917 are on the conscience of the Jews. They actually led all the "left" parties that ran the revolutionary process. By this time, newspapers, banks, and other levers for managing public opinion and the economy were firmly in the hands of the Jews. But the Russian population, for the most part (86%) consisting of illiterate and completely illiterate peasants, did not notice and did not want to notice who led the detachments of “fighters for social justice”, “fighters for a better future for the working people”. During the elections to the Constituent Assembly, held immediately after the October Revolution of 1917, the vast majority of voters (over 90%) voted for the left parties, with 58% and 25% (respectively) for the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks, whose leadership consisted mainly of Jews . The gullible Russian people, brought up for centuries in the concepts of a non-national Christian religion, did not attach any importance to the national origin of the revolutionaries who promised a just world order. Deadly, suicidal blindness!

JEWS today are no longer trying to deny the obvious: the role of their ideologists, their political, military and police figures in the revolution and the formation of Soviet power. They now say this: no more than 2.5 percent of all Russian Jews took an active part in all these events. Yes, the consequences of this interference were terrible, but is it possible to lay the responsibility for this on the entire Jewish people, who simply lived for themselves, wanted to be happy, fought for a place in the sun?

Yes, you can.

As already mentioned, the left parties, mainly socialists - the Socialist-Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Bundists (representatives of the Jewish revolutionary nationalist party) took over in the revolution. It is no secret that the leadership of all these parties was predominantly non-Russian. The participation of the Jews was especially great. As the historical perspective was "saddled" by the Bolsheviks, and power was concentrated in their hands, revolutionary Jewry rushed more and more strongly to this party and also concentrated in it. In August 1917, at the VI Congress of the RSDLP (b), the Interdistrict Organization of the RSDPR (Trotsky's group), most of which consisted of Jews, joined it as a whole. In January 1918, at the initiative of Lenin, a temporary commissariat (since 1921 - a department) for Jewish affairs of the Narkomnats and special Jewish communist sections of the RCP (b) were even created. In March 1921, at the 13th conference in Minsk, the decision to officially join the RCP(b) was made by the Bund. In December 1922, a similar decision was made by the party of "workers' Zionism" Poalei Zion (Jewish Communist Party). At the 11th Party Congress in the spring of 1922, the Jewish delegates (14.8%) were second in number only to the Russians (65.3%). Etc. These are indisputable historical facts.



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